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1、The Titanic Puzzle,21st Century College English:Book 3,Unit 2:Part A,Language Points,The Titanic Puzzle Should a good feminist accept priority seating on a lifeboat?By Charles Krauthammer1Youre on the Titanic II.It has just hit an iceberg and is sinking.And,as last time,there are not enough lifeboat

2、s.The captain shouts,“Women and children first!”But this time,another voice is heard:“Why women?”,Language Points,2Why,indeed?Part of the charm of the successful movie Titanic are the period costumes,the period extravagance,and the period prejudices.An audience can enjoy these at a distance.Oddly,ho

3、wever,of all the period attitudes in the film,the old maritime tradition of“women and children first”enjoys total acceptance by modern audiences.Listen to the audience boo at the bad guys who try to sneak on the lifeboats with or ahead of the ladies.,Language Points,3But is not grouping women with c

4、hildren a raging anachronism?Should not any self-respecting modern person,let alone feminist,object to it as insulting to women?4Yet its usage is as common today as it was in 1912.Consider these examples taken almost at random from recent newspapers:5“The invaders gunned down the Indians,most of the

5、m women and children.”6“As many as 200 civilians,most of them women and children,were killed.”,Language Points,7“At the massacre in Ahmici 103 Muslims,including 33 women and children,were killed.”8At a time when women fly combat aircraft and run multi-national corporations,how can one not wince when

6、 adult women are routinely classed with children?In Ahmici,it seems,70 adult men were killed.And how many adult women?Not clear.When things get serious,when blood starts to flow or ships start to sink,youll find them with the children.,Language Points,9Children are entitled to special consideration

7、for two reasons:helplessness and innocence.They have not yet acquired either the faculty of reason or the wisdom of experience.Consequently,they are defenseless(incapable of fending for themselves)and blameless(incapable of real sin).Thats why we grant them special protection.In an emergency,it is o

8、ur duty to save them first because they,helpless,have put their lives in our hands.And in wartime,they are supposed to be protected by special immunity because they can have threatened or offended no one.,Language Points,10The phrase“women and children”attributes to women the same dependence and mor

9、al simplicity we find in five-year-olds.Such an attitude perhaps made sense in an era dominated by male privilege.Given the disabilities attached to womanhood in 1912,it was only fair that a new standard of gender equality not suddenly be proclaimed just as lifeboat seats were being handed out.That

10、deference a somewhat more urgent variation on giving up your seat on the bus to a woman complemented and perhaps to some extent compensated for the legal and social constraints placed on women at the time.,Language Points,11But in our era of extensive social restructuring to grant women equality in

11、education,in employment,in government,in athletics,what entitles women to the privileges and reduces them to the status of children?12Evolutionary psychologists might say that ladies-to-the-lifeboats is an instinct that developed to perpetuate the species:Women are indispensable child-bearers.You ca

12、n repopulate a village if the women survive and only a few of the men,but not if the men survive and only a few of the women.Women being more precious,biologically speaking,than men,evolution has conditioned us to give them the kind of life-protecting deference we give to that other seed of the futu

13、re:kids.,Language Points,13The problem with this kind of logic,however,is its depressing reductionism.Its like a serious version of the geneticists old joke that a chicken is just an eggs way of making another egg.But humans are more than just egg-layers.And traditional courtesies are more than just

14、 disguised survival strategies.So why do we say“women and children”?14Perhaps its really“women for children.”The most basic parental bond is maternal.Equal parenting is great,but women,from breast to cradle to reassuring hug,can nurture in ways that men cannot.And thus,because we value children,wome

15、n should go second.The children need them.,Language Points,15But kiddie-centrism gets you only so far.What if there are no children on board?You are on the Titanic III,and this time its a singles cruise.No kids,no parents.Now:Iceberg!Lifeboats!Action!16Heres my scenario.The men,out of sheer irration

16、al heroism,should let the women go first.And the women,out of sheer feminist self-respect,should refuse.17Result?Stalemate.How does this movie end?How should it end?Hurry,the ships going down.,Paraphrase?,KeySuppose you find yourself in a similar situation to that of the Titanic.,More to learn,Youre

17、 on the Titanic II.,At 2:20 AM on April 15,1912,the Titanic,then the worlds largest and most luxurious ocean liner,disappeared into the icy depthsof the North Atlantic.With hershe took the lives of some 1,500men,women,and children more casualties than in anyother marine disaster inpeacetime history.

18、Many movieswere shot about this event,but the one that came out in 1998 was the biggest hit.,Text-related information,the Titanic II,the period costumes,the period extravagance,and the period prejudices,Paraphrasing?,Keythe costumes,the extravagance,and the prejudices of that time in history,More to

19、 learn,the period costumes,the period extravagance,and the period prejudices,Examples period furniturea period cottage,period a.typical of an earlier time in history,either dating from that time or deliberately made in the style of that time 过去某段时期的,at/from a distancefrom a place that is not very cl

20、ose;a long time after sth.happened,Examples Its wise to stay at a distance from the cobras(眼镜蛇).Some people are more respectable if admired from a distance.Remembering the disaster at a distance,I now feel sure that it was not his fault.,But is not grouping women with children a raging anachronism?,

21、但是,将妇女和儿童归为一类的做法难道不是一种与时代既不相称的行为吗?,let alone(to indicate that a particular situation is even less likely or possible)not to mention;without considering,ExamplesI was too tired to walk,let alone running.There wasnt enough room for us,let alone three dogs and two cats.,More to learn,Should not any sel

22、f-respecting modern person,let alone feminist,object to it as insulting to women?,Should not any self-respecting modern person,let alone feminist,object to it as insulting to women?,object to oppose;be against,Examples The embassy objects to their requests to take refuge there.Professor Hawking obje

23、cts to being treated like someone special.,at random:without method or conscious choice,Examples His clothes were scattered about the room at random.The specimens to be analyzed were taken at random.,Cf.random:a.usu attrib done,chosen,etc.without method or conscious choiceHis random walk led him to

24、a beautiful view of the town.He chose an apple randomly.,civilian:a person who is not a member of the armed forces 平民;百姓,Examples The officer told all civilians to leave the area.Several innocent civilians were killed by the bombs.,Cf.citizen:a person who lives in a particular city or town,esp one w

25、ho has certain voting or other rights in that place 居民;市民national:a person,esp someone abroad,who belongs to another usu stated country 国民 subject:a person who owes loyalty to a certain country or royal ruler 国民,子民,臣民,usage n.the way sth.is used;the way words are used in a language,Note:Usage is dif

26、ferent from use in that it often implies the degree to which something is used or the way in which it is used.,Examples The manual describes the proper usage of the appliance.The expression has come into common usage.the environmental effects of energy usageSports equipment is designed to withstand

27、hard usage.,ExamplesThose soldiers are responsible for several massacres of defenseless villagers.,More to learn,massacre:C the killing of large numbers,usu of people who cannot defend themselves properly,without caring about their death 大屠杀(尤其屠杀无防卫能力的人群),Cf.killing:U the acting of killing people or

28、 animals.slaughter:U the killing of animals usu for food;the killing of one or more people in a bloody,cruel,or thoughtless way(残杀)carnage:U(esp poet&emph)slaughter 屠杀,More to learn,massacre:C the killing of large numbers,usu of people who cannot defend themselves properly,without caring about their

29、 death 大屠杀(尤其屠杀无防卫能力的人群),Cf.butchery:U cruel and unnecessary killing,esp of human beings 残杀;屠杀 murder:C the unlawful killing of a person,esp on purpose 谋杀,凶杀,massacre:C the killing of large numbers,usu of people who cannot defend themselves properly,without caring about their death 大屠杀(尤其屠杀无防卫能力的人群)

30、,wince vi.suddenly and briefly show pain in ones facial expression(因疼痛、惊吓等)本能地退缩,畏缩;皱眉蹙眼,Examples David winced when the dentist touched his sore tooth.It makes me wince even thinking about eye operation.,Cf.frown:(at sb/sth)bring the eyebrows together,so wrinkling the skin on ones forehead(to expres

31、s anger,thought,worry,etc)皱眉,蹙额Peter frowned at the noise coming from the boys bedroom.My parents always frown on late nights out.(disapprove of),wince vi.suddenly and briefly show pain in ones facial expression(因疼痛、惊吓等)本能地退缩,畏缩;皱眉蹙眼,Children are entitled to special consideration,Examples You are en

32、titled to high praise for handling this difficult situation successfully all alone.Im entitled to know how my own money is being spent.,be entitled to(do)sth.be given the right to have or do(sth.),faculty n.1.any of the powers of the body or mind;a particular ability for doing sth.才能;能力;天赋 2.all the

33、 teachers and workers of a university or college(高等院校的)全体教师及职工,Examples Even at the age of 100,she still had all her faculties.Mary has a remarkable faculty for adding large numbers in her head.Jane is a member of the faculty at the local university.,More to learn,faculty n.1.any of the powers of th

34、e body or mind;a particular ability for doing sth.才能;能力;天赋,Cf.ability:(esp of mind)the power,knowledge,etc needed(to do sth)aptitude:(for,in)natural ability or skill,esp in learning 天资 capability:ability,practical power 才能,能力 facility:ability to do or perform sth easily 才能,More to learn,faculty n.2.

35、all the teachers and workers of a university or college(高等院校的)全体教师及职工,Cf.staff:the group of workers who carry on a job to do the work of an organization personnel:the people employed by a company,the armed forces,etc.work force:the people working in a place crew:all the people working on a ship,plan

36、e,etc.,innocent n.1)(of)not guilty 无罪的,无辜的;2)knowing nothing of evil or wrong 天真的,Examples I am innocent of the crime.In these wars,countless innocent people lost their lives.Dont be so innocent as to believe everything he says.,More to learn,innocent n.1)(of)not guilty 无罪的,无辜的;2)knowing nothing of

37、evil or wrong 天真的,无知的,Cf.Nave:1)having or showing no experience(as of social rules or behavior),esp because one is young 缺乏经验的;幼稚的;无知的;2)believing what anyone says or what is most favorable 天真的The young boy was laughed at for his nave remarks.It is nave of you to believe hell do what he says.,sin n.

38、1)U evil as understood in a religion(宗教上的)罪孽;2)C an evil act,esp as understood in a religion 罪过,Example These people say that the city is a place full of sin and you must leave it.In some religions it is a sin to eat the meat of pigs and drink alcohol.,More to learn,sin n.1)U evil as understood in a

39、 religion(宗教上的)罪孽;2)C an evil act,esp as understood in a religion 罪过,Cf.evil:C evil great wickedness or misfortune 邪恶,罪恶 mischief:U bad,but not seriously bad,behavior or actions,as of children,probably causing trouble and possibly damage or harm 顽皮,调皮,恶作剧 vice:wickedness of character 堕落;a serious fa

40、ult of character;a bad habit,consequently ad.(usu fml)because of this,as a result;therefore;in consequence,Examples They cannot not do the work;consequently,we must find another company.The documents were not ready.Consequently we could not sign them.,More to learn,immunity n.1.protection or freedom

41、(from sth.)受保护;豁免(权)2.ability to resist infection,disease,etc.免疫力,Examples He was told that he would be granted immunity from prosecution(起诉)if he confessed the names of the other spies.diplomatic immunity(外交豁免权)Most people have no immunity against that virus.,threaten vt.1.make a threat against(sb.

42、)威胁,恐吓2.give a warning(of sth.bad)预示,眼看就要来了,Examples They threatened their son with punishment.The gangster(歹徒)threatened to burn down the store unless the owner paid extortion(敲诈)money.The dark clouds threaten a storm.When danger threatens we must all take care.,The phrase“women and children”attrib

43、utes to women the same dependence and moral simplicity we find in five-year-olds.,Paraphrase?,Key:By classing women with children,we think that women are as helpless and innocent as little kids.,More to learn,dependence and moral simplicity another way of saying“helplessness and innocence”,attribute

44、(a quality,feature,etc.)to sb./sth.say or think that sb./sth.has got(that quality,feature,etc.),ExamplesHe tends to attribute mean motives to other people.I wouldnt dream of attributing such a lack of judgment to you.,The phrase“women and children”attributes to women the same dependence and moral si

45、mplicity we find in five-year-olds.,given prep.considering 考虑到 a.1.规定的,特定的;2.假设的;已知的,Examples Given their inexperience,theyve done a good job.Given(the fact)that she is interested in children,I am sure teaching is the right career for her.The work must be done within the given time.under a given con

46、ditionThe given radius(半径)being 4 ft.,find the circumference(周长).,More to learn,givenused as a preposition,The word given can be used as a preposition followed by a noun phrase or noun clause.If you say given something or given that something is true,you mean what is mentioned is considered or is ta

47、ken into account.In formal English,given the chance,given the opportunity,etc.mean if one has the chance,the opportunity,etc.,Examples Given his age,he is a remarkable fast runner.Im sure teaching is the right career for her,given(the fact)that she is interested in children.She could have done just

48、as well as you have,given the chance.Given imagination,anything is possible.,More to learn,given,More to learn,Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese into English,using given clauses appropriately.(Ex.VIII,p.208),1._(鉴于政府在失业问题上的记录),their chances of winning the election look poor

49、.2._(鉴于儿童不能自立,不能自卫),adults are responsible for granting them special protection.,Given the governments record on unemployment,Given childrens helplessness and defenselessness,given,More to learn,Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese into English,using given clauses appropriatel

50、y.(Ex.VIII,p.208),_(如果天气好的话),our ship will reach Yantai tomorrow morning.4._(鉴于免疫力弱),children and old people are advised not to stay in an air-conditioned room for too long.,Given good weather,Given poor immunity,given,Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese into English,using gi


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