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1、Rhetorical Devices Figures of Speech,An expression such as a metaphor or simile or a device such as personification or hyperbole in which words are used in a nonliteral way to achieve an effect beyond the range of ordinary language.通过隐喻或明喻,拟人或夸张等这些形象化说法,文字能用非字面的意义获得超过普通语言的效果,1.Simile&Metaphor,1.Simi

2、le 明喻 He is brave as a lion.The water lay gray and wrinkled like an elephants skin.2.Metaphor My love is a red red rose.Applications for jobs flooded the company.,一种暗喻的句式:n.(A)+of+n.(B)More Examples:I have the devil of a teeth sick.Down with the Bourbons,and that great pig of Louis XVI!Your turn to

3、practice:他们有一个宝贝女儿。They have a treasure of a daughter.他住在贫民窟一样的屋子里。He lives in a slum of a house.,3.Metonymy,The substitution of the name of one thing for that of another with which ot is closely related 换喻,Metonymy,以典型的人体组织、器官或部位代人的抽象行为或能力:She was a girl who excited the emotions,but I was not the o

4、ne to let my heart rule my head.她十个让人动情的姑娘,而我则不是让感情支配理智的人。以特征指人或物:Gray hairs should be respected.,Metonymy,以作家名借代作品或观念:He has never read Li Bai.以容器借代被盛的东西,或以产地代产品:He is too fond of the bottle.Hollywood-American film industry,Metonymy,More examples:John Bull-EnglandUncle Sam-USAThe Pentagon-US milita

5、ry establishmentThe White Street-US PresidentHelen-beautiful woman,4.Synecdoche 提喻,The naming of a part to mean the whole or the whole to a partWe need more hands to do this job.This is a fleet of 50 sails.The birds sang to welcome the smiling year.,5.Personification 拟人,The thirsty desert drank up t

6、he water.Its really a beautiful morning:the trees are whispering and birds are singing,6.Transferred Epithet:,the transference of an adjective to a noun to which it is not wholly appropriate 转类形容法More example:This bad news has brought me a sleepless night.They climbed to a dizzy height and then jump

7、ed down.,7.Rhetorical question:反诘,A question neither requiring nor intended to produce a reply but asked for emphasis.More example:If Winter comes,can Spring be far behind?(Shelley:Ode to the West Wind),8.Anti-climax:突降法,The sudden appearance of an trivial idea following one or more significant idea

8、s.It is usually comic(滑稽的)in effect.The duties of a soldier are to protect his country and peel potatoes.,9.Climax:渐强法,Arrangement of phrases or sentences in ascending order of importance.Some books are to be tasted,others to be swallowed,and some few to be chewed and digested.(Francis Bacon:Of Stud

9、ies),10.Alliteration:头韵法,and ever since then they have been testing and treating me.The use of a phrase or sentence of words beginning with the same letter or sound.It should be used only when the writer makes a strong emotional response to his subject.For instance,it can achieve musical effect.Exam

10、ple 1:We felt strong,smug,secure.Example 2:US trade policy is often viewed as inconsistent,incoherent and incomprehensible to the countries of the origin.,11.Assonance,Assonance:the use of the same or related vowel sounds in successive words 半谐音A deep green streamThe rain in Spain falls on the plain

11、,12.Consonance 尾韵,指相同词尾辅音的重复出现The rain in Spain falls on the plainWhen I lent I was a friend,when I asked I was unkind.,13.Pun 双关,It is a play on words based on the similarity of sound and sharp difference in meaning.Seven days without water makes one weak.He lies first on one side,and then on the o

12、ther,and remains wide awake all the time.He lies still when he dies.,14.Euphemism:the substitution of an inoffensive expression for one that may be disagreeable,For Death:to be asleep in the Arms of God(本义)安睡在上帝的怀中to be at peace(本义)平静了to be at rest(本义)在休息to be called to God(本义)被召唤到上帝那to be called ho

13、me(本义)被召回家to be home and free(本义)到家自由了to be taken to paradise(本义)被送进天堂The call of God(本义)上帝的召唤to depart(本义)离去The final departure(本义)最后离去final sleep(本义)最后一觉,For Death:to be asleep in the Arms of God(本义)安睡在上帝的怀中to be at peace(本义)平静了to be at rest(本义)在休息to be called to God(本义)被召唤到上帝那to be called home(本义

14、)被召回家to be home and free(本义)到家自由了to be taken to paradise(本义)被送进天堂The call of God(本义)上帝的召唤to depart(本义)离去The final departure(本义)最后离去final sleep(本义)最后一觉,to fade away(本义)消失 to make ones exit(本义)退场to kick off(本义)开球to be free(本义)解脱了to be gone(本义)去了to be no more(本义)不复存在to close ones eyes(本义)瞑目to come to a

15、n end(本义)结束to go beyond(本义)到远方去to expire(本义)呼气to go off(本义)离去to go ones last(本义)走到自己的终点to go ones place(本义)回老家to go to ones resting place(本义)到休息地去to go to west(本义)西去 to kick the bucket(本义)踢翻水桶to lose ones life(本义)失去了生命to pass away(本义)离去to stop living(本义)停止生存to take ones rest(本义)休息to shut up the shop

16、(本义)关门,to rest(本义)休息to rest in peace(本义)安息to return to dust(本义)归之尘土to sleep(本义)长眠with God(本义)和上帝在一起with their Father(本义)与圣父在一起to fall(本义)倒下了to do ones bit(本义)尽职了to lay down ones life(本义)放下自己的生命to be no longer with us(本义)不再与我们在一起了to be out of pain(本义)摆脱痛苦to breathe ones last(本义)呼了最后一口气to cancel ones

17、account(本义)销帐pay ones last debt(本义)付最后一笔债,15.Antithesis:对照 对比,.between what people claim to be and what they really are.took unholy verbal shots at the Holy Land.a world which will lament them a day and forget them forever,Antithesis:more examplesMore haste,less speed.There is more danger from a pre

18、tended friend than from an open enemy.Small sorrows speak:great sorrows are silent.,16.Parallelism/parallel structure,We shall fight him by land,we shall fight him by sea,we shall fight him in the air.I Have a Dream,17.Repetition 反复,We have but one aim and one single purposenothing will turn us-noth

19、ingWe will never parley,we will never negotiate.This is our policy and this is our declaration,18.Hyperbole 夸张,America laughed with him.The trial that rocked the world.His reputation as an authority on Scripture is recognized throughout the world.The wave ran mountain high.,19.Oxymoron,Oxymoron is f

20、ormed by conjoining of two contrasting terms.It can help us to appriciate more fully the implied complexity of descriptions and feelings.Malone called my conviction a victorious defeat.bitter sweet memoriesliving death,Oxymoron,O serpent heart,hit with a flowing faceDid ever dragon keep so fair a ca

21、ve?Beautiful tyrant!fiend angelical!Dove-featherd raven(乌鸦)!Wolfish-ravening(掠夺)lamb!(Here Juliet is expressing her mixed feeling about Romeo,when she hears he has killed her cousin.),20.Irony,The expression of actual intent in words that carry the opposite meaning.反语 until we are marching backwards

22、 to the glorious age of the 16th centuryHiroshima-the liveliest city in the world,21.Ridicule,instance of being made fun of 嘲笑Bryan,aging and paunchy,was assistedBryan mopped his bald dome in silence.He didnt say a cat was the same as a man?,22.Sarcasm,Its a cutting remark,a verbal sneer.It s used t

23、o hurt others feeling.挖苦Why dont you do a dance around the ashes?“There is some doubt about that.”Darrow snorted.,23.Satire:讽刺作品,It generally refers to a piece of literary work-prose,poetry or drama.It uses ridicule to expose and to judge behaviour or ideas that the satirist finds foolish,wicked or

24、both.,24.Onomatopoeia 象声法,a tinkling and banging and clashing begins to impinge on your ear.with its clanking,heel-clicking,dandified Prussian officers,25.Zoosemy:拟物,“A lucky dog you are!”exclaimed Jim.Terribly hungry,the man wolfed down all the cake.,27.Antonomasia:换称,(There is a certain degree of

25、overlapping with Synecdoche.)1)the use of a title in place of a name:His majesty-a king or the name of a kingThe Boss-the name of the employer2)the use of a proper name instead of a common noun:a Judas-a traitorHe is our Gorky.-He is a famous writer.,26.Litotes:间接肯定法,A form of understatement which gains its particular effect by phrasing in the negative what it wishes to say positively.This is not at all unpleasant.The German fleet was not an unworthy opponent.,秋天不会来啊,好冷啊!,


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