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1、The Past Participle(3)as the Adverbial,Unit 3 Grammar,在前两个单元我们讲解了过去分词作什么成份呢?,作定语和表语,作宾语补足语,1._(污染的)air and water are harmful to peoples health.2.The problem _(在会议上讨论的)yesterday was very difficult to solve.3.He became _(兴奋)when he heard he had won the first place in the competition.4.I am _(感兴趣)in th

2、e story.5.His voice was so low that he couldnt make himself _(听见).6.My computer was broken,I must have it _(修理).,Polluted,discussed at the meeting,excited,定语,定语,interested,heard,repaired,表语,表语,宾补,宾补,1.I like reading the novels _(write)by Zhang Ailing.2.The girl _(write)a letter in the study is my co

3、usin.3.There is something wrong with my car and I have to get it _(repair).,written,writing,repaired,Fill in the blanks.,4.I want the doors of my new house _(paint)white.5.The story was so _(move)that he was _(move)to tears.,painted,moving,moved,本单元我们将继续学习,过去分词作状语,1.Following the old man,we went ups

4、tairs.()(跟着那个老人,我们上了楼。)2.Followed by the old man,we went upstairs.()(我们上了楼,后面跟着那个老人。),Compare,_ followed _,_followed _,We,the old man,We were,by the old man,3.从上面看,体育场好像一个鸟巢。_ from the top,the stadium looks like a bird nest.A.Seeing B.Seen4.从太空看,宇航员看不到长城。_ from space,the astronaut can not discover t

5、he Great Wall.A.Seeing B.Seen,5._(从山顶上看),we find the city looks like a big garden.(see)6._(从山顶上看),the city looks like a big garden.(see),Seeingfromthetopofthehill,Seenfromthetopofthehill,See的逻辑主语 we,与see之间是主动关系,See的逻辑主语,the city与see之间是被动关系,Summary 1,主语,分词作状语时,分词的逻辑主语是主句的_。,逻辑主语与分词之间是_关系,-ing分词:,逻辑主语

6、与分词之间是_关系,-ed分词:,主动,被动,_(从山顶上看),we find the city looks like a big garden.(see)_(从山顶上看),the city looks like a big garden.(see),Seeingfromthetopofthehill,Seenfromthetopofthehill,-ed分词作状语,表时间,-ing分词作状语,表时间,=When we see from the top of the hill,we find the city looks like a big garden.,=When the city is

7、 seen from the top of the hill,the city looks like a big garden.,-ed分词做状语可表示时间、原因、条件、让步、方式、伴随等意义。这种-ed分词状语相当于一个时间、原因、条件、让步等状语从句。-ed分词(短语)作状语时,也可在其前面加上连词when,if,once,though,unless等,以便明确作何种状语。,Summary 2,When it is seen from the hill,the park looks very beautiful.,Seen from the hill,时间状语可在过去分词前加上连词when

8、,while,until等。,Dont speak until you are spoken to.,Dont speak until spoken to.,1.时间状语,2.原因状语,Because the boy was greatly touched by his teachers words,he did a lot of things to help his classmates.,Greatly touched by the teachers words,As he was surprised at what happened,Tom didnt know what to do.,

9、Surprised at what happened,3.条件状语,If we were given more time,we could do it much better.,Given more time,If it is heated to a high temperature,water will change into vapor.,Heated to a high temperature,4.让步状语,Though they had been warned of the storm,the farmers were still working in the fields.,Thou

10、gh warned of the storm,Even if Im invited,I wont take part in the party.,Even if invited,5.方式、伴随状语,The teacher entered the classroom,and he was followed by a group of students.,The teacher entered the classroom followed by a group of students.,The teacher stood there and was surrounded by the studen

11、ts.,The teacher stood there,surrounded by the students.,Find out sentences with the same meaning from the text.,1.As I was worried about the journey,I was unsettled for the first few days.,Worried about the journey,I was unsettled for the first few days.,2.Because I was hit by the lack of fresh air,

12、my head ached.Hit by the lack of fresh air,my head ached.3.As I was exhausted,I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.Exhausted,I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.,1.Since/As she was given advice by the famous detective,the young lady was no longer afraid.,Practice:Change the following clauses into P

13、ast Participles.,Given advice by the famous detective,the young lady was no longer afraid.,2.Because it was done in a hurry,his homework was full of mistakes.,3.When it is heated,ice will be changed into water.,Done in a hurry,his homework was full of mistakes.,When heated,ice will be changedinto wa

14、ter.,The hunter left his house,followed by his dog.,4.The hunter left his house,and he was followed by his dog.,1._(被她的话感动了),he decided to help the poor boy.(move),Moved by her words,-ed分词作状语,表原因,2._(再给他一次机会),he will do better.(give),Given another chance,-ed分词作状语,表条件,3._(尽管被许多人嘲笑),he continued his s

15、tudy.(laugh),(Although)Laughed at by many people,-ed分词作状语,表让步,4.The teacher stood there _(被许多学生包围着).(surround),surrounded by,many students,-ed分词作状语,表伴随或方式,=,_,the teacher stood there(被许多学生包围着).(surround),Surrounded by many students,Having finished his homework,he went home.,Having been destroyed by

16、the large storm,the beautiful village no longer existed.,=,_(摧毁)by the large storm,the beautiful village no longer existed.,Destroyed,表原因,表动作先于谓语动作发生,过去分词(done)与 现在分词的完成被动式(having been done)都表示的是一种完成的被动,有时可互换。现在分词的完成被动式作状语,一般表原因或时间,且强调分词动作先于主句动作,而过去分词则不一定。,Summary 3,_(在国外学习)for a long time,he came b

17、ack to make a contribution to China.(study)_(被打败了)many times,he doesnt lose heart.(defeat)_(教导)by his teacher,he has made great progess.(instruct),Having studied abroad,Having been defeated,Instructed/Having been instructed,有些过去分词因来源于系表结构,作状语时不表被动而表示状态。这样的过去分词及短语常见的有:be lost/absorbed in;be addicted

18、to;be seated on;be faced with;be located in;be satisfied with;be interested in;be concerned about;be based on;be worried about;等。,Summary 4,_(面临)difficulties,we must try to overcome them.(face),_(位于)Hong Kong,Disneyland attracts many visitors every year.(locate),Located in,Faced with,_(坐在上)the grass

19、,he started to draw a picture.(seat),Seated on,Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.,1._(在她的话的鼓励下),the boy said sorry to his teacher.(encourage)2.She wont go to the party,_(除非被邀请).(invite)3._(听到这个消息),he jumpedwith joy.(hear)4._(对他所做的事情很满意),the teacher praised him in

20、 class.(satisfy)5._(尽管再次被击败),he didntlose heart.(defeat),Encouraged by her words,unless invited,Hearing the news,Satisfied with what he did,Defeated again,6._(沉溺于思考中),he almost ran into the car in front of him.(absorb)7._(加热后),ice can be changed into water.(heat)8._(一旦尝过),the dish is hard to forget.

21、(once)9._(油漆成)red,thebuilding stands out among the rest and looks very attractive.(paint)10.The pop star hurried up to her car,_(后面跟着她的粉丝).(follow),Having been painted/Painted,Heated,Once tasted,Absorbed in thought,followed,by her fans,Homework,1.Translate the following sentences:虽然出生在一个富裕的家庭,但他还是过着简朴的生活。不管翻译得多好,我们都不喜欢这首诗。如果多给些钱,我会很快解决这个问题。厌倦了这个演讲,他一句话没说就离开了。2.Revise the grammar after class.,Thanks for your coming!,


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