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1、各类题型解答方式,细节性题目是非题释义题原因性猜测(例证)用意单词词义推理暗示题写作目的题态度立场题,细节性题目,细节性题目问题有两种基本形式:完全式和不完全式,其中不完全式的问题占绝大多数。1完全式Why do women seem less likely to be promoted after marriage?What did scientists learn about earthquakes at the area?According to the passage,how did the drums differ from many other drums?According to

2、 the passage,through which of the following does the energy released?,细节性题目,2不完全式According to the passage,the new machine proved to be.In the authors opinion,visual and spatial abilities are good for.According to the passage,women are usually good at.The Suns light travels slowly when.,解题的基本方法,问题中的关

3、键词或词组 返回文章查找问题的相关句,用这个相关句来对照选项.具备两方面的知识:1文章细节结构知识2文章过渡词知识,1文章细节结构知识,描述性结构(这种结构主要介绍事物,问题或倾向的特点、特征。对人物的描述如传记包括人的身体特征,家庭背景,成长过程,个性爱好,成就贡献等。因此文章中,时间,地点,数据是主要细节);释义性结构(这种结构是解释某一理论,学科,事物。主要是用例子,比喻,类比进行阐述);比较性结构(这种结构主要是对两个事物或人物在功能,特点,优缺点,贡献方面进行比较);原因性结构(这种结构主要是分析事物的成因,客观的,主观的,直接的,间接的);驳论性结构(这种结构主要是介绍一种观点,然

4、后对其评论或驳斥,分析其优缺点,或危害性,最后阐明自己的观点)。,2文章过渡词知识,根据过渡词表示的语义和逻辑关系,我们可以分类为:1)举例for example,for instance,as a case in point,as an illustration,such as,say,e.g.2)释义that is,that is to say,in other words,so to speak,or rather,namely3)原因because,because of,for,as,owing to,thanks to,due to,now that,since,as a resul

5、t of,attribute to,in that 4)条件if,unless,whether,provided that,given,as long as,on condition that,otherwise,5)让步despite,in spite of,though,although,nevertheless,but,however,admittedly,it is truebut,after all 6)结果for this reason,therefore,consequently,accordingly,hence,as a result,thus,in short,in a w

6、ord,to sum up,to conclude7)比较similarly,like,likewise,in the same way,much.,as much,no more.,than,just as.so 8)对照whereas,instead,however,unlike,on the contrary,in contrast,on the other hand,while,some.,others,9)层进first,in the first place,to begin with,second,next,in addition to,besides,moreover,furth

7、ermore,third,finally10)强调indeed,in fact,certainly,particularly,above all,most importantly,worst of all11)目的in order to,in an effort to,so as to,in order that,for fear that,in case,least12)先后shortly after,earlier,later,afterwards,after,before,once,meanwhile,since,until,when,while,the moment,as soon a

8、s13)指示this,that,these,this accounts for,this helps explain,thats why,是非题,是非题也称之为正误判断题,因为问的是选项中对文章中的事实的转述是否真实,提法是否正确,文章或作者是否提及。例如:Which of the following statements is(not)true?Which of the following is(not)mentioned in the passage?Which of the following does not explain _?All of the following are tru

9、e except _。,是非题的四个选项有三种情况:1四个选项中的信息集中在一、二个句子里。2四个选项中的信息集中在一段里。3四个选项中的信息分散在全文,释义题,所谓释义性的题目,就是要求对文章中阐述的事物进行准确的解释。问题往往问该事物的特征、优点、功能、作用等,如The main characteristics of the system is _.One of the advantages of living in the countryside is _.,两点要注意。1注意解释的准确性干扰项往往在对文章事物的解释中,夹带私货,加进一些词,夸大了原文的意义,作了不合事实的引伸。特别要当

10、心在解释时加进一些修饰词,如mainly,chiefly,whenever,Only等,使原文的意思发生细微的变化。因此有这些词的选项,多半是错误的。2注意归纳的准确性问的是事物的主要特点、特征、功能,干扰项却把次要的、细节性的东西,具体事实混进选项。要注意区分细节和结论,事实和观点,01年第三篇,Large-scale production in a large market brings advantages:mass production helps to reduce the manufacturing costs of consumer goods and the single ma

11、rket also makes it easier to specialize.Together,these two considerations improve businesses chance of making profit.Within the single market,the Community(欧共体)is making clearly strict European industrial standards which help European industry compete with imported products and conquer new markets,a

12、s well as making high-quality products available to the consumer.,The European commissions competition policy serves to ensure that the common interest prevails over individual business interests.At the same time,it is flexible enough to allow co-operation between small firms.Business are being enco

13、uraged to operate outside the country in which they are based by measures designed to ensure that they are no longer taxed twice for doing so.The days when taxes are an obstacle to Europe-wide business operation will soon be gone.,in addition to creating a favorable business environment,the communit

14、ys industrial policy is also concerned with developing specific strategies.The objective is to carry out long-term plans to develop industries such as the electronics industry,information technology,biotechnology(生物技术)and textiles.These measures,at national and community level,will influence the qua

15、lity of products,the technology used to manufacture them,the training the workforce receives,and the development of new outlets.In short,a whole range of instruments will be created to protect the future of European technology.,These projects will require extra funding at Community level for trainin

16、g,research and development and communications networks.The extra Community funding will be used as rationally as possible in a way which maximizes the benefit to European industry.,33.One of the main changes in the market in Europe is that _.A)there are more home produced goods that imported goods o

17、n the marketB)companies only have to pay one tax when operating in a member countryC)there are no more Europe-wide business operationsD)small companies are allowed to combine into larger ones,原因题,The main reason for the failure of the organization to achieve the success is that _.Mouthwashes are not

18、 effective cure for bad breath mainly because _.Which of the following is mentioned as one of the causes for the earthquake _.,1分清主要和次要原因 首先要注意问题中的the mainchiefreal cause(reason,factor)这些词,提醒自己,问题问的是主要原因。然后分析事物的诸多的原因,理出最主要的,直接的,根本的原因。2分清原因和后果,影响 问的是事物的原因,但出现在选项里的还有事物的后果、影响。由子这些后果、影响和原因一样,都是指一件事,且都出现

19、在同一相关段,或相关句中,稍不留心,就会搞错。,猜测(例证)用意,阅读理解文章基本上是说明文,议论文。而这类体裁的文章少不了用例子,事实来说明观点。因此我们往往会碰到要求猜测文章举例的目的这些例子要说明什么观点的题目。如:The example of is given to show/illustrate that.What can be inferred from the authors example of?The experiment/study suggests/shows that.,解答这类问题,要注意以下几点。1注意例证所在的段落主题句2注意例证上下文的作者观点3注意全文中心思想

20、4对例证本身进行推测,01年第二篇,Only the government can ensure that the American people have clean air and pure water.Congress must pass laws to stop manufacturers from polluting the air and water with the waste from their factories.,Unless anti-pollution standards are enforced for all,companies that care about a

21、 clean environment will go out of business.For example,if Automobile Company X spends money to put an air-pollution control device on their automobiles,their cars will be more expensive than the cars produced by another company.People who dont have the extra money or who dont care about pollution wi

22、ll not buy the more expensive cars.Automobile Company X will go bankrupt(破产);that is,it wont make enough money to pay its workers and to buy materials.It will then go out of business.Of course,no automobile company will make itself go bankrupt on purpose,and the pollution of the land and air and wat

23、er will go on.,But if the government says that all automobile manufacturers must make cars with air-pollution control devices,the cost of all manufacturers will be equal.So the government cannot let companies decide whether or not they want to stop pollution.The government must force manufacturers t

24、o clean up the environment by setting anti-pollution standards for everyone.,27.The writer gives the example of Automobile Company X to show that _.A)manufacturers will not take care of pollution control on their own willB)few manufacturers are aware of the importance of air-pollution control C)air-

25、pollution control devices are more expensive than other devicesD)people like to buy cars that are equipped with pollution control devices,单词词义题,常见的考词汇的题往往会是这样一些形式:The word“”in line 5 refers to(means)_The word“”(line 3,para 2)most probably means _By“”the author means _The word“”could best be replaced

26、 by which of the following?,标点符号是理解词义的一条重要线索,因为这些词的定义就是通过标点符号,如逗号、冒号、破折号和括号等来完成的。如:Sometimes we work on night shift-from 7:30pm to 7:30am.,2 信号词1.)注意that is,in other words,namely,that means,this is等过渡词直接引出同义解释。2)注意and,not Onlybut also,besides,similarly,likewise,in the same way等过渡词引出的同一,类似的意思。3)注意生词前

27、后的but,however,while,on the contrary等过渡词。它们表示一种对立或同等关系。4)注意for example,such as,a case in point is等过渡词,引出一个具体例子来说明阐述。,A volcano is a kind of chimney,or vent which goes down to a liquid deep inside the earth,called magma(岩浆)。Three types of material come out of the vent:a hot liquid called lava,pieces o

28、f rock,and great quantities of gas.The lava and rock often collect round the vent and form what is known as the volcanos cone(火山堆)。Question:The word ventmeans _.something like a chimney in the volcanomagma deep inside the earththe volcanos conelava,rock,and gas,3 凭借常识或经验 Most crime drama on televisi

29、on is about finding the criminal.As soon as he is arrested,the story is over.In real life,finding criminals is seldom much of a problem.Except in very serious cases like murders and terrorists attacks-where failure to produce results will affect the reputation of the police,little effort is spent on

30、 searching.The police have an elaborate machinery which eventually shows up the most wanted men.After having made an arrest,a detective really starts to work.In order to prove his case in court he often has to spend a lot of time gathering evidence.Question:“The most wanted men”in the paragraph refe

31、rs to _ the most dangerous criminals.Most of the witnesses wanted.Those the police are searching for.The men the police are most interested in arresting.,利用单词的构词法英语中的构词法主要有三种:派生(Derivation)转化(Conversion)合成(Compounding),派生:由一个词根加上前缀或后缀构成一个新的单词,该法是猜测英语单词的主要方法。A.加前缀 dis-,in-,re-,un-,non-,B.加后缀 able,-al

32、,-an,-ful,-ive,-er,-ese,-ist,-ment,-ness,-tion,-fy,-ian,-ing,-is(z)e,-ly,-teen,-ty,-th,-y如:unconditional,意为“无条件的”,转化:由某一词性转达化成另一词性,其意义也发生一定的变化。I was asked to minute the race.“minute”转化成动词,意为“为计时”hand(n.)hand(v.)empty(adj.)empty(v.)合成:两个或两个以上的单词组成一个新的单词。如:blackboard,man-made,overthrow,合成:两个或两个以上的单词组成

33、一个新的单词。如:blackboard,man-made,overthrow首字母缩略ISBN:International Standard Book Number 国际标准图书编号。VIP:Very Important person 贵宾、大人物,混合词brunch:breakfast+lunch 早午餐smog:smoke+fog 烟雾其他VS:versus(=against)Brazil VS ChinaXL:extra large,三、运用基本的猜词技巧猜词技巧主要有代入法和排除法两种。,推理暗示题,在阅读理解题目中我们有时发现这样的问题We can learn from the pa

34、ssage that The passage implies that.The author suggests that.It is implied but not stated.一、运用普通常识二、运用逻辑推理很多逻辑知识可以运用到解答推理题上去。例如A就是B,但由于A和C是一样的,所以C也是B。这种三段式推理十分需要。,三、注意作者的论述方法论述方法能反映作者的立场和态度。论述方法从句子平面上说是指作者说话的方法,如何评论某事;从篇章角度上说是指材料的安排,论述的详略等。四、注意作者的语气文章中作者用的虚拟语气,情态动词should,must,may都可流露出作者的语气和言外之音。五、注意

35、作者的遣词措辞六、注意作者的过渡词:However,but,on the contrary,whats more这些过渡词往往能够反映作者的观点和态度。,目的题,推测作者写作目的的题目往往这样问的:The authors main purpose in writing the passage is to.The author writes this passage to.The author in this passage intends to.,To argue a belief,文章作者就会摆事实,讲道理,论证自己的观点。To inform people of something,文章作者

36、只介绍和传递信息,并不发表自己看法。To illustrate the significanceimportance,文章作者会从多方面阐述意义或重要性。To warn people of certain danger,文章作者会分析某事物的后果,危害性。To analysis the causes of something,文章作者会从间接和直接或平行几方面分析原因或因素。,To describe certain problemsphenomena,文章作者会用事实,数据,例证或生动形象描写。To give people a piece of advise,文章作者用祈使句较多。告诉方法,做

37、法等。To propose a solution,文章作者会阐明某种建议或解决方法的可行性,优点等。,态度立场题,在阅读理解问题中我们经常看到这类问题:The authors attitude towards can be best summarized as.The tone of this passage is best described as.这种问题的选择项往往是单个词组成的。如:According to the passage,the authors attitude towards the early computers can best be described as.A)in

38、different B)ambiguous C)contemptuous D)hostile,态度词汇总,A positive approving negative critical questioningneutral detachedsuspicious doubtfulcompromising tolerantindifferent unconcernedconcerned worriedpessimistic depressedconfident optimistic interested impressed contemptuous hostile,C subjective主观的 p

39、ersonal有个人观点,感情的 persuasive说服人的 biased带偏见的 opinionated固执己见的 objective客观的 impersonal不带个人感情的 informative提供信息的 factual实事求是的 impartial不偏袒的D formal正式的 reverent恭敬的 polite拘束的 informal非正式的 casual随便的 familiar熟悉的,Eg ApositiveAfter careful examination of the constitutional issues involved,the mayor,responding

40、to the peoples wishes,has announced that he will take immediate action.B negativeAfter hesitating for as long as he dared to,and taking refuge in the ambiguities of the constitution,the mayor has at long last yield to pressure and grudgingly agreed to try to do something.,语气(tone),humorous幽默的 mockin

41、g嘲笑的serious严肃的 cynical玩世不恭的somber严峻、冷静的sarcastical挖苦的playful开玩笑的 sentimental感伤的bitter尖刻的 emotional动感情的iron让讽刺的 angry气愤的,一般来说,除了主旨及推论型题目以外,题目顺序与文章的情节发展是一致的,因此应按题目顺序解题。文章较难时,不必紧张,根据语言学科的测试规律,如果文章难则问题比较简单。只要能很好地应用阅读技巧,就不难找到正确答案。另外,文章偏长也不一定就难,因为在较长的篇幅中,其词汇,句子结构的复杂程度要相对容易些。阅读过程中,可以在文章或问题旁空白处做些记号,也可以对一些与答题有关的词句划线。还可以标出一些关键词,尤其是文章的论点、论据及一些有关事实,以避免遗忘或回顾时浪费时间回答问题时不能按照个人的主观臆断,回答问题的根据应该建立在阅读文章的基础上。,


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