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1、Translation of practical texts实用文本的翻译,Translation of thesis titles,abstracts and acknowledgements,标题的语言特点和文本功能 Language characteristics and text functions简明 精炼 醒目 概括翻译原则和技巧 Principles and techniques in translation 原则:准确传达论文主题简洁、明了、生动技巧:删减、重组和释义,Translation of titles,删减 省略不必要的冠词(a,an,the);eg.studies

2、of,observation on,investigation of“简述”、“粗谈”、“试论”、“浅析”等均可省略为“on”重组 如标题:“当代美国通俗小说的译介与影响”“Translations and Impact of Contemporary American Pop Fictions”释义 如标题:女强人对潘多拉神话的破坏“女强人是潘多拉神话的破坏者”“Superwoman,the Destroyer of Pandora Myth”,3.译例分析 例1:从文本学的角度看Frost的诗“Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”原译:Observat

3、ion of“Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”by Frost from the Perspective of Stylistics 改译:Style in Frosts“Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”例2:高等院校数字化校园建设研究原译:Study on Building Digital Campus in University”改译:On Building Digital Campus in University,例3:长鸣之警钟、非常之理想-庄子盗跖对水浒传的影响译文:Sounded Alarm Bel

4、l,Extremely Ideal-The Influence Toward Outlaws of the Marshes by Zhuangzi Daozhi,Practice:1)简析计算机网络安全现状2)解读我国宪法与财政法的互动关系3)浅谈如何培养当代学生的自信心4)试析中外影视广告创意的差异,1)The Status of Computer Network Security2)The Interaction between Chinas Constitution and Fiscal Law3)Self-confidence Building of Todays College St

5、udents4)On the Difference of the Advertising Creativity Intention of Chinese and Foreign Movie and Television,论文摘要的语言特点和文本功能 在内容上,摘要必须要涵盖论文的基本要点和重要信息,要同时具有概括性和完整性。在语言上,论文摘要要求简明扼要,能够简练而明确地传递出论文所包括的信息。在句子结构上,摘要又必须要十分严谨,要有学术性和专业性。,Translation of abstracts,2.论文摘要翻译的基本原则和技巧 1)人称的运用技巧 摘要是对论文内容不加注释和评论的客观陈述

6、,所以大多要求采用第三人称the author,the authors 或用the paper,the thesis,the study,the research等指代第一人称I,we。,2)时态的运用技巧 大多数论文摘要,只是对研究的内容作概括说明,属于陈述性、资料性文摘,因此英文摘要的时态多用一般现在时和一般过去时,完成时用得较少,进行时和其它时态基本不用 3)语态的运用技巧 论文摘要既可使用主动语态,也可使用被动语态。被动语态 突出研究成果的客观性;主动语态在结构上较为简练,表达有力,简洁明了。一般来讲,社会科学类摘要更多倾向于使用主动语态,而自然科学类则多使用被动语态。,3.译例分析

7、例1:本文探讨了网络环境下图书馆参考咨询发展的模式变化,提出了图书馆参考咨询服务的新特点,阐述了网络环境下图书馆参考咨询服务发展应注意的问题。,译文:In this thesis,the author discusses the pattern change of library reference enquiry in the net-work environment,and then the author brings forward the new characteristics of library reference enquiry service.Furthermore,this

8、paper expounds what should be emphasized during this development in the network environment.,例2:本文从分析当前的英语教学现状,以及背诵和语言输入、输出的关系,结合自身及他人的实际教学经验,探讨如何将背诵教学方法运用到大学英语的教学实践中去。,译文:This paper investigates how to put the recitation method into the practice of college English teaching,by analyzing the present

9、English teaching and learning situation and the relationship between recitation and language imput and language output as well,and by combining both others and the authours own teaching experience.,Practice:,摘要:义乌市外来人口是本地人口的两倍,解决好民工子女的教育问题已经成为政府工作的重点,通过对义务市民工子女教育现状的分析,提出了解决民工子女教育问题的若干途径。,The populat

10、ion from other places is twice as many as native population of Yiwu,Solving labourers children education problem becomes the key of government service,thought the analysis of the problem,this paper proposes solving labourer childrens education problems in some way.,The population from other places i

11、s twice as many as the native population of Yiwu.Solving the education problem for the migrant workers children becomes the key of government service.Throught the analysis of the present situation,this paper proposes some solutions.,摘要:义乌市外来人口是本地人口的两倍,解决好民工子女的教育问题已经成为政府工作的重点,通过对义务市民工子女教育现状的分析,提出了解决民

12、工子女教育问题的若干途径。,致谢是论文作者为了表达谢意而附于文末(参考文献前)的谢辞,被致谢者包括论文的指导者与协助者,研究资料的提供者,以及文稿的审阅与修改者。大学生在致谢中除了要重点感谢自己的导师,还会对曾经教过自己的老师,为自己的论文写作提供帮助和支持的同学、朋友、甚至家人表达自己的感激。,Translation of acknowledges,1.论文致谢的语言特点和文本功能 致谢的内容要实在,语言要诚恳、恰当、简短。2.论文致谢翻译的基本原则和技巧 中心统一:“谢”句式语言多样化,(作者)深切感谢某教授的指导与鼓励。(作者)感谢某教授给予的珍贵支持与帮助。承蒙某教授悉心指导与热情鼓励

13、,(作者)谨此致谢。在论文写作过程中,(作者)得到某教授的悉心指导与热情鼓励,谨此致谢。本论文是在某教授悉心指导下完成的,作者在此谨表衷心的感谢。,I am thankful/grateful/deeply indebted to sb.for sth.Thanks are due to sb.for sth.I would like to thank sb.for sth.I gratefully acknowledge the help and encouragement given by sb.The support of sb.is hereby gratefully acknowle

14、dged.I wish to express my gratitude/appreciation to sb.for sth.,3.译例分析 首先,衷心感谢我的导师张玲教授在论文写作过程中所给予的悉心教导和建议,她于百忙之中一直关注我的论文写作并随时提供帮助。另外,感谢所有授课老师,他们的教导对我在温州大学四年的学习和生活都大有裨益。然后,感谢我的家人和室友在我读大学期间所提供的帮助和支持。最后,感谢所有朋友对我的鼓励和理解。,First I would like to give my heartfelt thanks to my supervisor,Professor Zhang Ling

15、,for her unremitting guidance,inspiring suggestions during the process of my thesis writing.Since the very beginning,she has always been ready to help me despite her busy schedule.My gratitude also goes to all the teachers from whose courses I benefit a lot in academic studies and personal life duri

16、ng the four years in Wenzhou University.Then,I would like to extend my sincere thanks to my family and my roommates for their helps and supports during the process of my college study.Last,I would like to appreciate the encouragement and understanding of all my friends.,Practice:,Translate the follo

17、wing acknowledge:籍此机会向为我论文写作提供帮助的所有人表示衷心的感谢。尤其要感谢我的导师赵娜教授对论文所做的耐心修改和提出的宝贵建议。她在学术上的一丝不苟和对待学生的耐心都对我影响深刻。同时感谢计算机学院所有为我的学习提供指导的老师,也对所有鼓励我的同学表示感激。,I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to everyone who has helped me to develop this thesis.Special thanks should go to my supe

18、rvisor Professor Zhao Na for her great patience in revising my drafts and her helpful comments on my thesis.Her meticulous approach in academic pursuits and consideration for students have great influence on me.I wish to thank all the teachers in the Computer Department who have devoted their energy

19、 and time to guiding my studies.And I also owe much to my classmates who have given me encouragement in fulfilling the task.,Translation of application texts for admittance(留学申请准备材料的翻译),一份好的申请书必须能够清楚有力地表达申请者的求学动机和学习、学术能力,所以就要重点突出。一般有三个方面写明申请学校和所学专业。提供申请人的个人资历。索取申请学校相关的申请表等。,Translation of applicatio

20、n for admittance(入学申请书),尊敬的先生您好:我对贵校机械工程学院研究生学院很感兴趣,打算申请2009年秋季的学习课程。我在大学的平均积分点是3.5分,而且我打算分别参加今年10月份和12月份的TOEFL和 GRE 考试。如果您能为我寄来贵校的概况资料和申请表,我将不胜感激。您最诚挚的 王阳,Dear Sir,I am deeply interested in your graduate school of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and I plan to apply for admission in the fal

21、l of 2009.My GPA in university was 3.5,and I plan to take TOEFL and GRE in October and December,2008,respectively.Please send catalog and application forms to me.I shall be greatly appreciated.Sincerely yours,Wang Yang,Practice:,尊敬的先生您好:我明年六月份即将从温州大学+学院毕业。我非常渴望能够进入贵校研究生学院学习+专业,攻读硕士学位。如果能收到关于贵校的概况资料和

22、其它必要资料,以及与入学相关的一系列表格,本人将万分感激。多谢您的友好帮助。您诚挚的,王峰,Dear Sir,I will graduate from the Computer Department of Wenzhou University in June next year.I am eager to get enrolled in your Graduate School for the Masters Degree in computer application.I will greatly appreciate if you could send me the catalog and

23、 other necessary materials,as well as the related application forms.Thanks a lot for your kind help.Yours sincerely,Wang Feng,英属哥伦比亚大学(UBC)报名材料:申请费150加币(购买汇票至“The University of British Columbia”)。填写完整的UBC申请表格。个人陈述和个人简历(英文;如有工作经历,请详细描述;如曾发表过任何论文,也请详细描述)。三封推荐信(中英文;推荐信原件以及信封封口处均需有推荐人签名)。大学成绩单(中英文:装入学校信

24、封且封口处需有学校盖章)。学校出具的毕业证书及学士学位证明(中英文;装入学校信封且封口处需有学校盖章)TOEFL或者IELTS成绩单原件。,Translation of diaplimas(毕业证)°ree certificates(学位证),毕业证、学位证的固定格式,毕业证、学位证的内容包括被证明人的姓名、出生年月、就学的时间、专业和院校等。毕业证是申请留学时必须要出具的书面资料,,学生 陈倩,性别 女,一九八一 年八月十八日生,于一九九九 年 九月至 二零零三 年 七月在本校 管理系国际贸易 专业四年制本科学习,修业期满,成绩合格,准予毕业。(公章)温州大学校长 二零零三年七月四日

25、毕证字第6576号,毕业证书,DIPLOMANo.6576July 4,2003,Chen Qian,female,born on August 18,1981,was admitted to the Management Department of this University,majoring in International Trade,from September,1999 to July,2003.Having completed the four-year undergraduate program and satisfied all the requirements of th

26、is university,she is hereby awarded this certificate of graduation.(singed)President of Wenzhou University,陈倩,女,一九八一 年 八 月 十八 日生,一九九九年 九 月入本校 管理 系 国际贸易 专业四年制本科学习,业已毕业。经审核符合中华人民共和国学位条例的规定,授予理学学士学位。,(公章)温州大学校长 二零零三年七月四日 证书编号6576,学位证书,Degree-CertificateNo.6576July 4,2003,This is to certify that Chen Qi

27、an,female,born on August 18,1981,specialized in International Trade in the Management Department of this University,has qualified for graduation.Upon the examination and in conformity with articles of the Regulations Regarding Academic Degrees in the Peoples Republic of China,she has been admitted t

28、o the Degree of Bachelor of Science.,2.温州大学学院与专业名称翻译,教师教育学院教育学小学教育,法政学院社会工作思想政治教育法学行政管理,College of Law and Political ScienceSocial WorkPolitical and Moral EducationLegal ScienceExecutive Administration,College of Teacher EducationPedagogyPrimary Education,人文学院汉语语言文学广告学历史学数学与信息科学学院数学与应用数学信息与计算机科学统计学,

29、College of Humanities Chinese Language and Literature Advertising History,College of Mathematics and Information ScienceMathematics and Applied MathematicsInformation and Computer Science Statistics,物理与电子信息学院教育技术学物理学电子信息科学与技术电子信息工程,生命与环境科学学院生物科学环境科学生物技术,College of Mathematics and Information Science

30、Instructional TechnologyPhysics Electronic Iinformation Science and Technology Electronic Information Engineering,College of Life and Environmental Science Biological Science Environmental Science Biological Technology,机电工程学院机械工程及自动化工业工程汽车服务工程计算机科学与工程学院计算机科学与技术建筑与土木工程学院土木工程工程管理建筑学,College of Mechani

31、cal and Electrical EngineeringMechanical Engineering and Automation Industrial Engineering Auto Service,College of Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Technology,College of Architecture and Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Project ManagementArchitecture,Translation of recommenda

32、tion(推荐信),推荐信翻译的基本原则:措辞客观公正避免夸张华丽,译例分析,亲爱的先生/女士:我怀着极大的荣幸写这封信向你们推荐我的学生王佳。在我班上,她是最突出的学生之一。除此以外,我还发现她在其它的学习中也有不俗的表现。她曾表示出对教育这个职业有极浓厚的兴趣。在与我相处的一年中,我发现她是一位聪明、勤奋、对人友善的女青年。而且,王佳并不害怕艰苦,她也是一位具有团队精神的人。毫无疑问,王佳是一位很有潜力在以后的学习中取得巨大成功的好学生。就我个人看来,王佳是一位天生就适合做教师的人。在以后的年月里,她一定会给大家带来惊喜的。所以,我热情地把她推荐给你们学校。诚挚的 陈文轩,Dear Sir

33、 or Madame,It is with great pleasure that I write to recommend my student Wang Jia to you.In my class,Wang Jia was one of the most outstanding students.I also found her good at other studies.She indicated a great interest in teaching.During the year we spent together I found her to be a bright,dilig

34、ent,friendly young woman.Besides,Wang Jia is not afraid of hard work,and is a team player.Wang Jia is undoubtedly a student with the potential for great success at the next level.In my opinion,she is born a teacher and she is sure to give all of you a big surprise in the years to come.So I enthusias

35、tically recommend her for admission to your university.Sincerely,John Smith,Practice:Suppose you are Ma Ji,an associate professor of the Management Department of Shanghai PE College,you are going to recommend my student Yang Xiaoyu,who is planning to study in Australia for a Masters Degree in PE Man

36、agement.Now discuss with your groupmates and compose a recommendation letter in Chinese at about 200 words.,Group Task,Now exchange them and translate.,Translation of application texts for a job(工作申请材料的翻译),Translation of resume(简历),个人简历的语言特点和文本功能,格式较固定,规范(中文一般采用左对齐,英文可左对齐,也可居中)语言要简洁,准确重点须突出,有亮点简历中多数是一些不完整的句子,有时只是一些名词或动词短语。,See Page 173 175,Practice:,Please compose a Chinese resume and an English one for yourself both with the reference to the examples in your textbook.,


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