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1、篇章词汇理解,一、题型概述篇章词汇理解是2006年6月24日新题型大学英语四级考试中出现的一种新的测试形式,其题型表现为选词填空。测试形式是在一篇240字左右的文章中挖出10个空格,然后给出AO共15个词语供考生选择并填入所缺之处。本题型与短句问答作为Part IV Reading Comprehension(Reading in Depth)Section A的两种备选题型,在考试中交替出现。在样题和2006年6月24日的真题中,所考查词语以动词,形容词,名词和副词为主。这说明考生应着重注意动词,形容词和名词等的用法。另外,15个可选词汇每个只能用一次,不可重复使用。要求考生在全面理解内容的

2、基础上选择最佳答案填入原文,使文章的意思和结构恢复完整,畅通,得体。因此虽然说取消了词汇题实际上对词汇的理解提出了更高的要求,原来是4选1,现在是15选1,重在考查考生对词汇的认知和语法的理解。,二 解题步骤考生在做篇章词汇理解题型时,可以从以下几个方面着手:1.快速通读全文,抓住中心大意。选词填空题的文章很短,做此类试题时,首先应快速通读全文,根据首段句原则,迅速了解文章的主旨大意。2 阅读单词选项,按照词性分类之后,考生要认真阅读单词选项,初步判定单词的词性,根据词性进行大概分类归纳。3 分析空格处所需填写单词的词性,考虑搭配 根据空格在文章中的位置,结合上下文,初步猜测和估计空格处所需填

3、写词的词性,特别留意空格处是否是固定搭配。,4 瞻前顾后,灵活选择考生在选择时,要考虑到空格中应填入的词性,是否有固定搭配,上下文的内在逻辑结构以及可能具备的词义等方面。5 复读全文,谨慎调整填空完成后,再次复读全文,看上下文是否通顺,内在逻辑关系是否连贯。如感觉有不妥的地方,需要谨慎的微作调整。,特别提示:1 在填空过程中对于已经用过的单词标明“已用”,并用排除法逐渐减少以下题项的备选词。2 难于选择的题项先空下来,最后在剩余同词性的单词中筛选。,三,样题讲解下面以样题为例,具体分析如何进行答题:Directions:In this section,there is a passage wi

4、th ten blanks.You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choice given in a word blank following the passage.Read the passage through carefully before making your choices.Each choice in bank is identified by a letter.Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer

5、Sheet 2 with a single line through the center.You may not use any one of the words in the blank more than once.,Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage.When Roberto Feliz came to the USA from the Dominican Republic,he knew only a few words of English.Education soon became a 47.“I could

6、nt understand anything,”he said.He 48 from his teachers,came home in tears,and thought about dropping out.Then Mrs.Malave,a bilingual educator,began to work with him while teaching him math and science in his 49 Spanish.“She helped me stay smart while teaching me English,”he said.Given the chance to

7、 demonstrate his ability,he 50 confidence and began to succeed in school.,Today,he is a 51 doctor,runs his own clinic,and works with several hospitals.Every day,he uses the language and academic skills he 52 through bilingual education to treat his patients.Robertos story is just one of 53 success s

8、tories.Research has shown that bilingual education is the most 54 way both to teach children English and ensure that they succeed academically.In Arizona and Texas,bilingual students 55 outperform their peers in monolingual programs.Calexico,Calif.,implemented bilingual education,and now has dropout

9、 rates that are less than half the state average and college 56 rates of more than 90%.In E1 Paso,bilingual education programs have helped raise student scores from the lowest in Texas to among the highest in the nation.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。,A)wonder B)acquired C)consistently D)regained E)nightmare F)n

10、ative G)acceptance H)effective I)hidJ)prominent K)decent L)countlessM)recalled N)breakthrough O)automatically,针对该题型,考生可以按照以下步骤答题:第一步,迅速浏览全文,抓住文章的中心大意。整篇文章通过Roberto的成功例子来说明双语教育的好处。,第二步,确定方框里的词汇词性,并进行分类和确定词义。动词:wonder(对.感到惊讶),acquired(获得,学到),regained(收回,恢复),hid(隐藏,掩藏),recalled(回忆,回想);名词:wonder(奇迹,惊奇),

11、nightmare(梦魇,恶梦),acceptance(接受,承诺),breakthrough(突破);形容词:native(本地的,与生俱来的),effective(有效的),prominent(显著的),decent(正派的,端庄的),countless(数不尽的);副词:consistently(始终如一地),automatically(自动地,机械地);,第三步,寻找主题句,通常该题型文章长度不是太长,文章第一句就是主题句。可以断定本段落探讨的话题。“When Roberto Feliz came to the USA from the Dominican Republic,he kn

12、ew only a few words of English.”可以确定本文关键概念“Roberto Feliz”,“a few words of English”.初步可以断定,本文讨论是Roberto Feliz学英语的一些情况。,第四步,宏观分析当然,在解题过程中,要首先确定文章的中心和关键词,都对解题是很有帮助的。如本文的中心是“When Roberto Feliz came to the USA from the Dominican Republic,he knew only a few words of English.”关键词是“Roberto Feliz”,“USA from

13、the Dominican Republic”,“only a few words of English”可以确定Roberto Feliz在美国遇到了语言问题,所以填的词如果和语言学习有关的话可以优先考虑。如“nightmare”,“countless”,“acquire”等。,第五步,微观解题。47.填名词。需要一个可数名词的单数,因为空格前面是不定冠词,”a”,根据上下文,选项中的nightmare符合这个意思,表示Roberto Feliz当时作为移民,受教育成了一件很痛苦的事。划掉这个词48.填动词的过去时。既然听不懂,肯定会躲着老师,选I)hid。划掉这个词49.填形容词。既然Ro

14、berto要学的是English,那么spanish在这里就不应该是学习对象,应该是他的母语,即选F)native。Dominican听起来像“多米尼加”,这是个拉美国家,拉美地区国家大多说西班牙语,也符合常识。划掉这个词,50.填动词。因为空格后面是动词过去时began,所以可以判定空格处需要一个动词的过去时。选D)regained 符合上下文的意思,表示Riberto Feliz 重新获得了信心。acquire也有获得的意思,但常常指经过长时间的努力而获得或者掌握。如:acquire a language or a skill.划掉这个词51.填形容词。根据句子的意思,应当选择Promin

15、ent,表示“杰出的”。52.填动词。这里需要一个动词的过去时,定语从句修饰前边的“Language和academic skills”并构成相应的搭配,所以选B)acquire合适。划掉这个词,53.填形容词。这里需要一个表示多少的形容词,因此选L)countless。划掉这个词54.填形容词来修饰way,表示“有用,有效”。55.填副词来修饰outperform 胜过,优于,以便更好地突出该处所列举地例子的作用。所以选择consistently 表示“持续的”。划掉这个词56.这句话属于举例说明双语教育成功的例子,前半句说辍学率在双语学校较低,后半句说大学入学率较高的。故此处选择填形容词 a

16、cceptance.划掉这个词最后再复读全文,发现文章非常流畅通顺,也就完成了这道题目。,最后,通读全文,解决遗留问题。好了,基本上填完了,通读一下。文章还是很通顺的,而且并没有特别难理解的地方。那就说明选词还是比较准确的。最后解决第51题。分析一下。J)prominent 是杰出的,修饰人的professor 教授,Exercise(07年6月真题),Directions:In this section,there is a passage with ten blanks.You are required to select one word for each blank from a li

17、st of choices given in a word bank following the passage.Read the passage through carefully before making your choices.Each choice in bank is identified by a letter.Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.You may not use any of the w

18、ords in the bank more than once.注意:此部分试题请在答题纸上作答.Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage.,Years ago,doctors often said that pain was a normal part of life.In particular,when older patients 47 of pain,they were told it was a natural part of aging and they would have to learn to live wit

19、h it.Times have changed.Today,we lake pain 48 Indeed,pain is now considered the fifth vital,as important as blood pressure,temperature,breathing rate and pulse in 49 a persons well-being.We know that chronic(慢性的)pain can disrupt(扰乱的)a persons life,causing problems that.50 from missed work to depress

20、ion.,Thats why a growing number of hospitals now depend upon physicians who 51 in pain medicine.Not only do we evaluate the cause of the pain,which can help us(real the pain belter,but we also help provide comprehensive therapy for depression and other psychological and social 52 Wrelated to chronic

21、 pain.Such comprehensive therapy often 53 the work of social workers.psychiatrists(心理阅读)and psychologists,as well as specialists in pain medicine.,This modern 54 for pain management has led to a wealth of innovative treatments which are more effective and with fewer side effects than ever before.Dec

22、ades ago,there were only a 55 number of drugs available,and many of them caused 56 side effects in older people,including dizziness and fatigue.This created a double-edged sword:the medications helped relieve the pain but caused other problems that could be worse than the pain itself.,A)result B)inv

23、olves C)significantD)range E)relieved F)issuesG)seriously H)magnificent I)determiningJ)limited K)gravely L)complainedM)respect N)prompting O)specialize,Answer:,47 L 48 G 49 I 50 D 51 O 52 F 53 B 54 M 55 J 56 C,Exercise,Some years ago I was offered a writing assignment that would require three months

24、 of travel throughEurope.I had been abroad a couple of times,but I could hardly 47 to know my way around thecontinent.Moreover,my knowledge of foreign languages was 48 to a little college French.,I hesitated.How would I,unable to speak the language,49 unfamiliar with local geography or transportatio

25、n systems,set up 50 and do research?It seemed impossible,and with considerable 51 I sat down to write a letter begging off.Halfway through,a thought ran through my mind:you cant learn if you dont try.So I accepted the assignment.,There were some bad 52.But by the time I had finished the trip I was a

26、n experienced traveler.And ever since,I have never hesitated to head for even the most remote of places,without guides or even 53 bookings,confident that somehow I will manage.,The point is that the new,the different,is almost by definition 54.But each time you try something,you learn,and as the lea

27、rning piles up,the world opens to you.Ive learned to ski at 40,and flown up the Rhine River in a 55.And I know Ill go on doing such things.Its not because Im braver or more daring than others.Im not.But Ill accept anxiety as another name for challenge and I believe I can 56 wonders.,A.accomplish B.advanced C.balloon D.claim E.constantly F.declare G.interviews H.limite I.manufacture J.moments K.news L.reduced M.regret N.scary O.totally,Answer:47 D 48 H 49 O 50 G 51 M 52 J 53 B 54 N 55 C 56 A,


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