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1、第三章 翻译的基本技巧 Translation techniques,第一部分Part One,Generally speaking,the basic translation techniques that merit our attention and are to be applied in English-Chinese or Chinese-English translations include:Diction(选词用字)Conversion(转换)Repetition(重复)Amplification(增词法)Omission(省略法)Negation vs.Affirmatio

2、n(正反交替)Restructuring/Inversion(词序调整)Division(长句拆译)The Disposal of the Passive Voice The Rendering of the Technical Terms The Rendering of the Long and Involved Sentences etc.,Procedures of today:,Diction Conversion Exercises in classAssignments,Diction:,Diction refers to the proper choice of words a

3、nd phrases in the process of translation to fit their context.E.g.Tension is building up.形势紧张起来。电压在加强。张力在增大。压力在增强。红包 gift money/bonus/bribes,根据词在句中的词类来确定词义by means of the part of speech,Look,I dont mind you borrowing my car,but you ought to ask me first.By the looks of it we shant have much rain thi

4、s month.You have to look your best if you want the job.听着,你借我的车我并不介意,不过你应该先问问我。看样子,这个月雨水不会很多。你如果想得到这个职位,就必须尽可能穿戴得体一些。,根据词的语法形式确定词义:by means of syntax,agreement 同意 an agreement 协定 people 人民 a people 民族 hostility 敌意 hostilities 战争 use 使用 uses 用途 work 工作 works 工厂、著作 advice 忠告 advices 通知 color 颜色 colors

5、 颜色、旗帜,根据词的搭配来确定词义by means of collocation,a fast car,the fast growth,fast music,a fast journey,fast color,a fast film,fast asleep,a fast oven,break ones fast by drinking some milk,stick fast in the mud 速度很快的车,迅速发展,节奏快的音乐,行程紧凑的一次旅行,不易褪掉的颜色,快速感光胶卷,开斋喝了点牛奶,牢牢地陷在泥巴里,在这种情况下 这种情况必须改变。现在的情况不同了。他们的情况怎么样?前线有

6、什么情况?我们可能去哪儿,那得看情况而定。under such circumstances This state of affairs must change.Now things are different.How do matters stand with them?How is the situation at the front?We may go there,but that depends.,根据上下文来确定词义by means of the context,语境(context)指产生语言活动的环境,包括时间、空间、语言交际参与者及语言活动的目的,反映在文字材料中也称上下文。真实

7、语境中的词语绝非词典中孤立的个体,而是与其所处的句、段、篇,乃至更宽泛的非语言环境如情感、文化、社会等因素密切相连。E.g.Ill finish the book next week.,More examples:,This war is becoming the most important story of this generation.It is quite another story now.Some reporters who were not included in the session broke the story.Hell be very happy if that st

8、ory holds up.The Rita Hayworths story is one of the saddest.What a story!I dont believe a word of it.Last December the Post first reported that probes were being made in each of those cities,but officials refuse to confirm the story.The story about him became smaller and by and by faded out from Ame

9、rican TV.,这场战争将成为这代人所经历的最重大的事件。(event)现在的情况完全不同了。(situation)有些未获准参加那次会议的记者把内情捅出去了。(inside situation)如果这一说法当真,那他就太高兴了。(statement)丽泰海华丝的遭遇算最惨的了。(experience)弥天大谎!我只字不信。(lie)去年12月,邮报首先报道调查工作已在那些城市里进行,但官员们拒绝证实这条消息。(news)报道中对他的渲染减少了,不久就从美国电视上销声匿迹了。(report),More examples:,外面有人在叫你。汽笛在叫。他的电话叫通了。我们去叫辆出租车。叫他进来

10、吗?医生叫你卧床休息。我们为自己的球队踢进球叫好。,Somebody outside is calling you.The steam whistle is blowing.His call has been put through.Let s call a taxi.Shall I call him in?The doctor ordered you to stay in bed.We applauded and cheered for a goal scored by our own team.,这可说不得。It must not be mentioned.我代他向你说话。I appeal

11、 to you on his behalf.他说他很忙。He says he is busy.他说英语。He speaks English.别胡说。Dont talk nonsense.我说不好。I am unable to express myself.,词义引申,根据上下文不拘于词的字面意义或词典提供的释义,而对词义作必要的调整与变动,揭示词与词之间的内在联系,按照汉语的表达方式译出。引申不仅仅局限于以词作翻译单位,词组和句子作翻译单位时也经常用到引申法,以着力表达词组和句子的内在含义。原有的意义和引申出的意义基本上是一致的,只是有了一些变化。1、从新的角度以新的形式来体现原文中的含义。2

12、、译文明确表达原文中词语本身及其与上下文间所蕴含的意义,是表达的深度和广度的调整。,引申包括词义含蓄成分的引申、表情成分的引申、修辞意义上的引申、概念大小的引申、程度的引申、虚实的引申、词义的褒贬引申等等。E.g.She looked up to see Amelia crooking a finger from the half darkness of the hall.“You back?What is it?”asked Amelia crossly?她一抬头,看见艾米利亚站在半明半暗的门厅里弯弯手指叫她过去。“你回来啦?什么事?”艾米利亚没好气地问。,虚实的引申,How do we a

13、ccount for this split between the critics and the readers,the head and the heart?评论家和读者之间,也就是理智与情感之间的这种分歧如何解释呢?His chances of getting into Harvard are one out of hundred.他进入哈佛大学的机会微乎其微。His new car made him the envy of every boy in the neighborhood.他有一辆新车,为此他成了邻里男孩们羡慕的对象。At 22,he had first learned wh

14、at it is to be a negro.22岁的时候,他生平第一次尝到了做黑人的滋味。,褒贬的引申,Edison invented the gramophone and the electric light.This kind of people sometimes invent excuses to go out of work.爱迪生发明了留声机和电灯。这种人有时编造借口不去上班。He stole a glance at the pretty girl across the table.他偷偷地看了看桌子对面那漂亮的女孩一眼。,Conversion,在翻译过程中,由于两种语言在语法和

15、行为习惯上的差异,有时必须改变原文某些词语的词类或句子成分才能有效地传达出原文的准确意思。汉语是一种动词显著语言,因此英译汉的词类转换最重要的一项就是将英语的各种词类转换成汉语动词。汉译英则需将汉语中大量的动词转换为名词、形容词、介词、副词等。,转译成动词Converting into Verbs,Difference between the social systems of states shall not be an obstacle to their approach and cooperation.各国社会制度的不同,不应妨碍彼此接近和相互合作。He caught the ball

16、with his left hand.他用左手接球。Doctors have said that they are not sure they can save his life.医生说他们不敢肯定能否救得了他的命。Their experiment is over.他们的试验结束了。,该厂产品的主要特点是工艺精湛、经久耐用。The products of this factory are chiefly characterized by their fine workmanship and durability.雄伟的人民大会堂给我们留下了深刻的印象。The magnificent Great

17、 Hall of the People impressed us tremendously.“形状”、“地位”、“态度”、“特点”、“目的”、“定义”等在英译汉时可译为动词。,转译成名词Converting into Nouns,To them,he personified absolute power.在他们看来,他就是绝对权力的化身。Satellites,however,must be closely watched,for they are constantly being tugged by the gravitational attraction of the sun,moon an

18、d earth.由于经常受到太阳、月亮以及地球引力的影响,对卫星的活动必须加以密切的观察。Robin Hood and his merry men hated the rich and loved and protected the poor.罗宾汉和她可爱的伙伴们痛恨阔人,热爱并保护穷人。,绝不允许违反这个原则。No violation of this principle can be tolerated.街中的一切逐渐消失在灰暗的暮色里。Everything in the street was gradually disappearing into a pall of gray.空气是这样

19、的清香,使人感到分外凉爽、舒畅。The air was fresh and fragrant;it gave people a feeling of exceptional coolness and comfort.电导率在选择电气材料时很重要。Electrical conductivity has great importance in selecting electrical materials.,转译成形容词Converting into Adjectives,Independent thinking is an absolute necessity in study.独立思考对学习是绝

20、对必要的。It is demonstrated that gases are perfectly elastic.人们已经证实,气体具有理想的可收缩性。获悉贵国遭受地震,我们极为关切。We are deeply concerned at the news that your country has been struck by an earthquake.,转译成副词Converting into Adverbs,I have the honor to inform you that your request is granted.我荣幸地通知您,您的请求已获批准。Rapid evaporat

21、ion at the heating-surface tends to make the steam wet.加热面的迅速蒸发作用,往往使蒸汽的密度变大。We have made a careful study of the properties of these chemical elements.我们仔细研究了这些化学元素的特性。,语态的转换The change of the voices,When will the road be opened to traffic?这条路什么时候通车?The song was composed by a student.这首歌曲是一个学生写的。It i

22、s generally considered not advisable to act that way.一般认为这样做是不妥当的。They are going to build an apartment house here next year.It is going to be built right beside the Office Building.他们明年要在这里间一座住宅楼,就建在办公楼旁。,Exercises in class:,Needing some light to see by,the burglar crossed the room with a light step

23、 to light the light with the light green shade.打电话,打的,打毛衣,打水,打篮球,打农药老战士,老师傅,老黄牛,老皇历,老家,老领导,老儿子,老芹菜,夜贼需要一点亮光来辨识四周,于是轻步穿过房间,去点亮带有浅绿色灯罩的灯。Make a phone call/take a taxi/knit a woolen sweater/fetch water/play basketball/spray insecticideA veteran/a master craftsman/a willing ox/ancient history/hometown/a

24、 senior leader/the youngest son/overgrown celery,Exercises in class:,We have decided to place a trial order for the following on the terms stated in your letter.Up the street they went,past stores,across a broad square,and then entered a huge building.Please let us know if our terms are acceptable.W

25、e are especially thankful to you for arranging the meeting for us with the Machinery Trading Delegation at such short notice.Hopefully,it will be done early next month.,根据来函条款,我公司决定试订下列货物。他们沿着大街走,经过许多商店,穿过一个大广场,然后进入了一座大厦。请告是否接受我方条款。我们特别感谢你们在时间那么短促的情况下安排我们与机械交易团会见。下个月完成这项工作是大有希望的。,Assignments of today:,预习第三章词汇增减、重复课后练习一,


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