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1、第二章 翻译的 基本概念,Basic Concepts of Translation,1.翻译的定义(definition),宋僧法云翻译名义集:“夫翻译者,谓翻梵天之语转成汉地之言。音虽似别,义则大同。”(我国给翻译下定义第一人)近代从不同角度对翻译定义作表述:语言文字角度:韦氏新大学词典 To turn into ones own language or another language意义角度:牛津高阶词典,Give the meaning of(sth.Said or written)in another language内容与形式角度:前苏联语言学派翻译理论家费达罗夫(1953)翻译

2、是一种语言将另一种语言在内容与形式不可分割统一中业已表达出来了的东西准确而完全地表达出来信息角度:信息论20世纪中叶创立后奈达 从语义到文体,在译语中用最切近而又自然的对等语再现原语的信息,信息的内涵是多方面的,包括意义,思想内容,感情,修辞,文体,风格,文化及其形式。,思想或思维角度:张培基 用一种语言将另一种语言所表达的思想内容准确而整体地重新表达出来的语言活动。文化角度:王克非 翻译是译者将一种语言文字所蕴含的意思用另一种语言文字表达出来的文化活动。宏观角度:奈达早年明确提出“翻译是科学”后又认为“翻译是艺术”,对翻译定义的总结,作为术语使用的翻译:翻译研究(包括理论应用,宏观微观,描

3、述性规约性研究)翻译产品(方式-归化异化杂合化,种类,评判标准-作者?译者?读者?中心)翻译行为(外部环境-权力,意识形态,文化;内部因素-原作者,译者,读者,文本),以前的翻译定义过于狭窄,未涉及对翻译行为的界定。尝试给翻译下新定义:以原文和原文作者的意图为起点,受译文读者需求,译者翻译目的,译入语文化所制约的语言转换。(严格意义,内向型,大部分)以原文为参照,受赞助者,译文读者需求,译者翻译目的,译入语文化所制约的跨文化交际活动。(宽泛意义,外向型,特殊如外宣),日常生活中的翻译:一般性翻译工作 整个翻译行业 译者 具体的翻译作品 翻译课程 翻译课堂教学:科学+艺术+技巧的结合体,2.翻译

4、的分类(classification),根据翻译手段:口译、笔译、机器翻译 根据翻译语言:著名语言学家雅各布森 言内翻译(intralingual translation)言际翻译(interlingual translation)符号翻译(semiotic translation)翻译题材:政论文、应用文、科技文、文学,3.翻译的标准(criterion),严复“信达雅”:“译事三难:信达雅。求其信,已大难矣!顾信矣,不达,虽译犹不译也,则达尚焉。”鲁迅“信译”:凡是翻译必须兼顾两方面,一则力求易懂,一则保持原作丰姿。傅雷“神似”说:两国文字词类句法构造文法习惯修辞格律俗语皆不同,故表达思想

5、的方式观点角度传统信仰社会背景也不同,必须像伯乐相马,要“得其精而忘其粗,在其内而忘其外”。,钱钟书“化境”说:文学翻译的最高标准是“化”。把作品从一国文字转变成另一国文字,既能不因语言习惯的差异而露出生硬牵强的痕迹,又能完全保留原有的风味,那就算得入于“化”许渊冲“优势竞赛论”:翻译要能扬长避短,要挥译文语言优势,忠实于原文内容,通顺的译文形式可以当做文学翻译的标准,香港学者蔡思德:信达贴刘重德:信达切On one of those sober and rather melancholy days in the latter part of autumn,when the shadows o

6、f morning and evening almost mingle together,and throw a gloom over the decline of the year,I passed several hours in rambling about Westminster Abbey.,译什么像什么,There was something congenial to the season in the mournful magnificence of the old pile;and I passed its threshold,it seemed like stepping b

7、ack into the regions of antiquity,and losing myself among the shades of former ages.,译文一:在秋天的后期,在一个萧瑟而又非常非常忧郁的日子里,当早晨和晚上的阴影几乎混合在一起的时候,并且把它的阴郁投向了这一年的最后的日子,我在西敏寺周围的散步中度过了几小时。在这幢悲伤而宏伟的古屋中,似乎有某种与这个季节相似的东西。当我跨进它的门槛时,我的感觉就像是进入了一个远古领地,在以往岁月的阴影中,我把自己都遗失了。译文二:时方晚秋,气象肃穆,略带忧郁,早晨的阴影和黄昏的阴影,几乎连接一起,不可分别,岁云将暮,终日昏暗,

8、我就在这么一天,到西敏寺去散步了几个钟头。古寺巍巍,森森然似有鬼气,和阴沉沉的气候正好调和;我跨进大门,觉得自己已经置身远古,相忘于古人的鬼影之中了。,英国泰特勒(Alexander Fraser Tytler)1790Essay on the Principles of Translation 翻译三原则:译作应完全复写出原作的思想、译作的风格和手法应和原作属于同一性质、译作应具备原作所具备的通顺美国翻译理论家奈达Eugene A.Nida 提出译者的中心任务是使他的译作对读者产生的效果与原作对读者所产生的效果相同。有人称为“等效论”,在1964年出版的Towards Science of

9、Translation 及1969年出版的同Charles R.Taber 合著的The Theory and Practice of Translation完善了这一理论:灵活对等翻译的目标在于表达自然,丝毫不留痕迹,力求把原语文化背景下的行为模式转换成译入语文化背景下相关的行为模式。辜正坤“翻译标准多元互补论”1989年提出,他认为翻译标准问题之所以得不到解决是由于我们思维方法上的,单向性与定向性,习惯非此即彼的推理,试图找到具有绝对性和唯一性的翻译标准,但翻译是一个复杂的概念,对于译作的评价有依赖于不同读者的主观判断,因此寻找绝对唯标准的努力是不切实际的。他认为翻译标准是多元的而非一元的

10、,并且是有机的变动不拘的标准系统;在这个系统中,最高标准是最佳近似度。最佳近似度是一个形同虚构的抽象标准,真正有实际意义的是一大群具体标准;具体标准中又有主标准和次标准的区别;多元翻译标准是互补的。,总结中外学者翻译理论家对翻译的标准的表述:忠实于原作内容,即“信”,含义,立场,观点,中心思想,细节,无增删改 译文语言通顺。“达”,明白流利自如,无死译,硬译现象 在语言上译作应具备原作的文体风格,民族风格,时代风格,语体风格,作者个人语言风格。,4.翻译的基本方法(translation methods),直译和意译(literal translation vs.free translatio

11、n)直译是既保持原文内容、又保持原文形式的翻译方法(译语通顺)意译,也称为自由翻译,它是只保持原文内容、不保持原文形式的翻译方法或翻译文字。(译语通顺)直译逐字翻译/死译 How are you?How old are you?意译曲译 死译、曲译分别是直译和意译的极端表现形式,例子:angel,dark horse,cold war,honeymoon cowboy,software,Pandoras box 纸老虎,铁饭碗,丢脸,大锅饭,功夫,太极 Laugh off ones head.笑掉大牙;笑掉脑袋 At sixes and sevens.乱七八糟;六颠七倒 Neither fis

12、h nor fowls 非驴非马;既非鱼,又非禽,再看几个例子,归化和异化 domestication vs.foreignization 归化法是“采取民族中心主义的态度,使外语文本符合译入语的文化价值观,把原作者带入译入语文化”异化法是“对这些文化价值观的一种民族偏离主义的压力,接受外语文本的语言及文化差异,把读者带入外国情景。”Two is company,three is misery.归化:两个和尚抬水喝,三个和尚没水喝;异化:两人是伴,三人是患。,bottleneck归化:卡脖子地段;异化:瓶颈地段。Kill two birds with one stone.归化:一箭双雕;异化:

13、一石二鸟。Two heads are better than one.归化:三个臭皮匠胜过一个诸葛亮;异化:一人不及两人智。Id rather be a headmaster in a distant uncomfortable town than be a teacher in a nice city.归化:宁为鸡首,勿为凤尾;异化:我宁愿在条件差的边远小镇当校长,也不愿在条件优越的城市当教员。,搞笑的中国式英语:你不鸟我,我也不鸟你 you dont bird me,I dont bird you 咱两谁跟谁!We two who and who!你有种,我要给你点颜色瞧瞧,兄弟们,一起上

14、!you have seed I will give you some color to see see,brothers!together up!,It is simple enough to say that since books have classes fiction,biography,poetrywe should separate them and take from each what it is right that each should give us.Yet few people ask from books what books can give us.Most c

15、ommonly we come to books with blurred and divided minds,asking of fiction that it shall be true,of poetry that it shall be false,of biography that it shall be flattering,of history that it shall enforce our own prejudices.If we could banish all such preconception when we read,that would be an admira

16、ble beginning.Do not dictate to your author;try to become him.Be his fellow worker and accomplice.If you hang back,and reserve and criticize at first,you are preventing yourself from getting the fullest possible value from what you read.But if you open your mind as widely as possible,then signs and

17、hints of almost imperceptible finess,from the twist and turn of the first sentences,will bring you into the presence of a human being unlike any other.Steep yourself in this,acquaint yourself with this,and soon you will find that your author is giving you,or attempting to give you,something far more

18、 definite.,既然书籍有不同的门类,如小说、传记、诗歌等,我们就应该把它们区分开来,并从每种中汲取它应当给我们提供的正确的东西;这话说起来固然容易,然而,很少有人愿意接受书中所能提供的东西,通常我们总是三心二意地带着模糊观念去看书:要求小说情节真实,要求诗歌内容虚构,要求传记阿谀奉承,要求历史能加深我们自己的偏见。如果我们读书时能抛弃所有这些成见,那将是一个极可贵的开端。我们不要对作者指手划脚,而应努力站在作者的立场上,设想自己在与作者共同创作。假如你退缩不前,有所保留并且一开始就批评指责,你就不能使自己从所读的书中获得最大的益处,然而,如果你能尽量敞开心扉,那么,书中开头几句迂回曲折

19、的话里所包含的几乎难以觉察的细微的迹象和暗示,就会把你引到一个与众不同的人物的面前去。如果你深入下去,如果你去认识这个人物,你很快就会领悟作者正在给你或试图给你某些明确得多的东西。,一个人的生命究竟有多大意义,这有什么标准可以衡量吗?提出一个绝对的标准当然很困难;但是,大体上看一个人对待生命的态度是否严肃认真,看他对待工作、生活的态度如何,也就不难对这个人的存在意义做出适当的估计了。古来一切有成就的人,都很严肃地对待自己的生命,当他活着一天,总要尽量多工作、多学习,不肯虚度年华,不让时间白白地浪费掉。我国历代的劳动人民及大政治家、大思想家等等都莫不如此。,As for the meaning

20、of life,could there be any criterion to measure it?It is difficult to put forward such an absolute one,but if we,on the whole,can find out whether his attitude towards his life is serious or not and what is his attitude towards his life and work,it would not be that difficult to make an appropriate

21、evaluation of the meaning of ones life.Throughout the ages,all accomplished en take their lives seriously.As long as they are living,they would rather devote themselves to more work and study than let a single minute slip by in vain.Such examples have been set a lot by Chinese laboring people,as wel

22、l as great politicians and thinkers of past dynasties.,我还没有去过中国。我很想到中国去,可是我知道中国的北方和南方区别很大。天气、语言、饭菜都不一样。北方冬天很冷,春天风很大。南方常常下雨。(我不喜欢下雨)。中国北方人说话好懂。南方人说话,有时候听不懂。中国南方风景很好看,像山水画。就像诗里写的:“远看山有色,近听水无声。春去花还在,人来鸟不惊”。我也很想到北京去。我很喜欢这个城市。北京是一个古老的城市,也是中国的文化中心。北京的秋天最好,不冷也不热。北京有天安门广场、北海公园和长城。我希望参观长城,因为:“不到长城非好汉”!,I hav

23、e never been to China.I really want to go.But I know that north and south are quite different as regard climate,dialect and food.In the north the winters are cold,and the springs are windy.While it always rains in the south(I dont like rainy days).Northern dialects are easier to understand than sout

24、hern.Southern scenery is enchanting,just like traditional Chinese landscape paintings.As an ancient Chinese poem Painting says:Seen from a distance the mountains are in various colors.But going closer to it,you can hear no gurgles of the running stream.Flowers remain in bloom even when spring has pa

25、ssed.And birds are not disturbed by human presence.I am eager to go to Beijing.I like this ancient city,hub of Chinese culture.Autumn is the best season to be in Beijing,when it is neither cold nor hot.Beijing is site of Tiananmen Square,Beihai Park and the Great Wall.I hope I can visit the Great Wa

26、ll,because“One is a real man only after climbing the Great Wall.”/He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man./He who doesnt reach the Great Wall is no true man,1.日本是一个讲关系的社会,不是一个照章办事的社会。你无法用一次电视讲话或几条笼统的提议来改变这样一种体制,无论电视讲话和提议的用意好到什么程度。2.如今我们有了许多不同的选择:除传统家常菜外,还有营养保健配餐和方便可口的快餐食品。由于午休时间短,人

27、们不愿在吃上花时间,因而各种快捷、便宜的快餐成了人们,特别是年轻人的首选。,1.译文:Japan is a relationship society rather than a transactional society.You cannot alter that kind of a system with a television speech or a batch of general proposals,no matter how well-intentioned they are.2.译文:Nowadays we have many alternatives to choose fro

28、m:nutrition-balanced health food,convenient and delicious fast food in addition to traditionally home-cooked meal.Because of the short noon break,people tend to spend less time on lunch.Thus cheaper fast food has become a favorite with Chinese people,especially youngsters.,给新生的18条建议 1)大学最重要的,是个自己一个定



31、家结婚了才想起来自己单身,记得,无论多好的女子,面对一个自己不爱的人,也不得不冷漠。15)网络游戏是毒品,如果你不怕死,或者意志够坚强,可以去玩。我遇到的人里,除了同寝室有一位,其他人还没有会不上瘾的。16)BBS上怒气冲天地吵架,是最愚蠢的行为,你也许会勃然大怒,但是记得,你气炸了肺,对手会笑开花。锋芒太刺眼的人往往没有好结果。17)对于女生而言,感情并非生命的第一要务,更不要轻易献出自己,因为我是男生,了解那些自诩所谓不在乎贞洁的男生心理,他们可能是很可怕的。,18 Bits of Advice for New Students1)The most important thing abou

32、t the university is to find an orientation for yourself.That is to say,find out what you really like.You should read a lot of books and exercise a lot.Even if your course load is very heavy,you should still squeeze in some time to do other things,cause interest contains limitless power.2)Always reme

33、mber,your health is much more important than your grades.3)If you enter a major you dont like or arent good at,its okay to complain.But if you can switch department then switch department,if you can stick with it then stick with it;as long as you survive,youll gain riches that others dont have.4)Don

34、t overlook clubs,because they can help you find new experiences5)Dont join clubs just to join them.6)Online romance is a game,and its dangerous,so its best to refuse to stay up late having boring online chats with strangers,because you never know if its your father,your grandmother,or some scoundrel

35、 that you dont know!7)Theres nothing on this earth that brings more happiness than helping others and earning their respect.This is why I joined the“Kindness Club”.If you have been to an old folks home,taught in underprivileged areas,you understand.Even though youll run into snags,the feeling of war

36、mth makes it worth it.8)If possible,practice martial arts.If you feel perplexed,take a look at the cars as they barge about the campus,and youll realize how sorrowful it is to be weak and feeble.,9)When you are at your strongest,maintain your modesty,because there are always those who are stronger t

37、han you.10)Dont forget to leave time for play.Sometimes play can be more valuable than books.11)Dont fawn on others and hanker after power,as some students do.Power is alluring,and because it is alluring it is also extremely dangerous.12)The most touching sort of feeling,yet the easiest to ignore,ar

38、e the feelings towards your parents,those who love you and those you love,as well as the wonderful relationships between you.13)As far as male students are concerned,pursuing love is not wrong.But true love is tolerant,considerate and cool,not rashly saying“I loove you”at the first glance.At the sam

39、e time,love is a form of affection.14)If you dont succeed in getting the girl,just let her go.You can cry,but dont wait until sge marries to realize that you are single.Remember,no matter how great a girl she is,when facing someone she doesnt love,she can only feel cold and detached.15)Online games

40、are type of drug.If you dont fear death,or you have a strong enough will,you can play them.Of all people Ive encountered-with the exception of one roommate-no one has failed to become addicted.16)Expressing rage in arguments on a BBS is the stupidest form of behavior.You might get mad,but remember,w

41、hen you are explode with anger your adversary will start smiling.Aggressive and irritating people rarely end up with a good result.17)As for girls,you shouldnt think that felings are the most important things in life,let alone lightly give yourself out.Because Im a male,I understand the mentality of those male braggarts who say they dont care about chastity,and they can be quite terrible.,


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