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1、1,Chapter TwoThe Basic Translation Techniques,1.The Process of Translation2.Literal translation and Free translation3.Foreignization and Domestication,3,The Process of Translation,Understanding(comprehension)ExpressingProof-reading(revision),4,Understanding,Taking the following factors into consider

2、ation:(1)Type of writing(2)Theme(3)Forms of literature(4)Style(5)Emotions(6)Context of situation,etc.,5,examples,Cannot Beat the Real Things.(Coca Cola)不能打败真正的商品?挡不住的诱惑,6,using translating strategies,“Will you come to see me some time,William?”“AujourDui,”I said.“威廉,你什么时候来看我们呀?”“今天就去”,我用法语回答。(用增词法am

3、plification),7,Avoid:,Translationese 翻译腔-指译文不符合汉语语法和表达习惯,诘屈聱牙,晦涩难懂。Over-representation&Under-representation Every life has its roses and thorns.每种生活都有玫瑰和荆棘。每个人的生活都有甜有苦。,8,Expression,Steps of translation:(1)一稿初译,忠实为主(2)二稿核对,注重逻辑(3)三稿定局,润色文字译文的表达应遵循下述原则:忠实于原文、逻辑清晰、语言规范和注重谋篇,(1)一稿初译,忠实为主:初译时要尽量既忠实于原文的内

4、容又忠实于原文的形式,也就是要直译。(2)二稿核对,注重逻辑:把初译稿与原文对照进行核对修改,注意检查译文结构的逻辑关系和条理性,根据汉语表达的需要对译文作必要的结构调整。(3)三稿定局,润色文字:重读译文,对语言文字进行润色,修改其中一些欧化了的语句(即带有英语味的汉语句子),从而使译文符合规范的汉语表达习惯。,10,Proof-reading,Three times of proof-reading after translation:校核内容,进一步揣摩原文,吃透原文精神;对照原文校对,检查有无疏漏、误译的地方;脱离原文审校,检查有无生硬拗口的地方。accurate,natural,ec

5、onomical,11,literal translation VS liberal translation,Literal translation直译:翻译时尽量保证原作的语言形式,包括用词,句子结构,比喻手段等,要求语言流畅易懂Liberal/Free translation意译:从意义出来,只要求原文大意表达出来,不注意细节,译文自然流畅即可。,12,Smashing a mirror is no way to make an ugly person beautiful,nor is it a way to make social problems evaporate.literal t

6、rans.:砸镜子不能使丑八怪变漂亮,也不能使社会问题烟消云散。Revised:就像砸镜子不能让人变美,这样的做法并不能解决实际社会问题。,13,literal translation,哪些句子应该直译 用词与结构相似【词语用法、词序排列、句式结构等各方面相似】This issue is very important 这个问题非常重要。,Eg.1)honey moon shed crocodile tears 蜜月 掉鳄鱼眼泪 Pandoras box a wolf in sheeps clothing 潘多拉的盒子/灾祸之源 披着羊皮的狼2)真金不怕火炼 True gold fears no

7、 fire.3)一箭双雕 Hit two hawks with one arrow.,有时直译的句子颇具欧化味道,虽不符合汉语的语言习惯,但已逐渐为人接受。1)You have changed so greatly that I can hardly recognize you.你的变化这么大,以至于我差点认不出你了。2)I would certainly marry him,if I were you.我当然会嫁给他,如果我是你的话。有些句子直译的话实际上就是误译。Eg.1)As soon as he got to Edinburgh,Mr.Johnson began his investi

8、gation.A:他一到爱丁堡,约翰逊先生便着手调查。B:约翰逊先生一到爱丁堡便着手调查。2)Except you have told me I should have thought that-that you were pulling my legs.要不是你事先告诉我,我还以为还以为你在开玩笑呢。,16,Free translation,在忠实原文的前提下,摆脱原文结构的束缚,使译文符合译入语的表达习惯。It is raining cats and dogs.天上下猫和狗。大雨滂沱,It is used mainly to convey the meaning and spirit of

9、 the original without trying to reproduce its sentence patterns or figures of speech.Literal translation and free translation,however,are relative concepts.In other words,there is no absolute“literal”,nor entirely“free”version in the practice of translation,and overemphasizing either of them would r

10、esult in ridiculous consequences.能直译就尽量直译;不能直译就采取意译。这就是说,在用直译的方法不能将原文的意思准确、通顺地表达出来时,才能采用意译法。rain cats and dogs相当于汉语中的“”,与猫和狗是风马牛不相及的事。如果硬要译出“猫和狗”来,就会让人觉得莫名其妙。这类句子恰好体现了英汉两种语言在结构、用词及习惯表达等方面的差异。,Eg.1)Do you see any green in my eyes?你以为我是好欺骗的吗?2)At this moment the doctor has other irons in the fire.这时候医

11、生还有其他病人需要处理。3)关起门来搞建设是不成的,中国的发展离不开世界。China cant develop in isolation from the rest of the world.4)本末倒置To take the branch for the root.To put the incidental before the fundamental.To put the cart before the horse.直译易求信,意译易求顺,19,Flexible way is required.,Some old people are oppressed by the fear of de

12、athliteral trans有些老年人受到死亡的恐惧的压迫。liberal trans.有些老年人因怕死而惶恐不安。,20,有些句子可以直译,也可以意译,但效果未必相同。,Just as dark clouds cant hide the sun so no lies can cover up the fact直译:正如乌云遮不住太阳,谎言也同样掩盖不了事实。意译:事实是无法掩盖的。,21,It is natural to wonder who could possibly need such precision 直译:人们自然会奇怪有谁会需要这种精确的时间。意译:恐怕没人会需要这种精确。

13、,茅盾先生说:每种语言都有它自己的语法和语汇的使用习惯,我们不能想象把原作逐字逐句、按其本来的结构顺序机械地翻译过来的翻译方法,能够恰当地传达原作的面貌;我们也不能想象这样的译文会是纯粹的本国文学。好的翻译者一方面阅读外国文学,方面却以本国的语言 进行思索和想象;只有这样,才能使自己的译文摆脱原文的语法和词汇的特殊性的拘束,使译文既是纯粹的祖国语言,而又忠实地传达原作的内容与风格,”这就要求译者不仅要透彻理解原作的内存,充分体会原作的风格,还要具备丰富的表达能力和扎实的中文功底。这样,才有可能把原作的内容、思想、风格在译作中忠实地体现出来。,23,Key points in literal t

14、ranslation,*理解原文词语在上下文中的确切含义*注意一词多义和一词多译这种现象“看”see?Look?watch?看书,看报 read看孩子 look after看朋友 meet a friend逛街随便看看 window shopping,24,He bit off more than he could chew when he agreed to do it all by himself.当他同意完全一个人做它时,他咬下了多于他能咀嚼的。【硬译】Revised:当他同意完全由他一个人来做这件事时,他就是在承揽一件自己力所不及的事情。,25,I have read your art

15、icles,I expected to meet an older man 我读过你的文章,我期望见到一位更老的人。【硬译】我读过你的文章,想不到你这么年轻。,26,The followings should be noticed in translating idioms,laugh off ones head 笑掉脑袋?笑掉大牙neither fish nor fowl 非鱼非鸟?不伦不类,不三不四,27,Listening to classical music is my cup of tea.听古典音乐是我的一杯茶?古典音乐我最爱听touch and go 碰完了就走?一触即发at s

16、ixes and sevens 六六七七?乱七八糟,28,可在译入语中找到意思基本对等的成语就用这个成语(套译set translation),(1)Birds of a feather flock together 物以类聚。(2)Great men are apt to have short memories 贵人多忘事。,29,(3)Agues come on horse back,but go away on foot 病来如山倒,病去如抽丝。(4)Nothing can be made out of nothing 巧妇难为无米之炊。(5)It is an ill bird that

17、 fouls its own nest 家丑不可外扬。,30,Exercises,1.I will teach him to deceive others.2.This thesis leaves much to be desired.3.A measure of calm gave signs of returning after the flood subsided.4.“Its a gloomy thing,however,to talk about ones own past,with the day breaking.Turn me in some other direction b

18、efore I go.”,31,Reference answer,I will teach him to deceive others.=I will punish him so that he will not deceive the others again.我要教训他一顿,看他还敢不敢骗人。2.This thesis leaves much to be desired.=This thesis is very imperfect.这篇论文很不理想。这篇论文有很多地方可以改进。,32,3.A measure of calm gave signs of returning after the

19、 flood subsided.a measure of=a degree of/a certain amount of 洪水退了以后,有点恢复宁静的迹象了。,33,4.“Its a gloomy thing,however,to talk about ones own past,with the day breaking.Turn me in some other direction before I go.”“不过,在天亮时谈个人的往事,真扫兴。我走之前,谈点别的吧。”,34,1.In the doorway lay at least twelve umbrellas of all siz

20、es and colors.2.The study had three windows,set with little,old-fashioned panes of glass,each with a crack across it.3.It was already two years since he was Secretary General of the UN.,35,Reference answer,1.In the doorway lay at least twelve umbrellas of all sizes and colors.门口放着一堆雨伞,少说也有十二把,五颜六色,大

21、小不一。2.The study had three windows,set with little,old-fashioned panes of glass,each with a crack across it.书房的窗户有三扇,每扇嵌的都是老式的小块玻璃,每块玻璃上都有裂痕。,36,4.It was already years since he was Secretary General of the UN.他不担任联合国秘书长已经有几年了。,Kofi Atta Annan,Ban Ki-moon,Foreignization and Domestication,异化和归化是在1995年由

22、美国翻译理论家劳伦斯韦努蒂(Lawrence Venuti)在译者的隐形(The Translators Invisibility)一书中提出来的。从历史上看,异化和归化可以视为直译和意译的概念延伸,但又不完全等同于直译和意译。直译和意译所关注的核心问题是如何在语言层面处理形式和意义,而异化和归化则突破了语言因素的局限,将视野扩展到语言、文化和美学等因素。直译和意译主要是局限于语言层面的价值取向,异化和归化则是立足于文化大语境下的价值取向。,概念:,归化(domestication)是指在翻译中采用透明、流畅的风格,最大限度地淡化原文的陌生感的翻译策略。它应尽可能的使源语文本所反映的世界接近目

23、的语文化读者的世界,从而达到源语文化与目的语文化之间的“文化对等”。异化(foreignization)是指偏离本土主流价值观,保留原文的语言和文化差异;或指在一定程度上保留原文的异域性,故意打破目标语言常规的翻译。它主张在译文中保留源语文化,丰富目的语文化和目的语的语言表达方式。归化法要求译者向译语读者靠拢,采取译语读者习惯的译语表达方式,来传达原文的内容;异化法则要求译者向作者靠拢,采取相应于作者使用的原语表达方式,来传达原文的内容。,Example:,(1)High buildings and large mansions are springing up like mushrooms

24、in Beijing.译文:在北京,高楼大厦犹如雨后春笋般地涌现。将“like mushrooms”译为“雨后春笋”符合中国的地貌风情和语言表达习惯。如果异化译法把它译为“犹如蘑菇般”,虽然体现了原文的风格,但是会让中国的读者难以接受。,在翻译中正确的做法,坚持“和而不同”(孔子语)的原则。“和”是为了不造成译语读者误解和费解;“不同”就是要尽量保持原文有代表性差异特征;为了保留原文代表性差异,采用“直译夹注”、“直译加注”的方法。如果“异化”的译法可能造成译语读者的误解,为了在深层语义或语用意义对等,不妨采用“归化”的处理。,异化、归化举例,Youve got to have faith u

25、p your sleeve,otherwise you wont succeed.你必须袖里藏有自信,否则你不会成功(异化)你必须有锦囊妙计,否则你不会成功(归化)你必须心中充满自信,否则你不会成功的(“和而不同”),Some Examples of Domestication,as timid as a hare(兔)胆小如鼠 at a stones throw 一箭之遥wet like a drown rat 湿如落汤鸡as stupid as a goose 蠢得像猪as stubborn as a mule(骡子)犟得像牛seek a hare in a hens nest 缘木求鱼as dumb as an oyster(牡蛎)守口如瓶,Examples of Domestication,lead a dogs life 过着牛马一样的生活cry up wine and sell vinegar 挂羊头,卖狗肉put back the clock 开倒车talk horse 吹牛 kill the goose that lays the golden eggs 杀鸡取卵drink like a fish 牛饮Once the wife of a parson,always the wife of a parson(教士;牧师).嫁鸡随鸡,嫁狗随狗。,


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