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1、,Book I Unit 2 English around the World,Revision of Basic Knowledge,Sentence patterns:,Grammar,Words and expressions,actually;base;command;request;recognize;straight;because of;come up;be based on;at present;make use of;such as;play a part/role in,even if+从句 command that sb.(should)do sth.the way in

2、 which/that/-sb.do sth.,Exam points,Direct-Speech and Indirect-Speech(requests and commands),Reflection,Good handwriting,Best answers,Rapid progress,Best groups,Existing problems,All in all,most of you have done a good job.Congratulations!,Check answers to Task 1 and Task 2,由于2.走近;上来;提出3.目前;现在4.利用;使

3、用 5.例如6.扮演一个角色7.以为基础8.信不信由你 9.看电影10.以英语为母语的人 11.即使12.在美国东南部,because of,come up(with),at present,make use of,such as,play a role/part in,be based on,believe it or not,go to the movies/pictures,native English speakers,even if,in the southeastern America,make good use of 好好利用 make the best use of 善用,充分

4、利用make full use of 充分利用 make the most use of 尽量利用,13.at first14.an official language15.in the 1660s 16.in some important ways17.be different from18.at the end of 19.speak English as a first language 20.more.than.21.the way people speak 22.the number of.,起先;最初,官方语言,在17世纪60年代,在一些重要方面,与不同,在 末端,把英语当作第一语

5、言,与其说是.倒不如说.,人们说话的方式,的数量,1.Though he is a(本地的)English speaker,he can not speak English very fluently.2.Nowadays many tall buildings have(电梯)for people to go up and down.3.He thought I had known the fact,but(事实上)I knew nothing about it.4.Though I havent met him for many years,I could(认出)him immediate

6、ly I saw him in the crowd.5.He gets used to his new job(逐渐).6.The(词汇)used in the course book is printed at the back.7.He had lost his(身份)card and was being questioned by the police.8.They made a(航海)to Australia last year.9.Of the two songs we heard,I like the(后者)one better.,native,elevators,actually

7、,recognize,gradually,vocabulary,identity,voyage,latter,10.He is(流利的)in a dozen foreign languages.11.She has a good(掌握)of English.12.Visitors are(要求)not to touch the exhibits.13.An(官员)of the local government called to see her.14.They went(直接)home without stopping at the gas station.15.Rains are(频繁的)h

8、ere in early summer.,fluent,command,requested,official,straight,frequent,Discussion and communication,Your idea counts!,I.What to discuss:Task 2 and Task 3 Special attention should be paid to:Task 2(4,11)Task 3(3,6)II.How to discuss:1.First in pairs,then in groups.2.Make sure you know how to use the

9、 words and phrases correctly and freely.Requirements:Discuss carefully,seriously and efficiently.,Oral Presentation,What:Task 3Demands:Speakers:speak aloud,clearly,exactly.Others:listen carefully,think actively,question bravely and correct quickly.,Oral Presentation,What:Task 3Demands:Speakers:speak

10、 aloud,clearly,exactly.Others:listen carefully,think actively,question bravely and correct quickly.,Check the answers to Task 2,1.The role he _ in the film is very important.A.plays B.takes C.makes D.has2.Though they hadnt met for many years,they _ each other at the first sight.A.realized B.recogniz

11、ed C.knew D.remembered3.I asked my boss for a few days off,_ she agreed.A.whats more B.thats to say C.believe it or not D.in other words,A,B,C,1.play a role in,3.A.此外;而且 B.那就是说 C.信不信由你 D.换句话说,4.Every minute must be made use of _ spoken English.A.to practise B.practising C.practise D.practised5.He lo

12、oks honest,but _ he often tells lies.Ain a fact B.in an actual fact C.as matter of fact D.actually 6.In the good care of the nurses,the boy is _ recovering from his heart operation.A.quietly B.actually C.practically D.gradually,A,D,D,make use of every minute to do sth.,5.事实上:in fact;as a matter of f

13、act;in actual fact;actually,7.From her _,I think she must come from Guangdong.A.sound B.voice C.accent D.noise8.The teacher asked a really difficult question,but finally a boy student came _ a good answer.A.across B.about C.up with D.out9.Two singers will hold a concert in Beijing this month:one is

14、Cai Yilin,and _ is Zhou Jielun.A.one B.another C.the latter D.the other,C,C,D,A.泛指一切声音 B.嗓音 C.口音 D.噪音,e up 被提出,其主语是被提出的内容,无被动语态。come up with 提出,主语是提出者,宾语是被提出的内容。come out 暴露,出版 come about 发生,造成 come across 碰见,(偶然)发现,one.the other(两者)一个另一个 the former the latter 前者 后者.one another(三者或三者以上)一个 另一个,10.They

15、 keep horses and cows,the former for riding,_ for milk.A.latter B.the latter C.later D.the later11.The number of guests invited to the party _ fifty,but a number of them _ absent for different reasons,which made him disappointed.A.were;was B.was;was C.was;were D.were;were12.As I know,there is _ car

16、in the neighborhood.A.no such B.no a C.not such D.no such a,B,C,A,11.the number of。的数量.作主语时,谓语动词用单数 a number of 大量,许多。作主语时,谓语动词用复数,12.no such=not such a+单数名词“没有这样的”,13.Please tell me the way you thought of _ the garden.A.take care of B.to take care of C.taking care of D.to take care14.Joyce,please d

17、ont step on the grass.Pardon?I _ step on the grass.A.tell you dont B.tell you not to C.told you didnt D.told you not to15.I will never speak to anyone like that _ they say something unpleasant to me.A.because B.as if C.even if D.since16.As we all know,many Chinese words have come into English,_ typh

18、oon,tofu and kungfu.A.for example B.that is C.such as D.and so on,B,D,C,13.you thought of 作定语修饰the way the way to do sth.做某事的方法,16.such as 用于列举事物;for example 举例说 明;that is“即;就是”,C,17.China Daily is _ a paper.It greatly helps to improve our English.more than B.no more than C not more than D.no more18

19、.More than one _ the people heart and soul.A.official has served B.officials have served C.official has served for D.officials have served for19.Swan Lake is a famous ballet in four acts,_ on a German fairy tale.A.is based B.basing C.basedD.bases20.The world market price of coal is _ relatively low,

20、but it is certain to change in the future.A.at present B.at the present C.in present D.in the present,A,A,C,A,“more than名词”表示“多于,不仅仅”;“more than形容词”相当于“很,非常”;no more than 意为“仅仅”“只有”,相当于only“not more than意为“最多”“至多”,相当于at most;,18.more than one 后跟可数名词单数,尽管在概念上表示复数意义,但它作主语时,谓语动词用单数,PRESENTATION&COMMENT

21、S Task,展示同学 书写工整规范 布局科学合理 点评同学 迅速判断 补充拓展 其他同学 认真听讲 大胆质疑,G8,G6,G4,G2,G10,PRESENTATION&COMMENTS Task,展示同学 书写工整规范 布局科学合理 点评同学 迅速判断 补充拓展 其他同学 认真听讲 大胆质疑,G7,G5,G3,G1,G9,Check the answers to Task 3,他父亲告诉他把梦想建立在刻苦努力的基础之上。His father told him to base his dream on hard work.2.信不信由你,我将是高陵一中第二个考上北京大学的人。(believe)

22、Believe it or not,Ill be the second person to be admitted to Beijing University in Gaoling No.1 Senior High School.3.我一到北京就认出了他是我的校友(schoolmate)曹植。(recognize)The moment I got to Beijing,I recognized he was my schoolmate Cao Zhi.,Check the answers to Task 3,4.老师要求我们每天去英语角和外国学生谈话。(request)The teacher

23、requests we(should)talk with foreign students at English corner every day.The teacher requested us to go the English corner to talk with foreign students every day.5.你喜欢我学习英语的方式吗?(way)Do you like the way(that/in which)I learn English?Do you like my way to learn English?,Check the answers to Task 3,6

24、.只是因为在人群中多看了你一眼(glance),我就永远忘不了你的容颜(appearance)。(because)Just because of one more glance at/of you,I wont forget your appearance forever.7.我母亲命令我立刻乘火车回高陵。My mother commanded I(should)return to Gaoling by train at once.My mother commanded me to go back home right away.,Check the answers to Task 3,8.在

25、暑假期间,我会利用每次机会给你打电话,即使我的英语说得不流利。(even if)In the summer vocation,I will make use of every chance to call you up,even if I cant speak English fluently.9.如今,电话和英语在我们的日常生活中起着非常重要的作用。(play a part in)Nowadays,cellphones and English play an important part in our daily life.10.我的手机与其说是一件工具,不如说是一座桥梁。(more.tha

26、n.)My cellphone is more a bridge than a tool.,Requirements:Speakers:aloud,brave,clear and to the pointOthers:careful to listen,active to think and bold to ask,Oral presentation(Task3),“Will you _(上来)my flat?”A _(以英语为母语的)spider asked the fly,“_(信不信由你),_(目前)its so pleasant to look down from so high._(

27、因为)the clear sky its possible to see buildings _(比如)theatres and hotels by the sea.So wont you please _(利用)this chance to look?”The fly _(同意)the spider immediately without a second thought.But _(一就)she went up with a step so light that day,the spider caught and ate her and she was never seen again!,

28、Check the answers to Task 4,come up to,native English,Believe it or not,at present,Because of,such as,make use of,agreed with,as soon as,1.It is so interesting film that I have seen it twice.2.Can he pronounce these words good enough?3.He gave us many advice at the meeting.4.The girl is often praise

29、d for she does for others.5.We found that impossible to finish the work in time.6.I felt it foolish for you to have told him the truth.7.Dont forget lock the door when you leave!,a,well,much,what,it,of,to,Quiz,8.The students examined in grammar last week.9.The new chemical works are to be completed

30、in about 3 months.10.I have two sisters,all of whom study hard.11.I cant hear what he is saying.12.Was it in Shanghai where you got to know him?13.He lives in a room that window faces south.14.He hadnt prepared his lessons well that he didnt pass the exams.15.His words sounded very strangely to us then.,were,is,both,that,so,strange,of,whose,Summarize what we learned in this period.,Summary,


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