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1、l.p 1,Directions:You will hear two short conversations in this section.Each conversation will be spoken twice.Listen carefully and do the exercises.,Task 1 Fill in the blanks with the words you hear in Conversation 1,A:Do you _ going to see The Banquet tonight?B:_very much.What time is it?A:At 730.B

2、:_shall we meet?A:How about 730 at the entrance(入口处)?B:_.See you then.,feel like,Id like that,When and where,Fine,l.p 2,Task 2 Listen to Conversation 2 and make the choices,1 Why does Tom call Kate?,A.He invites her to the cinema.B.He asks her for advice.C.He invites her to a party.D.He tells her a

3、good news.,2 What kind of party is it?,A.A birthday party.B.A New Year party.C.A wedding party.D.A Christmas party.,3 When will the party be held?,A.At 630 pm.this Friday evening.B.At 7 pm.this Friday evening.C.At 630 pm.next Saturday evening.D.At 7 pm.next Saturday evening.,C,A,B,l.p 2-2,4 Where wi

4、ll the party take place?,A.At Toms house.B.At a club.C.At Toms school.D.At Kates home.,5 What does Tom hope Kate to bring?,A.Wine.B.Friends.C.Flower.D.Herself.,A,D,l.p li.s,Tom:Hello Kate.Its Tom speaking.I just received the invitation to your birthday party.Kate:Can you make it?Tom:Well,lets see.It

5、s this Friday night,700 pm.,at your house.Right?Kate:Thats right.I hope you can come.Tom:It would be my pleasure.Shall I bring anything?Kate:Just yourself.Tom:Ok,Ill be there on time.Im looking forward to it.Thanks for your invitation.Kate:See you then.Tom:See you.,l.p 4-1,Directions:Suppose you(A)w

6、ant to invite your friend Michael(B)to your place to have a cup of tea tonight.Complete the following conversation by filling in the blanks.,Practice,l.p 4-2,A:Will you be _ tonight?B:Yes.Have you got any plan?A:I was wondering if you could come over to have a cup of tea.B:_.When is it convenient fo

7、r you?A:_8 oclock?B:OK._and Ill see you then.,available/free,Id love to,How about,Thanks for your invitation,l.p 5,Directions:You will hear two situational dialogues in this section.Each dialogue will be spoken twice.Listen carefully and do the exercises.,Task 1 Listen to Dialogue 1 and answer the f

8、ollowing questions,Who makes the invitation first in the dialogue?What are Frank and his friend going to do tonight?What music does Frank like?,1,2,3,Frank.,They are going to hear a country-and-western singer.,He likes C&W music.,l.p 5-2,When will they meet?How will Mary go?,4,5,They will meet aroun

9、d 800.,She will be picked up by Frank.(or:Frank will pick her up.),l.p li.s,A:Hey,Mary,how about going to hear a country-and-western singer tonight?B:Hey,Frank,youve never told me you like C&W music.A:Havent I?I love it.B:Id enjoy that.When shall we meet?A:Ill pick you up around 800.B:OK.Thanks for

10、your invitation and Ill see you then.,l.p 7,Task 2 Listen to Dialogue 2 and decide whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F),Tom will have dinner with his friend at 600 tonight.Tom will bring some flowers with him.Tom will be with a customer at 700 tonight.Toms girl friend is a gardene

11、r.Tom has a garden.,1,2,3,4,5,(T),(F),(F),(T),(F),l.p li.s,A:Why dont you have dinner with me tonight,Tom?B:Id love to.A:Lets say about 600?B:I am sorry.I will be with a customer at 600.A:How about 700?B:Its fine with me.What shall I bring?A:Bring me some flowers if you feel it necessary.Anyway,you

12、dont have to.B:I will bring some flowers from my own garden.A:Thanks.See you at 700.B:By the way,shall I bring my girl friend with me?A:Your girl friend?B:Yeah,she is a teacher in a primary school.A:Of course,you can.B:See you and thanks for your invitation.,l.p 13,Directions:Suppose you(A)are Presi

13、dent of Students Union.Try to invite a famous professor(B)to give a lecture on Cultural Differences.Complete the following dialogue by filling in the blanks.,Practice,l.p 14,A:Its so nice to see you again,Professor.B:Me,too.Long time no see._?A:I am fine.How long will you stay in Beijing this time,P

14、rofessor?B:I am supposed to give 2 lectures to some teachers this week,then I am going to Xian next Wednesday.A:The students are so glad to know you are here._if you could give them a lecture some time.B:About what?A:About cultural differences.You must be very experienced in dealing with cultural differences since youve been to so many countries.B:Let me see._this Friday afternoon?A:Friday afternoon is fine._?B:Will 2 oclock be OK?A:Great!_so much,Professor.,How have you been,I was just wondering,How about,What time,Thank you,


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