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1、英语专业四级作文审题,一、作文题的体裁以及题材,回顾历年考题实际上议论文占绝大多数。涉及的主题多是与大学生的日常生活有关或者是社会上的一些热点话题,如part-time job、extracurricular activity、air pollution、health-keeping等。,根据所限定的题目的明确程度的写作试题题材可以分为三类。第一类是规定观点题给定了题目并明确规定了观点,要考生就其进行说明或论证第二类为选择观点题。限定讨论话题,提供同一议题的两个对立面观点,要求考生明确选择其中一种观点,并进行是非分明的论证:第三类为开放题型。给定题目,但题目呈开放性,由考生自己决定具体的切入点

2、进行说明或论证。,规定观点题2000年The Importance of Extracurricular Activities要求向学校电台写稿,谈个人对于课外活动重要性的认识。2001年Travel Broadens the Mind要求论述旅行能够开阔视野。2003年The Importance of Keeping A Good Mood 要求阐述保持良好心态的重要性。,观点选择题1994年TV:a good thing or a bad thing?要求阐述对电视的利弊的看法。1995年Discuss the advantages and disadvantage of this tr

3、end 要求论述大学生兼职现象的利弊端。1997年More Pressure from Academic Studies Does(Does not)Good to Us要求论述学业压力是否对学生有帮助。1999年A Major Advantage/disadvantage of Advertising on Televisions 要求谈电视广告带来的一个主要的好处或弊端。2004年Will Phones Kill Letter Writing?要求分析打电话是否会取代写信。2006年Money Saving 要求探讨对储蓄与消费的看法。2007年Is It Wise to Make Fri

4、ends Online 要求讨论对网上交友的看法。,开放题1992年My View on Reading Extensively要求谈个人对于广泛阅读的看法。1996年The Main Difference Between My College Life and My Middle School Life 要求为学生会写一份稿件,内容是比较自己的中学生活和大学生活,并谈两者的主要差别。1998年One Way to Solve the Problem对于城市机动车排放尾气造成的空气污染问题,提出一个解决方法,并说明执行的方式。2002年The Best Way to Stay Healthy说

5、明保持身体健康的最佳方式。2005年My Idea of A University Festival要求向学生会书面建议如何组织大学生艺术节以及艺术节活动的组织形式。2008年The Benefit of Volunteering 讨论作为志愿者的益处。,二、作文试题的构成,作文的考题通常由三部分组成:引语、标题和要求。它们相互联系,构成了一个有机的整体。让我们来看09年真题的试题构成:,审题失误,1.审题不完整。1998It is now generally accepted that vehicles(cars,trucks,etc.)are a major source of air p

6、ollution in cities.Your are to suggest only ONE way to solve the problem.,One way to solve the problem,有的学生只仓促的瞥了一眼引语,以为题目中要解决的problem就是普通的空气污染,于是提出了植树造林、扩大绿地等保护环境的一般途径,而引语里谈到的是由于机动车排放尾气造成的城市空气污染问题。显然前面提到的那些方法对此并不具有针对性,用在这里过于牵强。,2.理解标题出现失误1996Every college student would agree that life in college is

7、 not the same as it was in the middle school.Now,you have been asked by the Students Union to write a passage entitled:The Main Difference Between My College Life And My Middle School Life,要求写自己中学生活和大学生活的“主要不同处”。“difference”是单数形式,因此只需写差异最显著的那一方面,却有学生从学习方式到生活习惯,再到人际关系,写得面面俱到,显然不符合题目要求。同样的情况也出现在2002年的

8、作文写作中。,2002Nowadays people are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of health.And they have different ways to stay healthy.For example,some exercise every day;others try to keep a balanced diet.What do you think is the best way to stay healthy?The Best Way to Stay Healthy,Key point:Best,199

9、7Some of your classmates think that more pressure from academic studies is not beneficial to students.You either agree or disagree with them:More pressure from academic studies does(does not)good to us,有些学生将“academic Study”片面的理解为“专业学习”,因而大谈专业课学习的重要性,以及专业课学习和公共课学习的关系。根据牛津现代高级英汉双解词典的解释“academic”做名词时有如

10、下意义:1)of teaching:studying of school,colleges,etc:scholary,literary classical(contrasted with technical or scientific),学术的;学校的;学者的;文学的或古典作品的。2)too much concerned with theory and logic,not sufficiently practical,过于注重理论与逻辑的,不够实际的;3)of an academy,高等学府的。由此可见academic study不仅仅指专业学习,还包括学校里一切与实践相对的文化理论知识的学习

11、。还有的学生审题时不注意标题中的某些限定成分。,注意背景概念,英语专业四级作文中的引语背景就对约束文章的内容起到了一定的限定作用。考生必须把引语背景充分地理解,运用相关的归纳概括能力才能起到切题的效果。如2005年考题:The studentsunion of your university is planning to hold an arts festival next semester,and they are inviting students to contribute their ideas and suggestions as to how it should be organi

12、zed or what should be included.Write on ANSWER SHEET TWO a composition of about 200 words on the followingtopic:MY IDEA OF A UNIVERSITY ARTS FESTIVAL,许多同学在理解这个题目时没有结合引语背景,因此他们的作文中提到的idea不是关于艺术节应该怎样组织或有什么内容,而是论述艺术节的重要性等。导致作文跑题的根本原因就是对引语部分的忽视。,注意判断,在第一类题目中,审题时需要注意名词的单复数问题及形容词的限定作用。如题目中出现的是idea,differe

13、nce,advantage等单数的形式,那就要判断在文章的总论点中,只能写一个主要的idea,difference或advantage。同样,出现benefits,那就需要在文中提及至少两个好处。形容词是起限定名词作用的,因此the best way的暗含意思就是要提及至少三个方法,然后在这三个方法中,挑出一个最好的方法来论证为什么。,例如.My View on Reading Extensively(1992)My Idea of Becoming a Teacher in the Future(1993)The Main Difference Between My College Life

14、 and MyMiddle School Life(1996)One Way to Solve the Problem(1998)A Major Advantage/Disadvantage of Advertising onTelevision(1999)My Idea of a University Arts Festival(2005)The Benefits of Volunteering(2008)The Best Way to Stay Healthy(2002),在第二类题目中,作者需要判断其是肯定还是否定的回答。这也表明在议论文写作中,观点要明确,不能模棱两可,不能采取绝对中立

15、的态度。至于文中题目隐含的意思是肯定回答还是否定回答,作者还要结合题目之前的引语背景来判断。如2004年的考题,引语背景为:Nowadays young people tend to phone more often than write to each other.So,some say that phones will kill letter writing.What is your opinion?在议论文的写作中,文章反映了作者的观点,但同时也应该符合社会的发展规律。因此结合着题目的表面意义及社会的发展规律,我们不能完全否认信件曾经在人类发展历史上起到过的重要作用。毕竟信的发展历史要远

16、远长于手机的发展历史。因此根据这几个因素的考虑判断,本文应持否定的态度。,例如.TV:a Good Thing or a Bad thing?(1994)Will Phones Kill Letter Writing?(2004)Is It Wise to Make Friends Online?(2007),在第三类题目中,我们应该注意到一些符号的用法。上文中提到的括号和斜线都有选择的意思,因此在判断此类题目时要注意取舍,不能两个方面都谈。例如.More Pressures from Academic Studies Does(Does Not)Good to Us(1997)A Major

17、 Advantage/Disadvantage of Advertising onTelevision(1999),注意推理,英语专业四级作文主要是以议论文为主,因此我们就采用议论文的推理方法,即归纳推理和演绎推理。归纳推理是从特殊到一般,即从个别的特殊事实推出一般结论的推理。演绎推理是由普通性的前提推出特殊性结论的推理,在演绎推理中最常用到的就是三段论。三段论是指由两个简单判断作前提和一个简单判断作结论组成的演绎推理。,我们先看一下英语专业四级作文中的要求:You are to write in three parts.In the first part,state specifically

18、 what your view is.In the second part,support your view with one or two reasons.In the last part,bring what you have written to a naturalconclusion or a summary.Marks will be awarded for content,organization,grammar and appropriateness.Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks

19、.,从这个要求中,我们可以判断文章的结构属于演绎推理的推理模式。在文章的开头要先提出一个总论点,然后根据这个总的前提再进行特殊的论证,即遵循从一般到特殊的推理模式。有了这个认识后,考生可以把握好演绎推理的一些要求,尤其是在使用三段论的时候要确保前提的准确性,这样才能保证结论的准确。但要注意在阅读这部分要求时,一般在第二部分考题会强调使用一至两个事例或者原因。这部分应根据具体要求做出适当的解释。,把握出题规律-与命题老师较量,热门话题,1.Economy(job market)(主要找主观原因 而不是客观原因)eg.Causes 1)In university,students attach g

20、reat importance to academic records rather than professional experience,which has a negative influence on their future career.2)The knowledge learned at school can hardly meet the social and practical needs.3)Some graduates fail to handle the gap between ones professional ambition and the social rea

21、lity.,Solution 1)Authorities should establish unemployment fund to help the laid-offs support themselves.2)Relevant developments should offer the unemployed vocational training to give them an advantage in job market.3)Psychological advice/Career guidance can make people adapt themselves to the fier

22、ce competition.,2.Environment(global warming/energy shortage)3.Culture(culture communication/invasion)4.Society(mobile population)5.Education(tuition system/oversea study/online education),Homework,1.Some college graduates choose to work as village officials,how do you think about it?2.In recent years,blog is becoming more and more popular among college students.They write blogs to record their everyday life,to describe their emotions and feelings.While some people reckon that students spent too much time on blogs will do harm to their academic work.How do you think about it?,


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