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1、,TCM,TCM IN EUROPETCM ASSOCIATION IN CHINA,WORLDHR TCM ASSOCIATION TheWorldHR Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine(WHRTCM)was incorporated in2005 as a non-profit,Traditional Chinese Medicine professional association.Our task is help TCM clinic,TCM hospital and TCM university recruit excellent

2、 doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine to working and teaching in Europe countries.We are confident that TCM and acupuncture offer effective treatment alternatives to clients in seeking optimal health.Dr.Li,our Association Chairman,received his Doctor degree in Germany,then,received Post-doctoral d

3、egree in China.He has repeatedly been invited by the Government of Germany,as German Academic Exchange Members.His career in Chinese medicine in China to the world,has made an outstanding contribution.Recruit Doctor of TCM/Find Doctor of traditional Chinese medicine.Our business introduction:Recruit

4、ment,recommendation and selection excellent doctor of TCM to Europe clinic,hospital or University for work.,WorldHR TCM(WHRTCM)AssociationHeadhunting Recruitment center of traditional chinese medicine(TCM)Since our establishment in 2005,we have been developing and honing our relationships with TCM c

5、linics and hospitals in Switzerland,Germany,and other European countries.Our agency has now earned its reputation as being the most distinguished and successful in matching and placing talent abroad.We may recruit from a rich pool of highly trained,and experienced,TCM personal.In the past years,we a

6、re consistently adhering to strict,,professional guidelines in order to pursue,select,verify and review TCM doctors for European hospitals.Candidates which want to take part in this program are required to possess at least eight-yearof working experience,and a minimum education requirement of at lea

7、st a 5 year University Degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine.In recent years,in order to meet high standards and diverse needs of TCM doctors in Europe,we have placed more and more candidates with masters degrees or doctor degrees,to work in the Swiss and German clinics and hospitals.According to t

8、he subdivisions of specialties,TCM doctors,master in massage,acupuncture,traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions,and so on.Verification and InvestigationEvery candidate has to undergo an extensive background check,which includes screening and verification of stated work and educational history.1)

9、Verification of Educational history2)Diploma and degree verification;3)Work history verification4)Requesting a performance review from their Hospital;5)Job performance review from their patients;6)Academic work review;7)Reference checks;8)Language(English,German)Test(by native speakers);Our comprehe

10、nsive services AIn order to adapt to the new working environment more quickly and efficiently,in order to maintain the high grade of service,we commit ourselves to offer TCM candidates the following services.Firstly,we fully support TCM candidates during the application process for visa.We proficien

11、tly assist candidates in preparing necessary application materials,legal documentation,verification and legalization,in order to avoid unnecessary delays after arrival.Secondly,most selected TCM doctors will take part in our German training courses.German teachers offer three to six-months of system

12、atic German language training classes emphasizing on speaking,listening,reading and writing.At the end of their German lessons,all participants have to complete the examinations of the German.Our comprehensive services BFinally,we offer extra interview training before TCM candidates submit their vis

13、a to the Embassy.We have an extensive experience in visa interviews and overseas services.We also invite experienced visa officers to give instructions on visa procedures.Doctors will get to know all potential interview questions.If problems occur,we will support them and fill,if necessary,occurring

14、 gaps.Through our long-standing dealings with the German and Swiss embassies,we were able to establish respectful working partnership.All this will help our candidates for a successful visa application.,中医出国申请服务中心WORLDHR TCM ASSOCIATION WorldHR中医出国申请服务中心成立于2005年,主要致力于为国内中医及中医师提供更好的事业发展平台,为国内中医提供更广泛的






20、出国的条件后开始为您推荐给适合的中医院,当中医院同意录用您后,我们将发送律师函及撰写各项法律文件,为您在欧洲当办理合法的认证和公证手续,并为您办理欧洲工作卡、向当地移民局提出中医工作许可的申请。您得等多长时间才能够最终取得工作许可和签证呢?一般情况下,6个月左右即可取得欧洲中医工作签证。但是在时限上会存在个别差异,由于各个洲政府的不同规定,最短4个月可取得签证,最长的办理时间也可能在8个月左右。,出国不能等,发展不能等,因为,幸福 不能等!受欧洲中医院的联合委托,在国内招募并成功办理中医出国近十年了,但从一名优秀中医师的角度看,为什么要选择出国工作?越来越多中医医生的成功经验告诉我们:“为了爱



23、中医医生,不甘于平庸的现状,希望在中医事业中发挥更多的光热;希望为自己的中医事业积累更多经验;为爱人、父母、家人和子女积累更多财富;那么请与我们联系,申请中医出国工作。,TCM Association In ChinaXiangyatang(beijing)management consult Lt.dTel:0086-10-63569332Fax:0086-10-67022873Add:1703-2 Soboss&Box Center No.16 west road of the 3rd ring of southBeijing of China 100068,TCM ASSOCIATION IN CHINA中医出国申请服务中心,


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