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1、Christmas is the most important festival in the western world.It falls 16_ December 25th.When my mother and I stayed in America,we 17_(invite)by one of my mothers friends to have Christmas with an American family.18_ bought some presents for our American friends on our way to their house.,on,were in

2、vited,We,(一),They had prepared different kinds of 19_(gift)for their family and guests when we got to their house,such as Christmas candles,cakes,cards,little toys,biscuits and so on.A Christmas tree was placed in the corner of the brilliant hall.How beautiful it was!We were impressed by these.We ha

3、d 20_ big meal.After dinner,they 21_(tell)us some interesting stories about Christmas.,gifts,a,told,learned that Christmas had something to do with God.We went to bed at midnight.22_ we knew the Santa Claus was not true,we were still waiting for the Santa Claus with white beard 23_(bring)us presents

4、.And we received many beautiful presents the next morning.This Christmas was really 24_(forget).Not only 25_ I have a good time,but also I knew something about foreign culture.,Though/Although,to bring,unforgettable,did,(一)本文记叙“我”和妈妈在美国的时候,曾应妈妈的一位朋友邀请,去一个美国家庭过圣诞节的情形。16.on 特指某一天用介词on。17.were invited

5、在主格人称代词we后,作谓语;又由后面的by可知用被动语态。18.We 缺主语,指“我”和妈妈。19.gifts 据前面的different kinds of 可知用名词复数。20.a 习惯说法have a meal。21.told 整篇文章记叙是过去的事情,用过去式。22.Though/Although 引导让步状语从句,表示“虽然,尽管”。23.to bring 作目的状语,用动词不定式。24.unforgettable 作表语要用形容词用,由后句可知用否定,表示“难忘的”。25.did 因为not only 连接两个句子时,前句用要部分倒装。,Mothers Day was coming

6、,a man stopped at a flower shop to order some flowers to be wired to his mother who lived two hundred miles away.As he got out of his car,he noticed that a young girl 16_(sit)on the street sobbing.He asked 17_ was wrong with her and she replied,“I wanted to buy a red rose 18_ my mother.,(二),was sitt

7、ing,what,for,But I only have seventy-five cents,and 19_ rose costs two dollars.”The man smiled and said,“Come on in with me.Ill buy you a rose.”After they went in,he bought a rose for the little girl and ordered flowers for 20_ own mother.,a,his,As they were leaving,he offered to ride the girl home.

8、She said,“Yes,please!But can you take me to my mother?”“To your mother?”the man was a little 21_(puzzle)but didnt say anything.She directed him to a cemetery,22 _ she placed the rose on a 23 _(fresh)dug grave.The man was shocked and returned 24_ the flower shop,canceled the wire order,picked up a bu

9、nch of flowers 25 _ drove the two hundred miles to his mothers house.,puzzled,where,freshly,to,and,(二)母亲节即将来临,一个男子在一家花店订了一些花准备寄给两百英里之外的母亲,但后来发生的一件事让他震动,于是,他买了一束花,驱车两百英里来到母亲的家。16.was sitting 用进行时表示他“注意”到她时,她正坐在街上。17.what 引导宾语从句,what在从句中作主语。18.for 给某人买东西,介词用for。19.a 在此处用不定冠词表泛指,意思是“一朵玫瑰要两美元”。20.his 根据

10、句子的意思可知,这里是指他自己的母亲。21.puzzled 表心理活动用过去分词。22.where关系副词引导定语从句,修饰先行词cemetery。23.freshly因为dug是dig的过去分词,在此处起形容词的作用,修饰形容词要用副词,表示“刚刚,新进”。24.to 因return表示“返回”时是不及物动词,后有宾语时,与to连用。25.and连接并列谓语canceled,picked up及drove。,(三)The carpenter I hired to help me restore an old farmhouse had just finished a rough first

11、day on the job.A flat tire made him lose an hour of work,his electric saw quit,and then his old pickup truck refused to start.,While I drove him home,he sat 16_ silence.On arriving,he invited me in to meet his family.17 _we walked toward the front door,he paused briefly at a small tree,18_(touch)the

12、 tips of the branches with both hands.When opening the door,he had 19_ amazing transformation.His tanned face was wreathed in smiles and he 20 _(hug)his two small children and gave his wife a kiss.,in,As/When,touching,an,hugged,Afterward,he walked me to the car.We passed the tree and my 21_(curious)

13、got the better of me.I asked him about 22_ I had seen him do earlier.,curiosity,what,“Oh,thats my trouble tree,”he replied.“I know I cant help having troubles on the job,23 _ one thing is for sure:troubles dont belong 24 _ the house with my wife and children.So I just hang 25_ up on the tree every n

14、ight when I come home.Then in the morning I pick them up again.”,but,to,them,“The funny thing is,”he smiled,“when I come out in the morning to pick them up,there arent nearly as many as I remember hanging up the night before.”,(三)这篇文章讲的是一位木匠在每晚回家的时候把工作中的烦恼挂在树上,早上再取走,这样那些烦恼就不会带给他的妻子和孩子。16.in因为in sile

15、nce是固定词组。17.As/When 空后有两个句子 所以要填连词。根据上下句关系,这里应该是“当时”。18.touching 分词短作伴随状语。19.an 考查冠词,amazing以元音音素开头。20.hugged 分析句子结构 本空应该是句子的谓语,根据上下文,应该用过去式。21.curiosity 本题考查实词的词类转换,后面是谓语动词got,所以该空应用名词形式。22.what空前是介词about,后面是个句子,do是及物动词,缺宾语,所以需要填what。23.but 前后两句话的关系是转折关系,所以填but。24.to 本题考查短语动词 belong to。25.them 本题考查

16、代词 them指代上文中的troubles。,(四)One night,at 11:30 p.m.,an older African American woman was standing on the side of an Alabama highway,caught 16_ a violent rainstorm.Her car had broken down and she desperately needed a ride.Being wet all over,she decided to stop the next car.A young white man stopped 17_(

17、help)her,which was never heard of in the USA in the 1960s.,in,to help,The man took her to 18_(safe),helped her get assistance and put her into a taxi.She seemed to be in a big hurry!She wrote down his address,thanked him 19_ drove away.Seven days went by and 20_ knock came on the mans door.To his su

18、rprise,a giant color TV 21 _(deliver)to his home.,safety,and,a,was delivered,A special note was attached,22_ read:“Thank you so much for assisting me on the highway the other night.The rain drenched(弄湿)not only my clothes 23_ my spirits.Then you came along.Because of you,I was able to make it to my

19、dying husbands bedside just 24_ he passed away.God bless you for helping me and unselfishly serving 25_.”,which,but,before,others,(四)本文讲述了深夜主人公的车出了故障,被困在暴风雨中,得到一个年轻白种男人的帮助,让她在她丈夫临终前得以见到他最后一面。16.in因caught in a violent rainstorm表示“遇到一场暴雨”。17.to help动词不定式作目的状语,“停下来为了帮她”。18.safety在介词后作宾语,用名词;safety表示“安全

20、地带;安全的地方”。19.and由原文可知,wrote,thanked 和drove是三个并列的谓语动词。20.a在该处knock是名词“敲门声”。21.was delivered因为TV和deliver之间存在被动的关系,又因为动作发生在过去,因此填“was delivered”。22.which引导非限制性定语从句,指代纸条。23.but根据not onlybut(also)可知。24.before多亏了年轻人的帮助,“我”最终能在丈夫临终前赶到他的床边。25.others该空缺宾语,填代词;泛指“别人”,故填others。,(五)A teenager had just passed hi

21、s driving test and was eager to drive his fathers car.His father agreed.He asked his son to drop him at a place 16_ was some 18 kilometers from home before he took the car for servicing.The father then wanted his son to pick him up at 4 p.m.so that 17_ could go home together.,that/which,they,The boy

22、 dropped off his father,18_(take)the car to the garage and went to watch a film.19 _(lose)track of time,he continued to watch the film until 6 p.m.Afraid his father would scold him 20_ being late and would never give 21_ the car again,the boy collected the car,arrived at the appointed place and said

23、,“Dad,I am sorry I am late,but it took the mechanic 22_(long)than usual to service the car”.,took,Losing,for,him,longer,“23_ car was ready at 4 p.m.I am very angry with myself.I wonder where I went wrong as a father and 24 _ you had to lie to me.Take the car home.I will introspect(反省)as I walk”.The

24、boy begged his father to sit inside the car but his father continued walking 25 _(silent),soul-searching all the way back home.Upset,the son promised to never again lie to his parents.,The,why,silently,(五)本文讲述了一个少年犯错误后编造谎言欺骗父亲,在看到父亲不但没有因此责备他反而自责起来后,幡然悔过并发誓再也不骗父母的故事。16.that/which空格前后都是句子,且这两个句子之间没有关联

25、词,应填关联词;由句意和逻辑关系可知,“这个地方离家约18公里远”,可判断空格后这个句子是一个定语从句,先行词是a place,从句中缺主语;替代先行词且在从句中作主语,应用which或that引导定语从句。17.they因so that后的目的状语从句中缺主语,应填代词;根据后面的together一词,不难推出一起回家的是父子二人,故填they。18.took通过分析句子结构可知,and连接了dropped,take和went三个并列谓语;而drop和went均使用了一般过去时,故填took。,19.Losing因为句子中已有谓语动词continued,而逗号后又没有并列连词,所以空格处应填

26、非谓语动词;又因he和lose是主动关系,故用现在分词作状语。20.for因being late是他父亲责骂他的原因,且动名词前用介词,故填for。21.him因及物动词give后缺宾语,应填代词;由语境可知,是指代前面提到的男孩,故填him。22.longer由后面的than可知,要用比较级。23.The作主语的名词car前应填限定词;特指前面提到的his fathers car,应填The。24.why因and后面的句子与前面where引导的从句一起作wonder的并列宾语,所以空格处应填连接词;又因空格后的句子缺状语,根据句意,填连接副词why。25.silently修饰前面的动词wal

27、k,作状语,故填副词。,(六)Father was a hardworking man who delivered bread as a living to support his wife and three children.He spent all his evenings after work 16_(attend)classes,hoping to improve himself so that he could one day find a better paying job.Except for Sundays,Father hardly ate a meal together

28、with his family.He worked and studied very hard 17_ he wanted to provide his family with the best money could buy.,attending,because,Whenever the family complained that he was not spending enough time with18_,he reasoned 19_ he was doing all this for them.The day came when the examination results we

29、re announced.To his joy,Father passed,and with distinctions too!Soon after,he 20_(offer)a good job as a senior supervisor 21_ paid handsomely.,them,that,was offered,which,However,the family still did not get to see father for most of the week.He continued to work very hard,hoping to be promoted 22_

30、the position of manager.As expected,Fathers hard work paid off again and he bought 23_ beautiful house.24 _ the first Sunday evening at their new home,Father declared to his family that he decided not to take anymore courses or pursue any more promotions.From then on he was going to devote 25_(much)

31、time to his family.Father did not wake up the next day.,to,a,On,more,(六)父亲是个很勤奋的人,为了给家人更好的生活,他拼命工作和学习;当有一天他决定不再谋求升职而多和家人在一起时,他再也没有醒过来。16.attending考查非谓语动词,spend some time doing sth.是固定搭配。17.because从上下文可知,他努力工作和学习是为了给家人提供最好的东西,故用because表示努力的原因。18.them介词with后缺宾语,句子的意思是“家人抱怨他与他们呆在一起的时间少”,them指the family

32、。19.that连词连接宾语从句。,20.was offered从语境可知,他努力是为了得到更好的工作,他和“给予”之间是被动关系。21.which动词paid前缺主语,关系代词引导定语从句,which在从句中作主语。22.to考查介词,to在此处表示“达到”某一职位。23.a房子(house)是单数可数名词,前面缺限定词,第一次提到,故用不定冠词。24.On在具体某一天的晚上要用介词on。25.more根据前一句中的anymore、more 可知,此处也应该用比较级。,(七)There was a time in the early history of man when the days

33、16_(have)no names!The reason was quite simple:men had not invented the week.In those days,the only 17_(divide)of times was the month,and there were too many days in the month for each of them to have a separate name.,had,division,But when men began to build cities,they wanted to have a special day 1

34、8_ which to trade,a market day.Sometimes these market days were fixed at every tenth day,sometimes every seventh or every fifth day.The Babylonians(巴比伦人)decided 19_ it should be every seventh day.On this day they didnt work,20_ met for trade and religious festivals.,on,that,but,The Jews followed 21_

35、 example,but kept every seventh day for religious purposes.In this way the week came into 22_(exist).It was the space between market days.The Jews gave each of the seven days 23_ name,but 24_ was really a number after the Sabbath day(安息日)which was Saturday.For example,Wednesday 25_(call)the fourth d

36、ay(four days after Saturday).,their,existence,a,it,was called,本文主要是讲述星期的由来。16.had根据语境可知用过去时。17.division考查名词,根据其后的所有格of times可知该空应用名词形式,division of times意为“时间的划分”。18.on考查介词,在定语从句中,on作时间介词,on which=when。19.that引导宾语从句。20.but考查连词,据前后的逻辑关系为转折关系,故用but。21.their考查代词,their在此用来指代Babylonians“巴比伦人”。22.existence

37、考查名词,come into existence意为“形成”。23.a考查冠词,a表示泛指,give a name“给命名”。24.it指代后面的a number。25.was called考查谓语动词,主谓关系为被动关系,且根据语境可知。,Some people have very good memories,and can easily learn quite long poems by heart.There are other people who can only remember things 16_(make)they have said again and again.A go

38、od memory is 17 _ great help in learning a language.Everybody learns his own language 18_ remembering what he hears when he is a small child.,(八),that/which,a,by,Some children dont live in their own country;they seem to learn two languages almost as easily as 19_.In school,it is not so easy to learn

39、 a foreign language 20_ students have so little time for it and they are busy with 21_ lessons,too.A mans mind is rather 22_ a camera,but it takes photos not only of what we see but also of 23_ we feel,hear,smell and taste.,one,because,other,like,what,When we take a real photo with a camera,there is

40、 much to do when the photo 24_(finish)and ready to show to our friends.In the same way,there is much work 25_(do)before we can keep a picture forever in our minds.,is finished,to be done,人的记忆力各不相同,好的记忆力对学习有很大的帮助。人的头脑与照相机一样,必须把所看到的一切东西记在脑海中并加以处理。16.that/which引导定语从句,在从句中作宾语。17.a不定冠词泛指“一个”帮手,前后对应。18.by

41、表示方式,手段,后面接动词的ing 形式。19.one表示一种语言,与前面对应,说明学两种语言跟学一种语言一样容易。20.because引导原因状语从句,因为后面讲到学生们在学校里学习语言的时间很少。21.other不定代词“其他的,别的”,后面接复数名词。22.like介词“像”,指人的头脑就像照相机一样。23.what作介词of 宾语又引导宾语从句,含有两层成分。24.is finished用一般现在时被动语态,因主语是相片,所以用被动。25.to be done不定式被动式作定语,修饰work。,(九)The beauty of saving a relationship is in k

42、nowing that it can become better than it was before.If you can survive the hard times it 16_(make)both of you stronger.Regardless of what events lead to the emotional detachment(分离),it can be solved.,will make,Relationships go sour 17_ a reason and the distance 18_(grow)between two people is not hea

43、lthy.But in order to fix the relationship,first you must fix yourself.Accept whats happening in your life and make a 19 _(decide)to fix it.Start with taking a break,from the fighting and from each other if necessary.Taking a breath is good 20 _ it allows both of you to settle down,and think about yo

44、ur actions.,for,growing,decision,because,This is probably the time 21 _ you will become depressed,if you havent already.The 22_(easy)way to pull yourself out of depression is to do something positive in your life.Positive changes are great for your self-esteem and for your future relationships,so ge

45、t on it!,when,easiest,Starting out small makes 23 _ big difference so try exercising,better eating habits,and focusing 24 _ fun.If you cant get past overwhelming feelings,write them down.Putting bad feelings on paper helps to get 25_ off your mind.,a,on,them,本文就如何挽救破裂的朋友关系以及如何克服沮丧心理进行了分析并提供了一些可行的建议。

46、16.will make因if引导的条件从句用一般现在时,所以主句应用一般将来时。17.for固定搭配:for a reason“因为某种原因”。18.growing因本句后面已有谓语is,所以这里要用非谓语。distance与grow之间是主谓关系,所以填growing。19.decision词组make a decision“做出选择”。20.because根据前后两个分句的逻辑关系可以判断出。,21.when定语从句,先行词the time在从句中充当时间状语,故填when。22.easiest根据上下文以及空格前的the可以判断应填最高级。23.a根据词组make a differen

47、ce“做出改变,产生影响”。24.on固定搭配focus on“(注意力)集中于”。25.them指代前面的bad feelings。,As more women in the United States move up the professional ladder,more are finding it necessary to make business trips alone.16 _this is new for many,some pieces of advice will certainly be helpful.If you are married,it is a good i

48、dea to encourage 17_ husband and children to learn to cook a few simple meals while you are away.They will be much 18 _(happy)and probably they will enjoy the experience.,(十),Since,your,happier,If you will be eating alone a good deal,choose good restaurants,19_ will be good for your digestion.You ma

49、y also find 20_ useful to call the restaurant in advance and state that your will be eating alone.Probably you will get better service and almost certainly 21_ better table.Finally,and most importantly,anticipate your travel needs 22_ a business woman;this starts with lightweight luggage which you c

50、an easily carry.,which,it,a,as,Take a folding case inside your suitcase,and it 23_(come)in handy for dirty clothes,as well as for business documents and papers you no longer need on the trip.And make sure you have a briefcase so that you can keep currently 24 _(require)papers separate.Obviously,expe


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