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1、会议报告之英译,会议报告之英译,-以第十一届全国人民代表大会第五次会议温家宝总理政府工作报告(节选)为例,Case StudyTheoretical ExplorationPracticeFurther Study,Case Study,加强校车安全管理,确保孩子们的人身安全。,加强校车安全管理,确保孩子们的人身安全。V1:The government will enhance school bus safety to ensure childrens safety.V2:The government will enhance the management of the safety of s

2、chool bus to keep the children and their bodies safe.V1经济简明原则,加强校车安全管理,确保孩子们的人身安全。V1:The government will enhance school bus safety to ensure childrens safety.V2:The government will enhance the management of the safety of school bus to keep the children and their bodies safe.V1经济简明原则语义蕴含式虚化,语义冗余式虚化,继

3、续稳定低生育水平,综合治理出生人口性别比偏高问题,提高出生人口质量。,继续稳定低生育水平,综合治理出生人口性别比偏高问题。V1:We will continue to make the low birthrate level stable,generally control the problem of the high sex rate.V2:It will continue to keep the birthrate low and redress ridres 使再平衡 gender imbalance.V2,继续稳定低生育水平,综合治理出生人口性别比偏高问题。V1:We will co

4、ntinue to make the low birthrate level stable,generally control the problem of the high sex rate.V2:It will continue to keep the birthrate low and redress ridres 再平衡 gender imbalance.V2经济简明原则,语义冗余式虚化,语义功能等化,冗余范畴词虚化,大力发展公益性文化事业。,大力发展公益性文化事业。V1:We will vigorously develop the cause of public-benefit cu

5、lture.V2:China will vigorously promote nonprofit cultural services.V2范畴词语义明晰化(下移),语义功能等化,加强基层文化设施建设。V1:and strengthen the construction of cultural infrastructure infr,strkt(基础设施)V2:improve the cultural facilities(设施/设备)in communities 语义逻辑明晰化,推进社会事业、收入分配等改革。,推进社会事业、收入分配等改革。V1:We will carry out the re

6、forms of society cause and income distribution.V2:It will carry forward reforms in social programs and income distribution.V2范畴词语义明晰化(下移),Theoretical Exploration,语义明晰化语义功能等化语义冗余式虚化语义蕴含式虚化语义逻辑明晰化冗余范畴词虚化范畴词语义明晰化(下移)范畴词之等化:爱情和事业,Practice,积极稳妥推进城镇化。要遵循城市发展规律,从各地实际出发,促进大中小城市和小城镇协调发展。根据资源环境和人口承载能力,优化全国生产力

7、布局,形成合理的城镇体系和与国土规模、资源分布、发展潜力相适应的人口布局。,We will actively yet prudently promote urbanization.We will promote the coordinated development of large,medium-sized,and small cities as well as small towns in light of local conditions and in accordance with the laws governing urban development.On the basis of

8、 the carrying capacity of Chinas resources,environment and population,we will improve the distribution of the productive forces across the country,develop cities and towns rationally,and ensure that the geographical distribution of the population is suited to land availability,resources distribution

9、,and development potential.,各类城市都要夯实经济基础,创造就业机会,完善基础设施,改善人居环境,加强管理服务,提升城镇化质量和水平。更加注重把在城镇稳定就业和居住的农民工有序转变为城镇居民;放宽中小城市落户条件,合理引导人口流向,让更多农村富余劳动力就近转移就业。,We will strengthen the economic foundation and create job opportunities in all cities,improve their infrastructure and living environment,strengthen urba

10、n management and services,and raise the quality and level of urbanization.We will give higher priority to registering rural migrant workers with stable jobs and permanent homes in cities or towns as permanent urban residents in an orderly manner.We will relax eligibility for registering as urban hou

11、seholds in small and medium-sized cities,guide the rational flow of the population,and enable more surplus rural workers to find nonagricultural employment in nearby towns and cities.,加强对农民工的人文关怀和服务,着力解决农民工在就业服务、社会保障、子女入园上学、住房租购等方面的实际问题,逐步将城镇基本公共服务覆盖到农民工。关爱留守儿童、留守妇女和留守老人。让农民无论进城还是留乡,都能安居乐业、幸福生活。We s

12、hould care more deeply for rural migrant workers and provide more services to them;resolve difficulties they have in securing employment services,obtaining social security benefits,getting their children enrolled in preschools and schools,and renting or purchasing homes;and gradually extend to them

13、basic public services that are available to urban residents.We will take care of children,women and old people who are left behind by rural migrant workers who work in cities.We will enable rural residents to enjoy a happy life whether they go to the city or stay in the countryside.,Further Study,Please appreciate or criticize a Chinese report.,


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