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1、命题分析,1.采用对比选择型命题方式的作文最多,有5个。1999年,A/B型(2004年,2006年,2009年),Yes/No型(2007)2.采用给定观点命题方式的作文,有4个2000,2001,2003,20083.采用自由发挥型命题方式的作文,有2个2002,2005,说明文,1.定义解说事物、阐明事理,即用言简意赅的文字,把事物的形状、性质、特征、成因、关系、功能等解释清楚。2.说明的方法概括说明:对事物作简明扼要的说明,即概括介绍事物的特征。例如:Friends play a very important role in everyones life.Almost everyone

2、 has some life-long friends.,定义说明。下定义的语言要求科学严谨,指出事物本质,必须用肯定判断句。例如:A friend is a person who shares the same feelings of natural liking and understanding,the same interest,etc.分类说明:把说明的对象按照一定的标准划分成不同的类别,分成若干类或若干方面来说明。例如:Friends can be divided into two kinds:true friends and superficial friends.A true

3、friend is a person whowhile a superficial one is,举例说明:举出事例来说明事物,好处在于能把比较抽象、复杂的事物或事理说得具体而明晰。例如:Some selective courses have been offered this term.An Introduction to Chinese Traditional Culture,for example,gives us a lot of background knowledge of the history of Chinese philosophy,literature,and arts.

4、比较说明:用比较的方法说明事物的特征。A/BA1,A2,A3-B1,B2,B3A1,B1/A2,B2/A3/B3,比较性说明文的模式,一.模式1第一段:引言句(现象或事实陈述法),引出要比较的两个事物(A与B),用一句话表达自己的观点(观点要明确,不可模棱两可)第二段:段落主题句承接首段中的观点,并对本段内容加以限定。比较之一:指出A的优点之一,用拓展句加以说明。通过转折指出B的缺点,用拓展句加以说明。,比较之二:指出A 的优点之二,用拓展句加以说明。通过转折指出B的缺点,用拓展句加以说明。第三段:得出比较结论,注意首尾观点一致。,Television as a Better Source o

5、f News,Among the three mass-mediatelevision,newspaper and radio,I regard television as a better source of news.,My statement that television is a better source of news is based on the following two reasons.The first reason is that television can report news more quickly.We can get the news at the sa

6、me time when something is happening or immediately after something happened.While newspapers can only offer the news that happened a day or two days ago.,The second reason is that television can report news more vividly and impressively.With sounds and pictures on the TV,we can be deeply impressed b

7、y the news as if we were personally on the spot.But when we try to get news from the newspaper,we have to concentrate our mind on the lines and use our imagination to form a concrete image,which is always tiresome and time-consuming.,According to the above mentioned reasons,we can easily draw a conc

8、lusion that television is really a better source of news.,二.模式2:如果作文要求比较两个事物的主要不同之处,可用下列结构第一段:引言句(一般用现象陈述法,提问法),引出要比较的两个事物;主题句指出两个事物存在着明显的差异或两个事物的不同特点。第二段:直接评述A事物的主要特点,用拓展句加以说明;指出B事物的主要特点,用拓展句加以说明。第三段:通过比较得出倾向性的结论,表明作者的态度。,The Main Difference between Exam-oriented Education and Quality-oriented Educ

9、ationEducation in China used to be exam-oriented one.But with the development of education reform,quality-oriented education is stressed again and again.So there rises a question:What is the main difference between these two?,According to my own understanding,exam-oriented education focuses on stude

10、nts ability of passing examinations of different levels.This education is to test the students command of knowledge they have obtained from the textbooks.So examination results are the only criterion which is used to evaluate the students whether they are“excellent”ones or“bad”ones.,However,quality-

11、oriented education focuses on students various qualities,including academic quality,moral quality,cultural quality,most important,their individual personality potentialities.The main purpose of this education is to bring students practical potentialities into full play.Quality-oriented education can

12、 teach students how to face difficulties and solve problems independently.,From the above comparison between exam-oriented education and quality-oriented education,we find that the latter one is superior.So it is time for our universities and colleges to bring quality-oriented education into student

13、s daily life.,解释性说明文模式该模式用于解释一种社会现象或某种问题。第一段:用引言句(现象表述法、提问法)引出某一现象或问题。第二段:段首句(宜可视作主题句)承上启下,对本段内容加以限定。用固定句式(For one thing)引出造成这一问题或现象的原因之一,用拓展句加以具体说明。第三段:在结论段中,提出建议,展望或解决方法。,Teenage Smoking Soars It is reported that in the past ten years China has experienced an alarming increase in teenage smoking:a

14、bout 28%teenagers are puffing at cigarettes.,The factors for a great increase in teenage smoking are both external and internal.For one thing,with the improvement of living standard,teenagers have more pocket money to get access to cigarettes.And with so many cigarette advertisements around them,tee

15、nagers are easily lured.For another,teenagers begin to smoke just out of curiosity.They have a strong desire to experience the pleasure of smoking as some adults do.They have a subconscious feeling that smoking will make them“mature”and“cool”.,It has been a common recognition that teenage smoking ha

16、s to be prevented.The whole society may conduct a more extensive campaign to make them aware of the importance of giving up smoking.,因果分析型因果分析型的论说文也可称为“For-Against”型主要是对有争议的主题发表议论,要求考生确定自己的看法后,说明自己的理由加以论证。这也是各类考试最常见的一种题型。如1994年的考题:TV:A Good Thing or a Bad Thing?,1994年有考生立论说:“TV has two sides-the dar

17、k side and the bright side”,然后分别从两个方面一一列举,最后结论是“TV is neither a good thing nor a bad thing in itself,but it depends on how we use it.”这就不如干脆选择“TV is a good thing”,然后从提供“entertainment”“information”两个角度论证,或者选择“TV is a bad thing“,然后从“a waste of time”“a destroyer of family relationship”两个角度论证,这样的思路清晰。,第

18、一段(Introduction):引言(表明观点:正/反)第二段(Body):理由1+解释/例证理由2+解释/例证第三段(Conclusion):结论(归纳或重申论点),问题解决型顾名思义,问题解决型论说文就是提出问题,要求考生给出解决问题的一个或多个途径,并加以解释,也称“How-to”型。如1998年考题“Suggest One Way to Solve the Problem of Vehicle-caused Air Pollution in Cities”考生具体可以考虑如下模式布局成篇:第一段(Introduction):引言(解释命题,提出解决方案)第二段(Body):论据1+解释/例证论据2+解释/例证 第三段(Conclusion):结论(重申自己的观点,提出希望和展望),话题分析,The Best Way to Reducing StressWhich is More Important,School or Major?Credit Card on CampusGiving Pocket Money Does Good/Harm to Children,


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