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1、业务过程与业务用例,一个业务过程是根据组织目标而采用组织资源来获得预定义结果的一组逻辑相关的活动用一个业务用例代表一个业务过程BUC:A sequence of work steps performed in a business system that produces a result of perceived and measurable value to an individual actor of the business.,http:/,业务用例 银行,业务用角,定义:1)业务之外与业务交互的人或物。2)a role that someone or something in the

2、 environment can play in relation to the business.3)Someone or something,outside the system or business that interacts with the system or business(RUP),什么是用例?,A use case expresses the behavioral portion of a contract between the stakeholders of a system.It describes the systems behavior and interact

3、ions under various conditions as it responds to a request on behalf of one of the stakeholders,the primary actor,showing how the primary actors goal gets delivered or fails.The use case gathers the scenarios related to the primary actors goal.(Cockburn)A sequence of actions a system performs that yields an observable result valuable to a particular actor.(RUP),用例的组成内容,目标、利益用角、干系者 层次范围/SuD触发事件基本流扩展流,前置条件后置条件(最小保证、成功保证)技术和数据变化优先级,用例的范围,业务用例:柜台取款(1),业务用例:柜台取款(2),业务用例:柜台取款(3),业务用例活动图:柜台取款,


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