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1、英语外贸函电格式与技巧,Part,商务信函格式,Chiwan Petroleum Supply Base 1.Letterhead Chiwan,Shenzhen,China Tel:(86 755)26694302 Oil Patch Tel:(86 755)26693098 Fax:(86 755)26694008 Your ref:Our ref:BW/bw 3 May,2013 2.Reference and date Messrs.J.Brown&Co.234 Eastcheap 3.Inside name and addressLondon,E.C.3.Attention:Impo

2、rt Dept.4.attention line Dear Sirs,5.SalutationOil Tools 6.Subject line,A Business Letter,We thank you for your letter of April 24.7.body of the letter In compliance with your request,we are sending you herewith a copy of our latest price list for your reference.All prices are understood to be CIF L

3、ondon,subject to our final confirmation.payment is to be made by irrevocable documentary Letter of Credit available by draft at sight.As there is a heavy demand for the goods,we would suggest that youadvise us by fax in case of intgerest.We are looking forward to your early reply.,Yourself faithfull

4、y,8.Complimentary closeChiwan Petroleum Supply Base(Signed).Wang Dawei 9.SignatureManager Encl.as stated 10.EnclosureC.C.our Branch Offices 11.Carbon copy notation P.S.As requested,we will airmail you two samples tomorrow.12.Postscript,信函格式种类,1.平头式(block style)完全平头式或绝对平头式(full or extreme block style

5、)2.改良平头式(modified block style)3.缩行式(indented style)4.混合式(Semiblock style with indented paragraphs),Part,商务信函构成及技巧,信函构成,1.Letterhead 信头2.Reference and date 编号和日期3.Inside name and address 封内名称及地址4.attention line 注意事项5.Salutation 称呼6.Subject line 事由7.body of the letter 信文8.Complimentary close 结尾敬语9.Sig

6、nature 签署10.Enclosure 附件11.Carbon copy notation 抄送13.Postscript 附言,1.Letterhead 信头,Chiwan Petroleum Supply Base 赤湾石油供应基地Chiwan,Shenzhen,China 赤湾,深圳,中国Tel:(86 755)26694302 电话:Oil Patch Tel:(86 755)26693098 油钢基地电话:Fax:(86 755)26694008 传真:,tips,信头应包括发信方名称、邮政编码、电话号码、电传号级传真好以及邮件地址等。一般情况下,信头印在信笺中上方或左上方。,2

7、.Reference and date 编号和日期,Your ref:Our ref:BW/bw 3 May,2013 贵方编号 我方编号:2013年五月3日,tips,在外贸业务联系中,当一个公司向另一个公司发函时,双方都会给信函编号。编号一般应包括卷宗号码、部门代号或或该封信的签发人级打字员的姓名的手写字母。日期中月份应成英文全名,避免使用缩写。序数词后的词尾-th,-st,-nd,-rd 可以省略。May 5-May5th;June 1-June 1st.要避免将日期打印成数字形式(3/2/20),否则易引起混淆。英国人遵循日、月、年,美国人遵循月、日、年顺序。,3.Inside nam

8、e and address封内名称及地址,Messrs.J.Brown&Co.J.布朗公司234 Eastcheap 东奇街234号London,E.C.3.,tips,封内名称和地址打印在信笺左边,位于写信日期向下2至4行的位置。尊称一般包括:先生(Mr.)、夫人()、小姐()、女士()等。当合伙商号的名称有人名是,Messrs 则是又一尊称。但当商号名称不包含人名,或者已经具有尊称,或有定冠词the 是,则不能用Messrs。如Utility furniture Co.,Sir William Dobson&Sons,The Grayson Electrical CO.,4.attenti

9、on line(经办人)注意事项,Attention:Import Dept.经办人:进口部,tips,当发信人希望将信能寄给某个具体的人或部门是,边加注经办人。一般打印在封内地址之下。,5.Salutation 称呼,Dear Sirs,敬启者,tips,称呼的具体形式取决于写信人与收信人之间的关系。对某个人使用:Dear Sir,或Dear Madame;对两个人或以上使用:Dear Sirs,或Dear Madames;或Gentlemen若关系较好可用:Dear Mr.Dear Sir,或Dear Madame后常用逗号,Gentlemen后用冒号。,6.Subject line 事由

10、,Oil Tools 石油工具,tips,事由是信的主题。齐头式心中打印从左边边线开始,其它格式打印在信文的中上部。它能引起收信人对信文主题的注意。,7.body of the letter 信文,We thank you for your letter of April 24.感谢贵方4月24日来函。In compliance with your request,we are sending youherewith a copy of our latest price list for your reference.为满足贵方要求,兹随函附寄我公司最新的产品目录单,以供参考。All pric

11、es are understood to be CIF London,subject to ourfinal confirmation.payment is to be made by irrevocabledocumentary Letter of Credit available by draft at sight.所有价格均为CIF伦敦价,并以我方最后确认为准。关于付款方式,需要可撤销的即期跟单信用证。As there is a heavy demand for the goods,we would suggest that youadvise us by fax in case of

12、intgerest.由于此货需求量大,因此我方建议贵方若对此产品感兴趣,请以传真通知我方。We are looking forward to your early reply.期盼早复!,tips,信文表达写信人的观点、意见、目的和期望等。除地址和收信人用单倍行距外,其他各项可以采用双倍行距打印。信文要领:1.简明扼要,合乎语法,重点突出。2.分段正确,每段都有一个主题。3.打印无误,布局艺术,力求让读者耳目一新。,8.Complimentary close 结尾敬语,Yourself faithfully,Chiwan Petroleum Supply Base 赤湾石油供应基地,tips,

13、结尾敬语应与称呼语配套使用。当使用结尾敬语是,决不能将其单独另页打印。EG:Dear Sir(s)Yours faithfullyGentlemen Truly yoursDear Mr.Henry Yours sincerely Sincerely yours,9.Signature 签署,(Signed).Wang DaweiManager 王大伟 经理 谨上,tips,通常先将公式的名称紧接在结尾敬语下面打印然后写信人应使用黑色或蓝色水笔在公司名称之下签署自己的姓名。由于手写体签名有时难以辨认,大多商务信函将写信人姓名级职务头衔打印在签名的下方。,10.Enclosure 附件,Encl

14、.as stated 附件(如文所示),tips,若随信附有附件,须在签收下注明,通常注明附件的内容级分数。,11.Carbon copy notation 抄送,C.C.our Branch Offices 抄送:我方分公司办公室,tips,当信的副本要发送其他人或部门是,在签署底下的左边位置打印“”,12.Postscript 附言,P.S.As requested,we will airmail you two samples tomorrow.附言:应贵方要求,我方将于明天航空邮寄两份样品,tips,若在信文中遗漏了某事或需要提醒对方某事,常将附言补写在比“抄送”低两行的地方。恐引起计

15、划不周之嫌,应尽量避免。,Part,商务信函写作原则,1.courtesy 礼貌,Courtesy is not mere politeness.It seems from a sincere You-attitude(收信人的态度).In order to make a business letter courteous,try to avoid irritating(过激),offensive(冒犯),or belittling(轻蔑)statements.To answer letters promptly is also a matter of courtesy.,Compasion,

16、eg.(Polite 客套)We have received with many thanks your letter of Oct.7,and we take the pleasure of sending you our latest catalog.We wish to draw your attention to a special offer which we have made in it.(Courteous 礼貌)You will be particularly interested in a special offer on page 5 of the latest cata

17、log enclosed,which you requested in your letter of Oct.7.,2.Consideration 体谅,Consideration emphasizes You-attitude rather than We-attidude.When writing a letter keep the readers request,needs,desires,as well as his feelings in mind.plan the best way to present the message for the reader to receive.e

18、.g.,Compasion,a.You-Attitude(We-attitude)We allow 2 percent discount for cash payment(You-attitude)You earn 2 percent discount when you pay cash.b.Positive approach(positive)We feel sure that you will be entirely satisfied(negative)We do not believe you will have cause for dissatisfaction.,3.Complet

19、eness 完整,A business letter should include all the necessary information.It is essential to check the message carefully before it is sent out.,4.Clarity 清楚,The writer must try to express his meaning clearly so that the reader will understand it well.To achieve this,he should try to:avoid using the wo

20、rds which have different understanding or unclear meaning.e.g.As to the steamers sailing from Hong Kong to San Francisco,we have bimonthly direct services.bimonthly means:twice a month,or once two months.,pay attention to the position of the modifiers.e.g.We shall be able to supply 10 cases of the i

21、tem only.We shall be able to supply 10 cases only of the item.pay attention to the sentence structure.e.g.We sent you 5 samples yesterday of the goods which you requested in your letter of May 25 by air.We sent you,by air,5 samples of the goods which you requested in your letter of May 25 yesterday.

22、Paragraph carefully and properly.,5.Conciseness 简洁,Using concise sentences and fewest words,without losing completeness and courtesy,to explain the meaning of a letter clear.We wish to achnowledge receipt of your letter.We appreciate your letter.Enclosed herewith please find two copies of.We enclose

23、 two copies of.,6.Concreteness 具体,Make the message specific,definite,and vivid.e.g.We have dron on you as usual under your L/C.W have drawn on you our sight draft No.845 for the Invoice amount,US$560,00,under your L/C No.246 of the China Bank.,7.Correctness 正确,Correctness refers not only to correct usage of grammar,punctuation and spelling,but also to standard language,proper statement accurate figures as well as the correct understanding of commercial jargons.,Part 4,信封,


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