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1、学前英语综合教程,第一册,Learning Objects,Phonetics,Listening and Speaking,Reading,Grammar,Fun Time,Unit 3 Friends,After studying this unit,the students are expected tomaster the pronunciation of the phonemes of/E:/E/Q/W/T/;2)master the useful sentence structure“the more.the more.”;3)master the usage of the Sim

2、ple Future Tense;4)know what to do to help children get along with and learn from friends.,Learning Objects,Phonetics,Phonemes,中元音/E:/E/后元音/Q/舌齿摩擦辅音/T/,Phonetics,Pronunciation tips,/E:/中元音,属长元音,字母组合er,ir,or 和ur 在单词中的发音。/E/中元音,属短元音,字母a,e,o,u 和字母组合er,or,ou,ur 在单词中的发音。/Q/后元音,属短元音,字母o 和u 在单词中的发音。,舌尖抵下齿,

3、舌前部尽量抬高,舌位高于 I,口形扁平。,发音要领:,舌身平放,舌中部略隆起,双唇扁平。,发音要领:,舌尖和舌端两侧轻触下齿,舌后部靠前部分稍抬起,唇形稍扁,开口度较大,与/A/相似。,发音要领:,Phonetics,Pronunciation tips,/W/舌齿摩擦音,属清辅音。/T/舌齿摩擦音,属浊辅音。,舌尖轻触上齿背,气流由舌齿间送出,形成摩擦音。发音时声带不振动。,发音要领:,舌尖轻触上齿背,气流由舌齿间送出,形成摩擦音。发音时声带振动。,发音要领:,Phonetics,Activities,1.Read the following words./E:/serve bird tur

4、n world/E/ago suppose second open daughter actor famous murmur/Q/up month enough blood/W/think thumb tooth moth/T/this they clothe smooth,Phonetics,/E:/word term fur shirt/E/above teacher soldier danger/Q/luck honey some double/thief three youth birth/T/than thus their breathe,Practise more,Phonetic

5、s,Activities,2.Read the following sentences.1)Attention!2)Whats the weather like today?3)Mother went out with my brother.4)Thank you very much.5)This way,please.,Phonetics,1)Its your turn.2)Stand up and form a circle.3)Step forward/backward.4)Help each other.5)Think it over.,Practise more,Phonetics,

6、3.Read the following chants./E:/I like silver,I like brass.I like looking in the looking-glass.I like rubies,I like pearls.I like wearing my hair in curls.,Activities,Phonetics,/E/Gray goose and gander,Waft your wings together,And carry the good kings daughterOver the one-strand river./Q/Hurry up!Hu

7、rry up!There comes the bus.Dont worry,Im always lucky.I surely can catch the bus.,Phonetics,/E:/Swoosh,swirl,swoosh,swirl,Watch the leaves tumble and twirl./E/Eye winker,Tom tinker,Nose smeller,Mouth eater,Chin chopper,Chin chopper,Chin chopper chin.,Practise more,Phonetics,/Q/Dont run,dont run,unde

8、r the sun.Take off the coat and lets have fun.Dont run,dont run,under the sun.Take off the scarf and lets have fun.Dont run,dont run,under the sun.Take off the hat and lets have fun./W/My thread is too thick!My thread is too thin!So this is the thing well do;We both will ask MotherTo give us another

9、,And with it a thimble too!,Phonetics,/T/Whether the weather be fine,Or whether the weather be not,Whether the weather be cold,Or whether the weather be hot,Well weather the weatherWhether we like it or not.,was put an end,1.Listen to the dialogue three times and fill in the blanks.Linda:You have ve

10、ry close friends,?William:Of course,I do.Linda:I had a close friend called Marsha.Her life to on April 14,2010.I cant help remembering the good old days we spent together.William:Linda:Marsha went to Yushu as a volunteer to help teach in a remote country school.She was killed that day.William:,What

11、happened?,_,havent you,_,Listening and Speaking,Activity 1 Listen and talk,_,What a nice and unselfish girl!,_,in the earthquake,_,Linda:Yes.Ill do as she did and will help teach kids in a remote area during my summer vacation.William:Good idea.Linda:Thank you.,Wish you a great success.,_,Listening

12、and Speaking,琳达:你有非常亲密的朋友,是吗?威廉:当然有。琳达:我有一个叫玛莎的好友。她的生命却在2010年4月 14日这一天终结了。我时常回忆起我们一起度过的 美好时光。威廉:出什么事了?琳达:玛莎作为志愿者到玉树偏远的乡村学校支教。她在 当天的地震中不幸遇难。威廉:多么无私的好姑娘!琳达:是的。我要像她那样去做,在我暑假期间去支教,教偏远地区的孩子们学习。威廉:好主意。祝你成功!琳达:谢谢!,Chinese version,Listening and Speaking,Language focus,1)intimate a.A.(of people)having a clos

13、e friendship 亲密的,亲切的e.g.He has an intimate friend who has helped him a lot.B.(of knowledge)very detailed and thorough详尽的,精 通的e.g.Mike had an intimate knowledge of everything special happened in the area.,Listening and Speaking,他有一个给了他很多帮助的好友。,迈克对这个地区发生的每一件特殊的事情都了如指掌。,2)put an end to oneself/put an e

14、nd to it all 自杀,一了百了 e.g.Tim chose to put an end to himself,but later he was saved by his sister.ones life be put an end to e.g.The princess life was tragically put an end to during the chaos.3)cant help doing 情不自禁地做 e.g.They couldnt help singing and dancing when they heard the news.,Listening and S

15、peaking,蒂姆选择自杀,但是后来被姐姐救下了。,结束生命,公主在混乱中被悲惨地夺去了生命。,听到这个消息,他们情不自禁载歌载舞。,4)good old days 美好时光 e.g.Should you forget the good old days on the island?5)volunteer n.志愿者A.sb.who does a job without being paid for it 义务工作者,自愿者 e.g.I went to Huining County,Gansu Province as a volunteer last summer vacation.B.sb

16、.who offers to do sth.without being forced to do it 自告奋勇者,主动做某事的人 e.g.“Any volunteers?”asked the teacher.,Listening and Speaking,难道你会忘记在岛上那些美好的日子?,去年暑假我作为自愿者去了甘肃省会宁县。,老师问:“有主动发言的吗?”,6)remote a.far away from places where other people live 偏远的,偏僻的 e.g.My uncle used to work in a remote country school.7

17、)unselfish a.giving more time or importance to other peoples needs,wishes,etc.无私的,忘我的,不谋私 利的 e.g.How can I forget the unselfish help you offered to us when we were in trouble?,Listening and Speaking,我舅舅曾经在一所偏远的乡村学校工作。,我怎能忘记我们遭遇困境时你们给予我们的无私帮助?,2.Make a similar dialogue according to the situation and

18、the functional sentences below.Note:The teacher may firstly explain the functional sentences,then arrange Ss into pairs for practice.Situation:Jenny and Tim are good friends.They are reading the story“A Friend in Need Is a Friend Indeed”.Then,they are talking about the friendship.,Activity 1 Listen

19、and talk,Listening and Speaking,Functional sentences:,What is friendship?什么是友谊?Friendship can be.友谊可以Once they depart with.,they come to realize.一旦到他们分别的时候,他们才意识到In my opinion,friendship should be.依我之见,友谊就是Real friendship lasts.真正的友谊可持续I quite agree with you.我完全同意你的观点。,Listening and Speaking,Referen

20、ce answer,Jenny:What is friendship?Tim:Friendship can be understood in many ways.Jenny:Yes.When people are together,they do not sense that.Once they depart with each other,they come to realize the wonderful feeling.Tim:Thats right.In my opinion,friendship should be feelings.It should be cherished.It

21、 should be appreciated.Jenny:Real friendship lasts long.Tim:I quite agree with you.,Listening and Speaking,Activity 2 Listening comprehension,1.Useful words and expressions,Listening and Speaking,2.Listen to the passage and supply the missing words.An Unusual Friend One day,Samuel and landed on an i

22、sland.On the island,Samuel had to learn to live all alone.,Samuel developed a friendship with an unusual friend a monkey that he had found called Willy.Samuel learned a lot when he was alone.He learned how to be a good friend with Willy.Even though Willy was only a monkey,he became fond of him.He ta

23、lked to him and treated him as a friend.When he Willy,he understood that friendship was about feelings and that we must give we take.,survived a crash,_,Listening and Speaking,In order to survive,_,on the island,_,made friends with,_,as much as,_,不寻常的朋友 一天,塞缪尔在一次空难事故中幸免于难,他登上了一座荒岛。在岛上,塞缪尔不得不学会一个人生活。

24、为了活下去,塞缪尔与一个不寻常的朋友一只他发现的名叫威利的猴子结下了友谊。塞缪尔独自一人在荒岛上的时候学到了很多东西。他学会如何成为威利的好朋友,尽管威利只是一只猴子。他跟他说话,把他当朋友对待。当他与威利交朋友时,他明白友谊是有关感情的事情;他明白:要得到就必须付出。,Chinese version,Listening and Speaking,Language focus,1)survive a crash 在空难事故中幸免于难2)develop v.to gradually grow or become bigger,more advanced,stronger(使)成长,壮大,发展 e

25、.g.The situation has developed quickly.3)treat v.对待 treat.as 以态度对待,以方式 对待 e.g.She treated the boy as her own child.,Listening and Speaking,形势发展很快。,她把那个男孩当作自己的孩子对待。,1.Match the pictures with the expressions.,Activity 3 Look and say,Listening and Speaking,F,C,B,_,_,_,A.friendship between cobras and In

26、dian kidsB.enjoying company in the pailC.washing the baby with a wet tongue D.teacher-kids talk E.harmony on the grass F.quadruplets(四胞胎)and pals(小伙伴),Listening and Speaking,D,E,A,_,_,_,2.Look at the pictures and discuss the questions below.,1)Do you think sometimes animals are humans good friends?H

27、ow do you know?,Yes,I do think so.Look at Pictures 2),5)and 6),and we can see that.,Listening and Speaking,2)What kind of animals are the tallest ones in the world?,Giraffe.,Listening and Speaking,Text A,Text AActivities,Text B,Text BActivities,ReadingText A,What is a friend to preschool children?,P

28、re-reading questions,For preschool children,a friend is defined as someone the child sees regularly in the neighborhood or the childcare center that will help build with blocks or play house.,Words,Phrases,2.What can we do to help children get along with and learn from friends?,Play with your kids j

29、ust for fun.Give your children many opportunities to play with friends.Be sure you and your kids talk about their friends and the things they do with their friends.Support your kids approaching problems with friends in a problem-solving mode.Unless necessary,dont interfere in your kids ongoing play.

30、,ReadingText A,Words,Phrases,How Does a Child Make and Keep a Friend?(Para.1)How does a child make and keep a friend?For preschool children,it seems enough to be in the presence of one or two others1.For them,a friend is defined as2 someone the child sees regularly in the neighborhood or the childca

31、re center3 that will help build with blocks or play house 4.,ReadingText A,Words,Phrases,译文:孩子怎样与别人交朋友并保持他们的友谊?对学前儿童来说,有一两个玩伴就足够了。对他们来说,朋友就是在社区或托儿所经常见到,帮自己搭积木或一起玩过家家的小孩。,ReadingText A,(S-Note 1)preschool children preschoolers 学龄前儿童 in the presence of 在现场,与in ones presence 同义。e.g.He acted very polite

32、ly in the presence of her.,ReadingText A,她在场时,他举止非常有礼貌。,2.(S-Note 2)be defined as 给(词语等)下定义 e.g.Book is defined as the Reference Answer to success.书被定义为“成功的钥匙”。,ReadingText A,3.childcare center 托儿所,ReadingText A,4.build with blocks or play house,这是幼儿非 常喜欢的两种游戏:build with blocks 搭积木Play house 娃娃家游戏,R

33、eadingText A,(Para.2)Kids learn how to get along1 by watching other kids.They learn new skills and information from playing with or alongside children.In fact2,the better they are at learning social and thinking skills from their friends,the more3 successful they will be later in life.,ReadingText A

34、,Words,Phrases,译文:孩子们通过观察其他玩伴学会怎样和他们相处。他们通过与其他孩子一起玩耍学会新的技巧,获得新的信息。实际上,孩子们越是善于从朋友那学到社交和思考技巧,他们在以后的生活中越容易获得成功。,ReadingText A,1.get along(with)与某人合得来,关系较好 e.g.Do you and your boss get along?,ReadingText A,你和你的老板相处得怎样?,2.in fact 事实上 e.g.For eight years she was in fact working for the enemy.,ReadingText

35、A,事实上,八年来她都在为敌方工作。,3.(S-Note 3)the more.the more.越越 e.g.The more,the better.多多益善。The harder you learn,the better score you will get.,ReadingText A,你越努力学习成绩会越好。,(Para.3)You can do many things to help children get along with and learn from1 friends.1.Play with your kids just for fun.2.Give your childr

36、en many opportunities to play with friends.3.Be sure you and your kids talk about their friends and the things they do with their friends.24.Support your kids approaching problems with friends in a problem-solving mode.5.Unless necessary,dont interfere in3 your kids ongoing play.,ReadingText A,Words

37、,Phrases,译文:你可以做很多事情去帮助孩子们与小朋友相处并向他们学习。1.和孩子们尽情玩耍。2.给孩子们很多和小朋友玩的机会。3.确保和你的孩子讨论他们的朋友以及他们一起 做的事情。4.支持你的孩子用一种和平解决问题的方式来解 决他们之间出现的矛盾。5.除非必要,否则不要介入孩子们正在进行的游 戏当中。,ReadingText A,1.learn from 向学习 e.g.We should learn from each other.,ReadingText A,我们应相互学习。,2.定语从句they do with their friends 修饰先行词 the things。,R

38、eadingText A,3.interfere in(with)干涉,介入 e.g.Do not interfere in other peoples affairs.My father always interferes with me.,ReadingText A,别干涉他人的事。,我父亲经常干预我的事。,Text AWords and expressions,Words,presence/5prezns/n.being present in a place 在场,存在e.g.The young man had been aware of her presence at the part

39、y.The boy was punished in the presence of all his classmates.,那个年轻人早注意到她在宴会上。,那个男孩在全班同学面前受到了惩罚。,Text,2.define/dI5faIn/v.to state clearly the meaning of 下定义;解释 e.g.How does the dictionary define the word“triangle”?,Text AWords and expressions,这本字典是怎样给“三角形”这个词下定义的?,Text,3.block/blCk/n.childs wooden or

40、 plastic toy brick 积木e.g.The floor was made of wooden blocks.,Text AWords and expressions,地板是由一块块木板拼成的。,Text,4.interfere/7IntE5fIE/v.to take action affecting sb.elses affairs without the right to do so 干涉;干预e.g.Stop interfering in my work.,Text AWords and expressions,别干涉我的工作。,Text,5.ongoing/5Cn7gEUI

41、N/a.continuing to exist or progress 进行中的e.g.This ongoing building was stopped for illegal procedure.,Text AWords and expressions,这个正在建设中的大楼因程序非法而被停止。,Text,1.in the presence of 当着的面e.g.He acted very politely in the presence of the Mayor.,Text AWords and expressions,Phrases,他在市长面前举止非常有礼貌。,Text,2.be de

42、fined as 给下定义e.g.A square may be defined as a rectangle with four equal sides.,Text AWords and expressions,正方形可定义为具有四条等边的矩形。,Text,3.get along(with)与关系好e.g.I get along well with my classmates.,Text AWords and expressions,我和同学相处融洽。,Text,4.in fact 实际上e.g.In fact,I disagree with you.,Text AWords and exp

43、ressions,事实上,我并不赞同你。,Text,5.social skill 社交技巧e.g.As a secretary,it needs good social skill and great patience.,Text AWords and expressions,秘书这个职业需要良好的社交技巧和充分的耐心。,Text,6.interfere in 打扰e.g.None has the right to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries.,Text AWords and expressions,任何国家都无权干

44、涉他国内政。,Text,T,Text AActivities,()1.To a preschool child,a friend is a person who he can see and play regularly.()2.Children can only learn social skills by playing with other kids.()3.We can do many things to help our children to get along well with their friends.()4.Neighborhoods or childcare cente

45、rs are the good choice for your kids to play with their friends.()5.Those who are successful when they grow up are usually good at learning from their little friends.,Activity 1 Reading comprehension,Decide whether the following statements are True(T)or False(F)according to Text A.,F,T,T,T,_,_,_,_,_

46、,Activity 2 Vocabulary,1.Match each word in Column A with a similar meaning in Column B.,Text AActivities,Text AActivities,e,a,b,c,d,i,f,g,j,h,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,2.Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the words given below.,preschool ongoing approach define regular,teachers need great patien

47、ce and true love to children.2)He met a little difficulty when he was the problem.,Text AActivities,Preschool,_,解析:preschool teacher 幼儿园老师翻译:幼儿园老师需要对孩子有很大的耐心和爱心。,解析:approach 解决翻译:他在解决这个问题时遇到了一点困难。,approaching,_,3)The meeting was put off.4)The little girl cried because she thought the play was terrib

48、le.5)The word peace is as“state of freedom from war”.,Text AActivities,regular,_,解析:state 状态翻译:和平这个单词被解释为“远离战争的自由状态”。,解析:put off 延期,延后翻译:例行会议被延期了。,解析:ongoing 正在上演的翻译:这个小女孩被正在上演的电视剧吓得哭起来。,ongoing,_,defined,_,preschool ongoing approach define regular,3.Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the p

49、hrases given below.,in the presence of play with in fact interfere in get along well with,1)his boss,he dare not tell the truth.2)Do you your friends?,Text AActivities,In the presence of,_,解析:tell the truth 说实话翻译:当着老板的面,他不敢说出实情。,解析:get along with 与相处翻译:你和你的朋友相处得好吗?,get along well with,_,3)When Alice

50、 went back home,her daughter was a doll.4),what he said is quite right,then you should decide what to do next.5)Do not matters that do not concern you.,Text AActivities,playing with,_,解析:when引导时间状语从句,主句用进行时 表示某个动作正在进行。翻译:当艾丽斯回家时,她的女儿正在玩娃娃。,解析:decide 决定翻译:事实上,你所说的完全正确,接下来你应 该决定怎样做。,解析:concern 与相关翻译:不


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