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1、,Chapter Thirteen,Practical Writings(10)Advertisements Translation,Contents,I.Review and comments on the assignments II.General introduction to advertisement III.Notes in E-C advertisements translation IV.Notes in C-E advertisements translation V.Exercises VI.Summary VII.References for further readi

2、ng VIII.Assignments,纽约时报创刊于1851年9月18日,1857年删去“每日”字样改为今名。当时纽约人口50万,报官工作人员不到50名。创办人决心要办一份庄重严肃的日报;创刊号一大张,有四版,分六栏,售价只是一美分。内容很少登载耸人听闻的新闻,报导政治新闻时常把双方不同的观点介绍给读者,因此享有报道客观的评价。由于内容充实,特别注重国外新闻,很快受到读者的欢迎。,I.Review and comments on the assignments,The first issue of the New York Times appeared on September 18,185

3、1.By 1857,the word“Daily”which had been used from the beginning was eliminated.,The population of the New York City at that time was no more than half a million and a the staff members of this paper was less than 50.,In the beginning,the intention was to publish a paper of serious style,thus,at firs

4、t issues,the paper consisted of only four pages,six columns and sold for one cent.,Rarely it reported any unusual and alarming incidents.At the same time,however,it presented different opinions concerning the same political issue.This was why its objective reporting was appreciated and appraised.,Th

5、is paper became very popular for its various contents especially the news from abroad.,创办两个月后销数即达两万,一年内篇幅由四版扩大至八版。在十九世纪七十年代和八十年代前期,销数增至四万份左右。1983年,该报平日每日出版三至四次,每份各为28页。现有工作人员5,000名,其中,印刷工人七百名、记者300名。一年只是在新闻采访方面的用费即达3,500万美元。平日版销售数为87万份,星期日版为148万份。,I.Review and comments on the assignments,Only within

6、 the first two months since its first issue,the circulation reached 20 000,and by the end of the first year,it expended from 4 to 8 pages.,During the seventies and early eighties of 19th century,its circulation was about 40 000.,By 1983,the paper was issued 3 to 4 times a day,each with 28 pages.,The

7、 staff members have reached 5 000 including 700 printers and 300 reporters.,The annual budget for acquiring information amounted to 35 million dollars.,The circulation reached 870 000 on the weekdays and 1 480 000 on Sundays.,I.Review and comments on the assignments,作为两国关系中极为重要和活跃的组成部分,中美两国经贸关系是中美双边

8、关系发展的坚实基础。中美两国在资源结构、产业结构和消费水平等方面的巨大差异决定了两国经济具有很强的互利互补性。发展两国间的经贸合作有着得天独厚的条件和空前广阔的前景。自1979年中美建交以来,两国间的经贸交流与合作已逐步发展成为双边关系的重要基础和基本纽带。同年,两国政府签订了双边贸易协定,在互利的基础上相互给予对方最惠国待遇。80年代初又签订了一系列工业合作协议。,Sino-US trade relations which constitute an essential and dynamic part,are the firm foundation for the development

9、of bilateral relations between the two nations.,The marked differences between the two countries in resource composition,industrial structure and consumption level decides that the two economies are highly complementary and mutually beneficial.,The development of economic and trade cooperation betwe

10、en the two sides enjoys great potentials and promises bright prospects.,China-U.S.economic and trade relations have witnessed rapid progress since the two countries established diplomatic ties in 1979.,In the same year,the two governments signed the bilateral Agreement on Trade Relations in which mo

11、st-favored-nation trade status was extended to each other on a mutually beneficial basis.,In early 1980s,a series of industrial cooperation agreements were signed.,随着双边贸易往来的扩展,彼此之间的贸易和投资规模也明显扩大。据我国海关统计,2003年的中美双边贸易额已经超过1263.3亿美元,其中我对美出口521.04亿美元,较前一年增长24.2%;我自美进口233.63亿美元,较前一年增长14.8%。中国自美国的进口包括农产品、飞

12、机、发电设备、采油设备、以及机械和电子;美国自中国的进口包括纺织品、服装、鞋类、玩具、五金、轻工、家具等。美国已成为中国的第二大贸易伙伴,而中国已成为美国的第四大贸易伙伴。,I.Review and comments on the assignments,With the expansion of bilateral economic and trade exchanges,the scale of two-way trade and investment has also enlarged remarkably.,According to statistics from the Chines

13、e Customs,China-US bilateral trade in 2003 totaled$126.33 billion,of which Chinese exports to the US reached$52.1billion,showing an increase of 24.2%over the previous year,and Chinas imports from the US reached$23.36 billion,registering a growth rate of 14.8%.,Chinese imports from the United States

14、include agricultural products,aircrafts,power generation equipments,oil equipment,machinery and electronics,etc.U.S.imports from China include textiles and garments,footwear,toys,home appliance,general machinery tools,hardware,lighting products,furniture and so on.,The United States is now the secon

15、d largest trading partner and import source of China while China is the fourth largest trade partner of the U.S.,1.广告的分类 1)经济广告 商品广告 劳务广告 声誉广告 2)非经济广告,II.General Introduction to Advertisements,II.General Introduction to Advertisements,2.广告的功能与作用 1)传递信息,沟通产需 2)激发需求,增加销售 3)促进竞争,开拓市场 4)介绍知识,指导消费 5)丰富生活

16、,陶冶情操,II.General Introduction to Advertisements,3.广告的词语特点 1)用词简单,具有口语化倾向 2)模拟生造新词 3)使用缩略语 4)使用形容词及形容词的比较级和最 高级,4.广告英语的句法特点 1)多用简单句,口语性强 2)多用并列结构,较少使用主从结构 3)少用否定句,多用祈使句 4)大量使用省略句,II.General Introduction to Advertisements,5.广告英语的修辞特点 1)双关语(pun)2)拟人(personification)3)明喻(simile)与暗(metaphor)4)重复(repetiti

17、on)5)押韵(rhyming),II.General Introduction to Advertisements,6.广告翻译的文体特点 1)记实体 2)诗歌体 3)对话体 4)标题式,II.General Introduction to Advertisements,1.delicious in taste 2.bright in color 3.excellent in quality 4.fragrant in flavor 5.durable in use,1.味道鲜美2.色彩鲜艳3.质量上乘4.气味芬芳5.经久耐用,III.Notes in E-C advertisements

18、translation,言简意明、句式简洁,6.elegant/fashionable in style 7.fine in workmanship 8.numerous in variety 9.easy to operate 10.ease,speed and professional results,6.款式精致/新颖7.做工精细8.品种繁多9.操作简便10.方便、快捷、奇効,III.Notes in E-C advertisements translation,言简意明、句式简洁,New York Institute Of Technology Invites You to Your

19、Future And that future is now.were in the countdown to a new and exciting century.Let NYIT respond to all your needs for a college education that culminates in the career of your choice,with affordable tuition plus generous financial aid/scholarship packages,sports programs,and over majors,NYIT can

20、put you on the road to success.,III.Notes in E-C advertisements translation,使用比较大众化的语言,纽约理工学院造就你们的未来,未来就在眼前。我们即将步入一个令人神往的崭新世纪。让纽约理工学院满足你们对大学教育的一切需求!大学教育最终会使你们在自己选择的事业上出人头地。该院的学费一般人都可以支付,此外还有慷慨的经济资助或奖学金,再加上各种体育培训方案和50多个专业,定会使你们走上成功之路。,The Sing Sing Restaurant Finest French Food Cozy Atmosphere and So

21、ft Music If you are looking for the most delicious French cuisine in town,why not rendezvous at this delightful spot where appetizing dishes are always served?,恰当处理广告中所含的大量褒义词,III.Notes in E-C advertisements translation,星星大酒家 精美法国菜系 音乐柔和,气氛舒畅 你想品尝精致的法式大餐?请到星星大酒店来。此处美味佳肴常备。英汉两种语言毕竟有很大的不同,但相信只要掌握它们的根本

22、区别和差异,就可以作道保持风格和结构内容上的统一。,祖国山水,风格多样;多样的风格,相对应而存在,相比较而多姿。杭州西湖,水榭歌台,人工赋予它典雅美。,China is a land of scenic contrasts,each uniquely representing its own area;West Lake in Hangzhou with enchanting pavilions set in quiet surroundings,,IV.Notes in C-E advertisements translation,酌情处理,世界首创,中国一绝。天然椰子汁。The pione

23、er of the world.The most delicious in China.Natural Coconut Juice.Natural Coconut Juice:a world special with an enjoyment beyond all your words.,IV.Notes in C-Eadvertisements translation,突出精神需要,玉兔:Jade Rabbit Moon Rabbit清身减肥片:“Obesity-reducing tablets”,slimming pills,IV.Notes in C-Eadvertisements tr

24、anslation,再现汉语广告英译的文化,elegant and gracefularomatic character and agreeablesell well all over the worldsoft and light agreeable sweetness neither too hard nor too soft good companies for children as well as adults,1.典雅大方:2.香浓可口:3.畅销全球:4.轻柔松软:5.甜而不腻:6.软硬适中:7.老少良伴:,IV.Notes in C-E advertisements transl

25、ation,四字词语广告翻译,招聘广告Whirlpool 是一家著名的生产和经营家用电器的公司,总部设在天津,在全国有20余家分公司。我公司现招聘销售经理一人。条件:中国公民,年龄35-40 销售学、经济学或相关领域的大专文凭 具有至少5年的销售管理经验 具有良好的英语会话和写作能力 愿意经常出差 熟练掌握计算机技能有意者请拨打电话24876669与约翰史密斯先生联系。,V.Exercises,Whirlpool Corporation/Company is a famous manufacturer and marketer of electrical home appliances,wit

26、h its headquarters in Tianjin.It has more than 20 branches over the country.,We are/The company is seeking for one sales manager now.,Qualifications:,Chinese citizen,aged 35-40,With college diploma in Marketing,Economics or related fields,Minimum of 5 years experience in sales management,Proficiency

27、 in English speaking and writing,Willing to travel frequently,Good at using a computer,Those interested please contact Mr.John Smith at 24876669,Presses Out the Iron Age The Magic Steam Press reduces ironing time by as much as 50%The Singer Magic Steam Press will give your garments an instant,fresh-

28、form-the-cleaners look.An innovation in household ironing,it has a pressing surface ten times the size of most handheld irons and pressure over lbs.The Magic Steam Press provides exactly what you want-ease,speed and professional results.Burst of Steam features for stubborn wrinkles Easy one-hand ope

29、ration,either sitting or standing,V.Exercises,胜家熨斗,开创熨斗新时代-神奇的蒸汽熨斗可节省一半熨烫时间。,神奇的蒸汽熨斗使您的衣服笔挺,犹如刚从洗衣店取回。,这是家用熨斗的一次新创。它的熨烫面比多数家用熨斗大10倍,具有100余磅压力。,神奇的蒸汽熨斗给予您企求的效果-时间短,操作简便,效果好。,喷出的蒸汽可烫平任何顽固的皱褶;,一只手操作,操作时可坐着,也可站着;,Variable temperature control adjusts temperature according to fabric selectedPortable and e

30、asy to storeProtects fine fabricHuge ironing pad surface100lbs,of even ironing pressureAutomatic safety shut-offSINGER,V.Exercises,设有温度控制器,可根据不同的衣料调整温度;,携带、存放两便;,不伤精细面料;,熨烫板宽大;,熨烫压力为100磅,压力均匀;,自动安全开关。,胜家公司,COME TO US FOR HELP!We have got what you are looking for in off-campus housing.Check us out!Sa

31、fe,affordable and convenient housing with all the facilities you are concerned about-Cable TV,internet access,fully furnished and ready for move in!Visit our new Student Housing Center Lexington Avenue 24th or give us a call 800-297-4694!EDUCATIONAL HOUSING CENTERStudent Housing for Real LivingNew Y

32、orks#1 Resource for Student Housing,V.Exercises,请找我们来帮忙!我们有您在校外正在寻找的住房。来看看吧!我们的住房安全、便宜、方便,您所关心的房内设施一应俱全-有线电视、因特网接口、全套家具,马上可以迁入。到我们新的学生住宿中心来,地址:莱斯顿大街24号,或打电话800-297-4694与我们联系。教育住房中心真正学生生活住房纽约提供学生住房的一号商家,V.Exercises,VI.Summary,A.英语广告简介:1.广告的分类 2.广告的功能和作用 3.广告的词语特点 4.广告的结构句法特点 5.广告的修辞特点 6.广告的文体特点B.广告的翻

33、译,1.彭萍,实用商务文体翻译(英汉双向)m.北京:中央编译出版社,2008.2.白智勇,广告艺术中的策略M.北京:北京工艺美术出版社,1991.3.卢泰宏等,广告创意100m.广州,广州出版社,1995.4.金涛声、徐舟汉,中外广告精品探胜M.北京:国际文化出版公司,1995.5.崔刚,广告英语M.北京:北京理工大学出版社,1993:,VII.References for further reading,6.陈新,英汉文体翻译教程M.北京:北京大学出版社,2004:89-91。7.崔刚,广告英语300句M。北京:首都经济贸易大学出版社,1993:97。8.李克兴,论广告翻译的策略:创造性翻译

34、C。中国翻译网,2004:64。9.刘宓庆,文体与翻译M。北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,2003:420。10.孟琳、詹金辉A,英语广告修辞的翻译。2001:34。,VII.References for further reading,Do further reading about advertisement translation2.Do exercises in your handouts,VIII.Assignments,Thanks for Your Attnetion,The End,畅 游 中 国遥远的地方有一条龙,他的名字叫“中国”。中国,是一个幅员辽阔,资源丰富、文化灿烂、民族

35、团结、社会进步的国家。位于亚洲东部,太平洋西岸,是世界上人口最多的国家,人口约13亿,共有56个民族。,Far at the ends of the earth is there a dragon,whose name is“China”.China is a nation with a vast territory,rich resources,a glittering culture,a steadfast national solidarity,and a high level of social development.It stands in the east of Asia,on

36、the west bank of the Pacific Ocean,being the most populous country in the world,with a population of 1.3 billion,and 56 nationalities.,5000年来,中华儿女勤劳而智慧的人文创造和天开万物造就的自然景观为中国大地留下了景象骄人、数量繁多的名胜古迹,也创造了辉煌绚丽、影响深远的文化艺术。,In the past 5,000 years,the cultural creation by the industrious and wise Chinese people

37、and the unique God-given natural landscape have left multitudinous places of historic interest and scenic beauty on the land of China,and have also generated resplendent and far-reaching culture and arts.,早在170万年至20万年前,元谋人、蓝田人、北京人等古人类就生活在这块土地上。,As early as 1.7 million years to 0.2 million years ago,

38、some ancient human species such as Homo erectus yuanmoensis,Lantianman and Peking men,lived on this land.,1949年,中国共产党领导中国各族人民建立了中华人民共和国。每年的10月1日,为中国法定国庆日。,In 1949,led by the Chinese Communist Party,the Chinese people of all nationalities founded the Peoples Republic of China.October 1 each year is C

39、hinas legal National Day.,发展中的中国自然资源丰富,有众多矿物资源,农业在国民经济占很大比重,许多工业产品居世界前列,特别是旅游业发展迅速。,The developing China is rich in natural resources,including numerous mineral resources.Its agriculture accounts for a great proportion in national economy,many industrial products rank first in the world,and especial

40、ly its tourist industry grows very fast.,中国作为世界古代文明的发祥地之一,同时,也是一个融合和吸纳了世界多个民族优秀文化和传统的国家。世界三大宗教之一的伊斯兰教,约于西元七世纪由阿拉伯传入中国。,As one of the cradle lands of ancient civilization of the world,China is also a nation that has melted and absorbed the excellent cultures and traditions of many nations in the worl

41、d.One of the three major religions of the world,Islamism,was introduced into China via Arabia in about the seventh century A.D.,在漫漫的历史长河中,是中国和阿拉伯的使者、商人架起了中阿两大地区间经济文化交流的桥梁,是他们把这一具有世界影响的宗教移植和传播到中国。,In the very long course of history,it was the Chinese and Arabic emissaries and merchants who built up t

42、he bridge of economic and cultural exchange between China and Arab,and it was they who transplanted and spread this world-famous religion into China.,目前中国信仰伊斯兰教的人口总数约2000万,现有清真寺34000多座,阿甸、毛拉45000多人。其中,中国最大的一座清真寺喀什艾提尕尔清真寺,就坐落在美丽的天山脚下。,At present,in China,there are totally about 20 million Moslems,mor

43、e than 34000 masjids,and more than 45000 ahongs and mullas.Among others,one of the largest masjids in China,Kashiaitigaer Masjid,is just situated at the foot of the beautiful Tian Shan Mountain.,中国,这个古老东方神韵里绵延了5000年的龙的国度,是一个历史悠久,文化灿烂,旅游资源十分丰富的国家。,China,this nation of the Dragon in the ancient orient

44、al verve continuing for 5000 years,is a country with a long history,a glittering culture and very rich tourism resources.,不仅拥有巍峨的山川,秀美河流,雄伟的古代建筑艺术,还有数不尽的名胜古迹,,It not only has lofty mountains,charming rivers,grand ancient architecture,but also has countless places of historic interest and scenic beau

45、ty.,可谓自然景观与人文景观交相辉映,众多的世界自然与文化遗产闪烁着中国人民的智慧和勤劳的光芒。,So we may say,the natural landscape and human landscape are adding radiance and beauty to each other here.The rich natural and cultural heritages are glittering with the wisdom and industriousness of the Chinese people.,迄今为止,中国已经有31项世界遗产被联合国教科文组织列入世界

46、遗产名录。具体包括:,So far,China has already had 31 world heritages that have been listed by United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization into Catalogue of World Heritages.To name only a few of them:,龙门石窟、曲阜孔庙、孔林孔府、明清皇家陵寝、青城山-都江堰、皖南古村落、,Longmen Stone Cave,Confucian Temple and Confucius Man

47、sion and Woods at Qufu,Regius Catacombses of the Ming and Qing Dynasties,the Qingcheng Mountain,Dujiang Weir,Ancient Village in Southern Anhui,云冈石窟、九寨沟、黄龙、武陵源、三江并流、平遥古城、周口店北京人遗址、丽江古城、苏州古典园林等。,Yungang Stone Cave,Jiu Zhai Gou,Huanglong,Wu Ling Yuan,Cocurrent Flow of Three Great Rivers,Ancient City of

48、Pingyao,Archaeological Site of Peking Man at Zhoukoudian,Ancient City of Lijiang,Classical Parks and Gardens at Suzhou,and so on.,众多的旅游名胜,吸引了大量国际国内游客。在2003年入境来中国旅游人数就达到9166.21万人次之多。,So many tourist attractions are drawing a great many tourists here from home and abroad.In 2003 alone,the tourists coming to China were as many as 91.6621 million person-times.,9600000平方千米土地,处处充满着古老东方神韵的诱惑。欢迎来到中国,欢迎体验龙的国度。,Every place of the 9,600,000 km2 land is full of the temptation of the ancient Oriental verve.Welcome to China,to taste this nation of the Dragon.,


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