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1、只要人人都献出一点爱If everyone dedicates a little love to others世界将变成美好的人间the world will become the wonderful Eden,115寝室心中有爱翻译大纲,翻译段落:心中有爱第三段翻译文体:散文翻译背景:2001年一位13岁小女孩的故事翻译基调:语言平实,通俗化(小女孩的话)翻译重点:小女孩的话翻译小组:郑艳 李晓旭 范嘉敏 刘庭佳(学号排列)陈旺 王吉洪 鄢红 张璧增特色词汇:下岗,这是2001年11月27日晚上山东齐鲁电视台播放的一条新闻,采访的记者们都哭了,我也哭了。Our version:This is

2、 a piece of news broadcast on Shandong Qilu TV on the evening of 27 Nov.2001.All journalists on spot cried,so did I.,Reference Version:This is the news reported on Shandong Qilu television on the evening of Nov.27th 2001.All the reporters couldnt help crying,so did I.这是2001年11月27日晚上山东齐鲁电视台播放的一条新闻,采访

3、的记者们都哭了,我也哭了。Our version:This is a piece of news broadcast on Shandong Qilu TV on the evening of 27 Nov.2001.All the journalists on spot cried,so did I.,周越平静地说:“我知道自己的病看不好了,我妈妈下岗了,只有爸爸一个人在上班,家里的积蓄只够十几天的口粮,是社会上的叔叔、阿姨、伯伯们为我献爱心,捐钱给我治病,我没有能力回报他们了。Our version:“I know I cannot be cured anymore,”said Zhou

4、Yue calmly.“Since my mother was laid off from her position,my family lives only on my fathers income.The accumulation can only be spent for food for ten more days.It is the uncles and aunts from the society who gives me their hospitality and donates money to help me receive treatment.I can do nothin

5、g for them in return.,周越平静地说:“我知道自己的病看不好了,我妈妈下岗了,只有爸爸一个 人 在上班,家里的积蓄只够十几天的口粮,是社会上的叔叔、阿姨、伯伯们为 我 献爱心,捐钱给我治病,我没有能力回报他们了。Reference Version:She said calmly:I know I wont get restored to health any longer.My mom was laid off,dad is the only one who works hard to support my family.In addition,our entire sav

6、ing is only enough for grain rations for dozens of days.It is the strange uncles and aunts who show love and donate money for me,so I can receive treatment.I have no chance to requite them.Our version:“I know I cannot be cured anymore,”said Zhou Yue calmly.“Since my mother was laid off from her posi

7、tion,my family lives only on my fathers income.The accumulation can only be spent for foods for ten more days.It is the uncles and aunts from the society who gives me their hospitality and donate money to help me receive treatment.I can do nothing for them in return.,啥叫下岗?下岗=失业?,下岗:实质是失业。在中国长期计划经济的影

8、响下,岗位是个专有名词,是工作单位的代名词。因此,我国近年来由于国有企业(包括集体企业)经营状况不佳或分流改制引起的部分职工失业,社会统称叫做“下岗”。(laid-off employers,lose ones position)失业:即达到就业年龄具备工作能力谋求工作但未得到就业机会的状态。(The unemployed,Unemployment)主要区别是:失业人员已于企业解除劳动关系,档案已转入户口所在街道、镇劳动和社会保障部门,而下岗职工虽然无业,但未和原企业解除劳动关系,档案关系仍在原企业。,下岗证,我唔怕!,我死之后,一把火把尸体烧成骨灰太可惜了,把遗体捐献给国家吧!让医生能治好像

9、我这样的病人。”Our version:But it would be a pity if my remains burn to ashes after my death.I have made up my mind to contribute it to our country so that doctors can cure patients like me.,我死之后,一把火把尸体烧成骨灰太可惜了,把遗体捐献给国家吧!让医生能治好像我这样的病人。”Reference Version:It is a pity to burn my corpse after I died.Give the

10、body to my country,so the doctor can cure patients like me.Our version:But it would be a pity if my remains burn to ashes after my death.I have made up my mind to contribute it to my country so that doctors can cure patients like me.,这个可爱的女孩的两个心愿看心仪已久的大海、去北大当一回学生.月日上午时,节目组和北京亚运村急救站的急救车,带着周越及其父母离开济南一

11、家医院开往北京。下午时,急救车驶进北京。当车停在北大团委楼下时,小周越由于太激动,情绪不稳定,高烧达。这个插着氧气管、输着强心剂和升压剂、面部因打激素而显得臃肿的孩子,激动得泪流满面,不断喃喃自语地说“很高兴”。北大团委张秋雷老师向小周越赠送了新生素质教育画册,为她佩戴上了“北京大学”校徽。躺在担架车上的周越还参观了未名湖、图书馆、百周年纪念讲堂。“要是我的病能好,我一定要到北大读书。”周越声音细微地表达着愿望。晚上时,急救车载着满足了愿望的小周越离开北大,返回济南.若干天后,周越离开人世,把遗体捐献给山东医学院.,The good die first-William Wordsworth 善良之人总是先被上帝召唤去。威廉华兹华斯,Let life be beautiful like summer flowers 生如夏花般绚烂 And death like autumn leaves 死若秋叶之静美,One For All One For All Have a nice day!-115,


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