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1、,从形合意合谈汉译英(改写版,供写论文参考。)On C-E Translationfrom the Perspective of Hypotaxis and Parataxis,Outline 1 Hypotaxis and Parataxis 2 Two Ways of Forming an English Sentence 3 Major Differences in Structure 4 Sentence Combination,1 What are Hypotaxis and Parataxis?In general,hypotaxis is harmony in form,and

2、parataxis is harmony in meaning.1.1 The definition of hypotaxis Hypotaxis is the grammatical arrangement of functionally similar but unequal constructs(hypo=beneath,taxis=arrangement),i.e.,constructs playing an unequal role in a sentence.A common example of syntactic expression of hypotaxis is subor

3、dination in a complex sentence.,1.2 The definition of parataxis Parataxis is a way of writing or speaking that favors short,simple sentences,with the use of coordinating rather than subordinating conjunctions.(from Greek for“act of placing side by side”;Para=beside+tassein=arrange).It is a literary

4、technique,contrasted with hypotaxis.,1.3 The three devices to form a sentence Words are connected in three ways to form a sentence:syntactical devices,lexical devices and semantic devices.Syntactical devices and lexical devices pertain to hypotaxis,and semantic devices pertain to parataxis.,2 Two Wa

5、ys of Forming English Sentences Coordination(并列)and subordination(从属)are ways of combining words,phrases,and clauses into more complex forms.The discussion below examines coordination and subordination of clauses.2.1 Coordination(并列)Coordination of sentences is a grammatical strategy that the ideas

6、in two or more INDEPENDENT CLAUSES are equivalent or balanced.Coordination can produce harmony by bringing related elements together.Coordination uses coordinating conjunctions(central coordinators are and,but,and or)(只有以上三个常用的并列连词)or punctuation(mainly semicolon 分号)to combine short independent clau

7、ses into a single sentence.,2.2 Subordination(从属)Subordination is a grammatical strategy that one idea in a sentence is more important than another idea in the same sentence.To use subordination,you place the more important idea in an INDEPENDENT CLAUSE(finite clause)and the less important(the subor

8、dinate)idea in a DEPENDENT CLAUSE(finite clause or non-finite clause).Subordination uses subordinating conjunctions(从属连词)(conjunctive pronouns,conjunctive adverbs,relative pronouns,relative adverbs)(e.g.that,who,what,which,when,where,how,etc.)to transform independent clauses(main clauses)into depend

9、ent clauses(subordinate clauses).Or it uses infinitive,-ing participle or ed participle to form a non-finite clause(including absolute construction).,2.3 Examples of coordination and subordination with different emphasis E.g.1.The girl cried,and she threw the gift out of the window.(A compound sente

10、nce or coordination gives equal importance to both ideas.)E.g.2.The girl cried as she threw the gift out of the window.(The subordinate clause downplays the girls throwing of the gift out of the window and shows how the action of throwing the gift out of the window relates to the action of crying.)E

11、.g.3.The girl cried,throwing the gift out of the window.(The participial phrase further subordinates the girls throwing of the gift out of the window.)E.g.4.Crying,the girl threw the gift out of the window.(The participial phrase makes the action of crying less important and emphasizes the action of

12、 throwing the gift out of the window.)E.g.5.The crying girl threw the gift out of the window.(Adjectives give the least emphasis to the girls crying.),2.4 Meanings in Compound Sentences with“and”Time sequence:He opened the door,and then we entered the restaurant.Result:He dropped the plate of pasta

13、on my map,and I let out a cry of pain and horror.Contrast:My sister orders tea,and I always take coffee.Concession:The restaurant owners want to serve good food,and yet they never quite get everything right.Condition:They have to learn to make better coffee,and then Ill be happier./Go straight and y

14、oull see a church./Do that again and Ill call a policeman.Pure addition:They serve pasta,and they also have a nice range of pizzas.Explanation:They have only one choice to stay in business-and thats to improve both food and service immediately.,3 Major Differences in Structure3.1 Flowing-water sente

15、nces and run-on sentences(汉语普遍采用流水句。而英语粘连句或称不断句则是错误的。)E.g.1.不觉冬去春来,久困思动,今日醒来,阳光照屋,精神为之一振,扔在屋角的包袱一直未曾打开,趁天气晴朗,一把拎了过来,抖出冬天换下的衣裳,上面尚有点点雨渍雪痕,便将它摊在窗前晒起。-牡丹亭(只有一个句号)Before very long,winter passed and spring arrived.One day when Liu Mengmei woke up,he was pleased to find that the room full of sunshine.He h

16、ad lain on the bed for a long time and now found it better to get up and move around.He jumped up and took up the bundle which he had thrown in the corner of the room many days ago.His winter clothes still had stains of rain and snow and he hung them up by the window to dry.(五个句号),E.g.2.凭窗站了一会,微微的觉得

17、凉意侵入。转过身来,忽然眼花缭乱。Standing at the window for a while,I felt a bit chilly.As I turned round,my eyes suddenly dazzled before the bright light and could not see things distinctly.E.g.3.在第一章首先讨论了浪漫主义的起源,然后在第二章讨论了浪漫主义的特点。?At first,the origin of romanticism is dealt with in chapter one,then the characteris

18、tics of romanticism are studied in chapter two.(有问题的句子打问号)First,the origin of romanticism is dealt with in Chapter One,and then its characteristics are studied in Chapter Two.(正确句子打钩),3.2 Adverbs or conjunctions?(不要把副词当做连词)E.g.1.他似乎并不想去,另外他的衣服也不够好。?He seemed to have no desire to go there,besides,his

19、 clothes were not good enough.He seemed to have no desire to go there;besides,his clothes were not good enough.He seemed to have no desire to go there.Besides,his clothes were not good enough.He seemed to have no desire to go there,and besides,his clothes were not good enough.,E.g.2.房价太高,而且地段也不太合适。?

20、The price is too high,moreover,the house isnt in a suitable position.The price is too high;moreover,the house isnt in a suitable position.The price is too high.Moreover,the house isnt in a suitable position.The price is too high,and moreover,the house isnt in a suitable position.,E.g.3.房子对我们来讲不够大,而且

21、离城里太远。?The house isnt big enough for us,furthermore,it is too far from the town.The house isnt big enough for us;furthermore,it is too far from the town.The house isnt big enough for us.Furthermore,it is too far from the town.The house isnt big enough for us,and furthermore,it is too far from the to

22、wn.,E.g.4.她说是这样的,可是她错了。?She said it was so,however,she was mistaken.She said it was so;however,she was mistaken.She said it was so.However,she was mistaken.She said it was so,but she was mistaken.(nevertheless 与此同),E.g.5.一方面你收了她的礼物,另一方面你对全家都不礼貌。?On one hand you have accepted her presents,on the othe

23、r(hand)you are rude to the whole family.On the one hand you have accepted her presents;on the other(hand)you are rude to the whole family.On the one hand you have accepted her presents.On the other(hand)you are rude to the whole family.On the one hand you have accepted her presents,but on the other(

24、hand)you are rude to the whole family.,E.g.6.下雨了,比赛取消了。?It rained,therefore the game was called off.It rained;therefore the game was called off.It rained.Therefore the game was called off.It rained,so the game was called off.E.g.7.他不努力,挂科了。?He didnt study hard,thus failed the test.He didnt study har

25、d,and thus failed the test.E.g.8.他们聊了一会儿,然后上班去了。?They chatted for a while,then they went to work.They chatted for a while and then went to work.,3.3 With conjunctions and without conjunctions(汉语常省略连词或根本就不用连词,英语则多用连词。)E.g.1.他不来信,我不回信。Because he doesnt write to me,I dont/wont write back.He doesnt writ

26、e to me,and/so I dont write back to him.E.g.2.要提倡科学,靠科学才有希望。We must promote science,for that is where our hope lies.E.g.3.善欲人见,不是真善;恶恐人知,便是大恶。A good deed is no good deed if it is done for show.An evil is all the worse if it is covered up.E.g.4.车未停稳,请勿上下。Never get on or off the bus before it comes to

27、 a standstillE.g.5.你来了,我走。If you come,Ill leave.When you come,Ill leave.Since you have come,Im leaving.,3.4 Topic-prominent or subject/object prominent(汉语是主题鲜明即可,英语多必须写明主语和宾语。)E.g.1.全国到处都在兴建新工厂。?The whole country is building new factories.New factories are being built all over the country.E.g.2.刚才校门

28、口发生了一起交通事故。?The school gate happened a traffic accident just now.A traffic accident happened at the school gate just now.E.g.3.三十年来中国发生了巨大的变化。?China has taken placed great changes in the last 30 years.Great changes have taken placed in China in the last 30 years.,E.g.4.听到这个消息,她的手都在发抖。?Hearing the ne

29、ws,her hands were trembling.(她的手不能听)When she heard the news,her hands were trembling.E.g.5.往窗外一看,有几个学生在打篮球。?Looking out of the window,there were some students played basketball.Looking out of the window,I saw some students playing basketball.E.g.6.首先讨论了浪漫主义的起源,最后讨论了浪漫主义的影响。?At First discusses the or

30、igin of romanticism,at last deals with the influence of romanticism.First,the origin of romanticism is discussed,and finally/in the end its influence is dealt with.,E.g.7.不了解中国的第一手资料是一大遗憾。?Do not know China firsthand is a great pity.It is a great pity that you do not know China firsthand.That you do

31、 not know China firsthand is a great pity.Not knowing China firsthand is a great pity.E.g.8.酒不喝了。I dont feel like drinking any more.E.g.9.只有勤奋才能取得好成绩。A good score depends on diligence.,E.g.10.今天食堂吃饺子。Jiaozi are served in the canteen today.E.g.11.叉子不好吃。I cant eat well with a fork.E.g.12.从历史上看,每个时代的人类

32、互不相同,没有所谓共同的“人性”。An examination of the history of humanitysuggested that man in our epoch is so different from man in previous times that it seemedunrealistic to assume that men in every age havehad in common something that can be called“human nature”.,E.g.13.他开车心不在焉,几乎肇事。His absent mind during the

33、driving nearly caused an accident.E.g.14.午夜空气凉爽,她又振作了精神。The cool midnight air restored her spirits.E.g.15.欲购从速。Waste no time if you want to buy it.E.g.16.电影糟透了,劝你别看。?Film is very bad,I advise you not see.The film is very bad,and I advise you not see it.The film is so bad that I advise you not see it

34、.,3.5 Marked nouns or unmarked nouns(英语的名词可数名词多应当表明其数、归属等特性。)E.g.1.马是有用的动物。?Horse is useful animal.A horse is a useful animal.Horses are useful animals.The horse is a useful animal.E.g.2.我每天早上都一样,洗脸,刷牙,吃早点,然后去上班。?I am the same every day,wash face,brush teeth,have breakfast,then go to work.Every day

35、is the same to me:I wash my face,brush my teeth,have my breakfast,and then go to work.E.g.3.他到图书馆借书去了。?He has gone to the library to borrow book.He has gone to the library to borrow a book/some books.,4 Sentence Combination There are three major ways to combine different parts into one sentence.(连接句

36、子的三个手段:并列连词、从属连词、非谓语)1.Using coordinators such as“and,or,but”(并列连词)2.Using subordinators such as“when,which,who,what,whose,that,when,where,”.(从属连词)3.Using non-finite forms.(非谓语)Example:我坐在椅子上看电视。原句:I sat in the chair.I watched TV.合句:1.I sat in the chair and watched TV.(并列连词)2.I sat in the chair when I watched TV.(从属连词)3.I sat in the chair,watching TV.(非谓语)*The following is a diagram to show how a sentence can be constructed.,


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