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1、考题回放2009江西高考学校即将举行以“Turning a bad mood(心情)into a good one”为题目的英语作文比赛,请按下列要求写一篇100词左右的记叙文或议论文。,记叙文:议论文:,1.发生的具体事件。2.对你的心情有何影响?3.你如何应对?,1.好心情的重要性。2.产生坏心情的原因。3.应该如何调整心情。,熟 背 佳 作一、记叙文:Turning a bad mood into a good one One day,on my way to school by bus,I stepped on a young mans foot accidentally/quite

2、by accident/chance,I said sorry to him politely immediately,but he called my names rudely.I am in a bad mood the rest of the day.,Realizing my bad mood,my headteacher talked with me patiently about it.He said that in fact it is an insight attitude toward life.It is known to us all that there is a fa

3、mous saying“Everything depends on ones attitude”.Life is like a mirror,if you smile at it,it will smile back to you.,Through this matter,I realize that a good mood is actually an attitude toward life in essence,and that an active attitude toward everything is very important.Ill face everything unple

4、asant tolerantly from now on and let my soul full of sunshine.,二、议论文:Turning a bad mood into a good one A good mood is very important in ones daily life.It is actually an attitude to ones life and it is a good quality inside oneself in essence.There is a famous saying that everything depends on ones

5、 attitude.If you have an active attitude toward what you have to face in life,you will deal with everything smoothly and successfully whether it is pleasant or not.,If we analyze the very cause of a good or a bad mood psychologically,we will find that it is an inner atmosphere in oneself.Whether you

6、 have a good mood or a bad mood depends on yourself indeed.A bad mood is a passive reflection to outer factors in ones daily life.So how can we control our moods becomes especially fatal,we must form an active attitude and learn to control ourselves.If we can do so,no matter what happens around us,w

7、e can tolerant everything and make our life happy and successful.,佳 句 选 粹1.(2009陕西高考,11)Gun control is a subject about which Americans have argued for a long time.,信 息 采 集枪支控制是美国人争论了很长时间的一个话题。(“介词which”引导定语从句),佳 句 选 粹2.(2009天津高考,7)It is obvious to the students that they should get well prepared for

8、their future.,信 息 采 集显然,学生们应该为他们的未来做好充分的准备。(that引导主语从句,在从句中不作句子成分,it是形式主语),佳 句 选 粹3.(2009山东高考完形)I had often wondered what kind of home life David had,and what kind of mother could send her son to school dressed so inappropriately for the cold winter months,without a coat,boots,or gloves.,信 息 采 集我常常想


10、.乐观(主义)的,11.n.沙漠;荒原v.遗弃;抛弃,12.adj.贪吃的;贪婪的;贪心的,13.n.代表;典型人物adj.典型的;有代表性的,optimistic,desert,greedy,representative,14.n.印象;感想;印记 v.使印象深刻 adj.令人印象深刻的,15.adj.时常发生的;连续不断的 adv.不断地,16.vi.&vt.按;压;逼迫 n.按;压;印刷;新闻 n.压力,17.n.瞬间;片刻 adj.立即的;立刻的 adv.立即;立刻,18.n.定居;解决 v.解决;处理 n.定居者,impression,impress,impressive,const

11、ant,constantly,press,pressure,instant,instantly,settlement,settle,settler,1.impression n.印象;感想;印记,eave/make/have/give a.impression on sb.给某人留下印象be under the impression that.觉得,以为,(2),(1),impress vt.使印象深刻;使铭记;盖,印,打动impress sth.on/upon sb.使某人铭记某事impress sb.with/at/by sth.某事/物给某人留下印象be impressed by/wit

12、h 被深深打动/感动,His speech made a good impression on the audience.他的演说给听众留下了相当好的印象。Were that they are brothers.我们有这么一个感觉,他们是弟兄。My teachers words are strongly my memory.老师的话深深印在我的记忆中。My father impressed on me the value of hard work.My father impressed me with the value of hard work.父亲要我铭记努力工作的重要性。,under t

13、he impression,impressed on,2.lack v.&n.缺乏;缺少的东西,lackn.lack forn.(多用于否定句中)需求;需要for/through lack ofn.因缺乏a lack ofn.缺乏no lack of 不缺乏lacking adj.短缺的;缺乏的be lacking in 缺少,(1)v.,(2)n.,(3),Li Jiaweis real problem is that she lacks confidence.李佳薇的真正问题是她缺乏信心。He has got a bad headache sleep.因缺乏睡眠他患上了严重的头痛。They

14、 are so rich that they nothing.他们非常富裕,什么也不缺。The match was called off due to support.比赛因缺少赞助而被取消。Robin is not usually lacking in confidence.罗宾平时并不缺乏自信心。,through lack of,lack for,lack of,(2007辽宁高考)Health problems are closely connected with bad eating habits and a of exercise.A.limitB.lackC.need D.dema

15、nd,解析:选句意:健康问题与不良的饮食习惯和缺乏锻炼息息相关。根据句意,所表达的应是“缺乏”的意思。limit限制;need需要;demand需求。故选B。,B,3.flash vt.&vi.闪光,闪现;(想法等)掠过,闪现n.闪光,flash into ones mind掠过心头flash by/past/through/into 闪过;掠过flash back 回顾;回放(2)in a flash 很快;立刻;立即,(1),Lightning flashed in the sky.空中出现闪电。A good idea her mind.一个好主意掠过她的心头。Our vacation s

16、eemed to just flash by.我们的假期似乎只是一闪而过。My mind flashed back to our last meeting.我又想起了我们上次会面时的情景。An idea came to my mind.我立刻想到了一个主意。,flashed into,in a flash,4.instant adj.立即的;立刻的 n.瞬间;刹那,(1)in instant need of help 急需救助(2)in an instant 立刻;马上(3)表“一就”的有:the instant/minute/moment/second,as soon as,instantl

17、y,immediately,directly,I need an instant reply.我需要立即回答。The injured were help.那些伤者急需救助。I shall be back in an instant.我马上就回来。Please send me an email you reach Sichuan.你一到四川就给我发电子邮件。Instantly/The instant I saw him I knew he was the man the police were looking for.我一看见他就认出他正是警方在寻找的那个人。,in instant need o

18、f,the instant,1.The young man acted strangely during the interview.He made a badon the employer.A.impressionB.expressionC.experience D.opinion,解析:make a good/bad impression on sb.意为“给某人留下好/坏的印象”。,答案:A,2.Theon his face told me that he was angry.A.impression B.sightC.appearance D.expression,解析:考查名词辨析。

19、impression“印象”;sight“视觉”;appearance“相貌;外表”;expression“表情”。根据句意应选择D项。,答案:D,3.Thoughmoney,his parents managed to send him to university.A.lacked B.lacking ofC.lacking D.lacked in,解析:从句补全为:Though his parents lacked money,his parents managed to send him to university。由于lack在句中表主动,此处用现在分词。,答案:C,4.Much to

20、 my surprise,shetears she read the letter.A.burst out;instant B.burst into;the instantC.burst out;instantly D.burst into;instant,解析:burst into tearsburst out crying“突然大声哭了起来”;the instant或instantly“一就”。,答案:B,5.When I saw the cars crash on the road,a frightened feelingacross my mind.A.flashed B.struck

21、C.hit D.occurred,解析:strike与hit都直接接宾语,不需用介词;occur 需要与to连用。句意:当我看到公路上汽车相撞时,恐惧感涌上我的心头。,答案:A,1.拿起;接受;开始;继续,2.(困境后)恢复;完全复原,take up,3.看不见,be back on ones feet,4.打扫;横扫,lose sight of,5.(快捷而悄声地)移动;溜进,sweep up,6.加速,slide into,7.结果,speed up,8.与相似,as a result,be similar to.,9.向四面八方,10.带领某人参观,in all directions,s

22、how.around.,1.lose sight of看不见,come into sight 进入视野内,映入眼帘go out of sight 从视野中消失get/have/catch sight of 看得见,发现lose ones sight 失明at first sight 乍一看at the sight of 看到out of sight 看不到in/within sight 在视野内,(1),(2),I him in the crowd.在人群中我再也看不到他了。I caught sight of an empty seat at the back of the bus.我看到公共

23、汽车后面有一个空位。At last the famous tower came.那座有名的塔终于出现在眼前。She let out a cry the snake.她一见到蛇,就发出叫喊声。The train was soon out of sight.不一会儿,我们就看不见火车了。,lost sight of,in sight,at the sight of,2.take up拿起;接受;开始;继续;占据,take apart拆开(机器)等take away 拿走,夺去take back 收回(说错的话)take down 取下,记下,拆卸take in 接受,吸收;包括;领会,理解;欺骗t

24、ake on 承担,呈现;开始雇用take off 拿走;脱下(衣帽等);起飞take over 占据;接任(职位),She took up her first teaching post in 2009.2009年,她走上第一个教学岗位。He had studied Japanese for a year and a half before he English.他开始学习英语之前已经学了一年半日语了。It took up a whole week to finish reading the book.读完这本书需要花费整整一星期的时间。Sorry,I what I said.对不起,我收回

25、我说的话。He is taking over my job while I am on holiday.我放假时,他接替我的工作。,took up,take back,(2009安徽高考)We tried to find a table for seven,but they were all.A.given awayB.kept awayC.taken up D.used up,解析:选考查动词短语。句意:我们努力寻找一张能容纳七个人吃饭的桌子,但是这些桌子都被占了。give away“泄露(秘密),赠送”;keep away“远离”;take up“举起,拿起,占据,从事”;use up“用

26、完,耗尽”。,C,3.speed up加速,Wed better speed up if we want to be in time for the film.如果我们想及时看电影,最好要加快速度。Plenty of fresh air and exercise will his recovery.充足的新鲜空气和体育锻炼将加速他的康复。At the turning,the car reduced speed.在拐弯处,汽车减慢了速度。The police car is running 100 miles per hour to chase after the truck ahead of i

27、t.警车以每小时100英里的速度追赶前面那辆卡车。,speed up,at a speed of,1.After he retired from office,Rogerspainting for a while,but soon lost interest.A.took up B.saved upC.kept up D.drew up,解析:由后置语境but soon lost interest可知空白处应表示“对产生兴趣”,take up 可以表示“对产生兴趣”,故A项符合语境。save up“储蓄”;keep up“使不掉下来”;draw up“起草,拟订”。,答案:A,2.Helen

28、always helps her mother even though going to school most of her day.A.takes up B.makes upC.saves up D.puts up,解析:take up占据(时间或空间)。句意:海伦总是帮助母亲,即便在上学占用了她大半天时间的情况下也不例外。make up形成,组成;save up储蓄;put up举起,张贴。,答案:A,3.For miles around me there was nothing but a desert,without a single plant or tree.A.on earth

29、 B.for instanceC.in sight D.at place,解析:句意:我周围几英里范围内除了沙漠什么都没有,放眼望去甚至没有一棵植物或树。in sight在视野内。A项,究竟;在世界上;B项,例如;D项,无此搭配。,答案:C,4.The Internet is widely used,whichthe development of English.A.speeds up B.takes overC.gets across D.turns to,解析:A项,“加速”;B项,“接管”;C项,“理解”;D项,“转向,求助于”。句意:因特网得到了广泛应用,这加速了英语的发展。,答案:A

30、,1.At first my new surroundings were difficult to tolerate.,句式分析be difficult后跟不定式,其中不定式通常用主动表被动。,活学巧用这本书很难理解。,This book is difficult.,to understand,2.These carriages float above the ground and by bending or pressing down in your seat,you can move swiftly.,句式分析by后面可接动词ing形式,表示方式、手段。,活学巧用他们对孩子关心不太够,就试

31、图用给钱的方式来弥补。,They try to make up for their lack of attention their children money.,by giving,3.However,I lost sight of Wang Ping when we reached what looked like a large market because of too many carriages flying by in all directions.,句式分析其中what.market是what引导的名词性从句。,活学巧用一所新校在一片废墟的地方建立起来。,A new schoo

32、l is set up.,in what was a wasteland,4.Exhausted,I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.,句式分析exhausted为形容词在句中作原因状语。,活学巧用不满意,他决定找到一个解决问题的更好的方法。,,he decided to find a better way to solve the problem.,Not satisfied,Exhausted,I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.我感到累极了,爬上床很快就睡着了。,exhausted 为形容词在句中作原因状语。同时

33、形容词在句中也可作伴随、方式状语从句等。Not satisfied with what she said,he left angrily.对她的话不满意,他气愤地走了。He spent seven days in the wind and snow,cold and hungry.他又冷又饿地在风雪中过了7天。,For a moment she just stood there,believe what had just happened.她在那儿呆呆地站了一会儿,简直不能相信刚才发生的事。He lay on the bed,.他躺在床上,醒着。The boy lay,relaxed on t

34、he sofa.小男孩放松地躺在沙发上。,unable to,awake,(2009北京高考)After the long journey,the three of them went back home,.A.hungry and tiredly B.hungry and tiredC.hungrily and tiredly D.hungrily and tired,解析:选句意:长途旅游后,他们三个回到了家,又饿又累。本题考查形容词作状语,表示伴随或结果。,B,1.(2010杭州检测二)When it was his turn to deliver hisspeech,he walked

35、 towards the microphone.A.nervously and embarrassinglyB.nervous and embarrassedlyC.nervously and embarrassingD.nervous and embarrassed,解析:考查形容词作状语。nervous and embarrassed紧张的又局促不安的,描述主语的状态。,答案:D,2.and happy,Tony stood up and accepted the prize.A.Surprising B.SurprisedC.Being surprised D.To be surpris

36、ing,解析:此题考查形容词作伴随状语,描述其主语所处的状态。,答案:B,3.After his journey from abroad,Richard Jones returned home,.A.exhausting B.exhaustedC.being exhausted D.having exhausted,解析:形容词 exhausted意为“(感到)精疲力竭的”,在此处作状语,说明主语的特征;exhausting意为“令人精疲力竭的”,常指事物;being exhausted 仅能作状语,表示原因,此处与语境不符。,答案:B,4.(2008上海高考)Are you ready fo

37、r Spain?Yes,I want the girls to experience thatthey are young.A.while B.untilC.if D.before,解析:句意:“你准备好去西班牙了吗?”“是的。我想让这些女孩子趁着年轻的时候去感受一下西班牙。”,答案:A,基础经典题.用所给单词的适当形式填空1.In an interview dont say anything negative about your current employerit gives a bad(impress).,答案:impression,2.Union leaders and compan

38、y bosses will meet tomorrow in an attempt to reach a(n)(settle).,答案:settlement,3.The girl you saw just now works as a parttime(type).,答案:typist,4.Ive made a few very minor(adjust)to it,but in general it was excellent.,答案:adjustments,5.They are worried about their sons(certain)future.,答案:uncertain,6.

39、She enjoyed the excitement of her work.Money was not her only(motivate).,答案:motivation,.选词填空,1.Daniel the room when no one was looking.,答案:slid into,2.Marys bad health at the moment.,答案:suffering from,3.We are reliably informed that David will.,答案:be back on his feet,4.Jan is the bits of paper and b

40、roken glass.,答案:sweeping up,5.Nancy,if you dont,well be there until midnight.,答案:speed up,.易错绣场1.(2008湖南高考)the Internet is of great help,I dont think its a good idea to spend too much time on it.A.IfB.WhileC.Because D.As,解析:句意:尽管因特网对我们有很大的帮助,但我认为花太多的时间上网也不是一个好主意。whileeven though尽管;if 如果;because因为;as

41、 因为,当的时候。只有B项符合句意。,答案:B,2.(2007四川高考)Id like to study law at universitymy cousin prefers geography.A.though B.asC.while D.for,解析:本题考查连词的用法。根据句意“我愿去大学学法律而我的表(堂)兄(妹)却愿学地理”,可知文中表达的是对比,故选while。as,for无此用法,though表转折应用于句末。,答案:C,3.We thought there were 35 students in the dining hall,in fact,there were 40.A.w

42、hile B.whetherC.what D.which,解析:句意:我们原以为在餐厅里只有35名学生,然而实际上却有40人。此题主要考查while表示对比或转折的用法,相当于but,但是语气没有but 重。其中in fact是关键词。,答案:A,4.The cost of living in Glasgow is among the lowest in Britain,the quality of life is probably one of the highest.A.since B.whenC.as D.while,解析:while此处表对比转折,意为“而”。,答案:D,.语法专练,1

43、.(2010东城检测)in a red skirt in the opening ceremony of the 2008 Olympic Games,the little girl Lin Miaoke won the hearts of the people all over the world.A.Dressed B.WornC.Dressing D.Wearing,解析:考查非谓语动词。前半句是非谓语动词短语作状语,dressed in表示状态。假如使用wear,应该是wearing a red skirt in the opening ceremony of the 2008 Oly

44、mpic Games。,答案:A,2.(2009郑州市第二次检测)lots of times,the song doesnt sound as nice as before.A.Hearing B.To hearC.Having heard D.Heard,解析:句子的主语the song与hear之间为动宾关系,因此空白处应用过去分词作状语,表示被动。,答案:D,3.with so much trouble,we failed to complete the task on time.A.Faced B.FaceC.Facing D.To face,解析:考查非谓语动词作状语。face后面是

45、一个with短语,所以face与句子主语之间就是一种动宾关系,故选A。,答案:A,4.in 1636,Harward is one of the most famous universities in the United States.A.Being founded B.It was foundedC.Founded D.Founding,解析:found“创立,创建”,它与主句主语存在被动关系,故D应排除,A项强调正在进行,B项是一个完整的句子,但由于题中没有任何并列连词可连接两个句子,故B项不正确。,答案:C,5.to give up smoking,he threw away his cigarettes.A.Determined;remained B.Determined;remainingC.Determining;remained D.Determining;remaining,解析:考查非谓语动词。determined to give up smoking是过去分词短语作状语;remaining是形容词,表示“剩余的”。需要注意的是,remain是不及物动词,没有被动形式,因此不能使用 remained。,答案:B,


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