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1、期末复习 Module 1,一、词汇部分:1、书后词汇表:thousand kilometre might million place building2、课文中:the Great Wall visit thousand museum hundred fifty beautiful,二、词组:注意介词搭配tell me about want to go therevisit me in china near to my homewalk all of the Great Wallmore than two thousand years oldmillions of years oldhow

2、long/how old/fifty metres high,三、功能句:注意问答搭配1.Can we walk all of the Great Wall?No,we cant walk all of it.2.How long is it?Its ten thousand li long.3.How old is it?Very old!Its more than two thousand years old.,四、语法要点:1、区分how long和how old的问答 How long is it?Its ten thouand li long.How old is it?Its mi

3、llions of years old.(your desk/classroom/street/the Summer Palace/school/city/room2、to的后面一定是跟:3、注意准确使用s:Its more than two thousand years old.Its millions of years old.Five thousand kilometres.,动词原形,want to go,期末复习 Module 2,一、词汇部分:1、书后词汇表:surprise everywhere restaurant different dancing weekend2、课文中:

4、email Chinatown New York restaurant Chinese people shop Chinese dancing really Sunday yesterday the Ming tombs interesting stone animals library grandma friend here nice,3、动词原形与过去式:说出过去式 send have go are speak eat am/is see like write,-sent-had-went-were-spoke-ate-was-saw-liked-wrote,4、国家与国籍:看国家说国籍

5、国家 国籍,China AmericaBritain(England)Canada AustraliaIndiaMexico,Chinese AmericanEnglish Canadian AustralianIndianMexican,二、词组:注意介词搭配send an email to mum had a big surprisea big Chinatown in New York went therelots and lots of Chinese shops spoke Chinese and English ate in an American Chinese restaura

6、ntdifferent from Chinese food in Chinasaw Chinese dancing in the streetwant to visit China and learn Chinese,want to go to the Great Wallwent to the Ming Tombs yesterdaylots of stone animalswent to a librarylots of books about Americawrote three emails yesterdayhere in England,三、功能句:注意问答搭配1.Where di

7、d you go last Sunday?I went to 2.What did you see?I saw 3.What did you eat?I ate,四、语法要点:1、here 与there的用法:什么意思?试着造句Im very happy here in England.(M6:Here in China,our school stars at eight oclock.There were lots and lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there.I met Daming here in New York.,here:这里 th

8、ere:那里,四、语法要点:2、an的用法:说出几个词组3、不同时态:读句子造句一般现在时:There is a big Chinatown in New York.He wants to visit China and learn Chinese.一般过去时:Yesterday I had a big surprise.The food was different from Chinese food in China.将来时:Im going to send an email to Mum.4、男孩女孩名:Girl:Ruby Julie Boy:Max Baobao,an email an

9、American Chinese restaurant,期末复习 Module 3,一、词汇部分:1、书后词汇表:stamp album collect America Canada coconut2、课文中:these some England ones emailsalways send letters any lots of idea with both great favourite alsoHainan Island the Five Finger Mountains,二、词组:注意介词搭配put my new stamps into my albumsome(any)stamps

10、from Chinasend me emails,send me letterssend you lots of Chinese stamps for your albumcollect stamps a good ideasome stamps from America and Canada for youmake an album with this book,my favourite Chinese stampa picture of Hainan Islandmy favourite place in Chinasee the Five-Finger Mountains and als

11、o some coconut trees(一个动词带两件事),三、功能句:注意问答搭配(注意时态、动词变化)1.What are you doing?Im putting my new stamps into my album.2.Have you got any stamps from China?No,I havent.3.Do you collect stamps?No,I dont.4.What have you got in your room?Ive got a desk and a chair.5.Where are these stamps from?These stamps

12、are from 1988.,四、语法要点:1、区分any和some的用法:有什么区别造句 2、词汇用法:always 一直。sometimes,often,usually,seldom,never3)both 两者都:Now we can both have stamp albums.Both Lingling and Daming are good at English.,any:否定句和疑问句 some:肯定句,I havent got any stamps from China.Have you got any stamps from America?,四、语法要点:3、句式:thes

13、e 这些,指复数1)These are some stamps from Canada.And these are some stamps from England.2)have got用法:I have got=Ive got You have got=Youve got We have got=Weve got They have got=Theyve got He has got=Hes got She has got=Shes gotHave you got?Yes,I have.No,I havent.Has he/she got?Yes,he/she has.No,he/she h

14、asnt.,期末复习 Module 4,一、词汇部分:1、书后词汇表:special hear nearly present together2、课文中:festival Thanksgiving November happenfamilies(family)special things fun important hear something Christmascountries(country)December light streethomes shops send sent cards,二、词组:注意介词搭配tell me about American festivalsin Nove

15、mber have a big,special dinnersay thank you for all the good things we havehave a lot of fun very important in Americawrote a poem about Thanksgivingtell me about Christmas in many countrieson the 25th of December in the streets and shops put special trees in their homesgive presents and send cards,

16、三、功能句:注意问答搭配(注意时态、动词变化)1.Can you tell me about American festivals?Yes.2.When is it?Its in November.3.What happens?Families are together.We have We say 4.What do people put in their homes?People put special trees in their homes.5.What do people give?They give presents.,四、语法要点:1、区分:时态、意思 What happened

17、?What happens?2、人称:从哪里能看出人称、动词是什么Thanksgiving is nearly here.Thanksgiving comes every year.There is something I can say.Thanksgiving is my favourite day.,Thanksgiving:,Easter eggs,rabbit,chocolate,Easter:,四、语法要点:3、不同节日的特色:Christmas:,Christmas tree,Santa Claus(Father Christmas),presents,big dinner,tu

18、rkey,big dinner,the Spring Festival:,dumplings,set off fire crackers,期末复习 Module 5,一、词汇部分:1、书后词汇表:pleased address pen pal pretty foreign2、课文中:China pleased live here(hair,hare,there)now visiting summer cousin fantasticChinese friend her write(wrote)photopretty,二、词组:注意介词搭配from China live here now vis

19、it Simon for the summerwant a Chinese pen pal speak some Englishtell you about China write to her write in English learn Englishwant new friends in China want to be my pen pal(为什么用be),三、功能句:注意问答搭配(注意时态、动词变化)Pleased to meet you.Pleased to meet you,too.2.Do you live here now?Or are you visiting?Im vis

20、iting Simon for the summer.3.Can I write to her?Yes.You can write in English.,四、语法要点:1、Pleased to meet you.可以怎样替换划线单词 Pleased to meet you,too.,2、介绍自己来自哪里:思考有那几种?,(nice,glad),I am from I come from Im Chinese/American/Canadian/Indian/Mexican/English.,Thanksgiving:,Easter eggs,rabbit,chocolate,Easter:,

21、四、语法要点:3、不同节日的特色:Christmas:,Christmas tree,Santa Claus(Father Christmas),presents,big dinner,turkey,big dinner,the Spring Festival:,dumplings,set off fire crackers,期末复习 Module 6,一、词汇部分:1、书后词汇表:chopsticks difficult city answer finish2、课文中:here long hair eyes god brotherkite bird children New York cit

22、y questions photos sent half past four,二、词组:注意介词搭配thank you for your letter a book about Americasome photos of New York sent(send)themhere in China start at eight oclockfinish at half past four long,red hair and blue eyesa very big bird play with kites a lota very big city answer your questions,三、功能

23、句:注意问答搭配(注意时态、动词变化)Is it from Daming?No,it isnt.2.Have you got a knife and fork?No,I havent.3.Whats the time?Its,四、语法要点:1、时间表达法:,2、询问时间:when,what time有什么区别,When do you go to school?What time do American schools start and finish?,整点:oclock 半点:half past 几点过几分钟:five past five差几分钟到几点:six to six一刻钟:a qua

24、rter to(past),期末复习 Module 7,一、词汇部分:1、书后词汇表:CD-ROM bamboo copy child awake2、课文中:animals favourite panda(s)twelve dance(dancing)music deaf flutesnake fantastic sleep child(children)sixteen,二、词组:注意介词搭配look at this picture love bamboo my new CD-ROM about animalssay about my favourite animalseat for twel

25、ve hours a daycome out of the box hear the musicthink the flute is another snakea fantastic CD-Rom for eight hours a nightfor sixteen hours a day,三、功能句:注意问答搭配(注意时态、动词变化)What are you looking at?Its my new CD-Rom about animals.2.What does it say about my favourite animals?Pandas?3.Do snakes love music

26、?No.完整回答应是什么?,(No,they dont.),三、功能句:注意问答搭配(注意时态、动词变化)4.How long does it sleep?It sleeps for eighteen hours a day.5.When does it sleep?It sleeps in the day.6.How many hours do you sleep a night?I sleep for hours a night.,四、语法要点:1、表达法:,2、理解句子:请把一句变成两个句子A fox sleeps in the day and is awake at night.,A

27、fox sleeps in the day.A fox is awake at night.,a day a nightin the day at night,3、理解句子:It says that pandas love bamboo.,四、语法要点:4、一般现在是注意主语与动词的一致:主语是谁,单数复数,选择什么疑问词,动词变不变,Do snakes love music?It says snakes are deaf.The snake thinks the flute is another snake.A fox sleeps in the day and is awake at ni

28、ght.,期末复习 Module 8,一、词汇部分:1、书后词汇表:tidy often bookshelf choose week2、课文中:room well(good)messy(反义词)help Lets=Let us choose together libraryweekend swim-swimming basketball,二、词组:注意介词搭配tidy my room every day play well in a tidy roomplay in a messy room tidy your bookshelfchoose some books read them toge

29、thersuck your thumb go to the libraryat the weekend help my mumgo swimming,三、功能句:注意问答搭配(注意时态、动词变化)What are you doing?Im tidying my room.2.Do you often tidy your room?Yes,every day.(Yes,I do.No,I dont.)3.Do you often tidy your bookshelf?No,I dont.(Yes,I do.),三、功能句:注意问答搭配(注意时态、动词变化)4.What do you often

30、 do at the weekend?I often help my mum.5.Do you watch TV?No,I dont often watch TV.What do you do well?I swim very well.7.How often do you swim?I swim every week.,四、语法要点:1、表达法:,2、单词理解:tidy(词性、意思)动词-整理、收拾 Im tidying my room.形容词-整洁的 We can play well in a tidy room.,I will help you tidy your bookshelf.,

31、every day I often I dont often,3、单词理解:help 怎么造句,四、语法要点:4、理解:everyday 与every day的区别,everyday:每天的,日常的,平常的,平凡的(是形容词)eg:This is my everyday work.这是我每天的工作。My everyday shoes,not my best ones 我平常穿的鞋不是最好的。This is an everyday dress.这是一套便服。every day 名词短语,多用作时间状语。eg:She goes to work every day.她每天都去上班。,期末复习 Mod

32、ule 9,一、词汇部分:1、书后词汇表:peace world kangaroo2、课文中:UN building important New York beautiful got inside painting,二、词组:注意介词搭配want to visit the UN building a very important building in New Yorkmake peace in the world one of the first countries in the UNvery big and very talllike this in Chinago inside the

33、UN building,三、功能句:注意问答搭配(注意时态、动词变化)Do you want to visit the UN building?Whats that?2.Havent you got buildings like this in China?Yes,we have.3.Do you want to go inside the UN building?Yes,please.4.Do you like playing football?Yes,I do.,四、语法要点:1、表达法:,2、单词理解:like,love,enjoy 后面都是跟动词的ing 形式,I like.He li

34、kes Who likes eating?,one of the 有什么需要注意,3、人称引起动词变化:读句子,找出变化Does Xiaoqiang like playing football?Do you like playing football?,one of the first countries 国家其中之一,国家一定是复数,四、语法要点:4、理解:everyday 与every day的区别,everyday:每天的,日常的,平常的,平凡的(是形容词)eg:This is my everyday work.这是我每天的工作。My everyday shoes,not my best

35、 ones 我平常穿的鞋不是最好的。This is an everyday dress.这是一套便服。every day 名词短语,多用作时间状语。eg:She goes to work every day.她每天都去上班。,期末复习 Module 10,一、词汇部分:1、书后词汇表:thirsty bring way like2、课文中:park aunt picnic hungry sandwichesdrinks forgot(forget)water clean funquiet noise around left right,二、词组:注意介词搭配come here often ha

36、ve our picnic nowbring any drinks drink water herebe quiet stand in line make so much noise turn left turn rightturn around,三、功能句:注意问答搭配(注意时态、动词变化)Do you want to visit the UN building?Whats that?2.Havent you got buildings like this in China?Yes,we have.3.Do you want to go inside the UN building?Yes,

37、please.4.Do you like playing football?Yes,I do.,四、语法要点:1、单词理解:这儿 here there那儿,2、单词理解:didnt 时态、后面动词变化、否定,3、祈使句特点:,We come here often.Here are your sandwiches.,4、句子:Its fun to 后面跟动词原形,四、语法要点:4、理解:everyday 与every day的区别,everyday:每天的,日常的,平常的,平凡的(是形容词)eg:This is my everyday work.这是我每天的工作。My everyday shoes,not my best ones 我平常穿的鞋不是最好的。This is an everyday dress.这是一套便服。every day 名词短语,多用作时间状语。eg:She goes to work every day.她每天都去上班。,


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