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1、)因果Cause and Effect,A cause(3)focusing on both causes and effects.,因果是写作中常用的一种段落展开方式。作者可以从原因开始得出结果,也可以从结果说起,追究原因。它常用到的过渡词有:therefore,consequently,accordingly,as a result,hence,so that,thus/since,because,for,due to,for this reason,owing to,because,since,as,seeing that,the reason whybecause of,on acco

2、unt of due to,so,thus,hence,therefore,accordingly,consequently,so that,as a result of,in consequence of,result in,result from,lead to,soas to,owing to,to have an effect on,for the reason,in this way等。范文举要Why are there changes in peoples diet?There are two major reasons,I think.First,nowadays people

3、can afford to buy much more expensive food with better nutrition.Second,people now pay more attention to the quality of it,because they know it is of great benefit to their health to diet in a scientific way.Therefore they try their best to improve the structure of their food.,Sample Paragraph A(foc

4、using on the causes)I want to be a graduate student for several reasons.First,studying in graduate school opens up an opportunity for me to realize my dream to be a car engineer.As a naughty boy in high school,I did not study very hard and did a poor job in my College Entrance Exams.Instead of going

5、 to the prestigious Department of Automobile Engineering of Tsinghua University,I was enrolled in a mechanical engineering of department of a provincial college.In all my undergraduate years,I have been working industriously to get ready for graduate study.I know so well that I cannot afford to fail

6、 again.Next,to be an excellent undergraduate student is not enough.Only in graduate school can I enlarge my knowledge,fully develop my talents,and obtain sound professional training.Last,with the growing popularity of private cars,China badly needs a galaxy of car experts.After I get my master or Ph

7、.D.degree I can easily find the job I really love.Therefore,I am resolved to be a graduate student,Sample Paragraph B(focusing on the effects)In fact,the rapid growth of population has brought about many problems.First,the rapid growth of population leads to the increasing demand of food.As we know

8、that the area of the earth can never be expanded for more cultivable land,thus the shortage of food is a big problem.Second,there are also the problems of less job opportunities,insufficient houses,schools,and health care.Third,as the rapid growth of world population continues,the whole world will f

9、ace the problems of natural resources being used up at an increasing speed,which will bring about serious threat to mankind,Sample Paragraph C(focusing on both causes and effects)Part-time job attracts students for several reasons.First,colleges offer a variety of jobs,such as private tutors,machine

10、 operator in workshops,teaching and research assistants.Many students regard working as an important channel to acquire information about society.Second,some students can support themselves by working and lessening the burden of their parents.They feel good to have some money at their own disposal.B

11、esides,a part-time job can be an important means to help students to develop their senses of responsibility and independence.Finally,a part-time job may lay a foundation for their future career.However,part-time jobs may also involve problems.Some jobs which require long hours of tedious work under

12、tough conditions may do harm to students health and waste much time.Besides,some jobs may expose them to various social problems such as violence,dishonesty and corruption that may poison their unguided minds.,使用这个展开方法最重要的当然是不要将没有因果关系的两个事物牵强附会在一起。病例分析A:Children are becoming cleverer and cleverer bec

13、ause of television.I often find the neighbor children say some adult words which are often heard from TV.I once heard a boy of five say to a girl of about four that it was not easy for me to say that I love you.Children are really growing faster than ever before.B:In recent years the crime rate is g

14、etting higher and higher and the reason,according to me,is that man is getting meaner and meaner.Some people say that man is not as honest as before,and I think that is right.If they are not honest,they will do something wrong,and that would cause the crime rate rise to a high level.,homework,Focus

15、on the cause:1.Studying abroad is becoming increasingly popular among students in our school.Personally,I think at least three factors contribute for the craze of studying abroad.2.Recently the number of students who skip classes is on the rise.From my perspective,there are three reasons to account for the phenomenon of increasing absence from class.Focus on the effect:,As the Internet service is available in almost all students dorms,more and more students become addicted to the online surfing.Such addiction can result in/lead to serious consequence.,


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