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1、An Introduction to Translation,By 黄晓佳讲师,英译汉:For me the most interesting thing about a solitary life,and mine has been that for the last twenty years,is that it becomes increasingly rewarding.When I can wake up and watch the sun rise over the ocean,as I do most days,and knowthat I have an entire day

2、ahead,uninterrupted,in which to write a few pages,take a walk with my dog,read and listen to music,I am flooded with happiness.,Im lonely only when I am overtired,when I have worked too long without a break,when from the time being I feel empty ad need filling up.And I am lonely sometimes when I com

3、e back home after a lecture trip,when I have seen a lot of people and talked a lot,and am full to the brim with experience that needs to be sorted out.Then for a little while the house feels huge and empty,and I wonder where my self is hiding.,译文分析For me the most interesting thing about a solitary l

4、ife,and mine has been that for the last twenty years,is that it becomes increasingly rewarding.对于我(一个已经独自居住了二十年的人而言),独居最有趣的地方在于它的越来越耐人寻味性。,对我而言,单身生活就如我过去二十年的生活的最大乐趣在于它逐渐变得有回报。在过去的20年里,我一直一个人居住,对我而言关于独居最有趣的事情在于它变得更加值得我这样做。对于我来说,关于独处生活最有趣的事情是它变得越来越值得我这样过。对我来说,孤独生活中最有趣的事情莫过于在过去二十年里,孤独生活的欢欣不断增加。,于我而言,过去

5、的二十年的军涯生活最有趣的事情就是它越来越有滋有味。在过去二十年的军旅生活中,让我觉得最有趣的是它给我越来越多的荣誉感。对我,独居的乐趣在于它使生活越来越有价值。,比较好:对我来说,独居生活最有趣的是它给我越来越多的回报,而在过去的20年里我一直过着这样的生活。,and knowthat I have an entire day ahead就知道不受干扰的一整天在前面整着我我清晰地知道自己将会有一整天不被打搅的时间As I do most days如同我几乎天天可见的情况一样当我早上可以象我大部分时间那样,每当我醒来并观赏海上日出的时候,就像我大多数时间会做的一样。正如我每天所做的一样,每天早

6、上,当我醒来,看着朝阳从海上冉冉升起时候,知道我有一整天不会被打扰的时间,我会写写文章,遛遛狗,读些书或听点音乐,这样我心里就会整天都洋溢着快乐。,没有打搅的一天,只须轻轻松松写下几句,再带上爱犬出门溜达,或是看看书和听听音乐的悠闲一天在等着我,我心里顿时便充满着悦愉之情。我知道等待我的又是一个无外界干扰,我可以写写文章,遛遛狗,看看书抑或听听音乐的大整天。在这一天里我会写下一些新的记载,在许多日子里,当我醒来注视着太阳从地平面升起的时候Im lonely only when I am overtired,when I have worked too long without a break,

7、when from the time being I feel empty ad need filling up.当我感到过度疲倦,或者当我不间歇地连续工作太长时间,或者当我感到空虚而需要被一些什么来充实我的生活的时候,我才会感到孤独。,我也会有孤独感,但这仅仅是当我筋皮力尽,当我工作太久没有休息片刻和当我觉得自己很空虚,很需要充实的时候。当我精疲力竭,工作了太久没有休息,饥肠辘辘,需要点充饥的时候。在我感到过分疲倦,工作太久而没有休息或者觉得自己脑中没有东西可写而需要充电的时候,比较好:当我过度疲惫,当我长期工作没有休息,当我感到内心空虚需要去填满的时候,我才感到孤独。但有时候,生活的疲惫,

8、不间断的长时间的劳累工作,太多需要填补的时间空隙会令我感到孤寂。当我过于劳累或者长时间工作得不到休息时,我会感到孤独;当我内心空虚需要充实时,我会感到孤独。,And I am lonely sometimes when I come back home after a lecture trip,when I have seen a lot of people and talked a lot,and am full to the brim with experience that needs to be sorted out.而我有时候感到孤独可能是因为我刚从一个去听演讲的旅行回来,在途中看到


10、多的话,整个人的思绪一团糟,需要重新整理的时候,我也会感到孤独。有时候当我讲完课回家,见过很多人,说了很多话,我也会觉得孤独,处在急需整理自己心情的状态。,有时候去完讲座后,我也会感到孤独,见到那么多的人,谈了那么多的话,我脑子里满满一天的经历等我去整理。,2006英译汉:I have nothing to offer but blood,toil,tears and sweat.We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind.We have before us many,many months of struggle and suf

11、fering.You ask,what is our policy?I say it is to wage war by land,sea and airWar with all our might and with all the strength God has given us,and to wage war against a monstrous tyranny never surpassed in the dark and lamentable catalogue of human crime.,You ask,what is our aim?I can answer in one

12、word,It is victory.Victory at all costs-victory in spite of all terrors-victory,however long and hard the road may be,for without victory there is no survival.Let that be realized.No survival for the British Empire,no survival for all that the British Empire has stood for,no survival for the urge,the impulse of the ages,that mankind shall move forward toward his goal.,THE END THANK YOU!,


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