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1、EXERCISE,一、Phrases translation1、物流活动2、物流成本3、一体化物流服务4、物流技术5、区域物流中心6、生产物流7、供应物流,8、回收物流9、销售物流10、废弃物物流11、绿色物流12、企业物流13、社会物流14、国际物流,Defi it n of logi t cs 物流定义Ph sic l distribution 实物分销 ema d for ca ti g 需求预测Fi shed goo 制成品Pr duct on sch du e 生产计划/日程Mater ls hand ng 物料搬运Do ment 单证,单据,填写单词或词组,Outline-3Fre

2、ight Transport 货物运输,学习内容和目标,1、The five primary modes of transportation are rail,road,pipeline,water,and air.2、Container Transportation and Inter-modal Transport具有一定的外语阅读能力,能读懂物流活动中的英文描述,Outline-3Part I Functions and modes of transportation,Introduction to transportation Functions of transportation P

3、roduct movement Product storage Five modes of transportation Rail transport Road/truck transport Pipeline transport Air transport Water transport,Introduction,Transportation is one of the most significant areas of logistics management because of its impact on customer service levels and the firms co

4、st structure.Transportation refers to the physical movement of goods from a point of origin to a point of consumption and can involve raw materials being brought into the production process/or finished goods being shipped out to the customer.Transportation is a very visible element of logistics.Cons

5、umers are accustomed to seeing trucks and trains transporting product or parked at business facilities.Few consumers fully understand just how dependent our economic system is upon economical and dependable transportation.,Introduction,Transportation is one of the most significant areas of logistics

6、 management because of its impact on customer service levels and the firms cost structure.运输是物流管理的重要领域之一,这是由于运输影响着客户服务水平和企业成本结构。词汇扩展:significant(形)重大的;有效的;有意义的;同近义词valid,important,available,effective,virtual,remarkable Transportation refers to the physical movement of goods from a point of origin to

7、 a point of consumption and can involve raw materials being brought into the production process/or finished goods being shipped out to the customer.运输是产品从生产地到消费地的实体移动,涉及到原材料进入生产过程、成品运送至最终用户。词汇扩展:refers to 引用,是,指;involve 包含;牵涉;bring into v.使开始;使进入某种状态ship out 运出;坐船到国外去;出海,Introduction,Transportation

8、is a very visible element of logistics.运输是一项看可见的物流组成。Consumers are accustomed to seeing trucks and trains transporting product or parked at business facilities.Few consumers fully understand just how dependent our economic system is upon economical and dependable transportation.消费者经常看见货车或火车运送货物或停放在业

9、务区,但是很少有消费者能完全理解我们的经济体系(运行)是怎样依赖于经济又可靠的运输。词汇扩展:1、be accustomed to 习惯于be accustomed to doing习惯做(同)be used to doingbe accustomed to do适应做 be used to do被用来做2、Dependent adj.依靠的;从属的;取决于的Dependable adj.可靠的,可信赖的;可信任的Depend vi.依赖,依靠;相信,信赖;取决于depend on 取决于;依赖;依靠 depend upon 依赖;取决于 depend on yourself 依靠自己,Tra

10、nsportation Modes,RailMotorAirWaterPipelineIntermodal,词汇扩展:mode mud n.1.方法,做法;方式,作风2.时式;风尚;风气;流行;(服饰的)式样3.形式;种类;型4.状态,状况5.文体;风格modest mdist adj.1.谦虚的,谦逊的,谦恭的2.端庄的,正派的,纯洁的model mdl n.1.模范,典型,榜样,模特儿2.模型,Five Modes of Transportation,The five primary modes of transportation are rail,road,pipeline,water,

11、and air.Each has different economic and service characteristics.The logistics manager must consider a number of trade-offs when selecting a mode of transportation:cost versus speed,packaging expense versus risk of damage,flexibility versus dependability.These are all very complex issues.For example,

12、if hazardous material is to be moved by air,it may require more and different kinds of packaging than would be required by a motor carrier.Furthermore,most movements involve the services of more than one mode of transport.五种基本的运输模式是:铁路、公路、管道、水路和航空运输。每种运输模式都有其不同的经济和服务特点。物流管理者在选择运输模式时必须进行大量的权衡:速度与成本、包

13、装成本与其被损坏的风险、柔性与可靠性。这些都是很复杂的。譬如,危险品的航空运输,相对与公路运输来说,它可能需要更多不同种类的包装。此外,大多数货物的移动所涉及的运输都多于一种运输模式。,词汇扩展primary adj.主要的;初级的;基本的 n.原色;最主要者characteristics,krktristiks n.特性,特征;特色(characteristic的复数);trade-offs n.权衡;交易;物物交换versus(介词)对;与.相对;对抗expense n.损失,代价;消费;开支expensive adj.昂贵的;花钱的damage n.损害,伤害;损失;破坏flexibil

14、ity,fleksibiliti n.灵活性;弹性;适应性flexible adj.易弯(曲)的,灵活的hazardous adj.有危险的;冒险的;碰运气的furthermore 另外,此外,而且,还有,再者,,Outline-2,Part II Container Transportation and Inter-modal Transport Container transportation The business courses in container transport the course of full container load the course of less co

15、ntainer loadInter-modal transportation Containers the advantage of container the disadvantage of container,Intermodal services 联合运输,In recent years,there has been increased use of shipping by more than one transportation mode.近些年,已经有越来越多的货运使用多于一种的运输模式的联合运输。Not all of these combinations are practical

16、.但是,不是所有的组合都能切合实际。Only rail and truck,called piggyback,has seen widespread use.Truck-water combinations,referred to as fishyback,are gaining acceptance。只包含铁路和公路运输的称为驼背运输,这种方式被广泛的应用。公路和水路运输的组合,就是鱼背运输,同样也获得了认可。,物流作业服务术语,20.托运人consigner货物托付承运人按照合同约定的时间运送到指定地点,向承运人支付相应报酬的一方当事人。21.承运人carrier本人或者委托他人以本人名义

17、与托运人订立货物运输合同的当事人。,物流作业服务术语,22.运输Transportation用设备和工具,将物品从一地点向另一地点运送的物流活动。其中包括集货、分配、搬运、中转、装入、卸下、分散等一系列操作。,物流作业服务术语,23.门到门运输服务Door to door service运输经营人由发货人的工厂或仓库接受货物,负责将货物运到收货人的工厂或仓库交付的一种运输服务,在这种交付方式下,货物的交接形态都是整体交接。24.直达运输Through transport物品由发运地到接受地,中途不需要中转的运输。,物流作业服务术语,25.中转运输Transfer transport物品由生产地

18、运达最终使用地,中途经过一次以上落地并换装的一种运输方式。26.甩挂运输Drop and pull transport用牵引车拖带挂车至目的地,将挂车甩下后,换上新的挂车运往另一个目的地的运输方式。,transfer 转移、传输;与fromto连用transfer a book from a table to a shell.把一本书从桌子上搬到架子上。transform 转变、改变;into transmit 发射、传播、传送;translate into把翻译成.,物流作业服务术语,27.整车运输Truck-load transport按整车办理承托手续、组织运送和计费的货物运输。28.零

19、担运输Less-than-truck-load transport按零担货物办理承托手续、组织运送和计费的货物运输。,物流作业服务术语,29.集装运输Containerized transport使用集装器具或利用捆扎方法,把裸装物品、散粒物品、体积较小的成件物品,组合成为一定规格的集装单元进行的运输。30.集装箱运输Container transport以集装箱为单元进行货物运输的一种货运方式。,物流作业服务术语,31.联合运输joint transport一次委托,由两个或两个以上运输企业为同一批货物运送到目的地的活动。32.多式联运Multimodal transport联合经营者受托运

20、人、收货人或旅客的委托,为委托人实现两种或两种以上运输方式的全程运输,以及提供相关运输物流辅助服务的活动。,三、运输功能,1.Liner transport has five specific components:fixed ports,fixed ship,fixed freight,fixed routes and announcing shipping time in advance.班轮运输具有五个固定的特点:固定港口、定船、定价、固定航线以及预先确定的船期表。announcing v.宣布;发表;通告(announce的ing形式,三、运输功能,2、Shipping by char

21、tering is used for transporting low value goods.租船运输用来运输价格低廉的货物。charter vt.特许、包租;指租赁客车、船、飞机等词汇扩展:rent;租:指长期租赁土地、房屋等,若是暂时租借也可用hire;hire 租,雇;指按工作量或时间雇用人employ 雇人;指商店或公司长期雇用的人,三、运输功能,3.The broker company in ocean transportation is called shipping agency海洋运输中的经纪人称为船代。4.Air freight costs 5 times more tha

22、n transportation by trucks and 20 times more than by rail.But it is more reliable,punctual and predictable under operating conditon.航空运费是汽车运费的5倍,是铁路运费的20倍。但航空运输更加可靠、准时,且在正常情况下具有可预见性。reliable(形)可靠的;可信赖的反义词unpunctual(形)准时的,守时的;精确的反义词unPunctuation 标点;puncture n.刺,(轮胎)破裂、漏气predictable(形)可预言的 predict 预言、

23、预告,三、运输功能,15.Brokers are agents who coordinate shippers and carriers by providing timely information about rates,routes and service capabilities.经纪人是通过提供有关费率、航线和服务能力的及时信息以协调托运人和承运人关系的中介机构。16TEU and FEU both are containers which are used in ocean transportation frequently.TEU(Twenty foot Equipment Un

24、it)二十英尺货柜 和FEU(Forty foot Equipment Unit)四十英尺货柜是海洋运输中常用的集装箱。,EXERCISE,一、Phrases translation1、托运人2、承运人3、收货人4、直达运输5、中转运输6、甩挂运输7、整车运输,8、零担运输9、集装运输10、联合运输11、多式联运12、集装箱运输13、门到门运输服务14、国际物流,Match column A with column B,1.physical distribution2.raw material3.order picking4.reverse logistics5.integrated logi

25、stics6.foreign-trade processing7.transportation consolidation8.seme-finished goods9.coordinated management10.materials handling,a.半成品b.订单拣选c.协同管理d.实物分销e.综合物流f.运输拼箱g.物料搬运h.外贸加工I.原材料j.逆向物流,三、运输功能,19.Transport agencies include air and surface freight forwarders,shippers associations and transport broke

26、rs.货运代理包括航空货运代理人、托运人协会和运输经纪人等。20Freight forwarders purchase long distance service from water,rail,air even and truck carriers.货运代理从水运、铁路运输、航空运输甚至包括公路运输承运人那里批发长距离运输服务。,三、运输功能,21.International Railway Bill can be used in land bridge transport.国际铁路运单能够应用于大陆桥运输。22Transportation using multiple transporta

27、tion means is also called combined transport.利用多种运输方式的运输也叫联合运输。23.NVOCC is also a carrier because it can open B/L.无船承运人也是承运人,因为其能够开立提单。无船承运人(Non-vessel Operating Common Carrier),三、运输功能,24.Transportation creates location value in logistics.运输在物流中创造空间价值。25Transport does not need to change package of g

28、oods or stop in any place between the departure point and destination location.运输不需要在途中改变货物包装或在发运地和目的地之间某个地方停留。26.Door to door delivery refers to carrier picking up the goods from the shippers warehouse and delivers it to consignees warehouse.门到门运输是承运人在发货人仓库将货物打包并将其送到收货人仓库。,三、运输功能,27.Containerizatio

29、n can speed up the logistics process,such as handling,loading and unloading,storing and transport.集装运输能够提高搬运、装卸、储存和运输等物流环节的速度。28Domestic intercity truck is the motor carrier service between the different cities domestically.国内城市间的卡车运输提供国内不同城市之间的汽车运输服务。,三、运输功能,29.A fleet is group of vehicles or ships

30、 owned or operated as a unit.运输队是指拥有或运行一队汽车或轮船的单位。30Transportation is usually the biggest logistic costs for most companies.对大多数公司来说,运输费通常是最大的物流费用。31.Truck enjoys the great advantages in the transit time and frequency compared to other transportation means.相对于其它运输方式来说,卡车在运输时间和频率上拥有极大的优势。,三、运输功能,32.T

31、he railroad represents the biggest usage in the land transport in china.在中国,铁路在陆路运输中运输率最高。represent,reprizentvt.代表;表现;描绘;回忆;33There are three kinds of freight in transport:full-car load,less-than-truckload and container.运输中存在三种装载方式:整车装载,拼箱装载和集装箱。34.Water transport can carry the greatest amount of go

32、ods for the longest distance with the lowest cost.水运能以最低的成本,长途运输最大量的货物。,三、运输功能,35.Air transport has the distinct advantage in the terms of fast delivery and enjoy the lowest ratio of loss and damage.空运在快速运输上有显著的优势,并享有最低的货损率。distinct adj.明显的;独特的;清楚的;in terms of 依据;按照;在方面;以措词ratio reiiu;-u n.比;比率,三、运输

33、功能,36The most economic feasible products transported by pipeline are crude oil,natural gas and refined petroleum one.通过管道运输的最经济可行的产品有原油、天然气和精炼汽油。feasible fi:zbl adj.切实可行的;能实行的,行得通的crude adj.粗糙的;粗鲁的;天然的,未加工的refined adj.油气化工冶 精炼的;精确的;微妙的;petroleum pitrulim;p-n.石油,三、运输功能,37International transport is do

34、minated by water carries.It is used to transport more than 70%of the total trading volume in value and 95%by weight.水运在国际运输中占主导地位。它的运输量超过70%贸易总值和95%贸易总量。trading volume 交易额38.International transportation by trucks is limited between the joint border countries like US and Mexico or closely located WTO

35、 members like mainland China,Hong Kong and Macao.使用卡车进行国际运输受到限制在有联合边境的国家间,如美国和墨西哥以及地点相近的WTO成员间如中国大陆和香港澳门。,三、运输功能,39Grouping small shipment into large ones is the primary method to lower cost per unit of weight in transportation.把小量货物拼装成大量货物是运输中降低单位货运成本的基本方法。40.Transportation decision is referred to

36、transportation models and carriers selected for delivery,vehicle routing,scheduling,and freight grouping.运输决策是根据运输模型由承运人选择运输方式、运输路线、日程安排和货物分组的活动。,三、运输功能,41Container logistics management is becoming a core strategy for large shipping company for its fast loading and unloading process,safe transportat

37、ion and goods storage.集装箱物流管理正成为大型运输公司为其快速装卸、安全运输和货物存储的一个核心战略。core n.核心;果心;要点;(因特尔酷睿)ROBUST 强壮的,(乐百氏)REJOICE 使高兴,(飘柔)NIKE 胜利(耐克)42.The primary factor to influent transport cost is distance and competition.影响运输成本的最主要的因素是距离和竞争。,三、运输功能,43Containerization ensures quick transit between ships and other transport vehicles such as trucks sand freight rail cars.集装箱化确保在船舶和其他运输工具,如卡车、货运火车车厢之间实现快速种中转。,


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