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1、高考听力应试技巧,1)领略主旨大意,概括话题内容,2)获取具体事实,把握信息联系,3)推测谈话背景,判断人物身份,4)领会弦外之音,推断其中意图,高考听力的具体要求,考点1:听录音判断时间 方法:直接听取或简单计算,half past,a quarter to,a.m.,p.m.,before,ahead,earlier(时间的提前)later,delay,put off(时间的推后)近音干扰。如:fifteen和fifty,考题示例:,A.This afternoon.B.Tomorrow.C.Next week.D.Next month.,W:Probably not.She called

2、 this afternoon to put off the meeting to next week.,What time does the train leave?A.At 6:15 B.At 6:25 C.At 6:50,M:Im afraid well miss the train.What time is it now?W:Its 6:15.There are 10 minutes left.Lets hurry.,At what time does the train to Leeds leave?A.3:00 B.3:15 C.5:00,M:Sure,well,its three

3、 now.The next train to Manchester leaves in two hours.But you can take a train to Leeds,which leaves in 15 minutes,and then get off at Manchester because it stops at Manchester on the way.,What time will Professor Smith finish his talk?A.At about 1:45 B.At about 2:15 C.At about 2:45,M:When does the

4、meeting begin?W:Lunch will be served at 12:30,and Professor Smith will speak at 1:15.M:And do you have any idea when it will end?W:Well,Professor Smith will speak for about one and half hours.,国家与城市名:通常直接听取公共场所、单位名:听取信息词进行判断,考点2:听录音判断地点,对话发生的地点,menu,food,order,drink,bill-a restaurantlecture,paper,ex

5、am,teacher-a school size,wear-a clothing storestamp,post,mail-a post officetimetable,take off,flight-an airportWhats wrong with you?Take the pill 3 times a day.-a hospitalaccident,turn right,cross the street,traffic light-in the street,Where are the two speakers?A.In a department store B.In a clothe

6、s factory C.On a playground,W:May I help you?M:Yes.Id like to try on some sports jackets.Id prefer something like the one Im wearing.,A.At a paint store.B.At an oil market C.At a gallery,M:So how do you like this oil painting?W:If I had enough room in my apartment,I would buy it.Q:Where does the con

7、versation probably take place?,Where did this conversation most probably take place?A.At a concert.B.At a flower shop.C.At a restaurant.,M:The music and flowers are lovely.W:Yes.I hope the food is good,too.,考点3:听录音判断数字 直接听取或简单计算 该项内容的考查往往针对各种数字,如:电话号码、房间号码、门牌号码、航班及商品价格等。常出现与数字有关的词汇(couple,dozen,twic

8、e,daily,fifteen,fifty)。,6.How many coats does the woman want?A.25.B.30.C.50.7.What is the order number for gloves?A.P25G5.B.P26T5.C.P28D5.,1.How much a pound are the oranges?A.6 cents.B.16 cents.C.60 cents.,W:Those oranges look nice.How much are they?M:They are 60 cents a pound.,How much will the wo

9、man pay if she buys two skirts?A.18 B.19 C.20,M:10 each and 1 off if people buy two.They are on sale.,How many people can go and see a film if you pay$17?A3 B4 C5,W:Adult tickets$6.50(six fifty),student tickets$5.50(five fifty),tickets for children and 15 years of age 4.50(four fifty),a family ticke

10、t is available for two adults and two children or one adult and three children$17,考点4:听录音判断人物及其关系,解题技巧:可根据对话内容所提供的称谓并结合生活常识判断说话者职业,身份,关系Dear teacher teacher and studentMy dear,darling husband and wife Can I help you?What can I do for you?waiter and customer,1.Who is Chris Paine?A.A computer engineer

11、.B.A book seller.C.A writer.,W:I like to read Chris Paine.M:So do I.I hear he writes on his computer.And his new book will come out next week.W:Great!Ive got to get one as soon as its out.,2.What are the two speakers talking about?A.A football player.B.A football team.C.A football match.,W:Do you kn

12、ow that Michael Owen has won the France Footballs Golden Ball prize?M:Not a surprise.He had 20 goals this season.,5.A.A taxi driver.B.A passenger.C.A car cleaner.D.A mechanic.,M:The driver is being outside of the taxi for ten minutes now.Shall we hurry up?W:Thats all right.Were paying him anyway.,Wh

13、at is the probable relationship between the two speakers?A.Clerk and guest.B.Nurse and patient.C.Manager and secretary.,男声的“asked for a non-smoking”“change my room please”以及女声的“We wont charge you for your room tonight.”可得知答案。,考点5:听录音判断主旨大意,要求很快总结出对话主题内容,人物的目的意图,观点态度,事件原因等。可以试图根据谈话内容和说话者语气进行判断,A.She

14、doesnt play tennis well.B.She likes other sports as well.C.She is an enthusiastic tennis player.D.She is a professional athlete.,W:It seems Nancy never wants to do anything but play tennis.M:Thats what she likes to do most.,7.A.There are not enough gardens.B.Parking areas are full before 10:00.C.Par

15、king areas are closed after 10:00.D.All classes begin at 10:00.,M:Its impossible to find a place to park before the class at ten.W:Yeah,we seem to make more parking areas here.Q:What can we learn from the conversation?,M:It depends on how long the interview lastsOhdear,I hope things go OKI know I ca

16、n do the jobW:Just relax.Everyone has his first time,How is the man feeling?ATired BNervous CHopeless,M:Welcome to our program“eco-tour”.Today we are honored to invite Hannah to be our special guest.Welcome Hannah.W:Thanks.Today Im going to suggest some eco-tours to you.,What are the two speakers ma

17、inly talking about?A.Eco-tourB.Popular sports.C.Famous countries.,What are the speakers talking about?APopular sports events BTV programs people like best C.Things people do after work.,W:You know I just finished some very interesting research for the newspaper about things people do in their spare

18、time.M:Really?What did you learn?,4.What does the woman want?A.A radio.B.Some pens.C.Some batteries.,W:Excuse me,do you have any batteries?I need some to my radio.,M:Can we make later to work on our presentation?M:How about noon?,8.A.The presentation will begin at noon.B.Shell present her work to th

19、e man.C.She suggests working on the presentation at 12:00.,What is the purpose of the mans talk?A.To welcome the students to the center.B.To inform the students of the arrangements.C.To tell the students the rules they should follow.,And its my job to make sure you have some fun while you are here.N

20、ow this afternoonFinallyon Sunday we,该项内容的考查多为以why开头的特殊疑问句。解这类试题时,我们只有认真听清事件发生全部过程及前因后果,去粗取精,去伪存真,才能找出事件发生的真正原因。,考点6:听录音判断事件发生的原因,考点7:听录音判断人物活动,注意动作发生的时间顺序,抓住一些表动作转换或连续的连词、副词或短语以及说话者的停顿,犹豫和重复。,Will the woman come to the party?A.Maybe.B.No.C.Certainly.,M:We are having a little party at the weekend.Ca

21、n you and Tom come?W:That sounds nice.Thank you.But Ill have to check with Tom.,What is the woman doing?A.Asking for information.B.Asking for an apology.C.Asking for help.,W:Do you think you can give me a lift to the station?M:Im terribly sorry,I cant.I have to be at work by 8:30.I can call you a ta

22、xi,though.,W:Peter,want to take a walk?M:No,I have to go down to the yard now,Im building some bookshelves.,4.A.Work in the yard.B.Buy some wood.C.Go to the bookstore.D.Take a walk.,M:The copying machine is broken again.Ill call for the service.W:Its only junk.Just remove the paper stuck in it.Ill s

23、how you.,6.A.Call a repairman.B.Get out the paper stuck C.Turn to her colleague for help.,Whats the man doing?A.Hes working in a hotel.B.Hes visiting a young couple.C.Hes traveling around.,W:So,how long have you been here?M:Just a couple of days actually.Im on a big journey.You know,Im visiting all

24、the places of interest here.,2.What did Paul do this morning?A.He had a history lesson.B.He had a chemistry lesson.C.He attended a meeting.,W:What about your chemistry class this morning,Paul?M:We were supposed to have a chemistry class,but Mr.Anderson was out of town for a meeting.So we had a histo

25、ry lesson instead.,巩固听力训练,1.Who is coming for tea?a.John.b.Mark.c.Tracy.2.What will the man do next?a.Leave right away.b.Stay for dinner.c.Catch a train.3.What does the man come for?a.A lecture.b.A meeting.c.A party.4.What size does the man want?a.9.b.35.c.39.5.What are the speakers talking about?a.

26、Life in Southeast Asia.b.Weather conditions.c.A holiday tour.,第一遍:把握情境,主题为主,细节为辅第二遍:落实细节,较长听力材料的解题技巧long conversationsmonologues,(听两遍)18.What is the womans view on smell?A.It is personal.B.It is concrete.C.It is strange.19.What is special about smells?A.They are as pleasant as music.B.They can last

27、about thirty days.C.They make things more memorable.20.What is the womans most favorite smell?A.Smell of the sea.B.Smell of her garden.C.Smell of aircraft fuel.,18.What is the womans view on smell?A.It is personal.B.It is concrete.C.It is strange.,The other senses seem to be more concrete somehow,bu

28、t smell is so personal.,19.What is special about smells?A.They are as pleasant as music.B.They can last about thirty days.C.They make things more memorable,its harder to forget smells than to forget facts;smells can bring back more memories,20.What is the womans most favorite smell?A.Smell of the se

29、a.B.Smell of her garden.C.Smell of aircraft fuel.,But its the general smell of my garden in the rain that I really like the most.,(听两遍)14.A.footprints.B.food.C.living insects15.A.Dont touch animals under any circumstances.B.Dont take away any natural objects from the park.C.Dont leave litter in the

30、park or throw any off the boat.16.A.To protect the guides interest.B.To improve the unique environment.C.To ensure a trouble-free visit.,A.footprints.B.food.C.living insects.,14.What can tourists leave behind?,we want to make sure the only things we leave behind is our foot prints.,A.Dont touch anim

31、als under any circumstances.B.Dont take away any natural objects from the park.C.Dont leave litter in the park or throw any off the boat.,15.What is the most important rule during the tour of the national park?,The most important rule is that no plants or animals or any other natural objects are to

32、be removed from the park.,A.To protect the guides interest.B.To improve the unique environment.C.To ensure a trouble-free visit.,16.Why does the guide emphasize the park rules before the tour?,harm the balance,also illegal.dont touch animalsdont leave litter on the islands,高考听力建议,1、保持良好心态一个人如果带着紧张、焦

33、虑的心理去听,那他的思维就会变得迟钝,以致影响正常水平的发挥。因此,在做听力题时,要克服心理障碍,要有自信心,沉着冷静,保持良好心态。,2、学会预测话题做听力试题时,我们可以利用停顿时间根据每个小题的问题及选项的提示来预测和推测录音材料的内容,从而做到心中有数,提前做好心理准备,获得主动。,3、合理分配注意力学会听前抢读、边听边记、听关键词(例如:表示意义转折、否定和递进的词:but,however,not,no,whats more,besides 等;表示时间、数字、年代等概念的数词)。科学合理地分配注意力,可以有效地提高听力测试成绩。,5、学会果断放弃听力考试不同于其它考试题型,考试信息一读而逝,“从不为谁停留”。尤其是第一节,虽然是简短对话,但仅读一遍,所以一定要有充分的心理准备。某些地方听不懂是很正常的,而且没有什么思考的余地,所以要学会放弃,不可紧张,否则会影响做下面试题的情绪。,


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