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1、The Intoduction of Fantastic Five,“神奇五侠”概述,Introduction of our team 团队介绍,Our team name Fantastic Five means that:firstly,our team has five members;and secondly,all of us want to be fantastic,remarkable and successful.我们的团队名叫“神奇五侠”,“五”意味着我们拥有五名组员,而“神奇”想表达的是我们想要变得更好变得非凡变得成功的愿望。The consensual slogan is

2、“The man who has made up his mind to win will never say Impossible.”said by Napoleon,which will continue encouraging us to be faithful to our studies without giving up.我们一致同意用拿破仑说的一句话话作为我们的口号,“凡是决心取得胜利的人是从来不说不可能的。”它将会在以后的时光里一直激励我们忠诚对待学习,永远不言放弃。,Our team consists of students from three class.However,

3、though we come from different surrounding,we have one same goal-to learn English well.So,in order to achieve our dream,we get together;we learn together;and we grow together.我们一致同意用拿破仑说的一句话话作为我们的口号,“凡是决心取得胜利的人是从来不说不可能的。”它将会在以后的时光里一直激励我们忠诚对待学习,永远不言放弃。Our team consists of students from three class.How

4、ever,though we come from different surrounding,we have one same goal-to learn English well.So,in order to achieve our dream,we get together;we learn together;and we grow together.我们五个人来自不同的班级,然而即使如此,我们仍然拥有一个共同的梦想,那就是“学好英语”。也因此,为了实现这个美好的梦,我们将会一起相处,一起学习,一起成长。,Our group photo 我们的合照,The introduction of

5、ou members 成员介绍,Name:Joey TengGender:FemaleHobbies:Reading,watching movies&listening to musicGraduate Institution:Guangdong University of Finance and EconomicsMajor:International Economics and TradeMotto:Its never too old to learn.Expectation of Future:Be brave to do everything.,个人照,姓名:邓祖裕性别:女爱好:阅读、

6、看电影、听音乐所在院校:广东财经大学专业:国际经济与贸易座右铭:活到老,学到老。未来期望:能够勇往直前。,Name:Du Sitong or TonseyGender:FemaleHobbies:Singing,reading,listening to music,traveling,cooking,and keeping petsGraduate Institution:Guangdong University of Finance and EconomicsMajor:International Economics and TradeMotto:Quitters never win and

7、 winners never quit.Expectation of Future:To meet the better myself,姓名:杜思彤或Tonsey性别:女爱好:唱歌,阅读,听音乐,旅游,烹饪和饲养宠物所在学院:广东财经大学专业:国际经济与贸易座右铭:弃者不赢,赢者不弃未来期望:遇见更好的自己,Name:Wu Jing Gender:FemaleHobbies:Darwing pictures,listening to music,reading booksGraduate Institution:Guangdong University of Finance and Econo

8、micsMajor:International Economics and TradeMotto:Time waits for no one.Expectation of Future:Achieve my dream,姓名:吴静性别:女爱好:画画,听音乐,看书所在学院:广东财经大学专业:国际经济与贸易座右铭:时间不待人。未来期望:实现我的梦想,Name:Fanxing LiGender:MaleHobbies:Reading,playing basketball,swimmingGraduated institution:Guangdong University of Financeand

9、EnconomicsMajor:International Economics and TradeMotto:In my whole life,it is enough if i can do one thing well!Expectation of future:To be a great man!,姓名:李范兴性别:男爱好:阅读,打篮球,游泳所在院校:广东财经大学 专业:国际经济与贸易座右铭:这辈子,能做好一件事就够了!未来期望:成为一个优秀的人,Name:Michael YenGender:MaleHobbies:Reading,watching movies&exercisingGraduate Institution:Guangdong University of Finance and EconomicsMajor:International Economics and TradeE-mail:Motto:Pardon all men,but never thyself.Expectation of Future:To be a entrepreneur,姓名:闫永佳性别:男爱好:阅读、看电影、锻炼所在院校:广东财经大学专业:国际经济与贸易邮箱:座右铭:宽以待人,严以律己。未来期望:成为一名企业家,


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