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1、GRE填空4大解题规则经验总结盘点 GRE填空4大解题规则经验总结盘点, 20个真题实例全方位解读高分解题套路,我们一起来学习一下吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。GRE填空4大解题规则经验总结盘点 20个真题实例全方位解读高分解题套路根据关键词汇来判断语言上的基本逻辑关系因果、(because, in that, for, therefore, thus, accordingly, consequently, given, hence, sothat, to, ifthen, when.then, as long as)转折、(albeit, although, though,

2、 but, despite, even though, however, in spite of, nevertheless, nonetheless, notwithstanding, while, whatever, regardless, even if, even though, yet, and yet)递进、(even, indeed)对比、(in contrast, on the contrary, far from, on the other hand, rather than, instead of, notbut, paradoxically, ironically, su

3、rprisingly, unexpectedly, curiously)等等。寻找句子中的重复关系作为研究生院入学的参考考试,也许是为了体现内容有深度,很多句子涉及到了各个学科的背景知识。同时基于对所有学科学生都要公平的原则,所有的题目在解题点上都不涉及背景知识。为了做到这一点,很多时候ETS都是把答案放到句子中,然后用语言上的线索提示你去把它找出来。以下是提供重复线索的几种常见形式:(1) 简单的直接重复The eradication of pollution is not merely a matter of _, though the majestic beauty of nature

4、is indeed an important consideration.A. economics B. legislation C. cleanliness D. aesthetics E. restoration尽管大自然的美确实很重要,但污染的消除不仅是什么问题,当然不仅是美的问题。Comparatively few rock musicians are willing to laugh at themselves, although a hint of-can boost sales of video clips very nicely.A. self-deprecation B. c

5、ongeniality C. cynicism D. embarrassment E. self-doubt摇滚乐手很少自嘲,尽管什么东西能促进录像短片的销售,当然就填自嘲。Melodramas, which presented stark oppositions between innocence and criminality, virtue and corruption, good and evil, were popular precisely because they offered the audience a world _of_.A. bereft. theatricality

6、 B. composed. adversity C. full. circumstantiality D. deprived. polarityE. devoid. neutralityMelodramas这个词不认识也没关系,既然它表现的是无辜与罪行、道德与堕落、善与恶之间的刻板对立,那么它提供给观众什么样的世界呢?当然是刻板对立的世界,只有E选项符合要求。(2) 解释型重复The Muses are_deities: they avenge themselves without mercy on those who weary of their charms.A. rueful B. in

7、genuous C. solicitous D. vindictive E. dispassionate冒号后面的内容就是正确选项D这个词的释义,所以不知道缪斯是什么东西也能轻松选对。Unenlightened authoritarian managers rarely recognize a crucial reason for the low levels of serious conflict among members of democratically run work groups: a modicum of tolerance for dissent often prevents

8、_.A. demur B. schism C. cooperation D. compliance E. shortsightedness冒号后面的内容解释了民主方式运作的工作团体中为何少有严重的冲突,所以即使看不懂a modicum oftolerance for dissent是什么东西,也应该知道这个东西避免了严重冲突,故选B。(3) 根据语法结构推断重复The valedictory address, as it has developed in American colleges and universities over the years, has become a very s

9、trict form, a literary _ that permits very little _.A. text. clarity B. work. tradition C. genre. deviationD. oration. grandiloquence E. achievement. rigiditya literary _ that permits very little _. 是前面的a very strict form的同位语,所以第一空格填form的同义或近义词,that permits very little_. 这个从句完成后应为strict的同义或近义词。Many

10、more eighteenth-century novels were written by women than by men, but this dominance has, until veryrecently, been regarded merely as _ fact, a bit of arcane knowledge noted only by bibliographers.A. a controversial B. a statistical C. an analytical D. an explicit E. an unimpeachable这道题同样,a bit of a

11、rcane knowledge noted only by bibliographers.是前面的_ fact的同义重复,所以空格应填入文献学家关注的事实,已知的五个选项里显然只有B选项的statistical(统计的)是文献学家的份内工作。(4) 凭借具有指示作用的形容词或代词来寻找重复Longdale and Stern discovered that mitochondria and chloroplasts _ a long, identifiable sequence of DNA; such a coincidence could be _ only by the transfer

12、 of DNA between the two systems.A. manufacture. accomplished B. reveal. repeated C. exhibit. determinedD. share. explained E. maintain. contradicted下半句的such a coincidence说明第一空格的动词填入后应体现为是一种巧合,两个看不懂是什么的、只知道是不一样的东西(非相关专业的绝大部分学生是不太可能认识mitochondria和chloroplasts这两个词的)怎样了一个长的、可以认为是一模一样的DNA序列就是一个巧合呢?当然只有D的

13、 share表示了这个意思。Laws do not ensure social order since laws can always be _ , which makes them _ unless the authorities have the will and the power to detect and punish wrongdoing.A. contested. provisional B. circumvented. antiquated C. repealed. vulnerableD. violated. ineffective E. modified. unstable

14、Which指代逗号前面的那句话,也就是“法律不保障社会秩序”,这就使得法律怎样呢?当然只有D选项的ineffective符合句意。对于含义晦涩的句子,判断语气或感情色彩是有效地解决方法,有时候甚至是唯一的方法Johnson never _ to ignore the standards of decent conduct mandated by company policy if _ compliance with instructions from his superiors enabled him to do so, whatever the effects on his subordin

15、ates.A. deigned. tacit B. attempted. halfhearted C. intended. directD. scrupled. literal E. wished. feigned这句话对于英语阅读能力较差的学生来说,通过正常的阅读理解来做还是有些难度的。但是如果注意到whatever the effects on his subordinates(无论对下级产生什么影响)的语气,就可以判断第一空格填入后应表示johnson干的不是什么好事,唯一符合这一判断的是D选项。Ironically, the party leaders encountered no g

16、reater _ their efforts to build a progressive party than the _ of the progressives already elected to the legislature.A. support for. advocacy B. threat to. promise C. benefit from. successD. obstacle to. resistance E. praise for. reputation如果知道encounter的正确用法,就可以判断第一空格应填入一个负面色彩的词,这样就轻松排除了A、C、E三个选项,结

17、合后面的意思来看,只能选D。Although _ is usually thought to spring from regret for having done something wrong, it may be that its originis the realization that ones own nature is irremediably _.A. contrition. resilient B. certitude. confident C.skepticism. innocentD. remorse. flawed E. resignation. frivolous第二空

18、格被副词irremediably(不可救药地)修饰,根据这个词带出的语气可以判断第二空格应填入一个负面色彩的词,符合这一判断的只有D、 E两个选项。第一空格remorse的意思完全地对应“regret for having done something wrong”,故选D。Any language is a conspiracy against experience in the sense that it is a collective attempt to _ experience by reducing it into discrete parcels.A. extrapolate B

19、. transcribe C. complicate D. amplify E. manage这句话如果没有看过相关背景的书籍几乎是不可理解的,但是我们可以通过语气和感情色彩的判断来排除错误的选项,最终剩下一个看不出错的选项,也就是正确选项了。因为语言是对抗经验的阴谋(conspiracy against),所以空格应填入一个负面色彩的动作,只有C选项(使复杂化、使变得麻烦)和E选项(manage除了中性的经营管理之外,还可以表示负面的操纵控制)符合这一判断。结合方式状语by reducing(减少、分解、简化)来看,C选项应被排除,最后剩下仍然看不懂句意的E选项就对了。推理判断时注意避免发散

20、思维Natural selection tends to eliminate genes that cause inherited diseases, acting most strongly against the most severe diseases; consequently, hereditary diseases that are _ would be expected to be very _, but, surprisingly, they are not.A. lethal. rare B. untreated. dangerous C. unusual. refracto

21、ryD. new. perplexing E. widespread. acute根据consequently提示的上下因果关系我们可以判断第一空格应填入severe的同义或反义,表示严重或不严重的词只有A选项。B选项表示未曾治疗的,D不用说了。C、E两个选项其实和是否严重没有关系,很多时候干扰选项的设置上利用了我们的习惯思维不缜密的、容易想当然的弱点。很多人会认为不寻常的、很少见的疾病就是严重的,寻常的、随处可见的疾病就是不严重的。但是只要稍微想一下就知道这里面没有任何必然的关系。Although _, almost self-effacing in his private life, he

22、 displays in his plays and essays a strong _ publicity and controversy.A. conventional. interest in B. monotonous. reliance on C. shy. aversion towardD. retiring. penchant for E. evasive. impatience with第二空格根据转折关系显然只能选A、D两个选项,第一空格会有很多人觉得A选项可以选,因为觉得传统的人就是不喜欢抛头露面的,不喜欢与人争吵的。同样只要想想就该知道这里面没有任何必然的关系,并且即便我

23、们中国传统的人真是这样,这里也没说他是中国人。这种干扰选项的设置路数和上一道题的感觉是完全一样的。Considering how long she had yearned to see Italy, her first reaction was curiously _.A. meditative B. tepid C. categorical D. unoriginal E. insightful干扰选项的设置和上两道题完全一样,A选项的沉思冥想并不表示她所应具有的高兴振奋的态度的相反,正确选项应为B选项(微温的,缺乏热情或激情的),直接表明了与兴奋激动的态度的相反特征。ETS总是倾向于把词义

24、的对应上最为直接的、形同废话的选项设为正确选项The hierarchy of medical occupations is in many ways a _ system; its strata remain _ and the practitioners in them have very little vertical mobility.A. health. skilled B. delivery. basic C. regimental. flexibleD. training. inferior E. caste. intact医疗职业的等级(hierarchy)在许多方面是一个等级

25、体系(caste system)The natural balance between prey and predator has been increasingly _, most frequently by human intervention.A. celebrated B. predicted C. observed D. disturbed E. questioned被掠食者和掠食者之间的自然平衡被人类的干扰(intervention)干扰(disturbed)了Poes _ reviews of contemporary fiction, which often find grea

26、t merit in otherwise _ literary gems, must make us respect his critical judgment in addition to his well-known literary talent.A. thorough. completed B. petulant. unpopular C. insightful. unappreciatedD. enthusiastic. acclaimed E. harsh. undeserving爱伦坡有判断力的(insightful)现代小说评论使得我们佩服他的判断力(critical judg

27、ment)Aptly enough, this work so imbued with the notion of changing times and styles has been constantly _ over the years, thereby reflecting its own mutability.A.appreciated B. emulated C. criticized D. revised E. reprinted十分恰当的是,这部充满了变迁(changing)的时代、变迁的风格的作品多年以来一直被改变(revise),从而反映了它自身的可变性(mutability

28、)新GRE填空句子结构实例分析1 “The most important distinction among countries concerns not their form of government but their degree of government.” Samuel P. Huntington典型句式:not A but B 结构。句子主干: The distinction concerns not form of government but degree of government.翻译:国家之间最大的差别不在于管理的形式而在于管理的效力。2 McDonalds crew

29、 members dont sit in front of computers all day, leaving little opportunity to check balances or make tweaks to asset allocation plans at work.典型句式:分词状语结构句子主干: McDonalds crew members dont sit in front of computers all day.翻译:麦当劳的员工不是整天坐在电脑前,工作时间没有什么机会来检查帐户或者倒腾资产分配计划。3 He considers how investor-right

30、s gadflies prompted a redistribution of corporate power and charts the achievements of the foes of the German biotech industry.典型句式:A and B顺承结构组合句。句子主干: he considers A and charts B.翻译:他承认消费者维权人士在促进公司权力再分配中的作用,并且纪录德国生物技术行业的仇敌的成就。4 I prefer a wife who understands that my sexual needs may entail more t

31、han strict adherence to monogamy.典型句式:A more than B; 委婉表达;幽默表达句子主干:I prefer a wife who understands something.翻译:我更喜欢这样的妻子,她理解我的性需求或许会导致对一夫一妻制的遵守不那么严格(允许我有婚外性生活的权利)。5 People who oppose abortion can say that persons have a right to life only if they didnt come into existence because of rape; or they c

32、an say that all persons have a right to life, but that some have less of right to life than others, in particular, that those who came into existence because of rape have less.典型句式:A;or B 大分号组合句/only if 条件句 / say that A, but that B, that C句子主干: People can say A, or they can say B.翻译:那些反对堕胎的人会说,只有当人不

33、是因为强奸行为而获得生命的时候,人才有生存的权利;他们也可以说,所有的人都有生存的权利,但一些人比另一些人生存的权利更少,尤其是,那些因为强奸行为而降生的人权利更少一些。新GRE填空句子结构实例分析6 Internal skill gaps are often self-inflicted wounds, the unintended consequence of promote-from within policies that have been too strictly applied.典型句式:逗号解释结构句子主干: Internal skill gaps are often self

34、-inflicted wounds。翻译:内部技术鸿沟经常是自我折磨的伤口,经常是过分严格实施的内部提拔政策的不经意的后果。7 The line that they walk between persuasion and threatbetween legal and illegalis very fine.典型句式:between A and B句子主干: The line is fine.翻译: 他们在劝说和威胁之间,在合法与违法之间所行走的路线是非常微妙的。8 If it were desired to reduce the surplus a policy that brought a

35、bout significant real appreciation could achieve it.典型句式:if 条件句暗含因果关系。句子主干: a policy could achieve it.翻译:如果真的愿意把减少贸易顺差作为一项政策,大规模的真正的货币升值政策可以实现这个目标。9 Many had hoped this program would be a silver bullet to the foreclosure problem, but its turned out to be a dud.典型句式:but转折结构。句子主干:Many had hoped A, but

36、 its turned out B.翻译:很多人希望这个计划能够是解决资产抵押问题的良方,但事实证明该计划是个哑弹。10 How can the federal government expect to make any significant headway in reducing the demand for illegal drugs when the drug addiction that kills more U.S. citizens annually than all the illegal drugs combined is legal, socially accepted,

37、and subsidized by federal tax dollars?典型句式: when 引导的状语修饰句子主干: How can the government expect to make any headway?翻译:当一种每年杀死最多的美国人的致瘾药物(它每年所杀死的美国人比所有的非法药物加起来杀死的还要多)是合法的,被社会广泛接受的并且受到联邦税收资助的,联邦政府能期待在减少非法药物的使用方面取得什么重要的进展呢?(该致瘾药物指的是烟草)新GRE填空句子结构实例分析11 The plan that requires an employee contribution costs

38、an enrolled employee significantly less per year than do typical health insurance plans offered by corporations other than SAI.典型句式:A less than B 比较句式句子主干:The plan costs an employee less.翻译:要求雇员付费的计划每年要求参与的雇员支付的费用比SAI公司之外的典型的健康计划要求的费用要少得多。12 Clearly, then, it must be in evading their own predators t

39、hat the spiders color changes are useful to them.典型句式:it 形式主语,倒装句。句子主干:That the spiders color changes are useful to them must be in evading their own predators.(正常语序)翻译:那么,明显地,蜘蛛颜色的改变对于它们的好处在于躲避自己的天敌方面。13 It bases a conclusion that is known to require two conditions on evidence that bears on only on

40、e of those conditions.典型句式:修饰与主干;逻辑严密句子主干:It bases a conclusion on evidence.翻译:它基于只与其中的一个条件关联的证据得出必须要求两个条件的结论。14 It treats evidence for the absence of one condition under which a circumstance would occur as conclusive evidence that that circumstance will not occur.典型句式:it treats A as B;修饰与主干;逻辑严密句子主

41、干:It treats evidence for the absence of one condition as conclusive evidence.翻译:它把某情况发生时存在的一个条件的缺失的证据当作该情况肯定不会发生的结论性证据。15 The reasoning is flawed in that the argument treats evidence that a factor is necessary to bring about an event as if it were evidence that the factor is sufficient to bring about that event.典型句式:in that 因果关系;层层修饰;逻辑严密句子主干:The reasoning is flawed.翻译:该推理是错误的,因为该论证把某事件发生所必须的一个因素当成是该事件发生的充分条件。GRE填空4大解题规则经验总结盘点


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