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1、CANTONESE CUISINE,WELCOME TO GUANGDONG,广东菜,Brief introduction,One of the eight great traditions of Chinese cuisine 中国著名八大菜系之一Guangzhou is the paradise of dainty food.食在广州Use a wide variety of ingredients,offering food of all tastes,shapes and colors,good at changing.广泛运用各种原料,赐予食物的味道、形状、颜色以广泛的变化性。,Or

2、igin and history,The Cantonese originated in Han dynasty 粤菜起源于汉Cooking skill matured in Song dynasty and Tang dynasty as Canton has been a trading port.由于广州是当时的一个贸易港口,粤菜的烹饪技艺在宋朝和唐朝成熟。Due to the Ming and Qing thriving economies,the Cantonese had a great promotion 由于明清繁荣的经济,粤菜得到了很大的推广。,Guangdong has a

3、n advantage in diet for its subtropical(亚热带的)climate and long coast line which provide abundant ingredients.广东地处亚热带,濒临南海,雨量充沛,四季常青,物产丰富。故广东的饮食,一向得天独厚。,Main ingredients,The Cantonese will eat everything that swims.Everything that files,and everything that has legs.,Food Material,Main ingredients,深广及溪

4、峒人,不问鸟兽蛇虫,无不食之。其闻异味,有好有丑,山有鳖名,竹有鼠名,鸧鹤之足,腊而煮之,鲟鱼之唇,活而食之,谓之鱼魂,此其至珍者也。至于遇蛇必捕,不问短长;遇鼠必执,不别小大;蝙蝠之可恶;蛤蚧之可畏;蝗虫之微生;悉取而燎食之。蜂房之毒,麻虫之秽,悉炒而食之。蝗虫之卵,天蟒之翼,悉鲊而食之。此与甘带嗜荐何异哉!摘自-南宋周去非之岭外代答,Cooking skill,The Cantonese has more than 20 cooking methods,and is good at stir-fry,fry,bake,braise,stew and so on.粤菜有超过20多种的烹饪方法

5、,尤其擅长炒、煎、焖、蒸、炖、等Accurate dosage(剂量)of ingredients用量精而细Emphasize the decorating and the color注重颜色,装饰美而艳。,The condiment(调味品),Main ingredients:spring onion、sugar salt、soy(大豆)sauce、rice wine、cornstarch(玉米淀粉)、vinegar、scallion(青葱)oil、and sesame oil(麻油);Ginger(姜)、peppers、spices(香味料)、white pepper(白胡椒)、anise

6、(大茴香)used with caution;Xo sauce、fish sauce、sand tea sauce、ginger wine sauce.,Flavor features,五滋:酸、甜、苦、辣、咸六味:清、鲜、嫩、爽、滑、香Attach great importance to mouth feel菜肴注重良好的口感Be famous for the taste of light、fresh、crispy、tender、smooth which stand for south chinas character.讲究清、鲜、爽、嫩、滑,体现浓厚的岭南特色。,Our Breakfast

7、,Yum Cha(饮早茶),Dim sum,Shrimp dumpling is a traditional dessert Guangdong restaurant.The Cantonese have breakfast,will eat shrimp dumplings.Excellent shrimp dumplings,white skin just like snow,thin as paper,translucent,filling looming,eat up slippery fresh,delicious and enticing.水晶虾饺,是广东茶楼的传统美点。广东人饮茶

8、,少不了来一笼虾饺。上乘的虾饺,皮白如雪,薄如纸,半透明,内馅隐约可见,吃起来爽滑清鲜,美味诱人。,Crystal shrimp dumpling 水晶虾饺,Dim sum,Ox tripe,namely the stomach.It contains protein,fat,calcium and other nutrients,potassium and sodium balance.With the maintenance;the elimination of edema,improve immunity,buffer anemia,is conducive to growth and

9、development.牛百叶,即牛的胃。它含有蛋白质、脂肪、钙等营养物质,.具有维持钾钠平衡;消除水肿,提高免疫力,缓冲贫血,有利于生长发育。,Ox tripe 牛百叶,Dim sum,Drum juice chicken is chicken feet both simple and healthy eating,and taste and mouthfeel of the good,this dish cheap,delicious,oil and not greasy,a lead a person to endless aftertastes,can be said to be a

10、food for children as well as adults.豉汁凤爪是鸡爪既简单又健康的吃法,而且味道和口感绝很好,此菜价廉物美,色香味俱全,油而不腻,令人回味无穷,可以说是男女老少皆宜的一款美食。,Drum juice chicken鼓汁凤爪,Phoenix Claws 凤爪,肠粉Rice Noodle Roll or Steamed Rice Roll,A common dish inCantonese breakfast,Chee cheong fun,Porridge+some dim sums=common breakfast,干炒牛河 beef chow fun,All

11、 kinds of“fun”,Shao Mai,Dim Sum,Har Gow虾饺,烧麦,Lo Mai Gai(糯米鸡),Glutinous riceis wrapped in alotusleaf(荷叶)into a triangular or rectangular shape.,Turnip Cake,萝卜糕,Taro Cake,芋头糕,Water chestnut cake,马蹄糕,千层糕,黄金糕,Gold cake,Thousand-layer cake,Traditional dishes,Sweet and sour pork,Steamedfrog legson lotus l

12、eaf,咕噜肉,荷叶蒸田鸡,Steamedspareribswith fermented black beans and chili pepper(辣椒),豉椒排骨,Steamed fish,粤式蒸鱼,Stir-friedwater spinachwith shredded chili and fermented tofu,椒丝腐乳通菜,Blanched vegetables with oyster sauce,蚝豉油菜,Seafood,Due to Guangdongs location on the southern coast of China,fresh seafood is prom

13、inent in Cantonese cuisine.In Cantonese cuisine the freshest seafood is odourless(无臭的).In Cantonese culinary(烹饪的)arts,the best cooked is steaming.For instance,in some recipes(食谱),only a small amount ofsoy sauce(酱油),ginger,andspring onion is added to steamed fish.According to Cantonese cuisine,the li

14、ght seasoning is used only to bring out the natural sweetness of the seafood.,姜葱龙虾,白灼虾,蒜蓉蒸鲍,蒜蓉粉丝蒸瑶柱,Yee Sang or Yusheng(鱼生),The meaning is“Congratulations for your wealth”.,Just served with sauce,Siu Mei,烧味,siu mei,烧肉,Roast pig,char siu 叉烧,Roast duck烧鸭,Roast goose 烧鹅,Cantonese lou mei is very famous

15、 and the most famousLou mei is Beef entrails(内脏),牛杂,Lou mei 卤味,白切鸡,盐焗鸡,葱油鸡,酱油鸡,Assorted dishes 拼盘,A very common dish and usually prepared as the first dish when you go to restaurant.,porridge,slow-cooked soup,老火靓汤,Slow-cooked soup in the Cantonese dialect is usually a clear broth(肉汤)prepared by simm

16、ering(慢煨)meat and other ingredients(原料)over a low heat for several hours.,Every Cantonese family will cook the slow-cooked soup and some families drink it every day.Soup is one of the most important banquetdishes and usually eaten at the beginning of the diner.,Dessert,Milk Custard with Egg White,St

17、eamed egg custard 燉奶,tortoise jelly 龟苓膏,凉草粉,Tong sui,糖水,Influence,The Cantonese cuisine has wide effect.Until 2005,the United States has more than 40000 Chinese restaurant;fourteen thousand UK;France,Holland each have two thousand;Japan more than one thousand.These local Chinese restaurants,mostly C

18、antonese restaurant,business is flourishing.The Cantonese cuisine of its unique delicate flavor,coquettish,with food in Guangzhou reputation both at home and abroad.粤菜具有广泛的影响。直到2005,美国有40000以上的中国餐馆;英国一万四千家;法国,荷兰各有二千家;日本一千以上。这些当地的中国餐馆,主要是粤菜馆,生意兴隆。广东菜肴的独特鲜味,风味,以“食在广州”享誉海内外。,Recommendation,在海口大大小小的早茶店数

19、不胜数,各有不同的特色,下面就给大家介绍几家环境比较好的,品种比较齐全的。,海口比较有口碑的粤菜馆,早茶很火,需要早去。种类丰富,就算去晚了都有好多吃的。地址:滨海大道世贸北路1号壹号公馆电话:0898-68567999,【壹号公馆】,茶点味道非常好,包厢比较少需要提前预定,推荐这的黑椒牛仔骨超级美味。地址:龙华路16甲号太阳城大酒店4-5楼电话:0898-66119328,【粤菜王酒楼】,黑椒牛仔骨,【四季火锅】,广式茶点做得相当不错,早晚茶时间经常爆满。强烈推荐猪仔包(也就是流沙包)。地址:大同路29号金融大厦1层电话:0898-66660019地址:金贸西路6号金山广场附近电话:0898-68570001,【流沙包】,小点心做的真心好吃。法式粗粮包口感一级棒。地址:滨海大道115号海垦国际金融中心2楼电话:0898-36669755,【德府私藏菜】,榴莲酥,萝卜糕,推荐海甸岛附近的朋友去,他们的叉烧包和肠粉做的很不错。地址:海甸五西路76号电话:0898-66193333;0898-66194444,【鼎宴酒楼】,叉烧包,肠粉,Welcome to Guangdong,


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