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1、GRE填空备考各阶段教科书指点 GRE填空备考实用学习教材指点 ,不同复习阶段教科书应有所区别,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。GRE填空备考各阶段教科书指点考生在填空备考的不同阶段,需要的教科书也应该有所区别,根据考生目前所出的备考层次,为大家推荐每个复习阶段最适合各位考生的GRE填空参考教材。1. 初始阶段这个阶段考生刚开始接触GRE,无论是词汇基础还是对题目的解题思路都还处于最基本的阶段,甚至对题型也都不太熟悉,因此这个阶段推荐给大家的教科书主要以一些帮助考生打好基础的内容为主:GRE填空基础24套:来自新东方GRE名师陈琦老师的入门级教材,对于考G新手来说足够友好,题目难度适中,在解题

2、技巧特别是涉及逻辑思维的部分很有价值,适合考生在GRE备考初期使用。陈圣元GRE句子填空 :备考GRE句子填空题不可多得的一份资料。书里题目全部是老G真题填空题,新G尽管已经改革,但是这本书的作用仍然毋庸置疑。本书含有详尽的翻译和解题说明,使得考生不至于在茫茫题海中迷失。新GRE高频词汇:句子填空: 收词于GRE真题,科学排序,释义精准,备考事半功倍。同时,例句选自真题,为考生提供高度仿真语境,并配以中文翻译,帮助考生更好地理解、学习。2. 备考中期当考生经历了一段时间的备考,对填空已经有了较为明确的认识,同时词汇量也已经积累了不少之后,所使用的备考教材就需要有所调整了,下面这些教材推荐给大家

3、:新gre填空教程(绿皮):全书收录了单空题部分、双空题部分、三空题部分、新GRE填空补充练习题共67个Exercise近600道题目。在难度上绿皮和考试基本相当,不过三空题编的不好。新GRE填空强化36套题目完全源自于老GRE真题,是市面上流传的GRE 的三个“大白本”,以及考生从考场中搜集的完整的GRE填空套题的合集,是市面上最全面的老G题目。新gre填空教程(红皮)分成强化篇和精讲冲刺篇两个部分。强化篇精选有代表性的经典GRE填空题目,结合新GRE题型对部分题目做了改编,但尽可能保持原题面貌。精讲冲刺篇的题目通常比强化篇略难。3. 考前冲刺到了考前最后1个月到1周左右的时间,也就是大家通

4、常意义上的考前冲刺阶段了。这个阶段考生对于填空已经相当熟悉,该做的准备和练习也应该基本完成了,那么大家最需要做的就是对知识点技巧的查遗补缺和进一步提升应对填空难题的能力了,这些资料最适合考前冲刺阶段使用:新GRE填空7套;包括新GRE的填空真题,所以考生在考试前1-2月精做,作为模拟试题进行练习,提高自己的解题能力,积累新GRE考试经验,熟悉做题感觉。Magoosh verbalMagoosh是公认的最接近ETS的出题机构,其出题思路与ETS如出一辙。但是Magoosh的难度要明显高于真正的GRE考试,所以如果你在上面错误率很高的话,不要气馁;超时的话也不要太在意。Magoosh的填空解释也很

5、好,绝对练逻辑。它的三空题要注意,虽然比真题要难,但贵在与ETS思路一致,所以请认真分析。GRE机经真题:针对每场考试在考前整理发布的最新机经,不同的科目用法不同,填空重在看题目,对于选项只要把不熟悉的生词整理出来再背一下即可,答案有大致印象即可,不用强行记忆。GRE考试填空模拟练习题While the Prime Ministers long-standing reputation for (i)_ political power may (ii)_ his recently stated willingness to devolve real power to regional assem

6、blies and local governments, it certainly does not (iii)_ his doing it.Blank (I)Blank (II)Blank (III)A:centralizing D:render inevitable G:requireB:overseeing E:be based on H:allowC:exploring F:raise doubts about I:preclude答案:AFIDuring the eighteenth century, improvements in their material circumstan

7、ces did not necessarily mean expanded independence for women of elite families and, arguably, the social conventions of gentility_ more of their time and energy.A:providedB:justifiedC:demandedD:grantedE:exactedF:rationalized答案:CEThere are many ways in which rat brains and human brains are_ , indeed,

8、 rat brains are often used as generalized models for all mammalian brains, including our own.A:identicalB:analogousC:mysteriousD:comparableE:adaptableF:inexplicable答案:BDThe writers assessment of the critic includes personal _, such as jibes about his physical girth and style of delivery, and is not

9、the better for it.A:aspersionsB:commendationsC:falsehoodsD:fantasiesE:whimsF:slurs答案:AFSpace is often referred to as the final frontier, as the only realm of which humankind has still to gain substantial understanding, yet the ocean realm is another vast area about which our knowledge is _A:erroneou

10、sB:confusingC:frustratingD:rudimentaryE:delusiveF:sketchy答案:DFGRE考试填空模拟练习题Since the deficit predicament is fundamentally a long-term problem, the legislatures _short-term approaches has actually compounded the difficulty in each succeeding year, eroding the states credit rating in the process.A:vexa

11、tion regardingB:addiction toC:aversion toD:wariness ofE:demonization of答案:BCharacteristic of the diplomats new book is the _relationship between the evidence adduced and the inferences drawn, the footnotes and citations teeming with ambiguity and complexity, while the summary statements are more dog

12、matic simplicities.A:healthyB:shiftingC:tenuousD:compellingE:plausible答案:CThough she had some exposure to great art and high culture, it must be said the ultra athletic Marion Carstairs remained throughout her life primarily (i) _mental and artistic pursuits. She was by nature (ii) _.Blank (I)Blank

13、(II)A:a product of D:neither bookish nor cerebralB:indifferent to E:a model of delicacy and refinementC:obsessed with F:both didactic and argumentative答案:BDTrying to fix problems that affect vast numbers of people has an intuitive appeal that politicians and policy makers find (i)_ , but several war

14、ehouses of research studies show that intuition is often a poor guide to fixing (ii)_ problems.Blank (I)Blank (II)A:logical D:localizedB:irresistible E:systemicC:off-putting F:theoretical答案:BENow that photographic prints have become a popular field for collecting, auctions are becoming more (i)_ . I

15、t is not just the entry of new collectors into the field that is causing this intensification. Established collectors interests are also becoming more (ii) _. Those who once concentrated on the work of either the nineteenth-century pioneers or the twentieth-century modernists are now keen to have (i

16、ii) _collections.Blank (I)Blank (II)Blank (III)A:competitive D:fickle G:comprehensiveB:tedious E:wide-ranging H:legitimateC:exclusive F:antiquarian I:impressive答案:AEGGRE考试填空模拟练习题Give a computer (i)_ task, winning at chess, say, or predicting the weather, and the machine beats humans nearly every tim

17、e. Yet when problems are (ii)_ , or require combining varied sources of information, computers are (iii) _human intelligence.Blank (I)Blank (II)Blank (III)A:a well-defined D:nuanced G:no matchB:a random E:inconsequential H:unyieldingC:an open-ended F:solvable I:able to dwarf答案:ADGThe latest publicat

18、ions predicting disastrous coastal erosion are unlikely to _knowledgeable readers because variations on the same claims have been effectively refuted in the past few years.A:intrigueB:reassureC:baffleD:alarmE:unsettleF:calm答案:DEIt is hardly _for todays films to try to blur the boundaries between the

19、 moral and the immoral; Hollywood has been doing that since at least the 1960s.A:entertainingB:originalC:novelD:pertinentE:relevantF:insightful答案:BCAlthough we no longer have to rely on salt to keep food from spoiling, our appetite for it is_: most people eat much more salt than they need.A:involunt

20、aryB:inconstantC:unabatedD:unpredictableE:undiminishedF:insatiable答案:CESome social scientists who begin their studies of small communities with the intention of remaining detached revise their initial approach on discovering that personal involvement with subjects can actually_ the gathering of important data.A:influenceB:expediteC:facilitateD:circumventE:affectF:intensify答案:BCGRE填空备考各阶段教科书指点


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