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1、GRE填空同位语短语实例解析 同位语短语实例解析 ,GE填空句子巧分析得高分,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。同位语短语实例解析 GRE填空句子巧分析得高分如果在某一空格的前部或后部出现下述短语结构a.现在分词短语,b.过去分词短语,c.形容词短语,d.同位语短语,e.介词结构 ,f.动词不定式结构则所有这些短语结构或是在空格前作预先的铺砌,埋下一处线索,或是在空格后作补充陈述,以示强调。空格的答案均可以同义词的方式从这些短语结构中求取。D:同位语短语例 :The state is a network of exchanged benefits and beliefs, - between r

2、ulers and citizens based on those laws and procedures that are - to the maintenance of community.(A) a compromise . inimical(B) an interdependence. . subsidiary(C) a counterpoint . incidental(D) an equivalence . prerequisite(E) a reciprocity . conducive解答空格需代入一名词,与此前的a network of exchanged benefits在

3、语法上构成同位语,以突出强调“互惠互利”这一概念。(E) reciprocity最好地体现了这一概念。(A) compromise 和(B) interdependence尽管尚能达意,但针对性不强。当然,在空格处,(A)(B)前后不通,(E) be conducive to(有利于)为正确。词汇inimical: 1.敌意的 2.有害的,不利的subsidiary: 附属的,次要的,补贴的counterpoint: 对位法,对比法incidental: 伴随的,次要的,偶发的equivalence: 相等prerequisite: 先决条件的,必要的中译国家是一个互惠和互信的结构,是统治者与

4、公民之间的一种互利关系,以那些有利于维持一个社会的法律和程序为其基础。E:介词结构例 :An investigation that is - can occasionally yield new facts, even notable ones, but typically the appearance of such facts is the result of a search in a definite direction.(A) timely(B) unguided(C) consistent(D) uncomplicated(E) subjective解答在以but连接的两个句子中分

5、别两次涉及“研究”(investigation search)这一概念。从search后面的介词结构in a definite direction可求取其反义词(B) unguided。中译一种漫无目的,无的放矢式的研究偶尔能揭示出新的事实,甚至是引人瞩目的事实;但是,普遍而言,此类事实的出现是有着明确方向的探索带来的结果。例 :The Gibsons were little given to - in any form; not one of them was afraid of -, of being and seeming unlike their neighbors.(A) humil

6、ity . absurdity(B) excellence . mediocrity(C) anger . confrontation(D) conformism . singularity(E) ostentation . eccentricity解答空格后面以of引导的介词结构无疑与该空格前的of结构属同一性质,作补充陈述。从unlike their neighbours可获取一“与众不同,标新立异”的概念代入空格,则求得(D) singularity和(E) eccentricity为正确。既然第二句陈述Gibson一家谁都不怕与众不同,这即意味着每人都敢于或愿意表现得与众不同。据此可推

7、知,Gibson一家所不喜欢的是“与众相同”。正确答案为(D)。词汇be given to: 习惯于, 喜欢absurdity: 荒谬confrontation: 1.正视 2. 冲突,对抗ostentation: 炫耀,夸示中译吉布森一家不喜欢任何形式的墨守成规;他们当中无人惧怕标新立异,要显得与其邻居大异其趣。F:动词不定式结构例 :An essential purpose of the criminal justice system is to enable purgation to take place; that is, to provide a - by which a commu

8、nity expresses its collective - the transgression of the criminal.(A) catharsis . outrage at(B) disclaimer . forgiveness of(C) means . empathy with(D) procedure . distaste for(E) document . disapprobation of解答空格之前的动词不定式to provide.无疑是对此前的那个不定式结构to enable purgation to take place的复述。据此,可将第一个不定式中的purgat

9、ion一词直接移入空格,则求得同义的(A) catharsis为正确答案。词汇catharsis: 渲泄,净化empathy: 移情,共鸣disapprobation: 不以为然,非难中译刑事司法制度的根本目的就是要致使犯法者得以被荡涤清除;也就是说,要提供某种净化作用,社会藉以对罪犯的违法行为表示出全民的愤慨。TIPS:GRE填空常见句子关系标志性词语凡是出现but, yet, however, nevertheless, although, (even) though, while, whereas, notwithstanding, despite, in spite of, in co

10、ntrast (to), on the contrary, on the other hand, whatever, otherwise, ironically, paradoxically, curiously, surprisingly 等带有转折逆转含义的题目,则代入空格的正确选项必与中心线索构成语义对立的反义词关系。新GRE填空句子结构实例分析36 Another point is that cycling is a cheaper alternative than car ownership with its registration fees, fuel costs, and re

11、gular mechanical expenses.典型句式:with 介词结构暗含原因。句子主干:Another point is that cycling is an alternative.翻译: 另外一点就是骑车是比开车更经济的替代方案,由于它(汽车)的注册费,燃料成本以及常规机械维修成本。37 The greater the proportion of cyclists to other vehicles, the safer cycling becomes.典型句式:the more A, the more B.句子主干:The greater the proportion of

12、cyclists, the safer cycling becomes.翻译:骑自行车的人相对(使用)其他车辆的人的比例越大,骑车就变得越安全。38 In fact, puffery has been termed “a licence to lie”, as it is vague enough to be classed as opinion, an expression of the salespersons evaluation of the product, rather than an objective statement.典型句式:as 引导的原因状语。 A rather th

13、an B 结构句子主干:puffery has been termed “a licence to lie”.翻译:事实上,自我吹嘘性广告被标签位“撒谎的自由”,由于它足够模糊到被归类为观点,一种销售人员对自己产品的评估性表达,而不是一种可观陈述。39 Using puffery to raise awareness of products and to generate increased sales is a common advertising strategy.典型句式:and 引导的顺承关系句子主干:Using puffery is a strategy.翻译:使用吹嘘性广告来提高产

14、品的知名度并且促进销售是一种普通的广告策略。40 These days, however, if a company claims to sell the countrys “best-loved” or “favourite” product, whether a brand of coffee or a make of car, this is held to be puffery, rather than an objective claim of market share.典型句式:A or B; whether A or B; A rather than B句子主干:this is

15、held to be puffery.翻译:然而,现如今,如果一个公司声称卖的是全国“最喜爱的”或“最心爱的”产品,无论是一个咖啡品牌还是一款汽车,这会被当做是吹嘘,而不会被当成对市场份额的客观陈述。新GRE填空句子结构实例分析31 A new technology is currently being developed that may allow fast food manufacturers to reduce salt and sugar without sacrificing taste.典型句式:定语后置句子主干:A technology is being developed。翻

16、译:一项允许快餐制造商减少食盐和蔗糖的使用而不损害口味的新技术方兴未艾。32 People generally do not like bitter tasting food, but reversing this technology so that the bitter taste receptors are blocked instead of stimulated may reduce the bitter taste of some healthy foods.典型句式:but 转折结构;so that 因果结构。句子主干:People do not like bitter tast

17、ing food, but reversing this technology may reduce the bitter taste.翻译:人们通常不喜欢苦味食品,但逆转这项技术从而使得苦味接收器官被隔断而不是刺激或许能减少一些健康食物的苦味。33 We love and cherish cars because they are undeniably convenient, have increased our personal mobility, and have permitted industry and commerce to grow and prosper.典型句式:becau

18、se 引导的原因状语从句。原因状语中有三个并列句式。句子主干:We love and cherish cars.翻译: 我们喜欢汽车因为它们确实是便利,提高了我们的个人移动能力,并且允许工商企业增长繁荣。34 Apart from the obvious profit motive, the admirable philosophy behind this venture is the desire to bring motoring and mobility within the reach of the poor people who up until now have been unab

19、le to afford the price of a car.典型句式:前修饰+主干+后修饰 the poor people (who up until now have been unable to afford the price of a car).句子主干:the philosophy is the desire.翻译:在明显的获利动机之外,该冒险之后的高贵哲学是把机动性带给穷人的愿望,在这之前,穷人是无力支付汽车的价格的。35 Traffic congestion, already a major cause for concern, is yet another aspect o

20、f transport that will get further out of control, and instead of driving alongside each other, the poor and the rich may find themselves stuck alongside each other in massive traffic jams.典型句式:and 连接的顺承组合句。句子主干:Traffic congestion is yet another aspect of transport and the poor and the rich may find

21、themselves stuck.翻译:堵塞,已经成为一个热点问题,是肯定会进一步失控的交通问题的另一个方面,穷人和富人也许会发现他们在大面积的交通堵塞中卡在一起,而不是并驾齐驱。新GRE填空句子结构实例分析26 Studies carried out by Turner of many thousands of New and Old world specimens, both ancient and modern, suggest that the majority of prehistoric Americans are linked to Northern Asian populati

22、ons by crown and root traits such as incisor shoveling (a scooping out on one or both surfaces of the tooth, single-rooted upper first premolars and triple-rooted lower first molars.典型句式:A such as B,C and D.句子主干:Studies suggest that 宾语从句。翻译:T 对新世界和旧世界的,既有古代的又有现代的众多样本的研究表明,大多数史前美洲人通过牙冠和牙根的特征,例如门齿的铲型结

23、构(牙齿一面或两面的勺子状),单根状的上前磨牙以及三根的低前磨牙,与北亚洲人密切关联。27 Education in those days was much simpler than it is today and covered basic literacy skills and religious education.典型句式:and并列句,本句为一个主语引出两个并列谓语结构;共同的主语是education( in those days), 前一分句为比较结构 was much simpler than,而后一分句谓语为covered.句子主干:Education was simpler

24、and covered something.翻译:当时的教育远比今天简单,(只)包含基本的识字技能和宗教教育。28 Ideas about the value and purpose of education have also changed and with the increasing sophistication of workplaces and life skills needed for a successful career, the curriculum has also expanded to try to prepare children for the challeng

25、es of a diverse working community.典型句式:and连接的并列分句。With独立结构表原因。句子主干:Ideas have also changed and the curriculum has also expanded.翻译:关于教育的价值和目的的思想也发生了变化,并且,随着工作场所以及成功职业所要求的技能的复杂化,为了帮助孩子准备应对多样的工作场所的挑战,课程的内容也随之扩展了。29 A few examples are garlic, which is said to help with colds or high blood pressure, gin

26、ger to help with headaches or toothache, or the magnolia tree which is used in Chinese traditional medicine to treat some forms of cancer and heart disease.典型句式:主干与修饰句子主干: examples are garlic, ginger, or the magnolia tree. 三个例子各带有很长的修饰成分,尤其是ginger后面是动词不定式引导的定词成分,特别不容易分辨。翻译:举几个例子:大蒜,据说能帮助治疗感冒和高血压,姜,能

27、治疗头疼和牙疼,还有木兰树,它在中国传统医学中用来治疗某些癌症和心脏病。30 People are increasingly aware of the dangers of an unhealthy diet, and the manufacturers of processed food know that sales will increase if they can advertise that their products have less salt or sugar.典型句式:and连接的并列句。前一分句为简单句,后一分句包含一层套一层的三个从句。that引导的宾语从句里套了一个if引导的状语从句,而这个状语从句里又套了一个that引导的宾语从句。句子主干:People are aware of the dangers, and the manufacturers know that 宾语从句。翻译:人们越来语认识到不健康食物的危害,工业加工食品制造商也知道,如果他们能宣传他们的产品含有更少的盐和糖,就能促进销售。GRE填空句子巧分析得高分


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