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1、GRE填空并列类题目解题方法 GRE填空并列类题目解题方法 ,掌握好了吗?,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。GRE填空并列类题目解题方法 你掌握好了吗?GRE填空并列类题目解题方法1. 识别表示并列关系的逻辑词表示并列关系的逻辑词是:and, also,as well as, bothand, or, neithernor, eitheror。2. 根据逻辑关系,进行取同处理考生在遇到这些逻辑词的时候,需要注意对前后句子的意思进行取同处理。GRE填空并列类题目实例解析实例1:The new biological psychiatry does not deny the contributing

2、 role of psychological factors in mental illnesses, but posits that these factors may act as a catalyst on existing physiological conditions and _ such illnesses.A) disguiseB) impedeC) constrainD) PrecipitateE) consummate【正确答案】D【答案解析】本体标志并列关系的逻辑词是and,连接的是catalyst和空格,catalyst是催化剂的意思,催化剂起的作用是加速促进,所以选D

3、选项,precipitate,就是加速促进的意思。实例2:Despite assorted effusions to the contrary, there is no necessary link between scientific skill and humanism, and, quite possibly, there may be something of a _ between them.A) generalityB) fusionC) congruityD) dichotomyE) Reciprocity【正确答案】D【答案解析】这个词标志并列关系的逻辑词是and,连接的是no

4、 necessary link和空格,所以空格填入没有联系这种意思。D选项为矛盾的意思,因为句子里面有quite possibly,在语气上有个递进,所以没有联系递进之后,成为矛盾,逻辑合理实例3:Kagan maintains that an infants reactions to its first stressful experiences are part of a natural process of development, not harbingers of childhood unhappiness or_signs of adolescent anxiety.A) prop

5、heticB) normalC) monotonousD) virtualE) Typical【正确答案】A【答案解析】这是一类并列关系的题型,找与空格有关系的逻辑词为or,or连接的两个部分应该是同义重复关系。我们看一下句子,or连接的是harbinger和空格,所以,把harbinger的同义词填入空格。我们知道harbinger这个词是先兆或者先驱的意思,A选项为预兆的,所以选A。GRE考试填空模拟题及答案解析1. In contrast to the substantial muscular activity required for inhalation, exhalation is

6、 usually a _ process.(A) slow(B) passive(C) precise(D) complex(E) conscious2. A computer program can provide information in ways that force students to participate in learning instead of being merely _ of knowledge.(A) creators(B) consumers(C) recipients(D) custodians(E) beneficiaries3. While the de

7、legate clearly sought to _ the optimism that has emerged recently, she stopped short of suggesting that the conference was near collapse and might produce nothing of significance.(A) substantiate(B) dampen(C) encourage(D) elucidate(E) rekindle4. Foucaults rejection of the concept of continuity in We

8、stern thought, though radical, was notunique; he had _ in the United States who, without knowledge of his work, developed parallel ideas.(A) critics(B) counterparts(C) publishers(D) disciples(E) readers5. Because they have been so dazzled by the calendars and the knowledge of astronomy possessed by

9、the Mayan civilization, some anthropologists have _ achievements like the sophisticated carved calendar sticks of the Winnebago people.(A) described(B) acknowledged(C) neglected(D) overlooked(E) defended(F) authenticated6. Certain weeds that flourish among rice crops resist detection until maturity

10、by _ the seedling stage in the rice plants life cycle, thereby remaining indistinguishable from the rice crop until the flowering stage.(A) deterring(B) displacing(C) augmenting(D) imitating(E) nurturing(F) simulating7. During the operas most famous aria the tempo chosen by the orchestras conductor

11、seemed _ , without necessary relation to what had gone before.(A) arbitrary(B) capricious(C) cautious(D) compelling(E) exacting(F) meticulous8. No longer _ by the belief that the world around us was expressly designed for humanity , many people try to find intellectual _ for that lost certainty in a

12、strology and in mysticism.Blank (i)Blank (ii)A sustainedD reasonsB restrictedE substitutesC hamperedF justifications9. That his intransigence in making decisions _ no open disagreement from any quarter was well known; thus, clever subordinates learned the art of _ their opinions in casual remarks.Bl

13、ank (i)Blank (ii)A forboreD intimatingB engenderedE instigatingC brookedF emending10. Many of the earliest colonial houses that are still standing have been so modified and enlarged that the _ design is no longer _ .Blank (i)Blank (ii)A embellishedD discernibleB initialE applicableC appropriateF att

14、ractive1. In contrast to the substantial muscular activity required for inhalation, exhalation is usually a _ process.(A) slow(B) passive(C) precise(D) complex(E) conscious翻译:不同于吸气需要大量肌肉参与,呼气通常是一个被动过程。选Bconscious 有意识的,知觉的,刻意的,特别留意的2. A computer program can provide information in ways that force stud

15、ents to participate inlearning instead of being merely _ of knowledge.(A) creators(B) consumers(C) recipients(D) custodians(E) beneficiaries翻译:电脑程序提供的信息可以一定程度上强制学生参与学习过程而不只是接受知识。选Ccustodian 监护人beneficiary (馈赠,遗产,财物,基金等的)受益人3. While the delegate clearly sought to _ the optimism that has emerged recen

16、tly, shestopped short of suggesting that the conference was near collapse and might produce nothing of significance.(A) substantiate(B) dampen(C) encourage(D) elucidate(E) rekindle翻译:尽管那个代表明显试图打压最近出现的乐观情绪,但她决定避而不谈会议已近崩溃难有作为。选Bwhile 引导让步substantiate 证实,证明,用事实支持dampen 使潮湿,减弱、抑制(情绪,热情等)elucidate 解释,阐明r

17、ekindle 重新点燃(可燃物,感情等)难点在于固定搭配stop short of doing something 决定不做某事;几乎做了但没有完成某事stop short of doing something1. to decide not to do somethingI stopped short of telling him what I really felt about him.2. to almost do something, or partly do something without completing itThe punishments are quite sever

18、e but theystop short of losing your job.(Cambridge Dictionary of American Idioms)尽管代表试图打压乐观情绪唱衰会议,她也是这样认为的(要崩溃没作为),但她决定不提出自己的想法了,构成让步。4. Foucaults rejection of the concept of continuity in Western thought, though radical, was not unique; he had _ in the United States who, without knowledge of his wo

19、rk, developed parallel ideas.(A) critics(B) counterparts(C) publishers(D) disciples(E) readers翻译:福柯对西方观念延续传承看法的否定尽管极端,却不是唯一的;在美国就有人独立地提出过类似的观点。选Bdisciple 信众,追随者,门徒傅科 Foucault, Michel (Paul)(1926.10.15,法国 普瓦捷1984.6.25,巴黎)法国结构主义哲学家和历史学家。自1970年起在法兰西学院任教。研究社会运作所凭依的道德规范与观念,特别是一个社会自我界定所依据的“排除原则”(例如心智健全与精神

20、失常之间的区别)。他提出这样一个命题:收容所、精神病医院和监狱这类机构都是社会实行“排除原则”的手段,而通过观察社会对这类机构的态度,便可以对权力的发展与运用状况进行考察。著作有:疯狂与文明(1961)、事物之秩序(1966)、知识考古学(1969)、纪律与惩罚(1975)和性史(3卷,19761984),确立了他作为那个时代法国最著名学者之一的地位。他坦然承认自己是同性恋者,后死于艾滋病。(大英袖珍百科)其实一般译为福柯5. Because they have been so dazzled by the calendars and the knowledge of astronomy po

21、ssessed by the Mayan civilization, some anthropologists have _ achievements like the sophisticated carved calendar sticks of the Winnebago people.(A) described(B) acknowledged(C) neglected(D) overlooked(E) defended(F) authenticated翻译:有些人类学者眼花缭乱于玛雅文明的天文知识与历法,所以忽略了其他文明的成就,比如温内贝戈人雕饰精美复杂的历法棒。选CD从某网站的统计来

22、看,本题的正确率高达85%,然而我却做错了,也是够沮丧的。下面作为反面教材,告诉大家我是怎么一步步走上邪路的。1 上手找到了 because ,因果关系无疑,又看到了 so 即使后面没出现 that 也能暗示 dazzled 是重要线索。2 Mayan 文明的历法和天文知识把 anthropologists 晃瞎 / 使 anthropologists 赞叹惊呆,所以他们对 W 人的棒棒 也_ 了。3 当然是也承认了,选BF。4 第一个错误在于把 dazzled 固执地认定是一个正评价,不知不觉地违规运用了 “玛雅文化当然很牛逼啦” 的半吊子背景知识,其实 dazzle 在句中只是 “把人晃瞎

23、 / 使失去判断力” 的意思,完全是中性的叙述。5 第二个错误在于把 so 错误地移到第二个分句,做了 “也,同样地” 的解释,这个动作是下意识完成的,阅读理解能力不过关的表现,其实 so 只出现在第一个分句中是 “如此” 的意思。6 错误地运用了背景知识,导致了致命的发散思路,这是我们在以前的讲解中一再叮嘱大家注意的问题,请不要像我一样不专业。6. Certain weeds that flourish among rice crops resist detection until maturity by _ theseedling stage in the rice plants life

24、 cycle, thereby remaining indistinguishable from the rice crop until the flowering stage.(A) deterring(B) displacing(C) augmenting(D) imitating(E) nurturing(F) simulating翻译:某些混杂在水稻中发芽的种子,可以通过模仿苗期的水稻植株防止被人发现,因此直到花期以前都无法区分。选DFthereby 因果关系花期就是成熟期,开花意味着准备好繁殖了,即成熟了maturity 成熟(期)seedling stage 苗期,种子发芽手尚未成

25、熟的阶段deter 威吓,阻止augment 扩大,增加nurture 喂养,培养7. During the operas most famous aria the tempo chosen by the orchestras conductor seemed _ , without necessary relation to what had gone before.(A) arbitrary(B) capricious(C) cautious(D) compelling(E) exacting(F) meticulous翻译:演到这出歌剧最著名的咏叹调时,乐团指挥选择的节奏跟之前大相径庭,

26、显得相当任性。选ABarbitrary 任性的,武断的,专制的capricious 任性的,反复无常的,变幻莫测的cautious 谨慎小心的,提防的compelling 强制的,有很强说服力的exacting 苛求的,严格的meticulous 谨小慎微的,过于注意细节的8. No longer _ by the belief that the world around us was expressly designed for humanity , many people try to find intellectual _ for that lost certainty in astro

27、logy and in mysticism.Blank (i)Blank (ii)A sustainedD reasonsB restrictedE substitutesC hamperedF justifications翻译:“世界是专为人类设计的” 这一理念的破除,使人们不再确信占星术和神秘主义,他们尝试寻找各种理性的替代物。选AE没有明显的指示词,但仍然是一道线索清晰的题目。标蓝的部分 that certainty 那种确定性,那种确信,一般来说,填空中出现的代词 that , such 都一定指称前文出现过的某种事物,这种隐藏线索需要特别注意。占星术和神秘主义以前是有 that ce

28、rtainty 的,现在 lost 了,那么第一空我们就可以确定 sustained 支撑,确定,认可(呼应 certainty),no longer sustained 可以呼应 lost ,既然已经 lost 了,那么第二空也就可以确定是 substitutes ,代用品。本题可扩展的内容很多,明天我专门写一篇*讨论这题好了。9. That his intransigence in making decisions _ no open disagreement from any quarter was well known ; thus, clever subordinates learn

29、ed the art of _ their opinions in casual remarks.Blank (i)Blank (ii)A forboreD intimatingB engenderedE instigatingC brookedF emending翻译:众所周知,他固执己见从不容忍任何公开的反对,因此,聪明的下属们学会了闲聊中迂回地表达自己的看法。选CDintransigence 顽固,固执己见quarterC person or group of people, esp as a possible source of help, information, etc 人, 团体

30、(尤指可能提供援助 消息等的):As her mother was now very poor she could expect no help from that quarter.她母亲已很贫困, 她无法指望得到母亲的帮助.he ministers speech is interpreted in some quarters (ie by some people) as an admission that the Government was wrong.部长的讲话有人认为是承认政府错了.(牛津高阶双解)forbear 克制,阻止engender 引起brook 容忍subordinate

31、下属intimate (谨慎或间接地)提示,暗示instigate 怂恿,唆使,鼓动emend 校正,修订10. Many of the earliest colonial houses that are still standing have been so modified and enlarged that the _ design is no longer _ .GRE考试填空模拟题及答案解析1. Some scientists argue that carbon compounds play such a central role in life on Earth because o

32、f the possibility of _ resulting from the carbon atoms ability to form an unending series of different molecules.(A) deviation(B) variety(C) reproduction(D) stability(E) invigoration2. Linguists have now confirmed what experienced users of ASL - American Sign Language - have always implicitly known:

33、 ASL is a grammatically _ language in that it is capable of expressing every possible syntactic relation.(A) limited(B) economical(C) complete(D) shifting(E) abstract3. This project is the first step in a long-range plan of research whose _ goal, still many years off, is the creation of a new protot

34、ype.(A) cooperative(B) reasoned(C) original(D) ultimate(E) intentional4. The struggle of the generations is one of the obvious constants of human affairs; therefore, it may be presumptuous to suggest that the rivalry between young and old in Western society during the current decade is _ critical.(A

35、) perennially(B) disturbingly(C) uniquely(D) archetypically(E) captiously5. Philosophical problems arise when people ask questions that, though very _ , have certain characteristics in common.(A) relevant(B) elementary(C) abstract(D) heterogeneous(E) diverse(F) controversial6. The spellings of many

36、old English words have been _ in the living language, although their pronunciations have changed.(A) preserved(B) shortened(C) maintained(D) preempted(E) revised(F) improved7. Since she believed him to be both candid and trustworthy, she refused to consider the possibility that his statement had bee

37、n _ .(A) irrelevant(B) facetious(C) mistaken(D) critical(E) insincere(F) hypocritical8. Just as astrology was for centuries _ faith, countering the strength of established churches, so today believing in astrology is an act of _ the professional sciences.Blank (i)Blank (ii)A embellishedBlank (i)Blan

38、k (ii)A an acceptedD anachronism toB an undergroundE concern aboutC an unknownF defiance against9. Though extremely _ about his own plans, the man allowed his associates no such privacy and was constantly _ information about what they intended to do next.Blank (i)Blank (ii)A candidD solicitingB idio

39、syncraticE alteringC reticentF eschewing10. Noting that few employees showed any _ for complying with the corporations new safety regulations, Peterson was forced to conclude that acceptance of the regulations would be _ , at best.Blank (i)Blank (ii)A enthusiasmD grudgingB indifferenceE indeterminat

40、eC rectitudeF unavoidable1. Some scientists argue that carbon compounds play such a central role in life on Earth because of the possibility of _ resulting from the carbon atoms ability to form an unending series of different molecules.(A) deviation(B) variety(C) reproduction(D) stability(E) invigor

41、ation翻译:有些科学家认为碳化合物在地球生物中扮演着核心角色,因为碳原子能够组成无限多种分子所以蕴含了各种可能。选Bresult from 因果关系deviation 偏差,不正常,背离reproduction 再造,复制,生殖stability 稳定(性),可靠,坚决invigoration 使生机勃勃(n.)两层因果关系。2. Linguists have now confirmed what experienced users of ASL - American Sign Language -have always implicitly known: ASL is a grammat

42、ically _ language in that it is capable ofexpressing every possible syntactic relation.(A) limited(B) economical(C) complete(D) shifting(E) abstract翻译:语言学家现已确认,正如北美手语使用者感受到的:这是一种语法功能完整的语言,因为它足以表达任何可能的句法关系。选C再次提醒大家注意 in that 指示的因果关系in that 基于的理由,因为economical 节俭的,高效而不浪费的3. This project is the first st

43、ep in a long-range plan of research whose _ goal, still many years off, is the creation of a new prototype.(A) cooperative(B) reasoned(C) original(D) ultimate(E) intentional翻译:此项目是一个长期研究计划的第一部,该计划的最终目标是多年后创造一个新的原型。选Doff 作副词时,可以表示 “距离一定的时间或空间”,比如:The town is still five miles off.那小城尚在五英里以外.The holida

44、ys are not so far off.假期已经不那麽远了.4. The struggle of the generations is one of the obvious constants of human affairs;therefore, it may be presumptuous to suggest that the rivalry between young and old in Western society during the current decade is _ critical.(A) perennially(B) disturbingly(C) uniquely(D) archetypically(E) captiously翻译:代际之争本来就是人类世界的常态;所以,认为西方世界近十年来青年和老年人之间的竞争有什么独特的重要意义,未免言过其实。选Cperennially 持久地,永恒地,一再反复地,多年生地disturbingly 使焦虑不安


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