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1、GRE填空怎么复习才能快速提分 GRE填空怎么复习才能快速提分?只要掌握这4大GRE背单词方法技巧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。GRE填空怎么复习才能快速提分?只要掌握这4大GRE背单词方法技巧提升GRE词汇量一直以为被认为是备考GRE的第一要务,而GRE填空作为直接考察词汇的题型,也被当成了检验考生词汇量是否达标的试金石。甚至有不少考生把词汇的掌握情况和GRE填空得分直接划上了等号。但事实并非如此。无论是背GRE单词还是做GRE填空,两者之间都不是简单的对等关系。填空提分不能只靠单词,背单词也许掌握正确技巧才能帮上填空。怎样背单词才能帮助GRE填空提分?GRE填空对于词汇的考察要求很高,

2、简单的背诵单词对于填空提分并没有太大的帮助,考生也前往不要有轻敌的想法,认为掌握了几千过万的词汇量就能闭着眼睛秒选填空题。想要真正发挥出词汇对于填空的作用,首先要掌握正确的背单词方法。1. 整理错题词汇表GRE填空部分考察到的词汇并非生僻词,而大多数都是来自于一些具备较高学术价值,常被用于各类学术刊物中的词汇,简单来说,就是一些比较书面正式,写论文搞学术用到的高大上的词汇。而收集这些实用度较高的词汇,最好的方法就是整理一份错题词汇表。大家可以把自己平时做填空练习时碰到的各种高难度词汇都收集汇总在一起然后集中学习,一方面出现在真题里的词汇本身属于高频词汇,本身价值不菲,以后考试中再次遭遇的可能性

3、较高;另一方面通过加深记忆也可以避免自己重复犯错。2. 背单词要背例句GRE填空对词汇要求做到辨析,即区分出中文意思相近词汇在实际运用中的不同和区别。这些区别光看中文翻译往往很难搞清楚,但结合一些例句就能比较容易地记住它们的差异。同时GRE词汇的掌握也要求一定的使用能力,光是认识还远远不够,如果能用到其它部分比如GRE写作之中,才能发挥出词汇的最大价值,而这同样需要大家通过背例句来掌握正确的使用方法。3. 背GRE要选好词汇书背GRE词汇,选好词汇书也是非常重要的。GRE词汇量大,究竟哪些词汇是真正有价值的词汇?哪些词汇只是比较生僻,甚至可能背完以后一辈子都用不上?现在市面上关于GRE词汇的教

4、材书籍众多,其中不乏滥竽充数之辈。用这些劣质词汇书背单词只会害了自己。因此大家一定要选好词汇书,建议大家挑选一些比较权威,受到广泛认可的教育机构出品的词汇书,国外的比如曼哈顿、Magoosh,国内的红宝书等都是不错的选择。GRE填空提分不能只靠词汇GRE填空想要提分,考生也不能把所有的精力都放到背单词上,学习一些解题技巧同样必不可少。针对GRE填空,考生最需要掌握的技巧主要有两个:1. 快速读题技巧GRE考试时间有限,语文部分尤其紧张,而考虑到到语文中除了填空以外,还有阅读这个绝对是消耗时间的大户,因此GRE填空就需要快速解题来为阅读省时间。所以考生必须掌握快速读题的技巧。GRE填空题有四种类

5、型,其中双空和三空往往会用很长的句子作为题干,等价也偶尔会出现一些较长的题目。考生需要学会通过一遍读题就搞清楚句子结构和大致含义,而不是反复读题揣摩意思。建议大家在平时练习中多做一些限时解题的训练,培养出这种技巧和能力。2. 精简句子技巧如同上文提到的,GRE填空有些题目经常会出现长难句,应对这种题目,如果光靠读题解决不了,那么考生可以通过精简句子的方式找到关键结构,并在此基础上进行解答。大家可以分析句子成分把一些没有什么作用的部分删除,只保留最核心的句式,然后再进行解题。这种技巧需要考生具备一定的语法基础,一旦掌握面对复杂长句也能轻松应对。GRE考试不同部分对词汇掌握要求各有不同除了GRE填


7、分快速提分,拿到好成绩。GRE填空最新备考练习题及答案1. Psychology has slowly evolved into an_scientific discipline that now functions autonomously with the same privileges and responsibilities as other sciences.(A) independent(B) unusual(C) outmoded(D) uncontrolled(E) inactive分析:按照解释模式,定语从句对scientific discipline的解释等价于scient

8、ific discipline的前置定语修饰内容,因此空格应该表达“独立起作用(functions autonomously)”的含义。A独立的;B不常见的;C过时的;D缺乏控制的;E不活动的。选项A正确。翻译:心理学已经慢慢地成为一门独立的学科,它有独立的功能,并拥有和其他科学一样的地位和职责。2. Hydrogen is the _element of the universe in that it provides the building blocks from which the other elements are produced.(A) steadiest(B) expenda

9、ble(C) lightest(D) final(E) fundamental3. After a slow sales start early in the year, mobile homes have been gaining favor as_to increasingly expensive conventional housing.(A) reaction(B) an addition(C) an introduction(D) an alternative(E) a challenge4. The paradoxical aspect of the myths about Dem

10、eter, when we consider the predominant image of her as a tranquil and serene goddess, is her_search for her daughter.(A) extended(B) agitated(C) frantic(D) comprehensive(E) motiveless翻译:当我们想到女神Demeter安静详和的主要形象时,她激动地寻找自己女儿就成了关于她的神话中矛盾的方面。5. Few of us take the pains to study our cherished convictions;

11、 indeed, we almost have a natural_ doing so.(A) aptitude for(B) repugnance to(C) interest in(D) aversion of(E) ignorance of6. The sociologist responded to the charge that her new theory was_by pointing out that it did not in fact contradict accepted sociological principles.(A) banal(B) heretical(C)

12、unproven(D) complex(E) unorthodox翻译:这个社会学家指出她的新理论其实和普遍接受的社会学原理并不矛盾,以此来回应人们认为她的理论是异端邪说的指责。7. Although Johnsons and Smiths initial fascination with the fortunes of those jockeying for power in the law firm_after a few months, the two paid sufficient attention to determine who their lunch partners shou

13、ld be.(A) revived(B) emerged(C) intensified(D) flagged(E) persisted8. It is to the novelists credit that all of the episodes in her novel are presented realistically, without any_or playful supernatural tricks.(A) elucidation(B) discrimination(C) artlessness(D) authenticity(E) whimsy9. The significa

14、nce of the Magna Carta lies not in its_provisions, but in its broader impact: it made the king subject to the law.(A) revolutionary(B) specific(C) implicit(D) controversial(E) particular分析:空格填入一个形容词,修饰“条款(provisions)”,not.but.表达前后对比关系,空格填和“更广泛的(broader)”含义相对的词。A革命的;B明确的,特有的,具体的;C暗含的;D矛盾的;E有限的。B为正确答案

15、(E是指数量上的有限,不是指在能力或者范围上的限制)。翻译:大宪章的意义不是在于它特定的条款,而是其更广泛的影响:它让国王也受到法律的约束。10. The self-important cant of musicologists on record jackets often suggests that true appreciation of the music is an_process closed to the uninitiated listener, however enthusiastic.(A) unreliable(B) arcane(C) arrogant(D) eleme

16、ntary(E) intuitive答案:AEDBBBDEBBGRE填空最新备考练习题及答案1. Usually the first to spot data that were inconsistent with other findings, in this particular experiment she let a number of_results slip by.(A) inaccurate(B) verifiable(C) redundant(D) salient(E) anomalous2. Many artists believe that successful imita

17、tion, far from being symptomatic of a lack of_, is the first step in learning to be creative.(A) elegance(B) resolution(C) goodness(D) originality(E) sympathy3. The sheer diversity of tropical plants represents a seemingly_source of raw materials, of which only a few have been utilized.(A) exploited

18、(B) quantifiable(C) controversial(D) inexhaustible(E) remarkable4. Because no comprehensive_exist regarding personal reading practices, we do not know, for example, the greatest number of books read in an individual lifetime.(A) records(B) instincts(C) accounts(D) remedies(E) proposals5. It is his d

19、ubious distinction to have proved what nobody would think of denying, that Romero at the age of sixty-four writes with all the characteristics of_.(A) maturity(B) fiction(C) inventiveness(D) art(E) brilliance6. Demonstrating a mastery of innuendo, he issued several_insults in the course of the eveni

20、ngs conversation.(A) blunt(B) veiled(C) fallacious(D) boisterous(E) disguised7. Edith Wharton sought in her memoir to present herself as having achieved a harmonious wholeness by having_the conflicting elements of her life.(A) affirmed(B) reconciled(C) highlighted(D) resolved(E) identified8.Animals

21、that have tasted unpalatable plants tend to_them afterward on the basis of their most conspicuous features, such as their flowers.(A) recognize(B) hoard(C) trample(D) retrieve(E) identify9. The notion that cultural and biological influences_determine cross-cultural diversity is discredited by the fa

22、ct that, in countless aspects of human existence, it is cultural programming that overwhelmingly accounts for cross-population variance.(A) jointly(B) completely(C) directly(D) equally(E) evenly分析:空格填入一个副词,修饰“决定(determine)”,并且与“文化和生物影响(cultural and biological influences)”以及“跨文化多样性(cross-cultural div

23、ersity)”有关。Is discredited by表示前后是对比关系,所以空格应该体现和“压倒性的(overwhelmingly)”相反的含义。A共同地;B完全地;C直接地;D平等地;E最终地。D选项为正确答案。需要提醒的是,A选项是不对的,因为“共同”也存在某一个因素“压倒性”的情况。翻译:文化和生物的影响相同程度地决定了跨文化的多样性,这个观念被另外的一个事实挑战,即在人类存在的无数方面,只是文化的因素压倒一切地解释了群体之间的差异。扩展:本题涉及到关于跨文化多样性的问题。实际上,文化和生物本性都对群体多样性有影响,这也是学术界一直在争论的话题。比如不同民族的生活习惯,可能跟文化背景

24、有关,也可能跟遗传和身体状况有关。我们可以积累一些关于群体差异和文化多样性的例子,并分析这种多样性存在的原因。GRE填空最新备考练习题及答案1. In the seventeenth century, direct flouting of a generally accepted system of values was regarded as_, even as a sign of madness.(A) adventurous(B) frivolous(C) willful(D) impermissible(E) irrational2. As serious as she is abou

25、t the bullfight, she does not allow respect to_her sense of whimsy when painting it.(A) inspire(B) provoke(C) suppress(D) attack(E) satisfy3. Despite assorted effusions to the contrary, there is no necessary link between scientific skill and humanism, and, quite possibly, there may be something of a

26、_between them.(A) generality(B) fusion(C) schism(D) congruity(E) dichotomy4.By divesting himself of all regalities, the former king_the consideration that customarily protects monarchs.(A) merited(B) forfeited(C) debased(D) concealed(E) relinquished5. Vaillant, who has been particularly interested i

27、n the means by which people attain mental health, seems to be looking for_answers: a way to close the book on at least a few questions about human nature.(A) temporary(B) confused(C) definitive(D) personal(E) derivative6. Early critics of Emily Dickinsons poetry mistook for simplemindedness the surf

28、ace of artlessness that in fact she constructed with such_.(A) astonishment(B) craft(C) cunning(D) innocence(E) naivet7. Any language is a conspiracy against experience in the sense that it is a collective attempt to_ experience by reducing it into discrete parcels.(A) manage(B) compress(C) transcribe(D) complicate(E) amplify8.Paradoxically, Robinsons excessive denials of the worth of early works of science fiction suggest that she has become quite_them.(A) enchanted by(B) enamored of(C) skeptical of(D) offended byE) reflective about答案:ECEBECABGRE填空怎么复习才能快速提分


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