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1、考研英语写作遣词用句常见错误,中式英语主谓不一致句子不完整句子成分多余时态语态使用错误,词性理解错误单词使用错误倒装平行结构错误从句使用错误错误大杂烩,中式英语,1.Environmental pollution hurts peoples health.Environmental pollution is physically harmful/detrimental.,中式英语,2.Non-stop studying knowledge is very important.It is of vital importance to keep acquiring knowledge.,中式英语,

2、3.If you do not pay attention to environmental problems,you must suffer huge loss sooner or later.If environmental problems are not given enough attention,huge loss is inevitable.,中式英语,4.Pollution makes us cannot breathe fresh air.Pollution disables us to breathe fresh air.,中式英语,5.Please give me a r

3、eply if you are convenient.Please give me a reply if it is convenient for you.,中式英语,7.The old are inevitable to have generation gap with their children.It is inevitable for the old to have generation gap with their children.,中式英语,Overseas study makes students eyes wider.Overseas study widens/broaden

4、s students vision/horizon.,中式英语,The reasons for the change have 5 points.5 reasons lead to/bring about/result in the change.,主谓不一致,Smoking,coupled with/as well as alcohol,are physically detrimental.Smoking,coupled with/as well as alcohol,is physically detrimental.,主谓不一致,The problems which are brough

5、t about by raising pets is hard to solve.The problems which are brought about by raising pets are hard to solve.,主谓不一致,Television,along with other means of communication,help us to keep informed about the latest news.Television,along with other means of communication,helps us to keep informed about

6、the latest news.,主谓不一致,One of the most pressing problem confronting human beings are the old age boom.One of the most pressing problems confronting human beings is the old age boom.,句子不完整,It is easy for people who overweight to get heart attack.It is easy for people who are overweight to get heart a

7、ttack.It is easy for the overweight to get heart attack.,句子不完整,I will discuss in detail in the following paragraphs.I will discuss the issue in detail in the following paragraphs.,句子不完整,It is unclear Red Bull can help revive energy.It is unclear whether Red Bull can help revive energy.,句子不完整,The out

8、put of 2007 is more than 2006.The output of 2007 is more than that of 2006.,句子不完整,It is advertisement makes some sports brands famous worldwide,such as Nike and Adidas.It is advertisement that makes some sports brands famous worldwide,such as Nike and Adidas.,句子成分多余,Human race need water and air to

9、survive in everyday.Human race need water and air to survive everyday.,句子成分多余,There are 70%children think that the main aim of their education should be to develop themselves.70%children think that the main aim of their education should be to develop themselves.,句子成分多余,There is a social phenomenon h

10、as arisen that families are not as close as before.A social phenomenon has arisen that families are not as close as before.,句子成分多余,Although with Internet,it is convenient to do some search jobs,but children are more likely to be addicted with on-line games,such as CS.Although with Internet,it is con

11、venient to do some search jobs,children are more likely to be addicted with on-line games,such as CS,句子成分多余,It is a true fact that love is time-consuming.It is a fact that love is time-consuming.,句子成分多余,From what we have discussed above,we may safely draw a final conclusion that love is time-consumi

12、ng.From what we have discussed above,we may safely draw a conclusion that love is time-consuming.,时态语态使用错误,Obesity is a problem to most teenagers for years.Obesity has been a problem to most teenagers for years.,时态语态使用错误,The time spent on sleeping and working should balance every day.The time spent

13、on sleeping and working should be balanced every day.,时态语态使用错误,The international tourist industry is booming,driving by the advanced transportation.The international tourist industry is booming,driven by the advanced transportation.,时态语态使用错误,Comparing with the advanced western countries,China is a b

14、it slow in information technology.Compared with the advanced western countries,China is a bit slow in information technology.,时态语态使用错误,With the opening up to the outside world,greater changes have been taken place in peoples attitude towards family and marriage.With the opening up to the outside wor

15、ld,greater changes have taken place in peoples attitude towards family and marriage.,词性理解错误,Some people consider that computers can instead human beings.Some people consider that computers can replace human beings.,词性理解错误,Many teenagers are unwilling to stop smoking despite they know it is physicall

16、y detrimental.Many teenagers are unwilling to stop smoking though they know it is physically detrimental.,词性理解错误,Environmental pollution can lead to damage a countrys economy.Environmental pollution can lead to damaging a countrys economy.,词性理解错误,Internet has some disadvantages,for example,physicall

17、y detrimental,negative impact on the youth and personal information disclosure.Internet has some disadvantages,such as physical detriment,negative impact on the youth and personal information disclosure.,词性理解错误,Young adults are more possibly to be addicted with smoking than adults.Young adults are m

18、ore possible to be addicted with smoking than adults.Young adults are more likely to be addicted with smoking than adults.,单词使用错误,The government will cost a large sum of money on the mass transit system.The government will spend a large sum of money on the mass transit system.,单词使用错误,He failed as he

19、 lacked of adequate experience.He failed as he was lack of/in adequate experience.,倒装平行结构错误,So popular Internet is that its impact on daily lives should not be ignored.So popular is Internet that its impact on daily lives should not be ignored.,倒装平行结构错误,Only by the cooperation we could solve the pro

20、blem.Only by the cooperation could we solve the problem.,错误,In China,because its tradition,the old is most raised by their children.In China,because of its tradition,the old are mostly supported by their children.,错误,It can imagine that in the near future,the local residents will have a better life.

21、It can be imagined that,in the near future,the local residents will have a better life.,用句升级练习,互联网是一个公众感兴趣和关注的话题。Internet is a topic that people are interested in and pay attention to.Internet is a topic of public interest and concern.,没有比接受教育更重要的事。Nothing is more crucial than to receive education.没

22、有什么比保护环境更重要的了。,我们再怎么强调保护环境的重要性也不为过。We cannot emphasize the importance of environmental protection too much.我们再怎么强调合作的重要性也不为过。我们再怎么强调经济发展的重要性也不为过。我们再怎么强调锻炼身体的重要性也不为过。,不可否认的,我们的生活品质已经每况愈下。It is undoubtable that our living qualities have gone from bad to worse.,我们应该不遗余力的美化我们的环境。We should spare no effor

23、t to beautify our environment.,我们必须重视这个问题。We must lay emphasis on this problem.,越来越多的专家开始相信这种情形会对当地经济增长产生不利影响。Experts in increasing numbers are beginning to believe that such situation would produce unfavorable effects on economic growth of local areas.,人们对此意见不一。Different people have different ideas

24、 about this.Ideas on this issue/topic vary from person to person.,这些活动大大提高了我们的环保意识。These activities improve our awareness of environment protection greatly.These activities contribute much to our awareness of environment protection.,要是团队里的每个人都竭尽全力,他们的工作效率会有很大提高。If all the staff spare no efforts,the

25、working efficiency will be sharply improved.Working efficiency would be considerably enhanced by the intense team work spirit.,句型升级,许多专家指出体育锻炼与身体健康息息相关。Many experts point out that exercise contributes directly to a persons physical fitness.,句型升级,考虑到问题的严重性,在事态进一步恶化之前,必须采取有效的措施。In view of the seriousn

26、ess of this problem,effective measures should be taken before things get worse.,任何忽视这一点的政府都将在某种程度上付出沉重的代价。Any government which is blind to this point may pay a heavy price to some extent.,污染对我们的生存造成巨大威胁。Pollution poses a great threat to our existence.,没有人能否认这一重要事实:最近几年交通问题在全世界受到了普遍关注。越来越多的专家开始认为这种状况

27、将对当地的经济发展产生不利影响。No one can deny the essential fact that the traffic problem over the last years has caused wide public concern all over the world.Experts in increasing numbers are beginning to believe that such situation would produce unfavorable effects on economic growth of local areas.,任何家长都应非常重视

28、孩子在学习与玩耍之间的平衡。Any parent should place considerable emphasis on their children to keep the balance between play and study.,随着健康和生活条件改善,人们的寿命快速延长。With the improvement of health and living conditions,peoples life becomes longer quickly.With the improvement of health and living conditions,lifespan exten

29、ds quickly.,在中国,由于传统的原因,老人主要是由他们的子女赡养。In China,because of the traditional reasons,the old are mainly raised by their children.In China,traditionally,the old are mainly supported by their children.,老年人需要的是更多的精神安慰。Old men need more spiritual comfort.What the senior citizens need is more mental comfort

30、.,很显然,穿校服会使校园生活变得乏味。Obviously,wearing uniform makes campus life boring.It is obvious that uniform makes campus life dull.,最近几年,网上购物正以惊人的速度流行开来。In recent years,on-line shopping has been popular at an amazing speed.In recent years,on-line shopping has been gaining its popularity at an amazing rate.,为了找出解决这一问题更好的办法,有必要来分析一下其根源。In order to find a better way to solve the problem,it is necessary to analyze where it comes from.In order to find a better way to eradicate the problem,it is of necessity to analyze its roots.,


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