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1、Must could might cant,Unit 5 It must belong to Carla.,Unit 5 It must belong to Carla.一、Key words and phrases:1、belong to:v,属于 belong to Carla him her meusthem e.g:The book belongs to Tom.2、must:必须 must be:一定是,to show that you think something is ture.must be Carlas his hers mine ours theirs e.g:The b

2、ook must be Toms.The book must belong to Tom.,3.Must/could/might/cant belong to Carla/him/her/me/us/them.4、author:writer e.g:LuXun is peoples favorite author.5、toy:玩具 toy car 6、Hemingway:a famous American author 7、picnic:野餐 at a picnic:在野餐,二,Look at the pictures and make conversations according to t

3、he given information.,Tom likes playing soccer ball.,Whose soccer ball is this?,It must be Toms.Because Tomlikes playing soccer.,Liu xiang,-It_ be Liu Xiangs.Because it has his name on it.,-Whose exercise book is this?,must,-It_ belong to John.Because they both play football.,John,Tony,-Whose footba

4、ll is this?,might/could,-It_ belong to Bush.Because_,Bush,-Whose red bicycle is this?,cant,his bike is white and blue.,hair band 发带,Whose hair band is it?,Lily,Jim,It might/could/must belong to _.Because she is a girl.It cant be _s.Because _.,Jim,Speaking,Practice the conversation above.Then make up

5、 conversations using the information given.,Example:A:Whose volleyball is this?B:It must be Carlas.Because she loves volleyball.C:It must belong to Carla.Because she loves volleyball.,Explain:Bob loves basketball.红楼梦is Lucys favorite book.Mary has a blue bicycle.Anna studies French.Mr Li is going to

6、 the movies.Tina often wears a blue hat.,1It must belong to Carla.belong to“属于”的意思。其中to为介词,后跟人名或代词宾格。例如:These books belong to me.这些书是我的。Who does this belong to?这是谁的?Must/could/might/cant be CarlasBe 后跟所有格。表示是谁的These books must be mine/yours/hers.,Exercises:Complete the sentences with the correct wor

7、ds.1、A:Whose book is this?B:It must be _(Mary).2、A:Whose CD is this?B:It must belong to _(Mary).3、A:Whose volleyball is this?B:It must be _(her).4、A:Whose photo is this?B:It must belong to _(she).5、A:Whose glasses are these?B:They must _(is)Bobs.,Marys,Mary,hers,her,be,Look at the picture.Write the

8、things you see in the correct columns in the chart.,1a Look at the picture.Write the things you see in the correct columns in the chart.,T-shirt,CD,toy car,magazine,book,cups,jacket,1b Listen and match each person with a thing and a reason.,Writing,1This book _ be Carlas.Her name is on the book.Amig

9、ht BcouldCmust Dcant2Jacks bike is blue,so this yellow one _ be his.Amustnt BcantCcouldnt Dmightnt3The guitar _ belong to Alice.Only she plays the guitar here.Acould BmustCcant Dcan,C,B,B,Writing,4What do you think“upset”mean?Im not sure.It _ mean sad,Amust BcanCmight Dcant5This backpack must be _.I saw her carry it yesterday.ALucys BLucyCLucys DLucys 6The toy car must belong to _.AJanes ByourCTom DHis brothers,C,D,C,


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