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1、翻译-英、汉语言的差异,Lecture 2By Locke,1英语的词汇有形态变化,例如动词有人称、时态、语态、情态和语气以及非谓语的变化(不定式,分词),名词有格和数的变化,形容词和副词有级的变化,许多词汇还有因为添加前后缀引起的词性和词义的变化等等。英语通过词汇的形态变化,表示句子丰富多彩的语言关系和逻辑关系。汉语基本没有形态变化,它主要靠词语、词序及暗含逻辑关系来表达句子的语言意义。互译对策:翻译英语的形态变化时,汉语一般用加词或变换说法的办法来表示,例如时态要加“正在”、“已经”、“就要满”等字样,分词有时要译为短语,等等。汉译英时,应把汉语的时态、语态、情态、语气等用英语的形态变化表

2、达出来。,1.1.They told me that Professor Liu would have been teaching here for twenty years by this winter.他们说到今年冬天时刘教授在这里教书要满二 十年了。1.2.Oxford is much smaller in numbers,for example,than the State University of Minnesota,and is much poorer.It has,or had till yesterday,fewer students than the University

3、of Toronto.牛津大学在校学生数比名尼苏达州立大学要少多 了,也穷多了。牛津的在校学生数无论现在还是 过去都比多伦多大学少。,2英语的名词、介词、形容词、副词表达能力 很强,是英语组句的骨干词汇,它们由谓语 动词统领造成了英语的静态语势。汉语组句 主要依靠动词或动词词组,从而造成汉语的 动态语势。如:“Water works for weight loss.”此句只是一个动词“work”,而译成汉语则需要用四个动词:“经常饮水有利于减肥。”,2.1.Bob Newharts popularity as an actor and stand-up comedian led to his

4、casting in a number of motion pictures,with some of the biggest film stars in Hollywood,and of course,as the cartoon voice of Bernard the mouse.作为演员和笑星,鲍勃纽哈特人气颇旺这使他有机会同好莱坞最著名的演员一起拍摄了多部影片当然,他还为卡通片中的老鼠“伯纳德”配过音,2.2.这是一个秋天的下午.细雨淅沥,秋风瑟瑟.他们撑着雨伞,攀沿一个弯曲的山间小道 去拜望一位隐居在深山的朋友.They walked with umbrellas up a win

5、ding mountain path on a drizzling and windy autumn afternoon for a visit to a friend living in seclusion.,名词,英语的多数抽象名词既有名词功能,又有丰富的动词含义,所以和谓语动词相配合就构成了英语比较简练的句式。少数具体名词也有这样的优势。2.3.The kaleidoscope of shifting interests made it impossible to sort out the“winners”and“losers”.各国的利益变化不定,好像万花筒一样,这就使 人难以分辨出究

6、竟谁是“胜者”,谁是“输家”。2.4.What can easily be seen in his poems are his imagery and originality,power and range.他的诗形象生动,独具一格,而且气势磅礴,这是显而易见的。,2.5.Carelessness causes his failure in this years college entrance examination.由于粗心,他今年高考落榜。2.6.他只要听到几句恭维话就会得意忘形。A little flattery would set him carried away.2.7.公费吃喝是

7、群众反映强烈的不正之风之一。Sumptuous banquets,financed by state money,have long been a bane on Chinese society.,介词,由于名词在英语句子中使用频率很高,造成了介词的活跃。介词不但数量多,而且具有很强的搭配联结能力和表达功能。所以有人曾说,不掌握介词的用法就不可能掌握英语。相比之下,汉语的介词不但数量少,而且表达功能也很弱。许多汉语介词都具有很强的动词性,不少就是由动词变来的,因此与动词兼类。把英语的介词短语译成汉语时,往往要借助于汉语的动词、短语或短句。汉译英时,应该善于使用英语的介词表达法。,2.8.The

8、 man who is above his business may one day find his business above him.不屑于干自己工作的人,终有一天发现自己不配 干那份工作。2.9.有人轻轻拍了拍我的肩膀。我放下正在批改的作 业,抬头一看,原来是一个身材矮小的老太太,她满脸皱纹,慈祥地微笑着。Somebody tapped me on the shoulder and I looked up from the exercise books of my young pupils,which I was correcting,into the lined,kind and

9、smiling face of a little old woman.,形容词,英语的许多形容词表现力很强,它可以代替动词、名词或副词的语法功能,但有时比上述这些词类所携带的信息丰富得多。作定语时,位置比较灵活,特别和某些不定代词配合时,可以表达比较复杂的内容。汉语形容词相比之下就没有这么多的优势。,2.10.In this country,sex between consenting adults is nobody elses business.这个国家两性关系比较随便,成年人之间只要两厢情愿,谁也关不着谁。2.11.这个国家滥伐森林,造成生态失调。Ecological imbalance

10、 has shadowed the country because of its being prodigal of its forests.,副词,英语的副词表现力也很强。有些副词由于信息 载量大,译为汉语时可以独立成句。2.12.Jordan can not politely turn down the invitation to an Arab foreign ministers conference.约旦若拒绝接受阿拉伯外交会议的邀请,它在礼貌上也说不过去.,2.13.Basically,the theory proposed,among other things,that the m

11、aximum speed possible in the universe is that of light;就其基本内容而言,这一学说提出的论点 包括:光速是宇宙中最快的速度;,3.英语用词力戒重复,常常用替代、省略和变 换的表达方法避免重复;汉语用词不怕重复,常常运用实称、还原和复说的表达方法。互译对策:英译汉时,只要通顺,不要过于苛 求重复用词的问题,不过有时也可以稍作变化;汉译英时,务必要避免在一段语中重复使用同一词汇,不然译 文会失彩很多。,3.1.During his visit to China,the Korean foreign minister conferred with

12、 his Chinese counterpart a number of times.在中国访问期间,韩国外交部长与中国外 交部长举行了数次会商.3.2.They covered the 19th century intervention in China,Maos Long March in the mid-1930s,the French and American revolution.他们谈到十九世纪外国对中国的干涉,谈到毛泽 东在三十年代中期的长征,还谈到法国革命和美 国革命.,3.3.Courage in excess becomes fool hardiness,affection

13、 weakness,thrift avarice.过度的勇气变为蛮勇,过度的爱情变为溺爱,过 度的节俭变为贪婪.3.4.成绩有两重性,错误也有两重性。Achievements have a dual character,and so have mistakes.3.5 丈夫责备他的太太,他的太太也责备他。The man blames his wife and vice versa.3.6.The girls in your class are more active than those in our class.你们班女同学比我们班的活跃。,4英语词汇的音节参差不齐,结构长短不一,所以不讲究

14、用词的均衡对偶。汉语十分重视词语的偶式对应,特别喜欢使用四字词组和排比式词汇;许多情况下利用重叠的方法或在动词前后加词,使语言产生像诗歌一样的韵律。互译对策:英译汉时,许多词或词组可考虑译为四字词组或重叠式词组,这是汉语的重要润滑剂,可使语言通顺、动听。汉语的四字词组或重叠结构,译成英语时只译“意”而不拘泥于“形”。,4.1路上挤满了男男女女,他们熙熙攘攘,正在买卖各种各样的东西。The road was packed with a noisy crowd of men and women,who were selling and buying all kinds of things.4.2.

15、她有沉鱼落雁之容,闭月羞花之貌。She is lovely enough to outshine the moon and put the flowers to shame.4.3.The hurricane flattened crops,uprooted trees,washed away roads and rippled off roads.飓风所到之处,庄稼倒伏,树根拔起,房顶掀飞.4.4.Peasants now sell vegetables at moving prices determined by their supply and their customers deman


17、指出较多的是“大词”和范围词的使用,他们往往建议做降调处理(to be tuned down)。,5.1.这对加强中国国防十分重要。This is fundamental to the building up of Chinas national defense.5.2.今年我省在引进工作方面又取得了重大 成就。Much more fruitful work has been done in our province this year in importing advanced technology and equipment and in attracting foreign invest

18、ors.,5.3.汉字在历史上有过不可磨灭的功绩。The system of Chinese characters has played an invaluable role in our history.5.4.“思想政治建设”;“武器装备建设”;“参加国家减灾救灾行动”;“核武器和导弹防御问题”;Ideological and Political Work;Weaponry and Equipment;Disaster Relief;Nuclear Weapons and Missile Defence;,6英语句子中主语的权威在绝大多数情况下不可动摇(只在祈使句、人物对话或个人简历中有时

19、可以省略);汉语句子的主语在许多情况下都可以省略,因此汉语有大量的无主句。互译对策:英译汉时,有时可以省去主语,译为无主句。许多情况下翻译主语时需要灵活变通,力求译文自然通顺。汉译英时在绝大多数情况下都应把主语译出,否则英语句子不能成立。此外在确立英语主语时应善于对准视角,捕捉核心意义。,6.1.Its superstition that you shouldnt walk under ladders.译文:1)许多人都认为在梯子下面穿过是不吉利的,不过只是这样说说罢了,谁也没有充分的证据.2)迷信人认为,不应该在梯子下面穿过,否则会不吉利.3)在梯子下面穿过不吉利,是一种迷信的说法,不足为训

20、.6.2.This area is select.(adj.E.g.a select club)译文:1)住在这个地区的人都是很有来头的.2)这个地区是要人集居之地,非一般人所敢奢望的.6.3.Liberty is more important than life.不自由毋宁死.,6.4.要不断加强基础设施建设,努力营造良好的开 发环境。译文:1)In an effort to create a sound environment for development,continuous work should be done to increase and improve infrastruct

21、ure.2)We should keep increasing and improving infrastructure so as to create environment for development.6.5.你们公司几点上班/下班?What is the clock-in(clocking-in)time/clock-off(clocking-off)time at your company?,7英语句子的谓语只能由动词(包括实义动词和连系动词)担任,而汉语的谓语几乎可以由所有的语言单位来担任,包括动词、短语乃至句子。互译对策:英译汉时谓语的角色可呈开放性,回旋余地很大。汉译英时谓语

22、必须局限于动词上,即要把看似不能作谓语的语言单位设法转化为英语的动词(词组)。,7.1.So do I let my imagination play over the recesses of Lauras character,so austere in the foreground but nurturing what treasures of tenderness,like delicate flowers,for the discovery of the venturesome.同样,我让自己的想像力尽情地探索着劳拉性格的最深之处.她的性情表面上严肃可畏,但却滋润着丰富的温柔情感,宛如娇

23、嫩的花朵,等待着勇士的出现.7.2.At the end of her four months in the hospital,Mrs Peng was pronounced incurably blind.彭太太住院治疗整整四个月,医生最后判定她是永久性失明,无法治愈.,7.3.这房子采光很好,全海景,地段也不错。译文:1)The house has access to efficient sunshine,overlooks the sea and is within easy reach of transport facilities.2)With a favorable locatio

24、n,the house has access to efficient sunshine and overlooks the sea.,8英语组句时重“形合”,借重词形变化、虚词(例如冠词、介词、连接词)(不定式、分词)、从句以及独立主格来表示各种语法关系,逻辑性强,外形完整。因此有人把英语的句法结构称作“树型结构”干上有枝,枝上有节,节外生枝。汉语句子以“意合”为特点,它没有词形变化;没有非谓语动词、定语从句、独立主格和冠词;特别是在许多情况下省略虚词(尤其是连接词),注重以神摄形。汉语善于用词组和短句逐次排列,虽然外形上互相不连接,但内含逻辑关系,所以有人把汉语的这种句法结构称之为“竹节结

25、构”像竹杆那样一节一节地明快而简朴。,互译对策:英译汉时,许多词可以用汉语的动词来转换;连接词许多情况下省略不译,越是使用连接词少的句子越是符合汉语的习惯;介词短语、定语从句和独立主格在不少情况下都可译为短语或分句(短句)。汉译英时,一是注意把汉语句子内含的逻辑关系(特别是因果关系、连接关系、转折关系、递进关系等)用英语的连接词表达出来;二是善于把汉语的流水句译成相互照应的单句;三是善于把汉语的众多动词分清顺序或分清主次编排成英语的习惯表达,许多情况下要把一些表目的、原因、伴随等的动词译为非谓语动词或者名词、介词等等。,8.1.This was an intelligently organiz

26、ed and fervent meeting in a packed Town Hall,with Mr.Strong in the chair.这是一次精心组织起来的会议.市政厅里济济一堂,热情洋溢,主持会议的是斯特朗先生.8.2.She had such a fright that she fainted.她吓得昏了过去.8.3.不知苦中苦,哪知甜上甜?If you have never tasted the bitterness of gall,how can you know the sweetness of honey?,8.4.他疲惫不堪,天气也越来越热。他于是下 了决心,一碰到舒

27、适的阴凉处,就坐下 休息。His weariness and the increasing heat determined him to sit down in the first convenient shade.,9英语句子被动语态用得多,特别是信息性和理论性的支体;汉语被动形式用得少,有时不用被动形式也可以表示被动的含义。互译对策:英语许多被动式都可译为主动式,有时为了通顺必须译为主动式;汉语有许多隐藏的被动句或无主句,译成英语都应设法变成被动式。,9.1.Great sums of money have been spent,for example in the deserts of

28、Egypt,in“prospecting”for oil.在石油”勘探”方面,已经花了大笔的钱,比如 在埃及的沙漠里进行的勘探工作就是如此.9.2.今晚有人在此讲了一些不该讲的话.Some things have been said here tonight that ought not to have been spoken.,10英、汉句子叙事、推理的顺序大部分情况下是相反的。英语句子在叙事时往往先说最近发生的事,再说先前发生的事,基本按时间顺序展开;汉语在多数情况下则先叙述以前发生的事,接着再叙述最近发生的事,顺序和英语相反。英语在句子中往往先“总提”(比如个人感受,事情的结论、推断等)

29、,然后才叙述所发生的事情;汉语则先说事,后总结。总地说来,英语的句子多是句首封闭,句尾开放;汉语句子则是句首开放,句尾封闭。互译对策:英译汉时,在大多数情况下可译成句尾封闭式;汉译英时,要把汉语的句尾封闭译为句首封闭。,10.1.I could not beat a boy who hadnt got a relation in the world and whose father had left him to me because he thought Id be kind to him.一个举目无亲的孩子,而且他父亲当初是认为我 会待他好才把孩子托给我的,我总不能打他吧.10.2.I w

30、as all the more delighted when,as a result of the initiative of your Government,it proved possible to reinstate the visit so quickly.由于贵国政府的提议,才得以这样愉快的重新进 行这次访问。这使我感到特别高兴。,费解句1.One or two of the jewels would never be missed.2.I could do with more leisure time.3.The wind blows south.4.There was no li

31、ving in the island.5.You must make good any loss.6.The apples are good and ripe.7.The smoke betrayed where the dwelling lay.8.Courses come home to roost.9.He was strong in his time.10.He may be drowned for all I care.11.He is ignorant to a proverb.12.The man was generous to a fault.13.He identified

32、himself with the masses.14.I would rather have his room than his company.15.He said nothing to that effect.,16.He did not see the movie out.17.We searched him to no purpose.18.All my advice falls flat on him.19.Much of our morality is customary.20.He was glad because he wouldnt have to send me away

33、without buying anything.21.In Europe,Heaths name was well known,if not a household word.22.It is warm,not to say hot.23.It is so easy now to see the irony of smoking:Children do it to be like adults,who smoke but wish they didnt.24.Any excuse will do for a picture of Audrey Herburn.25.You are not playing the game.,


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