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1、Project English,Lecture:Xu Jianping(徐建苹)-Fome Caixi Middle School(才溪中学),Unit 5 Talking about China,OUTLINE,一、说教材二、说教法三、说学法四、说教学程序,更多资源,一、说教材,1、教材地位:本单元教学内容主要围绕中国地理和历史方面的话题展开。认真完成本单元的教学内容,既是英语课程标准规定的基础教育阶段的主要任务之一(即帮助学生了解世界和中西方文化的差异,拓展视野,培养爱国主义精神,形成健康的人生观),也是适应改革开放的要求。从教材的编排体系来看,接下来第六单元Michael,Jane 和

2、Maria就要回国了,在他们回国之前再学习一下中国的有关文化是很有必要的,所以我们的教材编订者把对中国的谈论放在了第五单元。,2,教材结构:本单元分三个话题:第一个话题“It attracts lots of tourists from China and abroad every year”,介绍了中国的风景名胜,如旅游胜地,名山大川和历史名城。这部分的语法是由that 和which引导的定语从句;第二个话题“China has a long and great history”主要向学生介绍一些中国历史上的著名人物,如孔子,秦始皇,郑和和孙中山等,还有他们同时期的历史事件。本话题学习由wh

3、o,whom和whose引导的定语从句;第三部分“What do you know about Chinaculture?”则是以谈论中国古代文化为主,重点介绍了中国古代建筑,如故宫,华表等,中国象棋和中国古代四大发明。本话题归纳总结了并列连词eitheror,both and,neithernor,not onlybut also”的用法。,3、教学目标:,(1)知识目标:掌握以下英语课程标准要求掌握的词:名词:tourist,well,bridge,heaven,island,state,coast,army,march,enemy,chairman,prize,promise,tower

4、,chess,memory,discovery,rope,physics 动词:fetch,introduce 动词兼名词:experience名词兼形容词:plain,total掌握以下短语:lie in,be(well)worth doing,as soon as possible,be known as,break down,way of life,in total,wipe out,succeed in doing,bring down,pass away,break out,in memory of掌握并列连词“eitheror,both and,neithernor,not onl

5、ybut also”的用法;初步掌握定语从句的用法,(2)能力目标:听:能听懂有关河流、湖泊、中国历史中秦朝的历史事件和历史人物(秦始皇)的相关信息。说:能用英语谈论中国名山大川和历史文化,并表达自己的看法。读:能阅读并理解关于中国地理历史人物和历史事件的短文,从而进一步提高阅读能力(包括猜测词义,断分析句子结构等),最后在中考阅读及综合填空中取得好成绩。写:能利用所学语言描述自己去过的和向往的地方并说明理由及中国历史事件、历史人物及相关信息,(3)德育目标:通过学习中国的有关文化,培养学生的爱国情操,4,教学的重难点及突破方法,重点:本单元出现的英语课程标准要求的词,短语及句子。难点:定语从

6、句的分析 突破方法:讲-练-反馈-针对性再讲-针对性再练-再反馈-反复到多数学生掌握,5,学情分析:学生基础薄弱,学习英语的兴趣不浓。,二、说教法,1,教学方法及依据:在新课程理念下,主要运用五步教学法,贯穿任务型教学法,让学生在完成教师布置的任务的同时,学会使用相关的字词句,提高学生的参与意识,创新与合作的精神。在词汇教学中,引导学生用联想法,归纳法,结合音形意来学记单词,从而改变学生以往的死记硬背和机械训练等不良学习方式。在语法教学中引导学生用观察法,对比法及归纳法进行总结及指导解题。多种教学方式,可以提高学生学习英语的兴趣,活跃课堂气氛,让每个学生在轻松快乐的氛围中学有所得!2,教学用具

7、:教学用具主要是粉笔,黑板(包括小黑板),收录机,多媒体等。我提倡在重要的有可能出考题的地方多用彩色粉笔以引起注意。,三、说学法,在本单元的教学中,引导学生主要采用温故知新,比较归纳,观察分析的学习方法,力图培养学生的逻辑思维能力,想象力,创造力和观察力,并最终提高学生的解题能力与综合运用英语的能力。,四,教学程序,词汇(包括短语)教学并列连词的教学定语从句的教学板书设计,词汇教学,第一步:读单词,对话及短文 读的方式有多种,全班齐读,小组轮流,每个学生自读。教学意图:让学生“回归课本”,提高听说读的能力,同时又可提高学生的语感。,第二步:检查学生记忆单词的效果 常用四种方法检查:1、口头听写


9、后立即让学生在课堂上完成(也就是限时训练)。一定时间之后,教师再对练习进行分析讲解;当然也可以请学生分析,教师再补充。为了兼顾“两极”,教师在设计题目时,最好也要设计一些“必做题”给全班学生做,也要设计一些“选做题”供尖子生“仔细思考”!,一、根据首字母完成句子:提示学生注意用词的正确形式!1.Many t_visit Spain during their holidays each year.2.My brother joined the a_ four years ago.3.The stamp is well w_ collecting.4.Can you tell me how dee

10、p the w_ is?5.Hong Kong is known as the Oriental Pearl and Shopping H_.6,West Lake which l_ in Hangzhou is one of the most famous lakes in China.7,In October of 1934,the Red Army began the Long M_ from Jiangxi Province.8,Kate never keeps her p_,so it isnt necessary for you to believe her again.9,In

11、m_ of the famous battle between Xiang Yu and Liu Bang,people invented Chinese c_.10,Dont worry,I will go upstairs and f_ it for you.答案:tourists;army;worth;well;Heaven;lies;March;promise;memory;chess;fetch,二、根据汉语提示完成句子。提示学生注意时态与语态!1,Mount Tai(位于)Shandong Province.2,O.Henry(以而著称)a short-story writer.3

12、,The party(推翻,打垮,击败)at the last election.4,Television(扮演一个重要角色,起着重要作用,有着重要影响)in our daily lives.5,Sun Yat-sen broke down from hard work and(逝世)on March 12th,1925.6,In the autumn of 1933,the Red Army faced the danger of being(彻底消灭,全部摧毁)by the KMT.7,Its a pity that he(病故)on the way home.8,Her health(常

13、指健康状况变得恶劣)under the pressure of work and she had to take a rest.9,They want to(创立)their own business,but they dont have enough money.10,The big fire that killed 5 people(爆发)during the night.,三、选择最佳答案1.Tibet is _ the southwest of China.A.in B.on C.to D.at2.The Yellow River goes _ nine provinces and f

14、inally joins the Bohai Sea.A.through B.cross C.across D.over 3,Confucius began to teach _ his _.A,in,thirtieth B.on,thirties C.in,thirties D.on,thirtieth4,At last,the little bird succeeded in _ the water in the deep bottle.A,drink B.drinking C.drinks D.drank*5,Hangzhou is _ worth _.A.very,visiting B

15、.very,visit it C.well,visiting it D.well,visiting*6,The soldiers _ freedom during the war.(选做题)A.fought with B.fought C.fought for D.fought against,设计意图:让学生学以致用,熟悉课本知识,并可以锻炼学生的解题能力。,(二)并列连词的教学,第一步:用举例子做比较做分析的方法具体讲解“eitheror,”“both and”,“neithernor”,“not onlybut also”的用法,。A:bothand和都,既又 作用:可以连接句子的两个并

16、列主语或者宾语等。注意事项:连接两个主语时谓语用复数。例如:Both my father and my sister like this picture.B:eitherand或者或者,不是就是作用:可连接句子的两个并列主语,宾语,或者谓语等。注意事项:连接两个主语时谓语与最近的主语保持数的一致(即主谓一致里的就近一致原则)。例如:Either Jim or his sisters have to clean the floor.Either you or he has to clean the floor.,C:not onlybut also不但而且作用:可以连接句子的两个并列主语,宾语,

17、或者谓语等。注意事项:连接两个主语时谓语与最近的主语保持数的一致(即主谓一致里的就近一致原则)。例如:Not only you but also he was againgst the plan.Not only he but also his parents were against the plan.D:neithernor既不也不,和都不作用:可以连接句子的两个并列主语,宾语,或者谓语等。注意事项:连接两个主语时谓语与最近的主语保持数的一致(即主谓一致里的就近一致原则)。例如:Neither you nor she has been to the National Park.Neithe

18、r she nor her sisters have been to the National Park.,教学意图:引导学生回顾知识,达到“温故而知新”的效果。注意事项:这个过程比较简单也比较基础,可多关注后进生。,第二步:出示近年有关这方面的中考题,让学生先做,然后核对答案,再帮助学生分析。1,“You cant have them both.You can choose_the kite_the toy car,”said Mother.A.either;or B.both;and C.not only;but also(2006 广东)3,-Will the foreigners ha

19、ve any problems talking with Chinese in Beijing in 2008?-I dont think so.Now _ the young _ the old are learning to speak English.A.only;except B.either;or C.neither;nor D.not only;but also(06 兰州)4,_ Rose _ Mary has come.I dont know when they will come.A.Both;and B.Neither;nor C.Either;or(2005 遵义)5,_

20、 Da Mao _ Xiao Mao are excited about visiting the Forbidden City tomorrow.A.Both;and B.Neither;nor C.Either;or D.Not only;but also,关键:一是准确明白这四组并列词组的意义,是“两个都”,“两个都不”,“两个中只有一个(选择关系)”还是“不仅而且(既表示肯定又表示递进)”;二是根据题意确立关系;三是看句子的谓语是单数还是复数。,设计意图:让学生走近中考,减轻应试心理负担,增强信心。,第四步:布置作业:,1、这件裙子与那件裙子都不适合你,它们对你来说都太大了。2、我们不

21、能同时去。要么你要么我得留下来做晚饭。3,不只是吉姆,汤姆也喜欢流行音乐。4,吉姆和汤姆都喜欢流行音乐。,设计意图:让学生进一步记住固定搭配,另外就是锻炼学生的造句能力,从而提高写作能力。,(三)定语从句,第一步:把下列句子板书在黑板上,引导学生观察这些句子的结构,然后给出定语从句的定义。China is a big country that has about 5,000 years of history.(P8,B3)Thats all I know.(P8,B3)Its a book which introduces China in dedail.(P8,B3)Thats the mo

22、st fantastic place that I have ever heard of.(P8,B3)He is a man Who had many wise ideas and thoughts about nature,the world and human behavior.(P1,B3)He is a great teacher whose wise sayings have influenced many people in different countries.(P1,B3)Zheng He is the Ming dynasty explored whom all the

23、Chinese people are proud of.(P1,B3),设计意图:提高学生的观察能力,分析句子结构的能力。从而提高学生的阅读能力及分析长句的能力。,第二步:分析定语从句的关系代词,引导定语从句的词叫做关系词,在句子中起着连接作用。根据在从句中的成分不同,主要分为关系代词及关系副词。常见的关系代词有that,which,who,whom及whose,在句中作主语、宾语或者是定语。常见的关系副词有where和when,在句中作状语。,第三步:关系代词的基本用法,选择关系代词的一般判断方法有:分析定语从句中是缺少主语还是宾语,若缺少主语,先行词指人时,用WHO或THAT引导。若指物,

24、用WHICH或THAT。若缺少宾语,先行词指人时,用WHOM(若关系代词前没有介词,也可用THAT或WHO)。指物时,用WHICH引导(若关系代词前没有介词,也可用THAT).,例题分析,用which,that,who,whose和whom填空:1,The building _ was built last month is a modern one.2,The girl _ is singing is Jims sister.3,This is the most beautiful mountain _ I have ever visited.4,He is the boy _ we oft

25、en talk about.5,Xiao Mei is the girl _ mother was killed in a traffic accident last year.6,Is there anything _ I can buy for you?7,The house in _ he lived was broken.,关键点:一,先行词指什么?二,在句中作什么成分?三,前面有没有介词?四,是不是特殊情况?设计意图:经常查看近两年的中考题,可以发现定语从句在中考中常考的就是这五个代词,而且常以选择题出现。上面的关键点就是做题的突破点!,第四步:练习(分必做与选做),一,用关系代词及

26、关系副词填空:1,The games in _ he competed were shooting and sailing.2,All _ she bought yesterday were books.3,The sport _ I like best is football.4,The man _ you want to see is under the tree.5,Mr.Smith has five daughters,two of _ are doctors.6,Whats the name of the sport in _ you are interested.7,This is

27、 the tallest tree _ I have ever seen.8,Do you know the boy _ name is Jim?9,April 1st is the day _ is called April FoolDay in the west.10,I will never forget the day _ I met her for the first time.(选做题)11,This is the factory _ we visited last weekend.12,This is the factory _ his father works now.(选做题

28、),设计意图:让学生进一步掌握初中部分的定语从句。选做题的设计是为了适应尖子生的需求,而且在部分资料书上也会出现。,二,改错(选做题)1,Ill never forget the days when I spent with you.2,Some of the girls I invited them didnt come.3,Tom is one of the students who likes sports.4,Is this book that you read yesterday?5,Tell him the things to which he should pay attenti

29、on to.6,He is the teacher teaches us English.,设计意图:提升难度,让进入高中的学生能尽快适应高中的知识结构。,第五步:帮助学生分析定语从句在中考中的测试,1,I am a football fan.I am interested in everything _ is about the 2006 World Cup.A.who B.that C.where(2006 哈尔滨)2,-Is the girl _ is interviewing the manager of that company your friend?-Yes,she is a j

30、ournalist from CCTV.(2006 天津)A.whom B.which C.who D.whose3,The boy _ lost his backpack has to borrow books from his teacher.A.who B.whose C.whic(2006 厦门)4,-Do you like the red car _ is made in Tianjin?-Sure,it looks terrific.A.where B.who C.which D.when(2006 大连)5,This is the place _ the old man live

31、d last year.A.when B.where C.that(2006 贵阳),设计意图:让学生走近中考,减轻应试心理负担,增强信心,1、Id like to tell you the table manners _ you should know when you visit Korea.A.which B.who C.what(2006 山西)2、The songs _ the Beatles sang were very popular.A.which B.who C.whom D.whose(2006 绍兴)3、-Do you know Hong Zhanhui?(2006 河南

32、)-Yes.Hes the college student _ has moved Chinese people a lot.Awho B.which C.what D.whom4、My brother works in a company _has over 2,000 workers.The company _ my sister works has 1,000 workers.(选做题)A.that,that B.that,which C.which,where D.which,that5、-Could you tell me _ he told you,Jane?(选做题)-Sorry,I cant tell you anything _ he told me.A.what,that B.that,what C.what,what D,that,that,第六步:布置家庭作业(仍然是中考题),设计意图:让学生走近中考,减轻应试心理负担,增强信心,五,关于词汇教学的板书设计,更多资源,Thanks,


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