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1、Unit 8 Title,1.Function of paper titles,Facilitating the retrievalGeneralizing the text,2.Components of a title,例1:Action of antibiotics on bacteria Action of streptomycin on Mycobacterium tuberculosis Growth inhibition of Mycobacterium tuberculosis on by streptomycin,Scope,Subject,method,+,+,2.Comp

2、onents of a title,Swales and Feak(1994)maintained that a good research paper title should meet the following requirement:Scope of the subjectSubject of the studyOr possibly the method,Growth inhibition of Mycobacterium tuberculosis on by streptomycin,Growth inhibition of Mycobacterium tuberculosis b

3、y streptomycin,Scope of the subject,subject,method,前后定语的位置,【基于人体形态学】的【运动目标】检测算法研究 人体形态学:Human Morphology检测算法:Detection Algorithm运动目标Moving Objects forDetection Algorithm for【Moving Objects】【Based on Human Morphology】【Human Morphology-based】Detection Algorithm for【Moving Objects】,【Moving Objects】,【Ba

4、sed on Human Morphology】,Detection Algorithm,基于动作捕捉的驾驶能力衰减规律研究【基于动作捕捉】的【驾驶能力衰减】规律研究动作捕捉:motion capture驾驶能力:driving performanceRegulations of【Decaying Driving Performance】【Based on Motion Capture】【Motion Capture-based】Regulations of【Decaying Driving Performance】,原文:中子引起铀核链式反应译文:Neutrons caused chain

5、reaction of Uranium nuclei Chain reaction of Uranium nuclei caused by neutrons,3.Classification,1)名词性短语:论文题名通常由名词性短语构成,其中的动词多以分词或动名词形式出现。2)主副题名:在内容层次较多,难以简化的情况下,最好采用主副题名形式。主副题名通常由冒号,破折号,括号,逗号,或句点所分割的两个或多个名词性短语构成,其中的主题名器强调或突出重点的作用,副题名起解释、补充、说明等作用。,3)陈述句式题名,具有判断式的语境,使用一般现在时在题名中大胆提出结论,正文中却常常是探讨性地论证。198

6、5年以前很少有用,其后渐有出现,尤其在临床医学类期刊倾向于鼓励使用该类题名Acre amide is formed in the mallard reaction 丙烯酰胺形成于美拉德反应The p21 Cdk-interatiing protein Cip1 is a poetne inhibitor of G1 cyclin-dependent kinases.,4)疑问式题名,多用于评论性论文,使题名显得比较生动,易引起读者的兴趣。Which way for genetic-test regulation?(Nature,2010)Is there a road ahead for ce

7、llulosic ethanol?(Science,2010),4.中文论文题目英译的原则1)brevity 简洁性,“研究”可以省略Study/studies,research,investigation,analysis of,Some Thoughts on,A Study on,A Few observations on A field observation study of Dynamic observation study of“研究”需要保留A case study of,可以用副标题Searching large collections of recorded speech:

8、a preliminary study,标题:研究,探索,调查报告,初探,分析 Study/studies,research,investigation,analysis of,Some Thoughts on,A Study on,A Few observations onExamination of the different response 改为:Different responses of,2)题名中的冠词:,The torrent classification and the hazard zone mapping information system for GISThe ret

9、rieval of structured design knowledge,科技论文题名中的定冠词有简化的趋势,凡可用可不用的定冠词均可不用,3)大小写:,题名里的冠词(a,an,the),连接词(and,but,or,nor),以及字母少于个的介词(of,in,on,to,for,from,with)的首字母不大写,但当这些词位于副标题之首时要大写。Properties of organometallic fragments in gas phase compound to be testedProperties of Organometallic Fragments in Gas Phase Compound to be TestedComparison between pre-and post-operative concentrations of serum iron and calciumComparison Between Pre-and Post-operative Concentrations of Serum Iron and Calcium,


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