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1、猫在,巴黎,英汉双字幕影片,荣小语,蒂诺是只猫,它有两个栖身之所。白天,它陪伴警察让娜的独生女儿左伊。夜里,它与大盗尼克一起在巴黎的屋顶上飞檐走壁。让娜忙的不可开交,她一边要抓多起珠宝失窃案的来去无踪的盗贼,一边又要监视被头号公敌维克多柯斯达所觊觎的巨型内罗毕巨人雕像。柯斯达还是杀死一个警察的凶手,这个警察正是让娜的丈夫,左伊的爸爸。悲剧发生以后,左伊便再不发一言。柯斯达和他的同伙被左伊发现的那个夜里,事态极速发展。一场追捕持续到了清晨,所有的人物在此过程中交错,或者互相帮助,或者互相搏斗,一直来到巴黎圣母院的屋顶上。,内容简介,Content abstract,He is a cat,it

2、has two perches.During the day,it with the police let her only daughter left Iraq.Night,it and thieves Nick together in Paris on the roof of the feet.Jeana as busy as a bee,as she to catch a ShiQieAn jewelry of come and go without casting the thief,while another wass public enemy number one to monit

3、or victor coaster medium-size coveted by giant Nairobi giant statue.Coaster medium-size or kill a police of the murderer,the police is Jeannes husband,left Iraqs father.After the tragedy,left Iraq and dont say a word.Coaster medium-size and his associates were left Iraq that night when found,though,

4、things speed development.A chase continued in early morning,all the characters in this process crisscross,or help each other,or fight each other,has been to the roof of the Notre Dame DE Paris.,图片简介,一只生活在巴黎的猫Tino,白天是小女孩Zoe的玩伴,晚上是大盗Nico的助手。一日夜里,所有人物穿插交汇在了一起,警察、小偷、流氓、女孩和猫在夜巴黎上演了一场追捕。,Pictures introduc

5、tion,Clips a live only in the introduction of the Paris Tino cat during the day,the little girl Zoe playmate,night is thieves Nicos assistant.A day night,all characters together with intersection,the police,the thief,gangsters,the girl and the cat in the night at a Paris chase.,影片风格,浓缩的70分钟讲述了一个集亲情、

6、浪漫、荒诞于一体的精彩故事。本片回归原创,全部采用手工上色,色彩鲜艳饱和,风格上有马蒂斯、莫迪利亚尼、毕加索的影子。,Film style,Concentrated 70 minutes tells the story of a set of family love,romance and absurdity in one of the great stories.Return to the original,all adopt manual colored,bright color saturation,style Matisse,MoDiLi,Picasso,and shadow.,好看之

7、处,影子般的侠盗走路的样子很可爱,像只猫,又像只海底的软体动物;小猫滋溜一下钻到小女孩怀里的样子,熟悉又亲密;还很喜欢小女孩被解救以后在屋顶上对妈妈绘声绘色讲和大坏蛋的斗争故事,因为爸爸去世而没有再讲过一句话的心灵终于打开;警察妈妈练的太极拳。,Look good in,The place of the shadow look look was walking is lovely,like a cat,and like the software only animals;Sneak a drill down to AIDS kitten the bosom of the little girl

8、 look like,familiar with and close;Also like the little girl rescued in roof after to mother made peace the struggle of the big,bad vivid story,because his father had passed away and not to tell a word soul finally opened;The police mother practice tai chi chuan.,给人感觉,电影一开始就被这个影子般的盗贼吸引住了。巴黎的夜,诡异的猫,不说话的小女孩,用着难闻香水的坏保姆,警察妈妈,大坏贼,故事简单却富有人情味。,To feel,A film to the shadow of thieves attention.The night of Paris,the weird cat,dont talk of the little girl,with a bad perfume bad nanny,police mom,the big bad thief,the story was simple,but rich human.,


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