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1、初中英语教材、教学的特点:英语操练课中的模仿、重复、运用,海师大外国语学院英语语言教育研究室,TTR英语教师培训主题一(Topic 1),内容提要初一(下)英语教学案例分析:Lesson 1,Unit 7(Section A)What does he look like?(观察点:语言操练课中的各种活动及其相互关系)2.初中英语操练中学生的模仿、重复和运用新课程标准下的初中英语新教材:Go for it!初中英语教材与教法的特点,语言操练课中的活动,1.Warming-up&leading-in(a new teachers look)2.Task introduction(learn to

2、talk about new friends looks)3.Presentation(see how to talk about Sallys/looks)4.Practice(do matching,practice talking about more friends looks in pairs/groups)5.Task implementation(guess the new friends from peoples description of their looks)6.Checking(listen and write what the friend looks like)7

3、.Summary(summarize the words,phrases,sentences used to describe peoples height,build and hair style)8.Homework(talk about one of family members),呈现,操练,尝试,检测,总结,操练,语言操练活动内涵与关系,呈现 操练 尝试 总结 操练,教学过程 Teaching Procedure,Step 1 Warm up(热身)Introduction of the unit topic,target tasks in terms of Ss backgroun

4、d knowledge to motivate them to learn with a clear purposeStep 2 Presentation(呈现)Introduction and modeling of the new language items to prepare Ss for their imitation and applicationStep 3 Practice(操练)Ss imitation and repetition of the new language items in a meaningful context with high attention a

5、nd memoryStep 4 Application(尝试)Ss application of the new language items to do things(the target task)in relation to their real life and see how language worksStep 5 Check&Summary(检测/总结 更多操练)Ss self check and reflection to see if they have acquired the new language items,if not,more practice and adju

6、stment of their learning strategies,教学目标 Teaching objectives,Learn and practice the words and phrases to describe peoples height,build and hair style:short,tall,medium height,heavy,thin,medium build,long,short,curly,straight when talking about peoples looksLearn and practice talking about peoples he

7、ight,build and hair style with the sentence“What does he/she look like?”“He/She is”“He/She has hair”.Practice listening to the conversations about peoples looks to identify a person they are talking about.Learn and use the strategy of memory:remember words in groups,e.g.,short tall;short long;heavy

8、thin etc.,初一教学的单元结构,Section A(2 Periods)Practice lessons for the basic language itemsSection B(2 periods)Practice lessons for the integrated language in recycling&consolidating tasksGrammar focus&Self-check(2 periods)Revision lessons for the summary of the target language through tasks,assessment,su

9、mmary&reflection,Go for it,1.Motivating learning by clear topics 6.Self-check helps Ss monitor their own learning.,认识英语教材,教材并非“教”的材料(the materials to teach),而是学生在学习和运用英语时可以利用的必要资源(the resource Ss need when they learn and use the language).除“课本”(textbook)外,教材还应包括由教师选择或创造的其他材料,如其他录音、录像材料、相关报纸、杂志、生活材料、

10、特别是学生自己产生的材料。因此,英语教师对教材的选择、开发和利用就是教师课程开发最重要的组成部分。,教材整合的基本手段,Omission(删节)Addition(加选)Reduction(减少)Extension(扩充)Re-writing/modification(重写/修改)Re-ordering(重组)Branching(分组),-See Maley(1998),初中英语教学的特点,一、以学生外语学习兴趣与方法的发展为目标,强调其语言基础知识和技能的学习。二、以语音、词汇与语法操练为主的听、说、读、写活动,强调语言的套用和反复循环。四、以目标明确的任务来提高学生学习与运用 外语的动机和兴趣。五、以交流与合作来培养学生自主学习的习惯、与能力。,高中英语教学的特点,一、以学生语言策略的发展为目标,强调 学生语言知识和技能的自主学习与运用。二、以阅读活动为主的综合技能/知识训练。三、以读/听信息处理过程为主的思维训练。四、以任务来培养学生在生活中运用外语的 兴趣与能力。五、以文化主题来培养学生更广泛的外语阅 读兴趣与能力。,谢谢聆听!,wkacademy,


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