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1、GRE填空等价题型高分解题思路分享 GRE填空等价题型高分解题思路分享 ,了解分数价值明确备考目标,一起来学习一下吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。GRE填空等价题型高分解题思路分享 了解分数价值明确备考目标GRE语文VERBAL部分的得分对中国考生来说至关重要。由于大家的数学基础都比较好,因此想要拿到比别人更高的分数拉开差距就必须从语文VERBAL开始。而说起语文提分,性价比最高的自然是填空题型。GRE填空等价各题型出题形式简介想要做好GRE填空,考生首先需要对填空的各种题型有比较明确的认识。因为针对不同的题型,在解题思路和技巧上都有所区别。GRE填空主要有4大题型,分别是:1. 单空题。

2、一个空格,从5个选项中选出1个答案。2. 双空题。两个空格,每个空格都有3个选项。从两个空格中各自选出1个答案。3. 三空题。三个空格,每个空格都有3个选项。从三个空格中各自选出1个答案。4. 等价题。一个空格。从6个选项中选出2个意思相近的答案。为什么说GRE填空提分价值最高?之所以说GRE考试提分填空部分的性价比最高,主要有以下2个原因:1. 首先,美国院校在招手国际学生的时候,经常是按照大致地区来决定人数的,这也就以为着中国考生的竞争对手,往往是同为中国地区的自己人。这也就缩小了中国考生特有的在GRE数学方面的优势。这一点从去年GRE数学中国地区平均分163.5分就能一目了然。大家数学都

3、能考出高分,自然就很难拉开差距。2. 有鉴于上面一条,想要跟其他考生在GRE得分上拉开差距,那么就只能从VERBAL入手。而GRE语文中,阅读向来变化较多,没有固定的*风格和题型思路,考得完全是考生的阅读理解能力基本功,所以也不太好把握。因此,确保分数更有效率,投入产出更成比例的自然就是题目数量更多,占分比例也更高的GRE填空了。GRE填空等价各题型解题思路分析1. 单空题单空题可以说是GRE填空中最为基本的题型。解题一般不需要特别复杂的技巧和方法,只要考生本身具备足够的词汇量,同时对于近义词同义词有一定的辨析能力,那么做好单空题不会有太大困难。2. 双空题除了考察考生的词汇能力外,双空题还需

4、要考验考生对于两个空格之间的搭配组合。正确解答双空题的思路不是确保单一空格的绝对正确,而是确保两个空格都能先对正确且逻辑合理。大家可以从句子的连词和从句等非主要题干部分寻找到解题线索帮助解答。3. 三空题在双空题的基础上进一步增加了题目难度。考生需要同时考虑三个空格之间的关系。除此之外,三空题的题目往往较长,有些题目甚至达到了短篇阅读的篇幅长度。还有些题目则干脆就是一句长难句。因此,考生必须具备一定的快速阅读理解能力和解析长难句的本领。练好长难句将成为解决三空题的一个关键要点。4. 等价题等价题可以算是比较另类的填空题。需要从6个选项中选择出两个意思相近的答案。考生不仅需要考虑单个选项本身的合

5、理性,还需要寻找到能够表达出相近含义的“队友”。单独分析选项很容易造成大家的思路混乱,最好的做法是看完题目后先不看选项,而是根据自己的理解拟定一个大致的答案。然后再跟题目给出的选项进行比较匹配,这样一来可以最大程度上避免错误选项的干扰。总而言之,考生把GRE填空作为语文VERBAL提分突破口的做法是很好的选择,但这也需要建立在大家对填空出题形式和解题思路具备充分了解认识的基础之上。如果各位同学觉得自己在这些基本概念上还存在遗漏,那么希望*内容能够帮助大家补足这方面的欠缺,在全面了解填空的基础上进行更全面的提分练习。GRE填空练习题精选6. Since she believed him to b

6、e both candid and trustworthy, she refused to consider the possibility that his statement had been _.A irrelevantB facetiousC mistakenD criticalE insincere7. There are simply no _ for buying stock in certain industries since rapidly changing environmental restrictions will make a profitable return o

7、n any investment very unlikely.A incentivesB arrangementsC explanationsD conditionsE procedures8. Queen Elizabeth I has quite correctly been called a _ of the arts, because many young artists received her patronage.A connoisseurB criticC friendD scourgeE judge9. Word order in a sentence was much fre

8、er in Old French than it is in French today, this _ disappeared as the French language gradually lost its case distinctions.A restrictionB licenseC similarityD rigidityE imperative10. Roman historians who study the period 30 B.C. to A.D. 180 can _ the “Augustan peace” only by failing to recognize th

9、at this peace in many respects resembled that of death.A decryB applaudC ridiculeD demandE disproveGRE填空练习题精选6. The state is a network of exchanged benefits and beliefs, (i) _ between rulers and citizens based on those laws and procedures that are (ii) _ to the maintenance of community.Blank (i)A a

10、counterpointB an equivalenceC a reciprocityBlank (ii)D conductiveE inimicalF subsidiary7. As businesses become aware that their advertising must (i) _ the everyday concerns of consumers, their commercials will be characterized by a greater degree of (ii) _.Blank (i)A allayB evadeC addressBlank (ii)D

11、 pessimismE sincerityF realism8. The (i) _ of mass literacy coincided with the first industrial revolution; in turn, the new expansion in literacy, as well as cheaper printing, helped to nurture the (ii) _ of popular literature.Blank (i)A receiptB selectionC emergenceBlank (ii)D sourceE riseF mistru

12、st9. Every novel invites us to enter a world that is initially strange; our gradual and selective orientation to its manners (i) _ infants (ii) _ to their environment.Blank (i)A resemblesB reinforcesC compensatesBlank (ii)D introductionE adjustmentF resistance10. Artificial light (i) _ the respirato

13、ry activity of some microorganisms in the winter but not in the summer, in part because in the summer their respiration is already at its peak and thus cannot be (ii) _.Blank (i)A enhancesB reflectsC inhibitsBlank (ii)D quickenedE lessenedF increasedGRE填空练习题精选1. Until quite recently research on diab

14、etes had, as a kind of holding action, attempted to refine the (i) _ of the disease, primarily because no preventive strategy seemed at all likely to be (ii) _ .Blank (i)A symptomsB treatmentC definitionBlank (ii)D costlyE necessaryF practicable2. Created to serve as perfectly as possible their work

15、aday (i) _, the wooden storage boxes made in Americas Shaker communities are now (ii) _ for their beauty.Blank (i)A functionB environmentC ownersBlank (ii)D employedE valuedF transformed3. The sale of Alaska was not so much an American coup as a matter of (i) _ for an imperial Russia that was short

16、of cash and unable to (ii) _ its own continental coastline.Blank (i)A negligenceB expediencyC customBlank (ii)D defendE alterF undermine4. A perennial goal in zoology is to infer function from (i) _, relating the (ii) _ of an organism to its physical form and cellular organization.Blank (i)A classif

17、icationB locationC structureBlank (ii)D behaviorE ancestryF habitat5. No longer (i) _ by the belief that the world around us was expressly designed for humanity, many people try to find intellectual (ii) _ for that lost certainty in astrology and in mysticism.Blank (i)A restrictedB hamperedC sustainedBlank (ii)D reasonsE substitutesF justificationsGRE填空等价题型高分解题思路分享


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