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2、集市上一样自由的商谈生意。,参加展会,参展的优缺点:直观面对面费用比较高时间季节的限制,电子商务平台,优点随时在线联系,7天X24小时视频,语音,文字即刻沟通客户集中费用低缺点 不能直面客户,通过眼神和表情等准确揣测对方意向,对电子商务平台的最基本使用,把聊天工具最长时间的在线后台就像开心农场的菜地要时时辛勤耕耘,发布产品,认真巧妙的描写产品及时发现询盘并回盘,就像菜熟了,需要马上摘一样,一定要及时,不然就被别人偷了。,通过搜素引擎,通过搜索引擎,主动找到相关的客户,发开发信过去,而获得询盘(见附件2使用引擎的技巧)好用的引擎:,对搜索引擎的基本使用,案例:假如,你是个卖鸡蛋的,想知道都有谁想


4、网站,好用的有网站,网站很完善,印度比较大的一个网络可以发10个供应信息 给大家介绍一些外贸人经常用的B2B,请见附件3,小结,询盘来源简单的说就三种渠道:传统的,通过朋友等各种关系介绍来的现代的,参加各大展会来的流行的,互联网上找来的 一是守株待兔型即通过你发的广告把或大声吆喝来的(也就是电子商务平台和B2B)二是主动出击型即通过你搜寻采购信息,给看着象买主的人发推销信后,回信来的(也就是搜索引擎),询盘的发送方式,客户怎么样发询盘来?电子邮件(欧美客户常用的)聊天工具(中东客户喜欢用)电话或传真(这类询盘98%以上是AB类的因为发这类的询盘,客户成本要比电邮高很多,一般虚盘发送者,是不会用


6、买手机的需要时,但并不一定是现在买时,你也有可能去询价,以便以后哪一天购买。B类当你是某手机经销商时,为了下一个季度销售计划,你也会询价为下个月做准备。B类当你是手机生产者时,你更有可能去询价,进而去了解自己的产品市场及价格定位,或者了解对手的生产成本,发展方向等。D类也有的是,偶尔进了卖手机随便问问而已。D类,询盘的内容,标题称呼正文落款,询盘的标题,What is the MOQ on your Centrifuge(D)Im interested in your Food Hoses(C)Inquiry about Botou Sun run Trade Co.,Ltd(D)Please

7、 send me more information on your 3 centrifugal solar pump(B)Enquiry for Mitsubishi Products(C)To whom it may concern(D)I want to buy the product you are selling on A(D)What is your best price for Solar Pump(C)Im interested in your YX25-205-1050High Speed Roofing Roll forming machine(A)What is your

8、best price for Packing MachineI urgent need your Bells MB05(A),询盘的称呼,Dear manager,Hello,Dear Sir/Madam,Good morning Ms.Liu,Dear Mary Liu,linda,询盘的正文案例,A类 1)Contact person:Bahrullo phone:(+998 71)2385026,fax:2385118 e-mail:We need your roll forming machine,as following detailsDescription Quantity 1 B

9、reaking pulper 2 sets 2 Extracting machine 4 sets 3 Vacuum filter 1 sets 4 Snapping mill 1 sets 5 Double template jigger 1 sets 6 Blanking calender 1 sets 7 Squeeze molding machine 1 sets 8 Whirling up 1 sets 9 Chain belt conveyor 5 sets 10 Roll mill lsets Please reply my question to my mail box:.Or

10、 fax to me.Fax:12-3456789TeL:12-34578945,正文案例 A类 2,DearMary,Im ABC IMPORTER co.,LtdcompanyandImveryinterestedin swimring:-Material:PVC-size:50cmthickness0,2mm-colorfullogoprintonproduct-1pc/poly bag-qty:10000,50000,100000pieces-lowtargetFOBpricePleasesendmedetailsaboutyourproductinbestpromotionalpri

11、cesincludingphotos,like:-sampletime-sizeofproduct,material-dimensionsofcarton,-quantitypc/carton,-FOBunitprice-timeproduction-GWweightImlookingforwardtoyourassoonaspossiblereplyonmybusinessemailbelow.Bestregards,正文案例 A类 3,HiMary,Iwonderifyoucanhelpme.IamlookingforasupplierwhocanquotemeonMetalBicycle



14、onsizeincmsso?x?x?cm19)Cartongrossweight有具体问题,正文案例B类 1,Dear Sir or Madam:We are ABC xxx company,We are the supplier of bicycle spare parts in india.(与他要问的产品有相关性)so i need the bicycle bells of both the sizes in cp finish.in bulk.so please give me the quotation as soon as possible so that we can make

15、the deal or you can contact me on+91-9971759108 regards akshay bedi,正文案例B类2,Iamrepresentativeof“Levori”ltdthathasbeenoperatingonGeorgianmarketfor3years.Themainactivityofthecompanyisretailandwholesaleoftoys,glassware,etc.(与我们的产品行业相关,国际上有些名的)Iaminterestedinpurchasingcoffebottles,onlylittleones(forputt

16、ing100grcoffeeinit).Socanyoutellmeifyoucanprovidemewithsimilargoods?Andwhatwillbeunitprice?PleasesendansweronAppreciateyourpromptanswerThanksinadvance.Contact Name:Ms keti chimakadzeCompany Name:levori Tel:995-55-405105 e-mail:,正文案例C类1,We are in need of shovels,please give us your best price list an

17、d catalogues.with shipping quantity,packing details,weight etc.Thanks!Shaamlin,正文案例 C类2,Dear Sir,Ive seen your product detail please send more about your product Thanks.Pandya Mahesh,正文案例 C类2,Subject:What is your best price for fruit juice bottle,juice bottle,plastic cans Dear all,(C)we need the fol

18、lowing items,so please provide the prices.Drink cups 220cc Dimensions:(DiameterxHeight)55X133mm Made of PE Colour:Clear Weight per pc:20 gram amount:5000pcs drink cups 500cc Dimensions:(DiameterxHeight)70X183mm Made of PE Colour:Clear Weight per pc:30 gram amount:5000pcs Please quote CNF Rotterdam a

19、long with your payment terms.best regards,Simon Yigit,正文案例 D类1,please send me pricing information and how i may recieve a sample thank you,正文案例 D类2,please send product information,price and how it work.thanks best regards Williams Rubio,正文案例 D类3,Dear Sir,please give me full details and price of sola

20、r pump.Kind regards,询盘的落款,发盘人名字公司名称(能否在引擎上找到)公司网址邮箱地址(企业的还是免费的)联系电话,传真询盘的IP地址,询盘的分析练习1,询盘的分析练习2,Subject:What is your best price for flexo printing machine,flexo printing machinery,flexographic printing machine Hello!i am interested in flexographic printing machine,with 6 colors 1800mm weidth,closed

21、chamber double doctor blades and deep cylinders.plz send detailes and quotaions along with video and photos of the machine.waiting for reply thank you.Tanvir akhtarContact Name:Mr TAR AKHTAR Company:SLI Address:Punjlahore16 Country/Region:PakistanBusiness Telephone:92-30146219-35Fax:001810-885-1979,

22、询盘的分析练习3,Subject:Im interested in your tile forming machine,roll forming machine,roll machine Good Day to you.How are you doing?and how is your family and business?I hope all is well with you.I am Bruce Tony from LEE DEE LTD.I Just want you to know that I am going through some Roofing Machine on Ali

23、baba and I found yours Nice and attractive and I like it alot and I will like you to tell me full description about the Roofing Machine and i will be waiting for your favorable reply.Take care Best Regards LEE DEE LTDContact Name:Mr Lee Dee Company:Lee Dee LTD Address:Country/Region:NigeriaBusiness

24、Telephone:234-804-6746600Fax:,客户国家风俗习惯,欧洲客户的习惯:(1)看价格-(2)看供应商的信誉度-(3)产品对其公司的影响力-(4)进一步考察基本不怎么讲价格,下单及付款很爽快。,芬兰客户邮件的案例,Hello Safiya,Our customer did like the your quote and bell pic,but asked if it would be possible to have an bell with smaller diameter.Can you do a 1-color print if needed?If so what

25、would it cost and what would be the delivery time?Quantity still the 6.000 pc.,客户国家风俗习惯,北美客户Independence-独立Enterprising-进取Open-开放一般他只顾他自己的问题,不怎么回答你的问题。,美国客户邮件的案例,Dear MaryI afraid what you explain is not correct.And furthermore,do you want to do the development or not?You will not succeed with me,by

26、 trying to sell me your existing range when I want a new product.because I dont have any time to waste.If you want to do the development,you need to work with the brief.I do the brief,not you.I know what I need.All you need to do is follows the brief.So if you want to do the development,I suggest yo

27、u.do some work on it!And let us know your suggestions.And if you are unable or unwilling to do the development,it is not a problem,客户国家风俗习惯,中东及阿拉伯客户性格急躁 从商精明:他们对于任何客户都表现出他们的友好热情,待人热忱,不会流露出藐视。但是通常他们言语夸夸其谈,很会绕着圈子砍价。,印度客户邮件的案例,第一次讲价Dear Arnold,Thanking you.Considering 115 wads from one board of 33mm th

28、is price of 0.339 USD per board will cost at 10.82 UAE Dirhams for 1000 pieces.Now 1000 pieces are already available at Dirhams 11 by another manufacturer.After labour and and other overhead costs these wads will come to around dirham 12.which will make my wads more expensive and difficult to sell.M

29、y target price is 0.3 USD per board.Can you find suitable price please?Best regardsShabir,续印度客户邮件的案例,我们的回复Dear shabir.I found the other factory to supply the board.Through the bargaining,the price of boardwasfalled to FOB(XinGang)=USD$0.312/piece.The factory didnt accept our target price.Im sorry,I

30、had tried.,续印度客户邮件的案例,第二次还价,还加诱惑Thanking for your support and help and express deeply my gratitude.If possible please drive the price to USD 0.31per boardC&F Jebel Ali Port,Dubai,UAE.I will be in China end of the month.And please send me an invitation letter from your company so I can use it to appl

31、y for china visa.Hope we can have a good cooperation.Best RegardsShabir,回电邮的六字要诀:简单、恰当、快速,a.简单:语言要简炼,不要罗罗嗦嗦,言之无物。要知道,很多国外商人的耐心是很差的,你浪费他的时间就等于在谋财害命。b.恰当:恰当其实是最不容易的!这就需要我们专业的产品知识。(1)买家总希望和精通产品的人打交道,如果你在回复询盘时错误百出,一看就是外行,买家会认为你不是真正的生产厂家,或者对产品并不熟悉,很可能就一去不回。所以回复时一定要详细注明产品的规格、包装方式、功用、报价等资料。(2)报价要斟酌,要细分客户,也

32、就是说根据客户所在不同的国家、地区给出不同的报价。比如欧美客户和南美、中东的客户大多数会在产品档次上要求不同,如果你给南美、中东的客户报欧美市场的价格,很可能会把对方吓跑。c.快速:买家总希望尽快地得到回复.如果对客户的查询回复太迟,不仅会失去商机,而且会使对方对你的效率及能力产生怀疑。,回盘的内容,标题称呼正文落款,标题,判定是真正的客户,一定要在我们的邮件标题上花点功夫,标题,新客户:1.Sell chainsaw(CE,GS,EPA)2.The best price list for chainsaw!老客户:1.Quality problems of 2601288&2601395 2

33、.To Joe:cover bag quote,称呼,最好要有对方的名字,禁忌Dear sir,to whom 统称DearSbarzella,Dear Ms Eahan,Dear Mr.Eric,正文开头,如何使自己的回盘不一样,请注意你的第一句话,不要永远是Thanks for your Nice to get your inquire,想想看,如果你收到的第一封来自国外的邮件不是和你Say Hello,而是写着“你好”,会不会让你的信任感和新鲜感油然而生呢?如果和巴西的客户通信,第一句问候语是“Como Vai!”,和印度人交流,立马儿换成“Namaste!”,看看他们对你的邮件反映如何

34、?大家不防加上他们国家的第一问候,试试。关于更多的国见招呼语,请见附件4如何使你的询盘与众不同,正文主要内容,给自己的公司简介做重点介绍,突出产品性能和所拥有的各项认证(话语不要太多)巧妙的应用电子版的 catalog 和 price list 对于客户提出的问题要给予全面的答复,即使不能当时回复,也要给出具体时间报价方法:使用PHOTOSHOP,将内容做在一张图片上,插入邮件中。,案例,Dear Elisabet,Buongiorno!Good day!Thanks for your attention to our football horns.According to your mail

35、,I prepared a picture quote list for your reference.we provide several kinds of the horns.Our horns are all sold at a high qualityand competitiveprice.Hope what I provide is still helpful to you.OK,any further information you want,please feel free to contact me.Looking forward to your sooner reply.S

36、un run/safiya,图片报价单,浅谈一下价格术语,常见的价格术语国际贸易习惯以港口码头作为交货的地点,因此就有了三种最主要的价格术语:1.在中国的码头交货:术语叫做FOB,也叫“离岸价格”。比如约定在天津港口交货,就叫做FOB TIANJIN在这种方式下,除了货物本身的价值以外,还要加上你把货物运到天津码头的运费,和报关出口手续费以及码头上产生的杂费,才是总的成本价格。FOB价格是最基本的价格。简便公式:FOB=货价国内运杂费2.在外国码头交货:术语叫做CNF(CFR)比如约定在美国纽约港口交货,就叫做CNF NEW YORK在这种方式下,除了FOB价格之外,还要加上货物运到美国纽约的

37、运杂费。简便公式:CNF=FOB远洋运费3.在外国码头交货,同时给货物买上个保险以免途中损坏:术语叫做CIF,也叫“到岸价格”。同样的,约定在纽约港口交货就叫CIF NEW YORK这种方式就是在CNF价格的基础上,加上一点保险费。保险费需要多少呢?由保险公司来定,根据货物类别和交货地点而略有不同。打个电话给保险公司,告诉他们你货物的种类,价值和去往的地点,他们就会告诉你保险费需要多少。保险的种类也有几个,但通常都用一切险:出什么事情保险公司都替你兜着,报价单中必有的几点,产品图片,即报价所基于的参考图片包装尺寸及重量,以方便客户核算其它储运成本。价格有效期,降低市场价格波动的风险,还可以起到

38、促使客户早日下订单的作用(就是“这个价格很便宜喔,要买就赶快,过几天可能就不是这个价了”)公司的资质,特点和优势,增加客观信誉度,做公司简介常犯的几个错误,说不清楚在做什么产品.夸大事实和实际完全不符合.侧重点不明确或者是没有侧重点.套用另外一家公司的简介.生搬硬套翻译成英文不知道在写什么东西.等等.,回盘的结尾,正文内容写完之后,最好写一句让客户不得不回你的话,以问句结尾。What do you think about?Whats your idea?人们都有一种惯性的做法,就是在接到提问时,会不自觉的就会回答一下。还有就是提问题会让人注意到某项事情,而忽略其他事情。在销售过程中,你向客户提

39、问,那么,他首先注意的是你问的,从而就有可能会忽略他想注意的其它东西,如价格,质量,或与价格相关的其它东西。,回盘的落款,落款当然也一定要有公司的及个人的详细联系信息,以便让客户与你沟通方便。Mary LiuSUN RUN MACHINE GROUP CO.,LTDYuhua road,botou City,Hebei province,062150 China E-mail:MSN:,小技巧:如何让客户进一步回复你的回盘,1.邮件标题 最好是客户求购的产品名称,而不要加其它的任何多余语言,这样,客户打开你邮件的可能性一般可达到100%。2.开头语 简洁带过证明你是专业而老练的商人,可立即拉近

40、与客户的距离,而对商人来说过多的寒喧实在是多余,不少人喜欢一开始就说从何得知该客户的,我们建议你,一般情况下最好不用提,客户在那里发布过求购信息,客户自己知道。3.开头语忌讳 主动过多介绍自己,会给人一种推销的感觉,给人的第一感觉就不好。事实上,没有几个客户会有耐心来阅读你的长篇介绍的,不主动过多介绍自己将反而会给客户一种很自信、很专业的印象,这种印象对你来说是非常重要的,那么“过多”的标准是什么呢?我们认为,介绍性语言超过两句即是“过多”,小技巧:如何让客户进一步回复你的回盘,4.正文简洁开头后,你必须立即进入正文,因为客户最关心的无非是产品规格与价格而已,你如不能提供客户想要的东西,客户回


42、后再报,对新产品、对外贸公司来说这点尤其重要。,小技巧:如何让客户进一步回复你的回盘,6.附件问题第一次联系客户时,除非客户在询盘中提出,最好不要主动附上图片,或在附件中带报价单,以免被删或被国外反垃圾邮件软件拦截。7.邮箱 与客户第一次联系最好用企业邮箱或HOTMAIL邮箱,因为中国越来越多的邮件服务器被国外打入黑名单,你发的邮件可能最终进不了客户的邮箱,8.建议 回C类询盘时,最好能报出有一定竟争力的价格,这样客户才有可能在千万中找到你。,客户分类,根据询盘的分类,客户可以分成A类客户,已经成交客户;B类客户,未成交客户C类客户,有过回复,但中断的D类客户,从未回复的客户,案例A类客户:订

43、单进行中,1)产品生产情况Dear Alexa,Nice day.The display has been worked out.Please have a look attached.About the bells,technicians tried to print small black part on the bell body,while it can not match well.Say sorry.So can provide you bell with small black cap.Please confirm,then I will send you the display

44、s.Wait for your mail,Alexa.ThanksandbestregardsYourssincerelySUNRUN/Linda,案例A类客户:订单进行中,2)发货通知并催款Hello Tamara,My dear friend,how are you recenetly?do wish you everything goes well.we had shiped your 5000pcs goods on 6th.Nov and left China on 9th.Nov.the attachment are some loading pictures and B/L dr

45、aft.Please arrange the balance payment to us.After we getting it,we will ask your forwarder to release the bill to you.I will ask Safiya send your invoice and packing list to you by email late.Have you any other new inquires this month?Maryxxxxxxxxxxx,案例A类客户:订单进行中,3)货到跟踪情况:Dear Carrie,How are you,re

46、cently?I had shipped you the machines on 9th.Aug.Now the 28days had past,did you get the goods?Anything,can I help you?What do you think about my machine?Okay,any question,please dont hesitate to contact with me.I will try my best to service for you.MarySUN RUN MACHINE GROUP CO.,LTDE-mail:MSN:,案例A类客

47、户:订单完成,案例B类客户:已经报过价格的,案例B类客户:已经报过价格的,Dear sir,How are you recently?Believe you must be very busy.This is Linda from SUN RUN CO.,LTD.I send you a price about*on 27th.Aug.Did you got it?That machine is our high-grade quality product.If you need the middle grade,the price will cheaper.不同级别的价格给客户更多选择If

48、you dont get my price,I will resend to you again.If you have any other requires,please dont hesitate to contact with me.I will try my best to service for you.Believe you will be satisfied with our machine and service.We kindly invite you come and visit our manufactory.Hope to cooperate with you infu

49、ture!Looking for your early reply!Best wishes,SUNRUN MACHINE CO.,LTDEmail&MSN:*TeL:Fax:Mob:,案例B类客户:已经发过样品的,Hello Rubina,I check the DHL tracking No.and find the sample had arrive to your place.Did you have a look on my table cloth sample?Whats your idea?Because I only send you parts of them,please o

50、nly reference the material and making way.Would you please send me a sample and let me quote you a good price based your products?Or you can tell me your target price and need Quantity,I will try to appease your require.Looking for your early reply!MarySUN RUN TRADE CO.,LTD,案例B类客户:已经报过价格的,DearRingo,


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