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1、GRE填空词汇都认识还是不会做题怎么办 GRE填空词汇都认识还是不会做题?掌握这2种灵活解题方法有奇效,我们一起来学习一下吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。GRE填空词汇都认识还是不会做题?掌握这2种灵活解题方法有奇效1.寻找逻辑词判断空格对应关系GRE填空考察的就是整体逻辑语言的能力,考生的任务就是找出句子成分间的逻辑关系,并选择一个合理且必然的选项。句子成分间的逻辑关系对解题起着至关重要的作用,它们常常由一些明显的关键词提示。对于词汇量不够的考生来说,根据这种逻辑关系来分析空格应填内容,能够更加容易地锁定正确答案,排除错误选项。最重要的几种逻辑关系:因果关系:because, in th

2、at, for, therefore, thus, accordingly, consequently, hence, given, sothat, soas to, whenthen, as long as, in order to转折关系:albeit, but, although, despite, however, in spite of, nevertheless, notwithstanding, while, whatever, regardless, even though, even if, yet对比关系:in contrast, on the contrary, far

3、from, on the other hand, rather than, instead of, notbut, paradoxically, ironically, surprisingly, unexpectedly另外还有时间的不同体现相反的关系等等填空题的句子常出现陌生的专业术语,晦涩的思想观点等,但对解题并不构成真正的障碍。因为题目本身往往提供了足够的内容的重复线索帮助你找到正确的答案。而缺乏这方面经验的同学虽然能看懂选项里的词汇却因为没能找到解题线索而无法解答,这就非常可惜了。2.通过词汇自带的感情特征寻找突破口有时,有时候一些GRE填空题只是通过正常的阅读方式去理解句子是比较困

4、难而且费时的。但假如大家学会结合词汇自带的感情特征去判断,难题处理起来就会变得比较容易了。这种技巧不仅对于词汇量不够,一定程度上需要靠连蒙带猜的考生十分有用,哪怕是词汇方面已经做好充分准备的考生,也可以通过判断语气感情色彩来提升解题速度。GRE填空真题实例讲解Johnson never _ to ignore the standards of decent conduct mandated by company policy if _ compliance with instructions from his superiors enabled him to do so, whatever t

5、he effects on his subordinates.A. designed tacitB. attempted halfheartedC. intended directD. scrupled literalE. wished feigned这句句子的意思比较令人费解,但是从句末whatever the effects on his subordinates(不管对他的下级产生怎样的影响)看,我们知道Johnson做的是一件不好的事情。从第一个空格看,五个选项只有D的scrupled填入后能表达出这样的意思。因此考生很容易就能得出答案为D,而不需要再在题目理解上浪费太多时间。学会判断

6、逻辑关系,寻找重复关系,判断语气及感情色彩这几步熟练的结合运用,几乎就能解决大部分的GRE填空问题,哪怕词汇量不足,也能在一定程度上找到弥补的方法。如果你也遇到了GRE填空选项词汇都认识但就是不知道怎么解题的问题,那么上文中提到的两种灵活解题技巧应该会给你提供新的解题思路,希望大家能够结合实际练习掌握这两种解题技巧,结合扎实的词汇基础真正实现GRE填空高分满分的目标。GRE填空高效解题需要简化思路 3道实例真题讲解过度联想危害性GRE填空解题切忌思维发散过度联想对于没有经过“严密的逻辑思维”训练的考生来说,最容易导致选错填空题选项的一个原因就是在思考推理的过程中不自觉地进行“思维发散”,也就是

7、选了一个“看似有关系但其实不直接不必然”的选项。然而我们必须一再强调,GRE考试本质上是逻辑能力考试,所以不管是在阅读还是在填空,都要根据已知信息去寻找逻辑上最直接的答案。GRE填空解题思路真题实例分析例题1:Laws do not ensure social order since laws can always be_, which makes them _unless the authorities have the will and the power to detect and punish wrongdoing.A contested D provisionalB violated

8、 E antiquatedC modified F ineffective本道题第一空解题的线索有两条,一是”since”指示的因果关系,二是本道题前后两个分句之间的“无反则同”关系。根据线索一可以推出第一空只要填进去一个负动作词汇即可,A意为“争论,质疑”,B选项意为“违背、违反”,C选项意为“修改”;可见A和B均是负面动作。那么再来看第二条解题线索,后半句提到“除非当权机构有决心和权利去侦察并惩罚犯罪行为”,因此可见本句话要表达的是惩治违法犯罪的重要性,所以对应最直接的第一空选项应该是B而不是A,填进去之后violate laws就对应 wrongdoing。第一空的A就属于“发散选项”。

9、第二空格同样根据前后两个分句之间的“无反则同”关系来解答。前面说道”laws do not ensure social order”,那么第二空就填一个词对应这个意思即可。法律不能保护社会秩序包含的意思也就是说法律没有起到它本来的作用,D选项意为“暂时的”,E意为 “过时的,古老的”,F选项意为“无效的”。发散思维容易导致一些考生选择E,但实际上与”laws do not ensure social order”对应最直接的是F选项。例题2:As is often the case with collections of lectures by _ authors, the book as a

10、 whole is _, although the individual contributions are outstanding in themselves.A different D disconnectedB incompetent E unexcitingC mediocre F coherent本道题的第一空根据排除法可以选择A选项,因为后面的although分句里面已经提到“the individual contributions are outstanding in themselves”,所以可见这些作者不可能是”incompetent(无能的)”或者” mediocre(平

11、庸的)”。第一空填进A选项之后,第二空要填一个词表示这本书整体怎么样,为了使得”although”一词指示的转折逻辑关系合理,可见第二空要填一个负评价词汇。看完第二空的选项我们发现有两个词(D和E)都是负评价色彩。发散思维的考生很可能选择E,因为unexciting和后文的 outstanding 相反;但实际上第二空的正确答案应该是D选项。原因是因为这里的第二空不仅要和although分句反义,还要和as分句同义,既然前文只提到“整本书是由不同的作者写的”,那么只能说明这本书不连贯,因此就对应”disconnected”。例题3:People should not be praised fo

12、r their virtue if they lack the energy to be_; in such cases, goodness is merely the effect of_.A cruel D effortlessnessB wicked E indolenceC magnanimous F impiety根据分号之间的“无反则同”逻辑关系,本道题第一空选择goodness的反义词即可。选项A意为“残忍的”,选项B意为“邪恶的”,选项C意为“慷慨大度的”;发散思维通常容易把考生带入A选项的圈套之中。但是只需要进一步细致的思索就不难发现,“善良”的绝对反义词应该是“邪恶”,而“

13、残忍”的反义词应该是“温柔温和”。这就说明,虽然生活中我们可能见到大部分的残忍之人也是不善良的,但其实本质上讲,“善良邪恶”和“残忍温和”不在一个维度上。 GRE填空要求绝对的逻辑直接,所以选择B而不是A选项。第二空要填进去的答案必须与”lack the energy”相对应。D选项意为“轻易,不费力”,E选项意为“懒惰”,F选项意为“亵渎,不敬”。而”lack the energy”是指主观上“不花力气不努力”去做一件事,因此对应选项应该是E.值得注意的是D选项的意思是“客观上一件事情做起来就不需要费功夫”,所以不是第二空的正确答案。总而言之,GRE填空部分想要同时保证解题思路和正确率,就需

14、要具有简单清晰明确的解题思路,而想太多导致的犹豫不决以及时间上的无所谓消耗都是GRE考试的大忌,需要大家努力避免。建议各位同学在备考中多训练自己的直接逻辑推理能力以避免想太多问题的发生,最后希望各位考生能够杜绝发散,严密推理,在GRE填空部分取得理想成绩。GRE填空双空题练习1. Although skeptics say financial problems will probably _ our establishing a base on the Moon; supporters of the project remain_, saying that human curiosity sh

15、ould overcome such pragmatic constraints.Blank (i) Blank (ii)A disabuse D pessimisticB hasten E enthusiasticC prevent F unconvinced2. Changes of fashion and public taste are often _ and resistant to analysis, and yet they are among the most _ gauges of the state of the publics collective consciousne

16、ss.Blank (i) Blank (ii)A transparent D underutilizedB ephemeral E problematicC permanent F sensitive3. Speakers and listeners are often at odds: language that is easy for the receiver to understand is often difficult to_, and that which is easily formulated can be hard to_.Blank (i) Blank (ii)A prod

17、uce D confirmB transmit E defendC estimate F comprehend4. Famous among job seekers for its _, the company, quite apart from generous salaries, bestowed on its executives annual bonuses and such _ as low-interest home mortgages and company cars.Blank (i) Blank (ii)A charitable D disquietedB vague E c

18、oloredC coherent F sharpened5. When people are happy, they tend to give_ interpretations of events they witness: the eye of the beholder is _ by the emotions of the beholder.Blank (i) Blank (ii)A provocative D originalB predictable E projectedC intriguing F prevailing6. The results of the experiment

19、s performed by Elizabeth Hazen and Rachel Brown were _ not only because these results challenged old assumptions but also because they called the _ methodology into question.Blank (i) Blank (ii)A magnanimity D reparationsB largesse E appropriationC altruism F perquisites7. Our times seem especially

20、_to bad ideas, probably because in throwing off the shackles of tradition, we have ended up being quite _ untested theories and untried remedies.Blank (i) Blank (ii)A crossfire D dislikeB interplay E substituteC tussle F tout8. In recent decades the idea that Cezanne influenced Cubism has been caugh

21、t in the _ between art historians who credit Braque with its invention and those who _ Picasso.Blank (i) Blank (ii)A difference D stereotypesB resemblance E perceptionsC complaint F salaries9. In our corporation there is a _ between male and female _ because 73 percent of the men and 34 percent of t

22、he women polled believe that our company provides equal compensation to men and women.Blank (i) Blank (ii)A impervious D vulnerable toB hospitable E wary ofC indifferent F devoid of10. Scientists pristine reputation as devotees of the disinterested pursuit of truth has been_by recent evidence that s

23、ome scientists have deliberately _experimental results to further their own careers.Blank (i) Blank (ii)A reinforced D replicatedB compromised E fabricatedC resuscitated F challenged答案:1.AF 2.CE 3.CF 4.AD 5.BE 6.EF 7.CD 8.CD 9.BC 10.EFGRE填空句子等值题介绍新GRE句子等值题,也叫单空双选题, 只有一个空格,要求从提供的六个选项中选出两个正确答案(只选出一个正确

24、答案者不得分),而且要做到两个答案各自所构成的句子是等值的,即意义相同。新GRE句子等值题强调对同一语境下的同义关系的把握,因为所选的两个答案在同一个句子中必须是同义词。由此可见,句子等值题可以视为两类题的迭加:目前的GRE考试的句子填空中的单空题加上语境中的同义词选择。同样,做题的技巧也可以是上述两类题各自做题技巧的迭加。首先,考生可以根据句子填空的单空题的做题方法(即根据句子本身的语义与逻辑)确定第一个答案。然后,根据句子的语境,找一个语义上与第一个答案近似的词。这样我们就可以确定所要求的两个答案。例如,Although it does contain some pioneering id

25、eas, one would hardly characterize the work as BLANK。A. orthodoxB. eccentricC. originalD. triflingE. conventionalF. innovativealthough说明主句与从句部分构成转折关系。同时,由于主句中的hardly表示否定,那么可以确定空格中要填的词与从句中的pioneering(创新的)为同义词,F. innovative(创新的)符合要求,为第一个答案。C. original(原创的)为innovative在此语境中的同义词,因此是第二个答案。GRE填空词汇都认识还是不会做题怎么办


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