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1、GRE填空长句应对措施实战分析 GRE填空长句应对措施实战分析 ,给句子瘦瘦身才能找到逻辑关系,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。GRE填空长句应对措施实战分析 给句子瘦瘦身才能找到逻辑关系通过ETS的出题思路来判断,我们也能分析到填空题目的破解方法。新GRE填空题通常都是信息量充足型的,也就是题目的信息恰好是可以选出题目空缺的信息。相对来说阅读是信息量过剩型,而类反是信息量缺乏型,数学则是信息量不对称型的。出题人挖掉的空白处正好体现了出题人的思路,留下的句子组成的逻辑线索反映了出题人的思想。因此,掌握了出题人的想所,一定是能推理出正确答案的。如此说来,解决句子填空就是让考生通过题目给出的线索,

2、破解出出题人的思路。举个例子:原题:Because medieval womens public participation in spiritual life was not welcomed by the male establishment, a compensating religious writings, inoffensive to the members of the establishment because of its , became important for many women.A) involvement with privacyB) attention to

3、popularityC) familiarity with scarcityD) dissatisfaction with profundityE) resistance to domesticity我们先把这个句子剥离一下.主干:a .religious writings became important for many women.实际上说的很简单,但是,只看着一句分析不出选出什么。于是作者开始添加其他句子成分,来给出线索。Because提示原因。public participation不被welcome,那么,一个compensating的participation就应该很重要。作者提


5、就是找到这些出题人在这些原来的句子上人为加上的线索,来破解出题人的意图。GRE填空500题词汇精选逐题解读The Chavez Pass archaeological site was initially interpreted as indicative of _ society, since it was thought to have been at the center of a cluster of smaller, contemporary settlements that it presumably controlled.A. an expansionistB. a hierar

6、chicalC. an urbanD. a heterogeneousE. a diverseF. a stratified正确答案BF题目解析原句翻译:CP 考古学遗址最开始被理解为代表了某种等级制社会,因为它被认为处于一系列同时代的,可视为由它控制的较小的殖民地中心位置。词汇含义indicative 陈述(语气)的,表示或暗示某事物的expansionist 扩张主义(者)的。这通常不是个好词,所谓 “扩张” 往往指武力侵略,当然这也不是贬义词,只是中性的客观描述。就像杀人犯不是什么好词,不能随便往什么人身上甩,但它不是贬义词而是中性词,这就是词义与情感色彩的区别,建议大家在学术写作中尽量

7、准确使用各种中性词。hierarchical 等级制的,根据等级划分的urban 都市的,市镇的heterogeneous 成分混杂的,由不同种类组成的diverse 不同的,多种多样的stratified 分层的,分等级的presumably 可推断地,可假定地,符合推断地,理所当然地GRE填空500题词汇精选逐题解读题目Analysis of 47.5-million-year-old fossils from Pakistan has yielded fresh insights into the early ancestors of modern whales. For example

8、 , Maiacetus inuus was a land animal (i)_ life in the sea. One Mariacetus inuus fossil encased a fetus positioned for a head-first delivery, which is typical of a land mammal and suggests the species gave birth onshore. But it probably spent much of its time (ii)_ : its big teeth were suited for cat

9、ching fish, while its flipper-like feet must have been (iii)_ walking.Blank (i)Blank (ii)Blank (iii)A. resistantD. in the waterG. incompatible withB. removed fromE. fleeting from predatorsH. clumsy forC. adapted toF. protecting its youngI. strengthened by正确答案CDH题目解析原句翻译:对于一些来自巴基斯坦的,四千七百五十万年的化石的研究,让我

10、们对现代鲸的祖先有了一些新的理解。比如说,M. i 是一种适应了海洋生活的陆生动物。一块 M. i 化石怀着胎儿,其位置显示分娩时胎儿先出头,这是陆生哺乳动物的典型特征且意味着这个物种在岸上生产。但它大概多数时候呆在水中:它的大牙齿适合捕鱼,同时它的鳍状足肯定不方便行走。词汇含义Maiacetus inuus 慈母鲸,完全不需要认识encase 把装入( A in B),一般用被动语态,本句没用。incompatible 不相容的,矛盾的,相克的鳍状足能不能走路?能,海狮,海象,海豹,都能短距离地半爬半拱地走几步,但确实能。所以你只能说它笨拙 clumsy,鱼上岸才叫 incompatible

11、 with walking 。最后说一说while,它在本题中只适合理解为 and / similarly and at the same time that,如果按以前while引导对比或让步关系的套路去理解,很可能就被误导了。GRE填空500题词汇精选逐题解读题目Scientific papers often (i)_ what actually happened in the course of the investigations they describe. Misunderstandings, blind alleys, and mistakes of various sorts

12、will fail to appear in the final written accounts, because (ii)_ is a desirable attribute when transmitting results in a science report and would be poorly served by (iii)_ .Blank (i)Blank (ii)Blank (iii)A. amplifyD. transparencyG. a comprehensive historical accountB. misrepresentE. efficiencyH. a p

13、urely quantitative analysisC. particularizeF. exhaustivenessI. an overly superficial discussion正确答案BEG题目解析原句翻译:科学论文通常无法穷尽它们所描述的研究过程中发生的每件事。误解,走过的弯路,以及各种错误都不会出现在最终的报告中,因为科学报告想传达研究结果需要注重效率,不可能写成一部包含全部信息的历史版本报告。词汇含义有一个分句的内容是完整的, “(研究过程中出现过的)误解,思路和各种错误不会体现在报告里” ,抓住这个线索,三空都根据这个信息来筛选。amplify 放大,增强,夸张misre

14、present (主观)刻意歪曲 to give a false or misleading representation of usually with an intent to deceive or be unfair,(客观)不(能)恰当地代表 to serve badly or improperly as a representative ofparticularize 详细描述、逐一列举说明某事物blind alley 死胡同,绝路,没结果的、错误的方向transparency 透明(的事物或状态)exhaustiveness 详尽,彻底GRE填空500题词汇精选逐题解读题目Thou

15、gh many professional book reviewers would agree that criticism should be (i)_ enterprise, a tendency to write (ii)_ reviews has risen. Partly out of the mistaken belief that sharing personal details will help reviewers stand out of the pack.Blank (i)Blank (ii)A. an anonymousD. scathingB. an evenhandedE. confessionalC. a spiritedF. superficial正确答案AE题目解析原句翻译:尽管许多专业书评家会认同评论应该匿名,但透露个人信息的评论已经成为一种趋势。部分缘于某种错误观念:这样能让评论者出位。词汇含义anonymous 匿名的evenhanded 公正的spirited 充满勇气、能量、活力的scathing 刻薄严厉的confessional 告解的、忏悔的,关于自传的GRE填空长句应对措施实战分析


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