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1、,必修三 Unit 1,Unit 1Festivals around the world,教材复习篇,课前小读5分钟一、短语小读1in memory of纪念;追念2take place发生3dress up盛装;打扮;装饰4play a trick on搞恶作剧;诈骗;开玩笑5look forward to期望;期待;盼望6day and night日夜;昼夜;整天,7as though好像8have fun with玩得开心9turn up出现;到场10keep ones word守信用;履行诺言11hold ones breath屏息;屏气12set off出发;动身;使爆炸13remi

2、nd.of.使想起,二、佳句选粹1It was obvious that the manager of the coffee shop was waiting for Li Fang to leave.显而易见,咖啡馆的经理正在等待着李方离开2Finding that Zhin was heartbroken,her grandmother finally decided to let the couple cross the Milky Way to meet once a year.看到织女伤心欲绝,王母娘娘最后决定让这对夫妻每年跨过银河相会一次。,3At that time people

3、 would starve if food was difficult to find,especially during the cold winter months.在当时,如果食物难以找到,人们就会挨饿,特别是在寒冷的冬季。4The country,covered with cherry tree flowers,looks as though it is covered with pink snow.(节日里)整个国度到处是盛开的樱花,看上去就像是覆盖了一层粉红色的雪。,Step.导入(3 minutes)1._ vi.&vt.(使)饿死;饿得要死2._n.诡计;恶作剧;窍门 vt.欺

4、骗 3._ vt.赞美;钦佩;羡慕4._vt.使想起;提醒5._ n.到来;到达6 n庆祝;祝贺 vt.庆祝,starve,trick,admire,remind,celebration,celebrate,arrival,7._ n.许可;允许_ vt.允许;准许8._ n.奖;奖品 vt.授予,判定 9._vt.原谅;饶恕10._vt.道歉n.道歉_,permission,permit,award,forgive,apologize,apology,Learn by yourself and fill in the blanks,Step 自主学习,(15 minutes),Discuss

5、 your answers with your teammates in groups,Step 讨论,(8 minutes),Its show time,please show your answers to the whole class,Step 展示,trick n.诡计,恶作剧 vt.欺骗,诈骗She tricked him into giving her the money.她诱使他把钱交给她。He tricked the poor girl out of her money.他骗走了那个可怜的女孩的钱。It is acceptable to play tricks on your

6、 friends on April 1st.4月1日,同朋友们开玩笑可以接受,trick sb.into doing_ trick sb.out of sth._play a trick/tricks on sb._,欺骗某人做某事,骗取某人某物,戏弄某人,The naughty boy loves_(对别人搞恶作剧)She_ me _for her meal at the restaurant.她在饭馆里骗我替她付了饭钱。,playing tricks on others,tricked,into paying,admire vt.&vi.欣赏;赞赏;钦佩;羡慕;赞美;夸奖The visit

7、ors admired the beauty of the scene.游客对那美景赞叹不已。We all admired her for climbing like a monkey.她能像猴子一样爬,我们钦佩不已。I expressed admiration for his successful business.我很羡慕他生意上的成功。,admire sth./sb._ admire sb.for(doing)sth._admiration n._ express admiration for_,羡慕/钦佩/欣赏某人/某物,因(做)某事而钦佩某人,赞美,钦佩,羡慕/钦佩某人/物,Ever

8、ybody_ him _his sense of humor.每个人都钦佩他的幽默感,admires,for,(2011湖南一模)We admire the old scientist _ his contribution _ the country.Afor;to Bat;toCfor;for Don;for解题指导句意:我们钦佩这位老科学家对国家的贡献.考查固定搭配 admire sb.for sth.和 contribution to.。,remind vt.提醒,使想起I dont want them to remind me of her.我不想让他们提醒我关于她的事。A stude

9、nt should always remind himself not tobe late for class.学生应该总是提醒自己上课不要迟到Please remind me that I should take the medicine three times a day.请提醒我一天吃三次药。,remind sb.of sth./sb._ remind sb.to do sth._remind sb.that_,提醒某人某事/某人,提醒某人做某事,提醒,The pictures _me _ my school days.这些照片总使我想起学生时代。I _ him _ he must go

10、 home before dark.我提醒他必须在天黑前回家。_ me _ to my mother.提醒我给母亲写信。,remind,of,reminded,that,Remind,to write,(2011全国卷)Mary,I _ John of his promise to help you.AtoldBremindedCwarned Dadvised,解题指导句意:玛丽,我提醒了约翰他要帮你的诺言。本题考查动词短语搭配。remind sb.of sth.使某人想起某事或提醒某人做某事,符合语境,故B项为正确答案。warn sb.of sth.警告某人某事;advise sb.of s

11、th.通知/(正式)告知某人某事,相当于tell sb.about sth.。,apologize vi.道歉;谢罪,You should apologize to your teacher for coming late.你应该为你的迟到向你的老师道歉。I make an apology for what I said just now.我为我刚才所说的道歉。,apology n._ apologize to sb.for(doing)sth./make an apology to sb.for(doing)sth._accept/refuse ones apology_,因(做)某事向某人

12、道歉,道歉,接受/拒绝某人的道歉,I must _ her.我必须向她道歉Please _ my sincere _.请接受我真诚的歉意。,make an apology to/apologize to,accept,apology,(2012太原一模)The student had no other choice but _ his teacher _ the mistake he had made.Ato apologize to;for Bto apologize;forCapologizing for;to Dapologize to;for,解题指导这位学生除了对他自己犯的错误向老师

13、道歉外,别无选择。have no choice but to do 除了做别无选择 apologize to sb.for(doing)sth.因(做)某事向某人道歉。,forgive vt.(forgave,forgiven)原谅;宽恕;饶恕 vi.表示原谅;给予宽恕,Please forgive my being so rude to you that day.请原谅我那天对你那么粗鲁Ill never forgive you for what you have done to your parents.我永远不能原谅你对你父母所做的事情。,I forgave her for laughi

14、ng at me.我原谅她对我的嘲笑,forgive(ones)doing sth./forgive sb.for(doing)sth/for _forgive sb.for+what-clause_,原谅(某人)做过某事,原谅某人,我不能原谅他忘记了我的生日。_,I cant forgive him for forgetting my birthday.,Step 自主检测,1.What was she doing when you came in?She was_the view from the window.Arespecting Badmiring Cgathering Dhunti

15、ng,2The photos on the wall _ my mother of those happy,old days when a large family lived together.Ainform Bapprove Cremind Dretell,3.After the class was over,Li Ping apologized _ the teacher _ his coming late.Afor;to Bbecause;to Cto;because Dto;for,4._his arrival at the classroom on his first day at

16、 school,the teacher _.A.At;was played a trick on B.On;played a trick at his students C.To;played a trick on his students D.On;was played a trick on,5.The child asked us to _ him for what he had said.Aforgive Bfool Capologize Dhonour,Step 反思 SummaryWrite down what you learn today on the paper,Step 课后应用 Homework 1.背诵本单元单词2.完成学案课后作业,Thank you for your attention!,


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