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1、GRE填空难点题型解题技巧实例分析 GRE填空难点题型解题技巧实例分析, 高分答题思路精讲,一起来学习一下吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。GRE填空难点题型解题技巧实例分析 高分答题思路精讲1. 已知概念互补在读完题后,以最快的速度整理区分出两个(甚至三个)概念,当这些概念在题目的另一处被复述时,可用这些已知的概念进行双重或多重互补以达到解题的目的。真题实例The most technologically advanced societies have been responsible for the greatest_; indeed, savagery seems to be in d

2、irect proportion to_.(A) wars . viciousness(B) catastrophes . ill-will(C) atrocities . development(D) inventions . know-how(E) triumphs . civilization题目解析在第一个句子中,可从主语中整理出“社会的技术发达”这一概念并将其设定为概念A;即使宾语表现为空格,仍可将其设定为未知的概念B。在两个句子间出现的分号和indeed一词标志着第二个句子是对第一个句子的复述。在第二个句子中,主语savagery由于与第一个句子的概念A(技术的发达)含义不同,故可

3、设定为概念B。自此为止,概念A和B全部已知,只需将savagery移入空格,将advanced变作名语后移入空格,便求得正确选项(C)2. 分析短语结构如果在某一空格的前部或后部出现下述短语结构a.现在分词短语,b.过去分词短语,c.形容词短语,d.同位语短语,e.介词结构 ,f.动词不定式结构则所有这些短语结构或是在空格前作预先的铺砌,埋下一处线索,或是在空格后作补充陈述,以示强调。空格的答案均可以同义词的方式从这些短语结构中求取。真题实例The self-important cant of musicologists on record jackets often suggests tha

4、t true appreciation of the music is an _ process closed to the uninitiated listeners, however enthusiastic.(A) unreliable(B) arcane(C) arrogant(D) elementary(E) intuitive题目解析如果音乐欣赏正是过去分词短语中所描述的那样,是closed to the uninitiated listeners的话,那全然是因为这一过程已变成(B) arcane的缘故。3. 寻找对立反义线索凡是出现but, yet, however, neve

5、rtheless, although, (even) though, while, whereas, notwithstanding, despite, in spite of, in contrast (to), on the contrary, on the other hand, whatever, otherwise, ironically, paradoxically, curiously, surprisingly 等带有转折逆转含义的题目,则代入空格的正确选项必与中心线索构成语义对立的反义词关系。真题实例Most plant species exhibit _ in their

6、geographical distribution: often, a given species is found over a large geographical area, but individual populations within that range are widely _ .Blank (i) Blank (ii)A discontinuity D separatedB density E observedC concentration F adaptable题目解析a. 第二空应填入一个形容词,but引导前后的转折,所以第二空应与is found over a lar

7、ge geographical area形成对比,所以在DEF三个选项中D.分开的符合题意;E选项与found同义,没有发生转折所以不合适;F,可适应的,无关项。所以只有D选项符合题意。b. 第一空应填入一个名词来表示多数植物物种(Most plant species )在地理分布上的一种特点(in their geographical distribution),冒号引导前后解释,后面在讲单个种群是分开的,所以体现了一种不连续性,对应选项A。c. 综上,AD。4. 逆向推导先后再前本方法是利用题目后一部分中的线索,推断出设置于题目前一部分中空格所需的内涵。真题实例Science advanc

8、es in _spiral in that each new conceptual scheme _the phenomena explained by its predecessors and adds to those explanations.(A) a discontinuous . decries(B) a repetitive . vitiates(C) a widening . embrace(D) an anomalous . captures(E) an explosive . questions题目解析本题主从句之间以in that(即等于because)连接,示意两部分之

9、间的因果关系。在表示原因的题目后半部分中,以and连接了两个动词谓语结构,标志着两项原因的存在。与此相对应,在题目前半部分中,in.spiral 表示着两项结果。名词spiral(螺旋形)作为一种隐喻,意味着“重复”这一概念。而题末的adds to those explanations则表过了全新内容的增加这一“发展”的概念。按线索互补的原则,将adds to those explanations形容词化后代入空格,则求得(C) widening;名词spiral动词化之后代入空格,则求得(C) embraces。5. 并列关系找同义词“and”是并列关系中最典型的一个连接词。此外,indee

10、d, just as, also, almost, even, similarly, correspondingly, accordingly, in the same way 等亦属并列关系。总之,凡是不含对立转折关系的大多可列入关列关系,解题时只需将相应的中心线索定位,找出一个同义词的选项即可。真题实例The hierarchy of medical occupations is in many ways a _ system; its strata remain_ and the practitioners in them have very little vertical mobili

11、ty.Blank (i) Blank (ii)A caste D flexibleB training E intactC health F inferior题目解析a. 第一空是一道很明显的收敛逻辑题目。直接收敛逻辑的方法来解题非常迅速。第一句在说“医生职业的等级体系在诸多方面是一个什么体系”。说简单了,等级体系只能是等级体系。所以第一空直接和hierarchy对应即可。直接选出A, caste,等级制度。b. 第二空填入一个形容词来修饰这个等级体系中的每一个层级的属性。and并列两个具有 相同属性的事物,所以从and后面找对线索:“其中的从业医师没有太大的垂直流动性(the practit

12、ioners in them have very little vertical mobility.)说明没一个层级是非常固定的。所以对应选项E. intact : having no relevant component removed or destroyed。c. 综上,AD。综上所述,GRE填空中想要保证正确率和得分,同时提升解题速度,只靠词汇量还是远远不够的。上文中提到的这些解题技巧,还是希望大家能够及早学习并掌握,如此才能更好地应对GRE填空中可能出现的各类难题。GRE填空背单词先背高频词 这些词义分类热词要记熟GRE填空词汇:稳定/变化稳定类词汇preserve 稳定,保存per

13、manent 永远的reliable 可靠的hierarchy 等级体系strata 等级系统caste 职业和社会的等级compatible 一致的,兼容的stereotype 固定不变的slow 缓慢steady 稳定constant 不变的,恒量ponderous 笨重的,呆板的ingrain 牢固的变化类词汇capricious 变化无常,任意多变change 变化,改变shorten 缩短preempt 取代,先占revise 修订improve 改进tailor 修剪,修改substitute 替代alter 改变ephemeral 转瞬即逝的,多变的sensitive 敏感的,多

14、变的faddish 流行的fashion 时尚mobility 移动性modify 改变enlarge 扩大varied 变化,多样supersede 取代transient 短暂的inventive 创新的transform 变形,改变shape 塑形,塑造alternative 可选的mutability 易变性flexible 可折的,可弯曲的develop 发展adaptation 适应divergence 分歧reverse 逆转,反转random 随机的,任意的mercurial 多变的GRE填空词汇:永恒/短暂永恒类词汇immutability 永恒constant 持续,永恒p

15、erennial 永远的consistently 持续的definitive 终极的close the book on sth. 最终完成某事persist 持之以恒,持续的坚持steady 稳定unchanged 不变的timeless 永恒的unalterable 不变的timelessness 永恒短暂类词汇transitoriness 短暂unique 独一无二的,绝无仅有的ephemeral 转瞬即逝的,短暂的temporary 暂时的,临时的evanescent 逐渐消失的transitory 短暂的duration 持续一段时间transient 短暂GRE填空词汇:创新/保守/

16、模仿创新类的词汇human intellect 人类的理智creative reasoning 创新的推理skeptical 怀疑精神enlightened intellectual 开明豁达的creative 创新reformer 改革者informed 见多识广的active 积极的ingenious 有独创性的innovative 有创新的adventurous 喜欢冒险的aggressive 进取的originality 独创性original 独创的inspire 有灵感的imagination 想象力保守类的词汇machinelike world 机械的世界mechanical n

17、ature 机械的性质doctrinaire 教条主义orthodoxy 正统的prudent 谨慎的imprison 禁锢,监禁stability 稳定dogmatist 教条主义者disciplined 训练有素的uninspired 无灵气的rigid 僵化的tradition 传统conservative 保守institutionalize 制度化repressive 压制的模仿类词汇imitation 机械的模仿mimic 拟态,模仿emulate 通过模仿而超越parody 拙劣的模仿simulate 假装,冒充的模仿pattern 仿造mock 嘲弄的模仿impersonate

18、 扮演,模仿GRE填空词汇:严肃/幽默gravity 严肃seriousness 严肃realistically 真实性authenticity 真实性,权威性respect 尊敬polite 有教养的reverence 尊敬piety 虔诚awe 敬畏prig 一本正经的人,道学先生幽默类词汇facetious 幽默的laughter 幽默playful 嬉戏的supernatural trick 超自然的花招whimsy 怪念头,奇思妙想clumsy 笨拙的ludicrous 荒唐可笑amusing 有趣的laughable 可笑funny 可笑bizarre 奇异可笑的GRE填空词汇:激

19、动/平静explosive 爆炸性的violent 狂暴的eruption 爆发volatile 不稳定的agitate 激动的tension 紧张不安intensity 强烈vitality 活力excitement 刺激fervent 炙热的passionate 充满热情的violent 强烈的promptness 敏捷,机敏inflame 激动地indignation 愤怒mercurial 喜怒无常的dynamically 动态的平静类词汇quiescence 静止meditative 沉思冥想tepid 乏味不热情dormancy 休眠tranquil 安静的serene 平静的se

20、renity 平静nostalgia 乡愁,怀旧placidity 平静disinterested 冷静的sedentary 久坐不动的dormant 睡眠,静止的even-tempered 平和的phlegmatic 冷静的statically 静态的breathing spell 短暂的休息moratorium 暂停延缓GRE填空练习题精选6. Before about 1960, virtually all accounts of evolution assumed most adaptation to be a product of selection at the level of

21、populations; recent studies of evolution, however, have found no (i) _ this (ii) _ view of selection.Blank (i)A basis forB departures fromC criticisms ofBlank (ii)D innovativeE controversialF pervasiveFor each of Questions 7 to 10, select the two answer choices that, when used to complete the senten

22、ce, fit the meaning of the sentence as a whole and produce completed sentences that are alike in meaning.7. The childrens _ natures were in sharp contrast to the even-tempered dispositions of their parents.A mercurialB lightheartedC volatileD introvertedE artlessF blithe8. Always circumspect, she wa

23、s reluctant to make judgments, but once arriving at a conclusion, she was _ in its defense.A deferentialB intransigentC laxD negligentE obsequiousF resolute9. The natural balance between prey and predator has been increasingly _, most frequently by human intervention.A doubtedB damagedC observedD di

24、sturbedE questionedF predicted10. If those large publishers that respond solely to popular literary trends continue to dominate the publishing market, the initial publication of new writers will depend on the writers willingness to _ popular tastes.A satisfyB cater toC admireD floutE eludeF defyGRE填空难点题型解题技巧实例分析


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