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1、GRE填空题目是长难句怎么办 GRE填空题目是长难句怎么办?5个技巧让你看到题目做对选择,一起来学习一下吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。GRE填空题目是长难句怎么办?5个技巧让你看到题目做对选择GRE填空长难句题型应对技巧:审题先略读(找主谓宾),找到自己的答案,或是+/-态度,然后做标记,不要代入答案排除。必须看完GRE填空题给出的所有备选答案。GRE填空长难句题型应对技巧:两遍做题两遍做题法:先做简单的,第一篇过题时,如果没思路,标记后果断跳过,无论是GRE考试还是其他考试,最忌讳在一个题目上浪费过多时间,所以遇到不会的,一定要赶紧跳过去;第二遍review,实在不行猜答案。GRE填空


3、后为逗号,接着是分隔,再接着是原因,一律先跳过分隔,先看原因、并列、转折等主干逻辑关系。以上就是GRE句子填空方法的介绍,GRE考试中虽然会有一些较难理解的句子出现,但是掌握一定的解题技巧,对于攻克GRE句子填空是有很大作用的,希望*的解题技巧介绍能够帮助到广大考生。GRE填空综合类题目解析16. Bankruptcy will not onlyundermine customer confidence , but also _ the prospects of ongoing negotiations to absorb more investment.A embodyB admonishC

4、 brightenD dentE evoke答案: D解析: not only A, but also B 句式A embody 体现B admonish 警告C brighten 擦亮D dent 削弱E evoke 唤醒翻译: 破产不仅破坏消费者的信心,而且(削弱)正在进行的吸收更多投资的谈判。17. Failure would be catastrophic because it challenges the efficacy of the rule of law as an instrument of redemption . A anachronisticB catastrophic

5、C quixoticD polemicalE spectacular答案: B解析: 利用因果关系解题A because BA anachronistic 时代错误的B catastrophic 灾难性的C quixotic 不切实际的D polemical 争论性的E spectacular 神奇的翻译: 失败将是灾难性的,因为它挑战了法制作为救赎的工具的效力。18. Anthracis not only secretes toxins that irreversibly damage immune system cells but also coats itself with molecu

6、les known as poly-gamma-D-glutamic acid to form a protective capsule and as it spreads .A stimulate growthB avoid detectionC enhance productivityD seek opportunityE stay hibernation答案:B解析:该句包含一个not only A but also B结构,但更直接成为解题线索的是and 顺承关系,与空格顺承动作为 form a protective capsule。A stimulate growth 刺激生长B a

7、void detection 避免被发觉C enhance productivity 提高生产力D seek opportunity 寻求机会E stay hibernation 保持休眠翻译:A物质不仅分泌毒素,这种毒素会不可逆转地伤害免疫系统细胞,而且A物质会把自己包裹在被称为PGDG酸的分子里面,从而形成一个保护囊,并且在其扩散时不被发现。19. The researchers found that not only did vortex rings alert fish to the trail of another swimmer , but the orientation of t

8、he ring generated a specific pattern of in the fish s sensory system .A stagnationB luminanceC composureD excitationE spontaneity答案:D解析: not only A,but B 结构 A为alert fish B 为 generated a pattern of 空格。A stagnation 停滞B luminance 发光C composure 镇静D excitation 兴奋E spontaneity 自发翻译:研究者发现,旋流不仅把鱼吸引到另外的泳者的轨道

9、,而且旋流的方向在鱼的知觉系统中制造了特定的兴奋模式。20. The scheme in its spirit is not merely unmanly , but (i) , and shocks , by the meanness of its cowardice ,not only the (ii) , but the civilization of the age .答案:B D解析: not only A, but also B 结构的两个变体:一个是not merely A, but B 结构 1空与 unmanly 是同义关系。一个是not only A, but B结构。2空

10、与the civilization of the age 是同义关系。A scrupulous谨慎的 D chivalry 骑士风度,高贵情操B skulking 鬼鬼祟祟的 E pathology 病理学C providential 吉祥的 F cynicism 犬儒主义翻译:该计划在精神上不仅是非人性的,而且是鬼鬼祟祟的,它的卑劣震惊的不仅是高贵的骑士精神,而是整个时代文明。GRE填空综合类题目解析21. However , he has been disowned not only by the states extant , if endangered , cadre of mains

11、tream Republicans but even by some of the hard right .A tardilyB resolutelyC spontaneouslyD desperatelyE credulously答案: A解析: however+形容词与后句形成转折关系。后句说他被自己的同志抛弃,如果没有however, 空格应为 “坚决”“无情”等,有了however, 空格应为“犹豫”,“舍不得”,“勉强”等,只有A 符合转折要求。A tardily 迟缓地B resolutely 坚定地C spontaneously 自发地D desperately 绝望地E cre

12、dulously 轻信地翻译:无论多么迟缓犹豫,他已经被抛弃,不但被该国的现存的,尽管受到威胁的主流共和党的同志们抛弃,甚至被一些顽固的右派所抛弃。22. Ironically , as the scientists reported in the May issue of Psychological Science , wearing counterfeit glasses fails to bolster our ego and self-image the way we hope , it actually our internal sense of authenticity .A st

13、imulatesB enhancesC underminesD marsE relievesF mimics答案: C D解析:由 ironically 可知 wearing counterfeit 起到了矛盾反讽的效果。A stimulates 刺激B enhances 提高C undermines 破坏D mars 伤害E relieves 释放F mimics 模仿翻译: 反讽的是,正如心理科学5月刊的科学家们所报告的,佩戴伪造的眼镜不能提升我们希望打造的自我形象,实际上,它会破坏我们内在的本真感。23. To ensure that America remains an innovat

14、ion hub , we need to _more highly skilled college-educated graduates , particularly in the sciences , and to retrain existing workers to take on jobs in new sectors .A churn outB stop short ofC bail outD refrain fromE ally with答案:A解析:由目的可以推测空格动作,由and 顺承关系也可推测出空格是retrain同义词。A churn out 造出B stop short

15、 of 停住C bail out 解救D refrain from 限制E ally with 联合翻译:为了确保美国继续成为创新的核心,我们需要培养出更多高技能的大学毕业生,尤其是在科学领域,并且训练现有的员工来从事新领域的工作。24. The Brooklyn tornado was _in that it occurred during an unusual time of day and season and in the midst of a regional drought .A predictableB laggedC ferociousD bizarreE rare答案: D解

16、析: 利用in that 因果关系解题A predictable 可预测的B lagged 滞后的C ferocious 凶猛的D bizarre 怪异的E rare 罕见的翻译:B 龙卷风很怪异,因为它发生在一个不寻常的季节,发生在地区性干旱的期间。25. Considering familiar potential disasters such as an asteroid impact , environmental degradation, nuclear war and unstoppable pandemics , Rees thinks science and technolog

17、y are creating both new opportunities and new _ .A validityB chancesC prosperityD improvementsE plagues答案: E解析: both A and B 提示空格与opportunities 可能同义,但整体句式要求与disasters 同义。A validity 有效性B chances 机会C prosperity 繁荣D improvements 提高E plagues 灾难翻译: 考虑熟悉的潜在威胁,例如,小行星撞击,环境恶化,核战争以及不可避免的传染病之外,R 认为科学和技术不但制造新的机

18、会,而且制造新的威胁。26. Many government ministers and governing party officials now have Live journal blogs , and they have become the targets of opposition leaders , _ and the occasional disgruntled retiree .A resigned working classB cynical teenagersC diligent entrepreneursD indifferent votersE content wea

19、lthy答案: B解析: 空格处于A, B and C并列关系中,可知为opposition leaders 和disgruntled retiree同义词。A resigned working class 听天由命的工人阶级B cynical teenagers 愤世嫉俗的青少年C diligent entrepreneurs 勤奋的企业家D indifferent voters 漠不关心的选民E content wealthy 心满意足的富人翻译: 很多政府的部长们和执政党官员们现在都有及时更新的博客,他们已经成为反对党领导人,愤世嫉俗的青少年以及偶尔不满的退休人员的攻击目标。27. So

20、on came the hubris of toughness : the belief , after the over-learned lesson of Munich and appeasement , that America had to contain the Soviet Union to fight communism all over the globe .A howeverB yetC andD sinceE unless答案: C解析: 根据前后句义关系选择关联词语。A however 然而B yet 但是C and 并且D since 因为E unless 除非翻译: “傲慢的顽强”很快来临:这样一种信念,从慕尼黑和绥靖政策过分学到的教训,这就是,美国必须限制苏联,并且对抗全球的共产主义。GRE填空题目是长难句怎么办


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