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1、进出口合同的磋商和履行,Negotiation of Contracts,引 例 甲贸易商欲进口一批货物,请国外乙公司报价,5月1日乙公司发出:“5月31日以前报价为每箱2美元CIF天津,共计200箱罐装鲨鱼,7月份纽约港装运”的电报。而甲贸易商则做出如下还价:“你5月1日的报价还盘为5月20日前每箱1.8美元CIF天津,共200箱罐装鲨鱼纽约装”。到5月22日甲贸易商仍未收到回电。鉴于该货价有上涨趋势,甲贸易商于5月22日发电如下:“你5月1日的来电我们接受”。请问本案中合同还能否成立,原因?,1.Mode of negotiationOral negotiationNegotiation

2、by writing2.Procedure of negotiation INQUIRY OFFER COUNTER-OFFER ACCEPTANCE2.1 Inquiry(询价)invitation to offer(买方询价、邀请发盘)invitation to bid(卖方询价、邀请递盘)pay attention to the contents,purpose and effectiveness of an inquiry,e.g.(1)Please offer Chinese rosin ww grade 100 M/T August shipment CIF Antwerp.(2)

3、We can supply Chinese rosin ww grade shipment Aug./Sept.please firmbid.2.2 Offer(发盘发价)offer with engagement(firm offer,实盘)offer without engagement(虚盘)2.2.1 Meaning and terms of the offer According to United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods(Vienna,1980)(联合国国际货物销售合同公

4、约)含义:向一个或一个以上特定人提出的订立合同的建议,如果内容十分确定,且包含一旦受发价人接受即承受其约束的意旨,即构成发价。,Validity terms:Specifically offeree The contents of the offer must be sufficient definite Indicates the intention of the offeror to be bound in case of acceptance Becomes effective when it reaches the offeree2.2.2 Duration of Offer(发盘的有

5、效期)Offer subject reply May fifteenth.Offer subject reply reaching us fifteenth our time.This offer is valid for five days.In reasonable time.2.2.3 Withdrawal of a firm offer(撤回)An offer,even if it is irrevocable,may be withdrawn if the withdrawal reaches the offeree before or at the same time as the

6、 offer.,2.2.4 Revocation of a firm offer(撤销)Conditions of a firm offer which cant be revokedIndicates,whether by stating a fixed time for acceptance or otherwise,that it is irrevocableUsing the word of irrevocable although not stipulate the validity timeIf it was reasonable for the offeree to rely o

7、n the offer as being irrevocable and the offeree has acted in reliance on the offer2.2.5 Failure of a Firm Offer(实盘的失效)Counter-offered by the offereeOfferor has revoked the offer effectivelyExpiry of the validity time stipulated in the offerForce majuare such as government prohibitionOne party loses

8、 his disposing capacity before the offer is accepted,我A公司向国外B公司发实盘,限6月10日前复到有效,B公司于6月8日来电要求降价,A公司于9日与另一家公司达成交易。同一天(9日),B公司又来电要求撤回8日还盘,全部接受原发盘的条件。A公司以货已出售为由予以拒绝。B公司声称其接受是在我方发盘的有效期内作出,要求A公司履约。试分析B公司的要求是否合理,为什么?,2.2.6 Offer Without EngagementContain ambiguous contents in an offer:Offer 5000 Dozen Sport

9、 Shirts,reference price 200 USD CIF Newyork.The main trade terms are incomplete:Offer Chinese rosin WW grade irondrum USD200 per M/T CFR Rotterdam December shipment irrevocable sight L/C payment.Include reservation terms:We make you a firm offer as follows:Chinese rosin 200M/Ts,200USD per M/T CIF Ne

10、wyork,subject to our final confirmation.,2.3 Counter-offer(还盘)2.4 Acceptance(接受)2.4.1 Meaning and Terms of Acceptance A statement made by or other conduct of the offeree indicating assent to an offer is an acceptance.Silence or inactivity does not in itself amount to acceptance.Conditions:Should be

11、made by the offereeContents of acceptance must be in conformity with the offerShould be made within the validity timeThe transfer mode must be in accordance with the offerAn acceptance becomes effective when it reaches the offeror or at the moment the act is performed,2.4.2 Mode of Acceptance(接受的方式)

12、2.4.3 Withdrawal of Acceptance(接受的撤回)2.4.4 Effectiveness of Acceptance Which Alter the Terms of a Firm Offer(对发价的内容作了变更的接受的效力)(1)Alteration which materially alter the terms of the offer(实质变更)Including:alteration to the price,payment,quality and quantity of the goods,place and time of delivery,extent

13、 of one partys liability to the other or the settlement of disputes)(2)Alteration which do not materially alter the terms of the offer(非实质变更),Examples:1.“pediment”Brand Electric Fans 1000 sets,Art.No.HX-65,at USD3.50/set CFR Lagos.Please reply promptly.2.We offer:2000 sets working glovers Art.No.BSA

14、45,at USD3.50/set CIF Hamburg.This offer is subject to our final confirmation.3.We hereby accept your firm offer of Sept.27.Please send us the contract by return fax.4.We accept your offer of March 26.Meanwhile,we suggest to revise the shipment date to read:”on/before May.20,2002.”5.We accept your o

15、ffer of March 26.Meanwhile,please revise the shipment date to read:”on/before May.20,2002.”Pay attention to the difference between example 4 and example 5.,2.4.5 Late Acceptance(逾期的接受)3.Terms for Concluding a Contract effectively and the Contents of a Contract 3.1 Terms当事人必须在自愿和真实的基础上达成协议当事人必须有订立合同的

16、能力合同必须有对价和合法的约因合同的标的和内容必须合法合同的形式必须符合法律的要求 3.2 Contents of the Contract Head of the contract(约首)End of the contract(约尾)Body of the contract(正文),Body of Contract,Name of commodity(品名)Quality and quantity(质量、数量)Unit price and total amount(价格)Packing(包装)Clause of shipment(装运条款)Clause of payment(支付条款)Cla

17、use of inspection(检验条款)Clause of policy(保险)Force majeure(不可抗力)Arbitration(仲裁)Claim(索赔),合同范本,思 考 题,一、选择题1、英国某买主向我某公司来电“拟购买美加净牙膏10000和请电告最低价格最快交货期”,此来电属于交易磋商的哪一环节。A.发盘 B.询盘 C.还盘 D.接受2、关于逾期接受,公约的规定是()A.逾期接受无效 B.逾期接受是一个新的发盘 C.逾期接受完全有效 D.是否有效关键是看发盘人如何表态3、指出下列哪一个是发盘()A.请改报装运期15日复到有效 B.你17日电每公吨20英镑18日复到 C.

18、你17日电可供100打参考价每件5美元 D.你17日电接受,但用信用证替代托收方可4、据公约规定,下列哪些为一项发盘必须具备的基本要素()A.货名 品质 数量 B.货名 数量 价格 C.货名 价格 支付方式 D.货名 品质 价格,二、判断题1、询盘不具有法律上的约束力()2、一项发盘如标明是不可撤销的则意味着发盘人无权撤回该发盘()3、买卖双方就各项交易条件达成协议后,意味着此项合同一定有效()4、按公约规定,采用口头发盘时,除另有声明,受盘人必须当场表示接受,此发盘方有效()5、一项逾期的接受在任何情况下都是无效的()6、一项发盘必须写明有效期()7、公约规定,所有的发盘在其已经生效但受盘人


20、变化,货物在接到承诺前已售出”。而美商则坚持合同已成立,否则将提请仲裁并索赔35万元人民币,在多次电报来往之后,我方不得不承认合同成立,按当时市价算共损失35万元人民币。请问此案有何教训?,分析:1、正确处理对方的还盘2、函电来往时的策略问题,2、我某外贸公司于3月1日向美商发去电传,发盘供应某农产品1000共吨并列明牢固麻袋包装(PACKED IN SOUND GUNNY BAGS)。美商收到电传后立即付电表示“接受,装新麻袋装运(ACCEPT,SHIPMENT IN NEW GUNNY BAGS)”。我方收到复电后即着手备货,准备于双方约定的4月份装船。两周后,该农产品价格下跌,美商于6月20日来电:由于你方对新麻袋包装的要求未予确认,双方无合同关系“。而我外贸公司则坚持合同已成立。请问合同是否已成立,为什么?,分析:1、对发价的内容作了变更的接受的效力2、对变更了发价的接受的处理,


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